Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons

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Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons Page 20

by G. K. DeRosa

  “What about Nicodemus?” I’d completely forgotten about him.

  “Unfortunately, he got away during the scuffle. When you passed out, the orb shattered and he escaped.” He squeezed my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. “I doubt we’ll have to worry about him for the time being. With Luxora locked up, he shouldn’t give us any trouble.”

  “I hope not.” His expression darkened as if a thought had just crossed his mind. My insides clenched. “What?”

  “My only concern is that he and Luxora know about you.”

  “You mean that I’m an actual warlock?”

  He nodded. “If word gets out…” His voice fell away.

  “We’re screwed.”

  Cillian huffed out a breath and sat back on the couch. “But let’s hope that Luxora and Nicodemus will be too busy with their own problems to go flapping their lips about you. And as a precaution, I’ll have Logan’s men keep an eye out for him.” He turned to me with a comforting smile and placed his hand on my arm so that his angel energy swarmed over my skin. “For now, enjoy the win. Luxora is safely behind bars and hopefully Ryder will be freed from rehab soon. And you, young lady, have exams to study for.” He stood and yanked me up with him.

  “And just like that all your soothing angel powers vanished.”

  He chuckled as he ushered me out of his office. “Good luck, Luna.”

  Chapter 30

  I scribbled the last word on the final exam and dropped my pen. Done! No more Divinations and Prophecies for me. If I never saw another oracle again, I’d be totally okay with it.

  The week of exams had flown by and after hours of studying, it was finally over. The practical magic tests had been a breeze, but the actual classes on history and theory were where I’d been slacking. But after days of cramming with Cinder, Scarlett and the others, I was confident I’d at least passed.

  Grabbing the thick exam, I scooped my backpack onto my shoulder and headed up to Calliope’s desk at the front of the classroom. She’d been out for a day after our little excursion to the Underworld too. Apparently, even angels needed time to heal.

  She smiled as I approached and handed her the exam. “Aced it?”

  “Definitely passed it.”

  “I’m sure you did better than you think. You are the resident expert on prophecies after all.”

  “Funny.” I didn’t want to put much more thought into the oracle’s vision. Now that Luxora was safely tucked away behind bars that meant whatever she had seen wouldn’t come to pass, right? I pushed the bleak thoughts aside. I’d deal with it next semester. I needed this spring break bad.

  “Will I see you at the dance tonight?” she asked, turning my attention back to the present.

  “Yup. Cinder’s pretty much forcing me to have fun.”

  She tucked my exam into a folder on her desk as another student approached. “Well, I hope you enjoy yourself. I’m chaperoning so I’ll see you there. Then I promise to leave you alone until next semester.”

  “Thanks, Calliope.” I waved and hurried out of the classroom.

  The hallway was teeming with my boisterous classmates. Unbridled joy filled the air, and it was contagious. I’d survived another semester at Darkhen Academy and lived to tell about it. Just barely, but still.

  In a few hours, I planned to be neck deep in malta and Azarian champagne. If Cinder was forcing me to go to this dance, I would be pleasantly buzzed.

  “There you are!” Speak of the dragon. Cinder raced up behind me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “I’ve been waiting for you to finish forever.”

  “Sorry, not all of us can be star students like you, Cin.” I winked, nudging my bestie in the ribcage.

  “So are we getting ready in my room tonight?”

  “That sounds good. This way I won’t have to lug that tremendous ball gown you’re lending me all the way up to mine.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You complain now, but just wait till the guys see you in that dress. Mouths will be dropping open in every direction.”

  I laughed, squeezing my friend into a side hug. She was determined to find me a new guy, and she was certain the dance was the perfect time. I let her have her fun, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to jump into a new relationship just yet.

  “Oh, don’t forget to be at my dorm by six. Raf is coming early to hang out and do some pre-partying.”

  My brows furrowed, and I forced my lips not to twist into a frown. “Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’d rather not be the third wheel in your pre-dance make out fest.”

  “It’s not going to be like that. Alissa and Maxi will be there too. Come on, it’ll be fun!”

  “Fine, fine. I’ll see you at six then.”

  With a wave, she bounded down the hall toward an approaching Raf. I turned for the stairs to the dorms determined to get a quick nap in before the partying began. Tonight, I vowed to let loose. Cillian was right—Luxora was in supe jail, Ryder was as good as free, and all was well in the world. I planned on taking full advantage of that for at least one night.

  Three quick knocks on Cinder’s dorm door had me spinning away from my reflection. I’d been staring long enough anyway. As usual my best friend had outdone herself with her choice of dress for me. It was a floor-length lacey black gown with a high halter neck and a swooping backline. I had to be careful when I bent down not to show off my butt crack.

  “Coming!” Cinder raced out of the bathroom to the door. She looked gorgeous in her navy blue silk gown that hugged the slinky curves of her tall, lithe figure.

