Raining Kisses (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 2)

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Raining Kisses (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 2) Page 18

by Sascha Illyvich

  “This is not the way to fight a battle.” Józsi crossed his arms and stared vehemently at Savas.

  “I’m well aware that I should challenge the offender and his alpha, but I understand you are no alpha.”

  Raising a fist, Józsi took a step forward. “On what grounds do you challenge me and mine?”

  Power flowed around Savas. “On the grounds that the heathen,” he pointed his sword at Nicholaus, “soiled what was mine.”

  “Nicholaus, please leave them. This is all,” Krystyna sniffled, “all wrong.”

  He lifted a hand, ignoring her plea. “I did no such thing. You’d have to have actually touched her but before that, you’d have to know she belongs to me. You would have soiled what is mine by right and I’d be forced to kill you.”

  Nicholaus felt the burst of energy throughout the room but stood his ground. “She was never yours, Savas. This is not a fight with the Opeth Pack. It’s a fight with me. And if that’s what you want, bring it.” Crouching, he cracked his knuckles and smiled, baring lengthening canines.

  “Nicholaus, no! Don’t. He’s got an advantage!” Krystyna struggled against her bonds and fell forward. Katarina rushed with supernatural speed to catch her and bring her back to where Selene and Józsi stood.

  Why had that been too easy? What was Savas’ game?

  Nicholaus watched Katarina shower Krystyna with kisses then turned his attention to Savas. “It seems we have the upper hand.”

  “It would seem so. But you need more than speed to defeat me.” Savas snapped his fingers and produced an energy ball just above his hand. It floated, giving off an intense heat.

  “So what? Les can do that too.”

  “But can your Les throw his energy?”

  Selene stepped forward, coughed. “I’m not impressed.” She put her hands together and formed a ball twice the size of the one floating above Savas’ hand. Her ball glowed black and purple. Energy crackled around the ball. Nicholaus felt the heat from her energy twice as much as the one Savas held. “With this I could bring down the entire building, crushing just you, Savas.”

  Jerking his head around, Nicholaus glared at Selene. “This is not your fight, Selene.”

  “I know. But Savas doesn’t realize that even his pack rules prevent him from fighting you using techniques you do not possess. The idea was that if you could not fight on your own, then you deserved to die.”

  “The rules govern all wolves, not just his pack.” Józsi flicked his wrist and produced a large dagger.

  Savas stepped back.

  Józsi sneered.

  “Bah.” Savas spat the word out.

  “Thank goddess for that blessing, I suppose.” Nicholaus closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Exhaling slowly, he opened his eyes and focused his attention on Savas. “I’ll tell you what, Savas. You could pack up your shit and get the fuck out of America and stay the fuck out of Hungary, or you can die with your family.”

  “My family brought the Turkish wolves to a new high in respect amongst the wolf community. We are not laughed at as you are. We are feared, revered and respected. I shall not back down. Despite the fact that my pack lacks a true healer and witch, I shall persevere.”

  The Turks were without a witch also?

  No wonder Savas acted with desperation. But if that remained true, why not kidnap another pack witch?

  Selene obviously overpowered him. Or did she?

  “Taking what belongs to a great race of wolves is like candy from a baby. You think Krystyna is safe but I know where to track her and your other witch.”

  There was a collective gasp from Selene, Nicholaus and Katarina. Krystyna had been going in and out of consciousness since they reclaimed her. Nicholaus tried to divert some energy to her but he wasn’t a healer. Work like that took extra energy and usually resulted in more of a drain on him and others, rather than helping them.

  But he’d try for her. This was his fault in the end.

  “What are you talking about, other witch? Wolf packs only have one witch.”

  “Yes, but the Opeth Pack possesses some fucking gift,” Savas clenched a gloved fist, “allowing it to have more than one witch. I don’t know why, but you don’t need her.”

  “You’re bluffing you blowhard.” Józsi strode up beside Nicholaus, bared fangs.

  The violent nature of the wolf started poking at Nicholaus. His vision blurred momentarily. What was going on?

