Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons

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Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons Page 19

by G. K. DeRosa

  From the corner of my eye, I caught the circle of demons closing around my friends. Worst, they were tiring, whereas the Underworlders were as fresh as demented daisies. With each wave of new ones that came in, they not only multiplied but also strengthened.

  Freakin’ hellspawn. I had to close this portal down now.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I summoned all the remaining magic fizzling in my chest. As much as I hated to do it, I even pulled from the dark depths I rarely tapped into. Its energy threaded through my veins, entangling with my blood until it thrummed over every inch of me.

  My eyes snapped open, and the mystical words filled my mind. “Oblivis portalis chiudem!”

  The swirling winds decreased, and the unearthly opening began to shrink.

  My knees quivered as I continued to mumble the words until my vision darkened at the edges. It shrank another few feet, but still the demons crawled their way through the rapidly weakening vortex.

  The cords wrapped around my heart tightened, and panic filled my chest. I spun to my team, and ice crystallized through my veins. I could just make out Aeria’s neon azure hair splayed across the floor with Raf huddled over her. Someone else lay beside her, but I couldn’t make out who through the mass of bodies surrounding them.

  A brilliant flash of light exploded from the tight circle, and another dozen demons were scorched by the ethereal flames. Raf appeared from the center, carrying Aeria’s limp body. His wings unfurled, and he zipped over the mass of brawling demons and out toward the corridors we’d come in from.

  I forced my lungs to keep functioning. Raf had Aeria; she’d be fine. He was getting her out of here and to safety.

  Another cord strained so tight it sucked the remaining breath from my failing organs. I massaged the middle of my chest for a few moments before the debilitating pain relented. It was the black one.

  But it didn’t matter. I couldn’t focus on Ryder right now. I concentrated my residual breaths on repeating the portal-closing spell. “Oblivis portalis chiudem. Oblivis portalis chiudem!”

  The swirling winds stopped, and the vortex dwindled away to nothing. A pop pierced the suddenly still air as it blinked out of existence. My chest heaved with relief and my knees buckled, my legs shooting out from under me. My protective bubble burst as I smacked into the cold stone floor.

  From my fading peripheral vision, I could make out a few dozen remaining demons. My friends continued to fight valiantly despite the growing exhaustion splayed across their faces. I couldn’t give up either. Pushing myself off the ground, I struggled to my feet. I searched for my magic, and only a tiny blip remained.

  I’d have to finish off these demons the old fashioned away. As I bent down to reach for the dagger strapped to my thigh, an arm locked around my throat. Prickly whiskers pressed against my cheek as Nicodemus dragged me toward the platform a few feet behind us.

  “You’re stronger than I’d imagined, half-blood, but you will die all the same,” he hissed.

  “Luna!” Drake’s voice carried over the fading sounds of battle. As I quickly scanned the throne room, my chest slumped in relief. Only a few demons remained. At least my friends would be safe.

  Luxora reappeared from the shadows, her creepy snake wrapped around her neck. Its red beady eyes bored into me as it hissed. A chill tattooed its way up my spine, and I shuddered.

  The dark lord’s gaze fell over the piles of bodies and sooty ash littering the vast space. Her lips contorted into a scowl. “Embarrassing,” she spat. “How could my army come so close to being defeated by a wild pack of children?”

  Cillian spun toward her, his golden locks plastered to his forehead in a mess of sweat and blood. “Luxora, leave Luna be or so help me…”

  “What, Cillian? You’ll lecture me? You can barely stand.”

  Bloody gashes ripped across the angel’s torso, some healing and others not. My chest tightened, and I forced air in and out of my lungs. He’ll be okay. Everyone will be okay. But would they really? Once Luxora got what she wanted—me—would she let the others go?

  I squirmed, struggling to break free from Nicodemus’s iron hold, but he was deceptively strong for a frail-looking man. I stomped on the sorcerer’s foot and he let out a howl, spinning me toward Luxora.

  I leveled her with my steeliest glare. “Just release my friends, and I’ll stay with you without a fight.”

