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Page 24

by Brenda Jackson

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as panic swept through her. “The officer who was working undercover,” she asked softly. “Who is she?” Kenna’s throat tightened, dreading the response she had a feeling was coming.

  “Officer Lynette Cummings.”

  Kenna gasped sharply. “Oh my God!”

  Reese had been watching her the entire time, and immediately knew something was wrong. “Sweetheart, what is it?” he said as he drew her closer to him.

  She stared at him for a moment. “It’s Lynette. The Shoe Killer grabbed her when she was working undercover tonight. He put her in the trunk of his car, but she managed to escape while the car was moving. She was injured and is in a coma at Park General.”

  She fought back her tears. “They want me to go to the hospital immediately. They’re hoping Lynette will be able to give me a description of her assailant when she comes to.”

  Everyone listened as Kenna described what had unfolded in the past few hours. Reese took Kenna’s hand in his. “Come on, baby. I’ll drive you there.”

  Alex stared at his computer screen. It had taken him several attempts to hack into the FBI’s confidential files—with some inside help, of course—to obtain the information he needed. It explained a lot about Clark Lovell.

  A blast of cold air seemed to come into the room and literally chill him to the bone. His eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened with each line he read. Another emotion—cold-blooded anger—tore into him as he tried to tamp it down.

  He looked up at the light rap on his office door. Everyone had left an hour ago, after agreeing to keep tabs on the hospitalized woman who would have been the Shoe Killer’s next victim. He had checked earlier and her condition was still the same.

  Christy came into the room and glanced over at his computer. “Still reading?” she asked.

  He rubbed a hand down his face. “Yes, and I think it’s something you should read as well. Come and sit here,” he said, standing to give her his chair.

  She slid into the chair, leaned forward and began reading the information on the computer monitor while Alex crossed the room to pour another cup of coffee. The clock seemed to tick louder as he sipped his coffee and stared at the beautifully framed photographs that hung on his wall. One was of him and Christy on their wedding day. One was one of those glamour shots of Christy she’d had taken just before she’d gotten pregnant, and the other one was of her when she was pregnant. The rest were of their beautiful little girl, from the time she had come into the world and he’d held her for the first time, to the most recent one of her at her birthday party a few months ago. He drew in a deep breath. He loved his wife and daughter more than life itself.

  “The mystery has been solved. Now you know who he is.”

  Alex turned at the sound of Christy’s voice and met her intense expression. He slowly nodded. “Yes, now I know who he is.”

  He pulled into the hospital parking lot and decided to just sit there a minute after turning off his engine. He knew he would be taking a chance, but luckily for him there weren’t as many police officers around as he’d expected. They were probably all out looking for the killer, not knowing he was right under their very noses.

  He chuckled. He was going to enjoy reading how things went down in the newspapers the next morning. Everyone would wonder just how he was able to pull it off.

  Adrenaline flowed through his veins like wildfire. He licked his lips. The taste of a kill was in the air and he intended to make it happen—tonight.

  Chapter 28

  Reese and Kenna arrived at the hospital and immediately caught the elevator to the eighth floor, the intensive care unit. An older couple, who Kenna assumed were Lynette’s parents, were talking to a group of doctors, as several police officers wandered around in the waiting room. Kenna recognized Steven. He stood when he saw her enter.

  She quickly introduced Reese to Steven. “How’s she doing?”

  Steven shook his head. “She took a hard hit to the head when the assailant knocked her out, and then hit her head again after jumping out of the moving car. Another car came within two feet of running her over. Luckily, the driver was alert and slammed on his brakes in the nick of time.”

  Kenna shuddered as the image of what could have happened flashed through her head. She was grateful when Reese wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders.

  Shaun stepped off the elevator and quickly walked over to them. “I just got word, man. How is she?”

  Steven then relayed the same information to Shaun he’d given Kenna moments before.

  “Shaun, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Reese Madaris.”

  Shaun’s face showed surprise as he extended his hand to Reese and glanced over at her. “Fiancé? But just a few weeks ago you said you weren’t seriously involved with anyone.”

  Kenna lifted a brow, thinking he actually sounded like he was disappointed. Evidently he was used to getting any woman he wanted. Now really wasn’t the time to tell him how wrong he was. “Reese has the power to change a woman’s mind on just about anything,” she said, smiling up at Reese.

  She glanced over at Steven. “Any news on the assailant, and are you sure it was the Shoe Killer? He took a big risk abducting her in a busy area.”

  Steven was about to answer when Shaun interrupted. “Look, you guys. I have a date tonight that I don’t want to miss. Call me if Lynette’s condition changes.”

  “Sure,” Steven said as if he was used to Shaun’s behavior. Kenna had only been around him a few weeks, but she’d had no idea he was so self-centered. He had just gotten to the hospital, and he was already leaving.

  They watched Shaun get on the elevator. “No, no news on her assailant, but everyone believes it’s the same guy,” said Steven. “He did the same thing he did to the others by putting her in a trunk. I don’t want to think about where he was taking her or what he planned to do once he got there,” he continued in an infuriated voice.