  He swayed from foot to foot, shifting his weight nervously. He had to force himself to remain steady and focused. “The fact that you lack both is your weakness, Savas. I do not know what happened in the Turkish packs all those years ago to upset your witch or the Goddess, but I intend to make you pay for what you did to what is mine.”

  “The Goddess has turned her back on us all. Worthless bitch. As for Krystyna, I was never able to have my fill because she told me she had been with another. I need a woman who is pure.”

  “You should never have disrespected my lover, Savas.” Nicholaus’ shoulders tightened. Hair rose on the back of his neck, his teeth grew longer. Something inside of Nicholaus surfaced and then flowed around him. His eyes narrowed. His mind drove out all other thought except murderous rage. “You will die, Savas.”

  “You are actually going to challenge the greatest fighter there is? I cannot believe you would think such a thing. Oh, wait. Does this have to do with that lame prophecy bullshit spread throughout Europe amongst the wolves?”

  Nicholaus shook his head, crouched low and stepped forward, his size increasing along with the power he felt surrounding him. “I don't know. I know only that you harmed Krystyna and have been invading territories for no reason other than to conquer those less fortunate than you.”

  “They need conquering; the Hungarians are a sad group who exist only because they have not been phased out yet.” He set the blade of his sword against the stone.

  “They are the strongest of the packs in the region and you challenge them only for glory that matters to no one. This may be prophecy related, Savas but so what?” Nicholaus growled, tried to stop himself from dropping the magic making him appear human but found it impossible. He struggled, his body shaking before he lost the battle and stood before Savas on all fours, claws out and ready for bloodshed. Shut up and die. Even his own voice sounded foreign to him.

  Savas dropped his human illusion and appeared in wolf form. Lime green eyes made the black of his pelt seem darker, sleeker than normal. Long canines protruded from his muzzle. You are the one who will die. I am the last of a long line of great warriors. You will soon see Emes and Álmos.

  Nicholaus didn’t say another word. He crouched low, ears back, lip curled up, baring his fangs.

  “Watch yourself, szeretőm.” Krystyna’s voice sounded shaky to his ears. Distant.

  An overwhelming flood of noise echoed loudly in Nicholaus's ears, urging him to go with his physical strength and lead with intent to kill. Shaking his head, Nicholaus padded closer. Voices in his head chanted things he could not understand. Rage swelled in his belly, traveled up his spine, and spread throughout his body, settling around him like a thick fog. If it weren’t for Savas’ lime green eye, the target would be lost to Nicholaus.

  Savas growled. Are you going to make the first move?

  Something crashed behind Nicholaus, turning his attention toward Józsi. I am your Alpha, even if only in name right now. I am behind you, Nicholaus.

  Panting, Nicholaus grunted. Blood pounded in his ears. His vision blurred, then cleared. Savas was in front of him one minute, then on top of him the next, jaws snapping, snarling. Nicholaus kicked out, knocking Savas aside and then rolled and braced himself for an attack. Savas launched himself into the air.

  Nicholaus lunged to meet him, jaws open, claws lengthened.

  The two connected with such a force that both were knocked back.

  Neither had scored a hit.

  Nicholaus landed on his back and rolled over, quickly righting himself.

  Savas did the same. Raising a paw to his muzzle, Savas wiped his mouth. That could have gone better.

  Indeed it could have. Nicholaus backed up against the wall and started running, lunging himself in the air at Savas.

  Savas jumped at him and the two connected.

  Nicholaus managed to scratch Savas across the ribs before the two landed.

  Savas hit the ground on his side but instantly rolled to his feet. He snorted at Józsi and Selene who were behind him.

  Józsi barked.

  Savas returned his attention to Nicholaus. Charging, the Turkish general opened his jaws. A light formed at his claws and slammed hard into Nicholaus.

  Pain punched into Nicholaus's shoulders and chest, sending him flying back against the wall hard enough to crack sheetrock.

  What do you know, dots and stars. Shaking his head, Nicholaus forced himself to stand. He moved to his feet, felt sticky blood on his fur from the now open wound in his stomach.

