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Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons

Page 18

by G. K. DeRosa

  A smile pulled at my lips as I glanced up at our fearless leader—or maybe that wasn’t an accurate description because he was scared. Scared for our safety. And so was I. I’d been the one to push the team into going to the Underworld. If anything happened to any one of us, I’d be the one to blame.

  With that depressing thought in mind, Cillian nodded at the team. “Let’s do this.”

  A few moments later, the portal spat us out in the fifth realm of the Underworld. As I steadied myself from the fall, my lungs sucked in a mouthful of toxic air. The scent of sulfur and rotten eggs clung to my pores, and I crinkled my nose as I scanned our surroundings. Not a single tree or a shred of anything remotely green crossed my line of sight. Towering reddish sand crags encircled us, the ground as arid as the Sahara. I swirled some spit in my mouth to moisten it. A light dusting of ash coated the barren surface around us.

  I glanced up to see tiny flecks of ash floating down from the gray sky. At a distance, I could just make out a block of dark buildings toward what I assumed was the center of the fifth realm.

  Geez, this place was depressing. No wonder the demons wanted out into the human world.

  “Now where to?” asked Triston. A flash of citrine crossed his hazel irises as he eyed the harsh terrain.

  I could practically feel his hackles prickling. His wolf wanted out. Not that I blamed the beast, the air reeked of wickedness and despair and had the hair on the back of my neck at full attention.

  One of the cords strained around my heart. Focusing inward, I visualized the black tether. Ryder. It had been so long since I’d felt anything from him. Was my fear spilling through the bond and inciting some long lost emotion in him?

  “Just over those peaks is the border into the sixth realm.” Cillian’s voice yanked me from my inner ramblings. His gaze settled on the burnt-orange mountain range a few hundred yards away.

  Rubbing my fingers over my heart, I refocused on our mission and keeping my emotions reined in.

  I stared up at the ominous mountain range. A hike across the perilous crags would’ve taken us days. Luckily, we weren’t walking. Cillian’s wings snapped out, followed by Calliope’s, Raf’s and Logan’s. Unlike the angels’ soft feathery ones, Logan’s gargoyle wings were like leather and paper-thin.

  Dragon-Zephyr’s impatient screech tore my gaze from the gargoyle’s unique appendages. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” I huffed and joined Aeria and Scarlett on the massive dragon’s maroon-scaled back. Raine, Drake and Triston each hitched a ride with one of the angels while Logan remained passenger free. Our gargoyle lookout was armed to the teeth.

  The flight over the barren mountain range was a tense one. Half of us had our eyes glued to the sky, the other half to the ground scanning the vast territory for any signs of an attack. Lucifer had been right. Most of the bleak land was quiet.

  An occasional band of demons meandered below us, but either we were too high up to notice or they simply didn’t care. Twenty minutes later, we began our descent into the sixth realm.

  The closer we got to the stark reddish earth, the faster my heart thrashed against my ribs. This was really it. After all these months, we were finally going to hit Luxora in her home.

  A flicker of darkness invaded my vision as anger seethed in my chest. I didn’t care what Cillian had said about no “eye for an eye”. I was going for as much death and destruction as I could accomplish.

  Chapter 27

  The jagged spirals of the dark lord’s castle loomed over us, like charred skeletal remains in a barren wasteland. The onyx stone stood out against the rusty orange backdrop of dusk as we approached the drawbridge. Beads of sweat lined my brow, and it wasn’t only from holding the cloaking spell over half the team for the past hour.

  A dribble of sweat snaked down my back, the dry air suffocating. Our journey had been almost too easy. We were all brutally aware of that fact as we trudged across the cracked gray timber to the massive iron door. No one spoke. We barely breathed.

  Raine moved forward and with a flick of her wrist and quick mutterings under her breath, the massive door creaked open. The sharp sound reverberated across the silence and spiked my heart rate.

  “Well, they probably know we’re here now,” murmured Aeria.

  Cillian led the way, his blazing angel sword in one hand and the paralyzing potion clasped firmly in the other. I unsheathed my dagger as we crossed the threshold, but my most powerful weapon was inside me. My magic swirled within, eager to burst free of its bodily confines.