  A wicked laugh tumbled from her lips. “As if you could stop me. You’re in no better condition than the angel. I can barely sense any magic left in you.”

  She wasn’t wrong. The flicker of energy that remained was barely enough to light a candle let alone take on the remaining room full of demons, Nicodemus and the dark lord herself.

  “You don’t have to do this, Luxora.” Cillian’s jaw clenched as he tried to move forward, but four demons tightened the circle around him. “You know visions are murky at best. Killing Luna is not the answer.”

  A crooked smile lifted her pouty lips. “Who said I wanted to kill her? With her power, she’s much more valuable to me alive than dead. I only have to rid her of that pesky humanity and let the dark warlock out.”

  My heart plummeted. She knows.

  “Oh yes, Celine saw that too. You see, the girl is quite gifted. Not your ordinary seer, that’s for certain. Besides Cillian, I’m actually doing you all a favor. You have no idea the power that’s surging within this girl’s veins. There’s never been a female warlock in existence so how could you? I’ll make sure her abilities are developed and controlled.”

  “For your evil plans,” I spat out. “I won’t do it, Luxora. I’d rather die than help you wreak havoc on the human world.”

  “That’s what you say now, but once your demon rises to the surface, you’ll have no choice.”

  My thoughts flew to Ryder, unbidden. I knew she’d been manipulating him the whole time. I wouldn’t let her do that to me. There was still one chance. If only there was enough power between the eight—no nine, of us. I turned my focus inward on the cords coiled around my heart. Only a flicker of energy remained from most, but two still burned brightly. Ryder and Raf. Relief flooded through me. If Raf was okay and still had magic that meant Aeria had to be too. He must have taken her somewhere to heal.

  Concentrating on the pulsating energy of the remaining light and dark cords, I siphoned their power toward the dull spark of my own. The tiny orb expanded. The black tether throbbed, tightening and releasing, the erratic pulses constricting my chest. What the hell?

  Searing pain scorched my ribcage, and my heart thrashed against its skeletal confines. A wave of heat seeped through my veins and coated my skin. Nicodemus’s hold suddenly slackened. His eyes widened as he stared at his burned fingertips. “Stop that!” he shouted, his voice a few octaves higher than normal.

  A flash of light burst from my chest, and a brilliant portal sprang to life in the middle of the room, blasting a few demons in the process. A dark figure filled the opening, his broad shoulders and tapered waist outlined against the vivid azure swirling behind him.

  My breath hitched.

  Ryder leapt out with a sword in each hand. Before I could blink, he’d taken down two demons. The rest of the team sprang to life, a clash of weapons once again filling the air.

  Cillian flew past me in a blur of alabaster wings, his movements so fast my simple human vision couldn’t follow. But one thing I knew—he was going for Luxora.

  She must have known too. “Nicodemus!” she wailed as the warrior angel barreled toward her.

  “Entrapem!” I spun at the sorcerer, and bolts of energy shot from my fingertips. He’d made the fatal error of turning his back to me when the dark lord had called, and it was all the distraction I needed.

  A crimson bubble surrounded the old sorcerer and lifted him a few feet off the ground. He splayed his hands against the impenetrable walls and shouted. Curses no doubt, but I couldn’t make out a word through the mystical barrier.

  “Enjoy your time out, a-hole.” I twirled
around to help the team, and my head spun. Oh, fudge. Bad idea. Darkness invaded my vision as I struggled to maintain my hold over Nicodemus’s mystical jail cell. Maybe I’d gone too far with that one.

  My knees buckled, and I hit the floor. My waning magic spluttered, and beads of sweat lined my brow as I willed myself to hold on. Across the room, I could just make out Cillian and Ryder surrounding Luxora through my hazy vision.

  Drake slid across the stone floor, landing beside me. I glanced up at him, his platinum hair darkened by blood and gross demon goo.

  “Hold on, Luna. I’ve got you.” His arm came around my waist, and I melted into his chest. His frosty skin felt like heaven against my feverish one.