  He screamed at himself, forcing himself to ignore the pain. Kill him. Rid the world of his sickness! Nicholaus shook his head again and felt Selene’s voice caress something deep inside. It frightened him. Please stop me if I go too far, he begged her on a mental pathway that only Selene could hear.

  “What?” Selene picked up on the problem in Nicholaus’ head. “Something’s wrong with Nicholaus!”

  “No, just let him be!” Katarina’s voice echoed in his head. Nicholaus looked up in time to see Savas lunging forward, jaws open.

  Nicholaus moved but wasn’t fast enough.

  Savas caught him by the thigh and sank his teeth into Nicholaus’ flesh.

  Lighting pain seared him when the fangs punctured flesh. Nicholaus screamed and jerked free of Savas’ grip. Spinning around, he snapped at Savas.

  Savas leapt out of the way and steadied himself. You’re pretty tough, Magyar.

  All Magyars are tough. Nicholaus barely finished his statement before Savas jumped at him again.

  Dodging out of the way, Nicholaus took the offensive and caught Savas by the throat, forcing him against the wall hard enough to nearly punch through it. Pictures fell around them, debris crumbled behind Savas.

  I could end it right now, Turk.

  He felt a wicked grin caress his mind. Savas. Don’t you want to slake that blood thirst?

  Nicholaus growled, bit down and shoved Savas away. The taste of flesh and blood filled his mouth.

  “What are you doing?” Krystyna yelled.

  Nicholaus didn't bother acknowledging her. Instead, his world narrowed down to the one thing he could see through the blackness.

  “Nicholaus, kill him!”

  The distant sound of Katarina’s voice echoed in his head. Nicholaus forced himself to block it out and all other distractions. Come on, Savas. If you’re really this good, bring it on.

  I plan to.

  Nicholaus felt his fur stand on edge while he blocked out the screaming. His world came into focus and colors became more vivid.

  Savas crouched down but didn’t move. Instead, a black and white aura surrounded him. His eyes glowed bright green. His tail wagged back and forth slowly, brushing the ground.

  “Nicholaus, don’t!” Selene’s voice wasn’t nearly as distant. In fact, it seemed almost as loud as the blood pounding in his ears.

  What she said didn’t matter. Nicholaus launched himself at Savas, jaws open, claws ready to strike. Connecting with the other wolf, he felt the shock of power surging through Savas. That same surge of power rushed through Nicholaus, electrifying his entire body. His insides ached, burned. The smell of burnt flesh permeated the air.

  Nicholaus thudded on the ground and spasmed for a moment, all pain forcing his thoughts on it, rather than the desire to win this fight and prove his status.

  Savas laughed and took a step forward. You can’t touch me like this. Pity you have to die. You were fun.

  Nicholaus stumbled to his feet and commanded his limbs to work while electricity ran through him still, the last of the pulses shocking him and forcing jacked movements rather than smooth steps. The scent of blood in the air reminded Nicholaus just how much he’d lost in the last few minutes.

  He wouldn’t back down.

  He refused. No. You die.

  Savas huffed. You can’t kill me, wolf. You are nothing. Savas crouched down, ready to spring into the air.

  By this time Józsi had dropped his magic too. Starting for Savas, He got only a few feet before Nicholaus barked for him to back off.

  This is my fight.

  Józsi nodded and remained on guard. You cannot win it if you don't give it everything, Nicholaus. You're protecting them. He motioned to Nicholaus' two mates with a nod.

  Nicholaus let all of his anger over the past twenty-five years fill him, occupy the space in his mind. Fury built so powerfully that he began to glow. Panting, he took one slow step after another toward Savas. I’m going to kill you and eradicate the rest of your pack.

  Savas laughed harder until he studied Nicholaus. Cocking his head, his eyes went wild and the glow disappeared from them.

  Still in pain, power flowing through him now, red hot anger had become something to mold from his emotions. Nicholaus looked over at his mates, how Krystyna had been prepared to give up her life for him even through the hurt. Katarina threatened to come after him, and she had.

  He couldn’t let either of them down.

  And now it looked like if he were going to man up, he'd even have a pack to rejoin.

  Energy surrounded him, not healing him however, but it gave him the strength to know what he had to do.