  The dimly lit stone corridors were quiet. The light from the flickering flame lanterns cast ominous shadows along the rough walls. Our footsteps were masked by the cloaking spell, but still, unless the castle was empty, there should’ve been some noise. Scarlett strained beside me, her head cocked to the side to make out the faintest sound. She shook her head when I shot her a questioning glance.

  Where was Luxora? And how about her pet gorabora demons?

  Cillian led the way down another narrow passageway with Calliope and Logan flanking him. Lucifer had also provided us with a crude sketch of the castle, which I assumed our headmaster was following along in his mind.

  Drake crept up beside me, his expression pinched and a sheen on his forehead. The cloaking spell was taking a lot out of both of us. “You okay?” he whispered.

  “I have to be, right?”

  He nodded, flashing me a crooked smile. “Just a little bit longer. I have a feeling the calm before the storm is about to end.” He squeezed my hand, and an extra burst of magic swam up my arm. I almost snapped at him for depleting his own energy, but he melted back into the middle of the team’s tight cluster. He needed it as much as I did.

  Just when I thought the winding halls would never come to an end, Cillian slowed, raising his hand. We all stopped. I nearly barreled into Triston who was only a few steps in front of me. Righting myself, I glanced up at our leader.

  “The throne room is down this passageway.” He signaled to the right and drew in a breath. “There are two demons guarding the entrance. Calliope and Logan will go first, clearing the way for the rest of us. Drake, Luna, when I give the word, drop the cloaking spell.”

  We all nodded as the air grew thick with anticipation. I licked my lips, all the moisture having long since evaporated from my mouth.

  “Given our easy entrance, my guess is Luxora is expecting us,” Cillian continued. “There’s nothing we can do about that now. We will go in as planned. Everyone, be careful, and remember what I said: if it comes down to you or Luxora, it’s always you.”

  “Stay together,” added Calliope. “If you fight in groups, you’ll be stronger and it’ll be easier to take the demons down once we’ve secured Luxora.”

  “Let’s go.” Cillian’s wings unfurled, lighting the dark corridor in their ethereal glow.

  My fingers tightened around the dagger’s ornate hilt. The deep red jewel encrusted in the handle caught the light from the torches, setting it ablaze. In truth, I only held the dagger to keep my hand from trembling.

  As we neared the throne room, the two gorabora demons’ gorilla-like forms melted free from the shadows. The uglier one’s nostrils flared as we inched closer. I could feel the cloak siphoning my remaining magic. If I didn’t release it soon, I’d have nothing left to fight Luxora.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Cillian spun around and signaled to Drake and me. I broke the spell, the heady wave of magic rolling over me as it floated out into the ether. My body shuddered as the energy sloughed away, and I gulped in a deep breath.

  That was all the time I had to recover before chaos exploded. The gorabora demons’ yellowing eyes bulged out of their ape-like heads as Calliope and Logan slashed down their swords.

  The heads of both demons rolled to the floor with sickening thunks. One of the decapitated skulls made it all the way to my feet, its vacant eyes staring up at me. Oh, vomit.

  A brilliant flash of light lit up the hallway, and a sharp crash echoed across
the resonant stone walls. The double doors flew inside the throne room with an avenging angel close behind. Steeling my nerves, I darted across the threshold behind the team with Drake and Scarlett on either side of me.

  I halted mid-step when the scene coalesced in front of me.

  Luxora sat atop her iron throne, jagged blades wrought from the extravagant seat itself shooting up from behind her head. A leather bodice and pleated skirt clung to her curves, showcasing a dark metal lining. It looked like an outfit straight out of Xena, The Warrior Princess. Her neon-green snake slithered over her shoulders, burrowing beneath her cascading jet-black hair. A wicked grin twisted her full crimson lips. “So nice of you to join me in my home.”

  That wasn’t the terrifying part. No, it was the dozens of vile demons amassed around her that sent my heart into overdrive. A portal swirled in the corner of the raised platform and hordes of demon warriors lined up across the abyss. Their densely packed lines stretched on forever.