  A shrill scream echoed across the throne room. I barely had enough energy to turn in its direction. Luxora. Her body was splayed out on the floor beneath Ryder’s hulking form.

  Relief swirled in my chest, and my drooping eyelids gave up the fight. It was over. My head dropped against Drake’s shoulder.

  Everything went black.

  Chapter 29

  Cinder sat across the bed from me, her knees pressed into her chest and the gold flecks in her eyes brighter than the rising sun. “I can’t believe all that happened.”

  “Yeah, me neither. It was kind of insane. I thought I was dead for sure, and then I thought I would be forced to be one of Luxora’s dark minions. Either way, my future wasn’t pleasant. And Aeria and Triston… they’re still recovering in the infirmary.” My chest tightened. It was my fault they’d almost been killed.

  “Raf saw them this morning and gave them another blast of angel healing light. He thinks they’ll be out soon.”

  I nodded, the tautness slightly relenting.

  “And then somehow you summoned Ryder from thin air?”

  My throat went dry, and I swallowed down the unease. “I guess. He must have felt my fear or something, and I was able to siphon his magic to open the portal for him to come through. Kind of like when I’d gotten attacked by those demons in the human world with Jay.”

  “Raf told me that Ryder said he’d been going nuts at the rehab center. He knew something was going on, and he’d begged the director to let him out, but he had refused. He could feel you in trouble. Then he felt something tugging at his powers, and the portal appeared in the middle of his room.”

  “That sounds about right. I’d been feeling something from him all day too.”

  She nodded, and then a sly smile curved her lips. “It sounds like your connection to him is still strong.”

  Shaking my head, I stared down at the comforter twisted between my fingers. “It doesn’t matter anymore, Cinder. I’ve come to terms with my new life after Ryder, and I think I’m going to be okay.”

  She leaned across the bed and pulled me into a hug. “I’m proud of you, and of course you will. You are one badass half-warlock. Cillian would’ve never been able to capture Luxora if it weren’t for you.”

  “I still can’t believe it worked.” I couldn’t imagine the ravishing dark lord locked up in the darkest depths of the SIA detention center. A broad smile split my lips as I pictured her in the tacky bright orange jumpsuit.

  “I knew you guys could do it.” She stood and swung her backpack over her shoulder. “I gotta run. Just a few more days of class before exams, and I really need to study for Demon History.”

  I gulped. I’d used so much magic I’d been out for two whole days recovering. “I think I’ve had about enough demon history for the rest of my life.”

  “Well, you still have to take your exams, unless Cillian is giving you a free pass this semester?”

  “Yeah, right. Doubtful.”

  “We’re studying in the library tonight if you want to join. Unless you and Drake will be continuing your private sessions.” She waggled her brows at me. “He’s been camped out in front of your door for the past two days by the way.”

  “Oh really?” I hoped my voice sounded less squeaky out loud than it had to my own ears.

  She grinned and turned to the door. “And don’t forget about the dance next week. I already had my mom send over a trunk full of dresses so we can pick out something perfect.”

  With dark lords, demons and exams, only my bestie would be worried about a dance. I shook my head at her and laughed. “Go to class. We’ll talk about the big ball after we pass finals.”

  The door closed behind her, and I dragged myself out of bed. My muscles screamed at me when I moved, and it felt like I’d run a marathon and then got hit by a semi. I forced myself to the closet to get out of my pajamas. Class might not be in the cards for me today, but I’d at least have to go down to the banquet hall for some food.

  My stomach growled at the thought.

  Two knocks at the door drew my attention from the stack of t-shirts I was rifling through. “Hold on!” I grabbed the one on top and threw it over my head, then squirmed into a pair of jeans. “Who is it?” I shouted as I hobbled to the door.


  Quickly running my hand through my hair to tame the wild curls, I twisted the knob. “Hey.”

  Drake’s eyes roamed over me as I pulled the door open. His worried gaze lessened as he surveyed the lack of permanent damage. “Finally, you’re awake,” he muttered.

  Maybe Cinder had been right, and he really had been waiting outside my door. “Yeah. Sorry if my complete exhaustion put a damper on your plans.”