  “If he’s smart he’ll be miles away from here. I’m sure by now he knows he abducted a police officer. Hopefully when Lynette comes around she’ll be able to give you a good description of the guy so we can arrest him.”

  Kenna nodded and drew in a deep breath. “I hope so, too.”

  Reese lovingly touched her arm. “I’m going down to the café on the ground floor to get a cup of coffee. You want some, baby?”

  “Yes, thanks, and you know how I like it.”

  Reese smiled before walking off and Steven watched the exchanged. “He seems like a nice guy.”

  Kenna smiled up at Steven. “He is. He’s the best.”

  Reese had made it to the ground floor when his cell phone rang. He checked and saw it was Alex. “Yes, Alex?”

  “I’m out here at your place. Where are you?”

  Reese wondered why Alex would be visiting him at this time of night. It was close to eleven. “I’m at the hospital.”

  “The hospital? Is anything wrong?”

  “I guess you can say that.” He told Alex about Lynette, as least as much as he knew.

  “Yes, I heard the news report. I didn’t know she was a friend of Kenna’s.”

  “Yes, she was one of the first people to befriend Kenna when she started working for HPD. They’re hoping if Lynette comes around, she’ll be able to give Kenna a description of her assailant, so there’s no telling how much longer we’ll be here. I’m not leaving until Kenna does.”

  Reese paused. “And what’s going on with you? Why are you at my place this time of night?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about something and to talk to Clark Lovell, but he’s not here and Joe said he hasn’t been back all evening. Any idea where he is?”

  Reese rubbed his chin. “No, he’s probably at his place in town, but I have no idea where that is. What’s going on, Alex? This is the second time you’ve inquired about Lovell.”

  Reese heard the hesitancy in Alex’s voice before he said, “I’d rather we talk in person, Reese. I’m o
n my way to where you are.”

  “You don’t have to hang around here, Reese. Honestly, I’ll be fine,” Kenna said a short while later when Reese returned with her coffee.

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m staying. When you leave here, we leave together.”

  Kenna shook her head. She had just explained to Reese that her boss had requested that she stay at the hospital with her sketch pad just in case Lynette came out of her coma sometime during the night. If Lynette said anything, it would be worth it. Kenna had no problem making herself comfortable next to Lynette’s bed, but Reese refused to leave her alone and go home.

  “You’re wasting your time, Kenna, if you think you can convince me to leave,” he said. “This whole thing with Lynette has freaked me out. Before, they were women I didn’t know, but now the bastard has hurt someone I do know,” he said.

  “Besides, I’m meeting with Alex in a few. He’s on his way here now,” Reese said, interrupting her thoughts.


  “Yes, for some reason he wants to meet with me tonight. It’s something about Clark Lovell.”

  Kenna nodded, wondering what it could possibly be about. “Well, I’ll be by Lynette’s bedside most of the night. They’ve stationed an officer right outside the door in case someone tries slipping in.”

  Reese brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I know you won’t be able to use your cell phone up here, so I’ll check back with you in an hour or so to see if you want a coffee refill.”

  She smiled, appreciating his care and concern. She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “You are a jewel, Reese Madaris, and I plan on keeping you around.”

  “There’s no doubt in my mind I’m keeping you, so get to work,” he said, smiling. “I’ll be right downstairs if you need me.”

  “All right.” She placed another kiss on his lips before turning to walk in the opposite direction. She stopped long enough to speak to the police officer posted outside Lynette’s room. She smiled at Reese before opening Lynette’s hospital room door and going inside.

  Alex was about to get out of his car when his cell phone rang. It was Christy. “Yes, baby, what’s up?”

  “That information you were waiting on came through regarding anyone in Houston who purchased that special type of gum. The list is pretty long, so it’s not as unusual as we might have thought.”

  He nodded. “Okay, so everyone wants whiter teeth,” he muttered. “How about taking those names and running a check against their employment history to see if any of them just moved to the area? It shouldn’t take long to get the list. You should have it in your hands in less than an hour,” he said.

  “All right. Did you see Lovell?”

  “No, he’s at his place in town, wherever that is. I’m at the hospital getting ready to talk to Reese.”

  “Reese? What’s Reese doing at the hospital?”

  Alex took the next few minutes to tell Christy what Reese had told him. “How awful. At least she managed to escape before heavens knows what could have happened to her. The news broadcast said that the woman was an undercover cop, but I didn’t know she was someone Kenna knew personally,” Christy said.

  “I can see them wanting to keep Kenna around just in case she comes to. She’s probably the only woman who can positively identify the killer now.”

  Alex nodded as he glanced out of his windshield as his mind shifted from what Christy was saying to the figure that was getting out of a parked vehicle and hurriedly walking toward the hospital entrance.

  “Christy, I have to go. Call me back as soon as you get that information.”

  Sir Drake glanced at the two men waiting to take their turn at pool. He studied one in particular. “Any reason you’re so restless tonight, Ash?”