  The sorcerer, Nicodemus, appeared from behind the high-backed throne, weaving his way through the horrendous beasts. He splayed out his hands and smirked. “Welcome to the Underworld.”

  Luxora stood, her snake dancing along her shoulders as she sashayed across the dais. “Did you really think it would be so easy to come into my home and defeat me?”

  “No,” hissed Cillian, “but we wanted you to experience the feeling of your home being violated. To know that no matter what you believe, you’re not as invulnerable as you wish.”

  “Ah, dear Cillian, it has been much too long. How I’ve missed your incessant platitudes and holier than thou speeches. How’s my mother? Have you cast her soul out of Purgatory yet? Or is she still suffering for that one unforgiveable mistake…” She hopped off the platform and sauntered over to the angel.

  Cillian’s wings buzzed with intensity, the muscles beneath his shoulder blades coiling. “Leave Eve out of this. She knew very well what she was getting into when she got involved with Lucifer.”

  “Yes, father dearest. I take it he had a hand in getting you through the portal unnoticed.” Her cold gaze raked over Cillian. “Tell me, uncle, what did you offer the devil for this deal?”

  “Nothing,” he spat. “For once Lucifer has chosen the right side.”

  The warlord snickered, a harsh, sharp sound that raised the hair on my arms. “The side of the half-blood?” A pair of obsidian eyes locked on mine. Dark tendrils of power curled around her shapely form as she stalked closer.

  Drake moved in front of me, blocking her path. She cackled again. “My, my, how fickle this human is. I thought my dear brother held her heart, but now I see the Fae prince himself defends her with his very life.” Her eyes flickered from Drake to me and back to Cillian. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice my oracle going missing?”

  My stomach plummeted to the soles of my boots.

  “Nicodemus,” she shouted. “Bring Celine to me.”

  The mass of demons parted and the sorcerer moved forward, escorting a young girl who looked no more than thirteen or fourteen. The little redhead held a glowing chunk of rock tight against her chest. As she neared, the amber glow reflected off her opaque white pupils, setting them ablaze.

  So creepy.

  Luxora’s arm shot out, and she crooked her finger at me. “You, half-blood, come.”

  “No,” Drake snarled, whipping his arm across my chest, a steel band holding me back.

  “I’m not going to hurt the girl. Yet. I simply need to confirm if what my oracle saw was true.” Luxora’s snake hissed at me, it’s pink tongue tasting the air between us.

  Panic gripped my lungs, squeezing the air out as I stared at the seer’s milky pupils. And yet, a part of me wanted to know the truth. If I really was the one that would put an end to this supernatural battle, wouldn’t it be better for us all to know?

  Clenching my hands into fists, I turned to Drake. “Let me go. I need to know the truth.”

  He shook his head, his lips set in a tight line. “It’s too dangerous. If the oracle confirms it, Luxora will never let you out of here alive.”

  I could feel the rest of the team’s eyes boring into the back of my head. The tension in the room was so thick I could barely breathe. But I had to do it.

  I fixed my gaze on Luxora, channeling Drake’s trademark icy glare. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Cillian blocked my path a second later, his massive wings blotting out the horde of demons behind him. He gripped my shoulders, bending to my eyelevel. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Darkness crossed my angel headmaster’s features, and he released a breath. “Whatever happens, we won’t let her have you.”

  “I know.” I squirmed by the rest of the team, avoiding their anxious gazes. There was enough fear spilling through my veins without adding in theirs. The cords around my heart were one big knot of angst and trepidation.

  Nicodemus snapped his fingers, and a pedestal appeared between Celine and me. The young girl hesitatingly released the oracle, placing it atop the base. Her fingers lingered over the jagged edges for a few moments before she finally turned her misty white gaze to me. She held out her hands, and with a deep breath, I placed my palms on top of hers. A jolt of electricity sizzled between our skin, and my breath caught in my throat.

  Her eyes fixed on mine as she placed our entwined hands atop the glimmering rock.

  The sounds of a scuffle behind me caught my attention. My head swiveled toward the team just long enough to see Cillian restraining Drake. They argued for a few seconds before I turned back to the creepy girl holding my hands.