  No. It can’t be. Your eyes…you’re—

  Nicholaus blinked, leapt into the air and found himself praying he pulled the controls, not the other way around.

  Cue the outro. Fade to black.

  A sweet voice whispered against his ear. “Nicholaus. Nicholaus, wake up.”

  Nicholaus moved slowly. Jerking from the pain shooting through his legs and sides, he grit his teeth and tried to relax. The haze he’d forced himself through revealed Krystyna, her hair framing her beautiful round face, while curious eyes stared back at him.

  Katarina’s hand snaked across his chest from the other side. “You’re alive, szeretőm.”

  Nodding, Nicholaus smiled weakly. He'd found himself in his bed, recognized the 800 thread-count sheets around his body, the soft down pillow beneath his head. And of course, in front of him, his potential for a new life.

  “You took him out. And then stopped. Selene was amazed at your ability to control your violence and the mark.” Katarina patted the spot on him where they bit and drank from him.

  Nicholaus frowned. “What mark?”

  “The mark we gave you. Selene explained a bit more about our bond while you were out.”

  Arching an eyebrow, Nicholaus jerked his head around to look at Krystyna. “What did she tell you?”

  “That you are a dangerous weapon and she’s glad you are Opeth Pack.”

  Nicholaus scowled. Like he wanted to deal with this right now. “What exactly does that mean?”

  Krystyna smirked. “It means you are a threat to those who would challenge what is yours. Our love fuels you, helps you control the wolf and keep you calm when your mind is overrun by the natural violent instincts to protect. And because we are mated, bound, we can free your mind of the murderous fog when it's time.”

  “I see.” Nicholaus inhaled slowly. Yeah, he hadn't been tracking since the fight. He'd have to ask what happened when he had energy to hear the play by play shit but for now, he shifted his weight, careful this time, but felt a soft hand press him back onto the bed.

  Krystyna adjusted the blanket over him, brushing strands of his hair from his face. “Look at you, baby. Your body is a wreck. You need more sleep.”

  He shifted against the covers, every muscle aching. “I can’t sleep any more. I’m tired of sleeping.”

  Katarina stroked his hair. “Szeretőm, we need to talk.”
/>   Nicholaus groaned. This was where things got heavy even though he was too tired to deal with anything. Sure he had questions, plenty of them in fact. Like what the fuck was Krystyna doing thinking she could act like him? And why didn't she just ask or—it didn't matter. Lukina had to find him, when his mates could not. “I’d rather not.”

  Frowning, Krystyna sat up and set her hands on her hips. “You need to hear me out. Please?”

  The sensual pout of her mouth tugged at his groin. Of course that thing still worked. He doubted he could fuck her right now but making love to them would be a sweet way to pass. Nodding, he thought about the things Katarina told him, let the words sink in. “Yeah, I need to hear you out.” He let out a long, slow breath. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

  Krystyna shrugged her shoulders and took a deep breath of her own. Letting air out slowly, she reached for Nicholaus’s hand.

  Nicholaus took her hand and wrapped her fingers in his. “I’m open, okay?”

  Nodding, she stroked his forearm. “I do not wish to return to Hungary. Not without you. I’ve been so terribly lost without you. Life with Katarina has been tough because she is only part of my power. I really need you, Nicholaus, you’re a part of my heart that's been missing since you left.”

  Watching her face, he looked deep into the pools of her eyes and found truth in the words she spoke. “You need me out of love?”

  Her eyes widened. “Of course. Katarina and I fought about that constantly. She begged me to admit my feelings for you.”

  He fought the urge to smirk. “You fought against yourself?”

  Nodding, Krystyna rolled up her sleeves. “And my other lover.”

  Closing his eyes, he reached for Krystyna’s thigh. Touch would comfort them both. “I can certainly understand that. But you two argued?”

  Moving her slender legs over his, Katarina sat up. “We did. It has been awful without you in our lives, szeretõm. Do you know what it’s like to function with only two thirds of your energy? In short doses, it’s easy. The longer one has to go without ever fully refilling, the harder it is to function.”

  Krystyna faced them both and raised her arms. “Look, Nicholaus. Look at these scars.”


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