  Ashton’s hand tightened on the bottle of his beer. There was no reason for him to be anxious, but Drake was right, he was. He had talked to his wife, Nettie, a few moments earlier and knew she had left Sisters and had gotten their triplet sons ready for bed and had planned to retire herself. She was having their daughter in six months and according to her, their little girl was just as active during this pregnancy as her brothers had been. That meant they would definitely have their hands full when she arrived the first of the year.

  “Not sure, Drake, but it has something to do with that damn killer. I can feel him.”

  Trevor glanced over at Ashton. “You can feel him.”


  Both Trevor and Drake gave Ashton their complete attention. “Why are you feeling him, Ashton? Is someone we know threatened?” Drake said slowly.

  Ashton drew in a deep breath. “Not sure.” He pushed the mass of hair that fell to his shoulders aside to rub the back of his neck. “And because I’m not sure, that’s what worries me.”

  He asked both men a question. “If you were in the killer’s shoes, knowing the person you tried to snatch was a cop and that every police officer in this city was gunning for you, what would you do?”

  “If he’s smart he would lay low for a while and then when the coast is clear, haul ass as far away from Houston as he can,” Sir Drake said first. Drake paused. “But then we aren’t dealing with a smart killer, are we?”

  Ashton shook his head. “No, but we’re dealing with a devious one.”

  “He believes every victim counts for something and that it’s his God-given right to take that person’s life in whatever way he sees fit,” Trevor said in a voice that was beginning to sound just as uneasy as Ashton’s.

  Ashton put down his beer bottle with a loud thump. “And he’s a bastard who’s never had any victims survive,” he said with concern.

  “Especially someone who could finger him,” Sir Drake added, putting down the cue stick.

  “I think we need to go to the hospital. Most of the cops are out looking for the killer, and that makes the victim an open target,” Trevor said as they headed out the door.

  “We’ll call Alex after we get there and check things out,” Ashton threw over his shoulder.

  Chapter 29

  Clark Lovell turned around slowly to confront the person he knew had been following him. His stance was just as deadly as that of the man standing a few feet in front of him. “Is there a reason you’re following me?” he asked with a steely voice.

  “I know who you are,” Alex said.

  Lovell’s features didn’t change. “I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about, stranger.”

  Alex made sure he kept his hands out to his side to show Lovell he wasn’t a threat. “I’m no stranger, really. Think back almost fifteen years ago. It was a chance meeting, but one that had a profound effect on me, and the first case I’d ever worked for the Bureau.”

  The man’s features changed to a deep frown. “I still don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.”

  “I think you do. In fact, I know you do. You’ve tried changing your appearance, but it wouldn’t take much for someone who was as impressed with you as I was during that time to remember.”

  Lovell sized Alex up as the intensity in his gaze deepened. “Who the hell are you?”

  A tentative smile touched Alex features. “I’m Alex Maxwell. I was an FBI agent at the time—fifteen years ago. I wanted to be you when I grew up. You hadn’t been an agent for long, but already you were a legend. And it—”

  “And it cost me everything!” Lovell said through clenched teeth.

  Alex knew what he meant. He had read the report tonight. “I’m sorry. I recently found out that the group you had taken down retaliated by killing your wife and newborn daughter.”

  Alex drew in a deep breath, thinking of his wife and daughter. He couldn’t imagine something like that happening. He wouldn’t know how he’d go on after such a tragedy. Lovell, whose real name was Brent Dawkins, had resigned from the Bureau, never to be heard of again.

  “Okay, so now you know,” Lovell said. “I died the day I lost my family. Leave me in peace. I’m no longer that person.”r />
  “You sure?”

  At that moment the entrance door to the hospital swung open and Reese walked out. “I came out to get some fresh air,” he said.

  Reese knew why Alex was there, but he turned a curious look at his employee. “Lovell, what are you doing here?”

  Lovell looked at Alex. “Reese is my in-law, and to be quite honest, Lovell, I’m wondering the same thing. What are you doing here?” Alex asked.

  The man slowly walked down the hall past several police officers still lounging around. Other than glancing at him and nodding, they didn’t take his presence as of any significance. He smiled. If they only knew.

  He continued walking down the hall. He knew exactly what room she was in. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be wearing any shoes for him to take something to remember her by.

  He rounded the corner and slowed his pace when he saw a police officer stationed directly outside the hospital room door. He shifted directions and went down another hall. He’d assumed once he cleared the officers lounging in the waiting area he would have had clear passage, but he now saw that wasn’t the case. He had to alter his plans. Then he smiled when he thought of something.

  Clark looked from Reese to Alex. “Since this is a free country, I don’t have to answer that,” said Clark.

  “You do if you want to live,” a deadly voice said from behind. Alex glanced beyond Clark to see Sir Drake seemingly materialize out of nowhere. Not surprisingly, Trevor and Ashton also appeared. Alex shook his head. Sometimes he wondered about those three.

  “It’s okay, Drake. He’s not a threat,” Alex said, not taking his gaze away from Lovell.

  “So you say,” Trevor said gruffly.


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