  Her eyes were closed, and her lips moved quickly. The amber glow of the oracle intensified with each twitch of her lips. Heat radiated from the stone, bathing the dank throne room in warmth. Celine’s head whipped back, the auburn curls coiling like snakes over her shoulders. Dark veins popped across her forehead as she staggered backward.

  Nicodemus moved quickly, extending his spindly, wrinkled arms to hold her upright. The girl twisted and convulsed, her eyeballs twitching beneath her pale lids as the dark purple veins crawled across her face.

  I tried to rip my hands away from her grasp, but her hold was impossibly strong. She held my palm tight against the oracle, even as her body shuddered uncontrollably.

  As the heat from the rock intensified, I bit down on my lip to keep from screaming. The rough stone burnt my skin, scorching through my flesh. Darkness loomed at the edges of my vision, threatening to swallow me whole. Hot tears pooled in my eyes as I struggled to remain in control.

  When I thought I couldn’t hold on for a moment longer, Celine’s eyes snapped open and she released me. I stumbled back, and warm arms caught me. Fluffy wings enveloped me in a heavenly cocoon as Cillian’s healing energy washed over the turmoil within.

  “I’ve got you, Luna.” Cillian’s warm breath blew through my hair, and a deep sense of calm rushed my veins. My head swam, and the pain dissipated.

  “She is the one.”

  Just like that, the seer’s high-pitched voice shattered my inner tranquility. And then the outer one.

  The room exploded into chaos.

  Chapter 28

  “Bring me the half-blood and kill the others!”

  Cillian released me, spinning me behind his back as Luxora’s shout rang over the commotion.

  My heart thrashed against my ribs as I took a second to calm my shuddering nerves. That was all I had. Cillian sprang into action, cutting down demons as fast as they emerged.

  The crash of colliding weapons filled the air, the sharp, metallic odor of blood almost instantly permeating the dank space. My team had formed a circle around me as I stood in the center completely numb. Snap out of it, Luna! I slapped my cheeks, chasing away the stupor Celine’s vision had left me in. My friends needed me. There was no way I was letting them fight my battle. A bubble of anger unfurled in my gut, expanding until it was too large to contain.

Throwing my hands out, I channeled the fury toward my waning magic. A flicker ignited, and energy hemorrhaged through my veins. Splaying my fingers, a jolt of fiery purple light zipped from my fingertips and smacked an approaching demon right in the chest. The powerful hit sent him scrambling backward.

  Logan battled a black-winged beast, his sword arcing through the air with the accuracy of a guillotine. “Luna, like we practiced,” he shouted.

  “Oh, right!”

  Reining in my magic, I summoned an energy ball in each of my hands. As the demons spilled from the portal, I launched them in rapid succession. One by one they dropped at the foot of the opening.

  The battle surged all around me, muffled cries and grunts ringing in my ears. The supe slayer squad was on fire, but there were just too many of them. No matter how many we cut down, more barreled through the portal.

  I had to close it.

  Another wave of demons hurtled through, dozens at least. I grabbed Drake’s hand and motioned for him to take Zephyr’s to his left. “There!”

  He nodded, his lilac eyes like molten steel.

  With our hands interlocked, I splayed out my palm as we mumbled the words to the dark incantation. A wave of electric blue fire burst from my hand and rolled over the oncoming mass of demons.

  Nicodemus barely leapt out of the way in time.

  The white-hot flames licked over their scaly skin, incinerating every inch of the monsters until only the pungent odor of charred carcasses remained.

  This was my chance. With Nicodemus out of the way and Luxora nowhere in sight, I darted between my protective circle of friends.

  “Luna, be careful!” Cillian shouted.

  I kept going, pumping my arms until I reached the opposite end of the room where the portal continued to spew the nastiest creatures from the sixth realm. Throwing up a protective bubble, I planted myself a few yards away from the swirling vortex.

  Nicodemus’s dark magic oozed from the portal, black tendrils protecting it from my advance. It was a good thing I’d been neck deep in portal studies lately. I hoped I had enough magic left in me to overpower his.


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