  He chuckled and sauntered in. “It didn’t damper exactly. It only made it difficult to study when I was inexplicably concerned.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and bit back the emerging smile. “Inexplicably, huh?”

  He shrugged nonchalantly as he leaned against the back of the door. “I suppose your welfare has become my concern as of late. Someone has to keep an eye on you now that Ryder’s gone.” His eyes locked on mine as he said the name as if to gauge my reaction.

  I slipped on a blank mask, taking a page from the ice prince’s book. “I’m not sure if you noticed, but I’m pretty capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Perhaps, but it doesn’t hurt to have back up.”

  “I’ll give you that.” My stomach rumbled again, and heat spread across my cheeks.

  He smirked. “Am I keeping you from lunch?”

  “Yeah, I’m kind of starving.”

  He held out his arm, and I weaved my hand through it. “Let’s go then.”

  My belly was so full I was sure it would explode as I headed up the stairs to Administration. I’d been summoned by the headmaster during lunch, and now I greatly regretted stuffing myself. All I wanted was a nap.

  Darby’s lips twisted into his version of a smile as I trudged through the headmaster’s foyer. “Cillian will be right with you. He’s just finishing up with a meeting.” He motioned toward the couch right outside his office, and I made my way over.

  As I crossed the entrance door, it whipped open and a hard body smacked right into mine. All the air whooshed out of my lungs as a pair of devastatingly familiar onyx eyes peered down at me.

  “Ryder?” I breathed as I attempted to extricate myself from his hold.

  He staggered back, nearly hitting the door behind him. “Luna.”

  We both stood there for a moment, neither speaking. When the tense silence became too much to bear, I spit out the first thing that came to mind. “Thanks for coming. Um, I mean, the other day… in the Underworld.” I wanted to smack myself.

  He shrugged. “No problem. I didn’t really have that much going on. You know, rehab and everything.”

  “Right. I’m glad you’re doing better.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and stared down at my feet.

  “I guess I owe you a thank you too.” His finger tipped my chin up before he quickly released it. “Thanks for coming to see me that day and giving me the kick in the ass I needed. I feel much better. More in control. Even the other day with Luxora and the demons, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to keep it together, but I did. And that was thanks to y
ou—and the lovely therapists at the center.” He smirked, revealing that devastating dimple.

  “That’s great, Ryder. I’m really happy for you.”

  His gaze dipped to the floor for a moment before it locked on mine once again. “I want you to know that I’ll always come. Regardless of what’s going on between us, I’ll always be there if you need me. I should be out of rehab in another week or two so…”

  My throat tightened, a knot of emotions choking me. “Thank you.”

  He nodded and pressed his lips together. “See you around.” He moved past me, his shoulder brushing mine as he passed, and I couldn’t help my body from pressing into it for that brief millisecond.

  It would probably be the last time I saw him for a long while so I gave myself a pass.

  Cillian appeared in the doorway, glancing around the foyer. “I thought I heard you out here. You saw Ryder?”


  His bright eyes sparkled mischievously. “He’s doing well, Luna. Thanks to you. He’s almost back to his old self again.”

  “I heard. I’m really happy for him, Cillian, and you too. I know you care a lot about him even if you don’t like to admit it.”

  He smiled. “Isn’t it easier that way?”

  I grunted as I followed him into his office. “So what did you want to see me about?”

  He motioned to the leather couch and sat down beside me. “I thought you’d appreciate an update on Luxora since you’ve been out of it for the past few days.”

  “Definitely.” I’d missed out on all the fun when I passed out.

  “The dark lord will be spending the next few weeks in the maximum security level of the SIA detention center until her trial. It’s really more of a formality than anything else, but the Etrian Assembly and the Tribunal want to keep the appearance of order.”

  “Do you think she’ll be sentenced to death?”

  “Most likely. Your father is pushing for the harshest punishment allowed by our laws. As you know, a great number of humans were killed because of her, in addition to the losses we suffered at the academy.”


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