  Apparently, Raf agreed because his baby blue eyes nearly popped out of his head when the door swung open. “You look beautiful.” He handed her a single navy rose, a perfect match to the dark hue of her dress, and then pulled her into a kiss.

  The sound of a throat clearing pulled my attention from the cute couple to the Fae prince lingering in the hallway. A pale blue suit clung to his broad shoulders and tapered down his lithely muscled torso. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I was certain he’d be entertaining his Fae harem in his own pre-dance extravaganza.

  “Raf invited me, so I came.” He held up a translucent bottle of shimmery lavender liquid. The twinkle matched that of his eyes as his gaze slowly traveled over my dress.

  My breath hitched from the intensity of his stare before I refocused on the sparkling liquid. My mouth watered. “Faery wine?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, come right in then.” I swung the door open further so he could get around the ridiculously cute lovebirds. I motioned him to the couch while I grabbed some plastic cups by the mini fridge.

  Drake eyed the cheap plastic as I approached, practically fondling his fancy faery wine.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have any crystal flutes, Your Highness.”

  He rolled his eyes and uncorked the bottle with a snap of his fingers. “I suppose those will have to do then.”

  Raf and Cinder sat in the loveseat across from us, a beaming smile on my best friend’s face. “I can’t believe we’re done with another semester. It’s all going by so fast.” Her nephilim boyfriend leaned in closer and ran his fingers over her arm in a gentle caress.

  “A toast?” Drake lifted the bottle of faery wine, the iridescent liquid catching the light.

  “Yes, please.” I held out my cup and passed two to the nauseatingly happy couple.

  We clinked our glasses together, the plastic not quite as resonant as fine crystal would’ve been, but at this point I didn’t really care. Tipping the cup back, I took a big chug.

  “Take it easy there, wild one.” Drake’s hand clamped on my wrist, drawing the wine away from my mouth. “I don’t want to spend the night holding your hair back as you empty the contents of your stomach in the toilet.”

  “Aww, Drake. You’d do that for me?” I smirked, placing my cup on the table.

  “If I had to.” He shrugged. “Sometimes enduring the dance and incessant female suitors is worse.”

  I had to su

ppress the dramatic eye roll threatening to come over me. Like Drake didn’t enjoy the constant flattery from his little faery harem.

  Maxi and Alissa whipped the adjoining bathroom door open, and their gazes instantly flew to Drake’s as if attracted by an invisible magnetic force. Their cheeks flushed almost simultaneously as they strutted over. In the past few months, they’d grown much less apprehensive of the Fae prince, and the notorious Seven. In fact, most of the students had. While no one knew exactly what we were doing, everyone remembered Luxora’s attack and our kick-butt rescue.

  The cute dragon shifters folded into the remaining seats, each choosing malta over the faery wine. I couldn’t blame them; the Fae stuff was lethal. I’d grown a tolerance from hanging out with Drake, but it still went to my head if I wasn’t careful.

  Maxi and Alissa chattered about the two dragon shifters taking them to the dance. I recognized their names but didn’t know them well. They were super excited so I assumed they were from the more important dragon families of Draeko.

  “Who are you going with Luna?” Maxi turned to me.

  “Oh, um… I just thought we’d all go together—”

  “I’m escorting Luna.” Drake sat forward, a crooked smile pulling at his lips.

  “You are?” I asked in unison with the other three females in the room.

  “We’re all here together, aren’t we?” The lilac cord pulsed, wrapping itself a little tighter around my heart.

  I quirked a brow at the ice prince. “I thought you said you never took a date to the dance because it made too big of a statement.”

  “Perhaps I’ve changed my position.”

  I grabbed Drake’s hand and hauled him up. “Excuse us,” I said to the others as I yanked him to the bathroom. Slamming the door behind us, Drake’s lips twitched as he watched me. “What are you doing?” I hissed.

  “Asking you to the dance.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring up at the prince. “No, really?”

  He reached for my hand as I eyed him suspiciously. “If you insist… Luna Hallows, will you go to the dance with me?”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Yes!” He raked his hand through his perfectly gelled platinum hair. “You certainly don’t make it easy.”

  “But why, just to keep your faery harem at bay?”

  Drake rolled his eyes as a grunt slid between his clenched lips. “Must I really spell it out for you?”

  “Yes, please, do.”

  His hand snaked around my neck, closing the distance between us, and his lips crashed into mine. Tilting my head to deepen the kiss, his frosty lips glossed over my own. Slowly, he coaxed my tongue loose, caressing it with his. After a few more lingering kisses, he pulled back.

  My jaw still hung open as my brain struggled to process what was happening.

  “Did that make it clear enough?” A flirty grin tipped up the corners of his lips.

  I took a step back to lean against the vanity. “I suppose it did,” I breathed out.

  “Good. So can we get back out there? I’d like to finish my wine before the dancing commences.”

  Stepping into the gym, my jaw dropped for the umpteenth time tonight. The vast space was draped in darkness with the exception of the full moon and twinkling stars above us. Hundreds of faery lights filled the room, bathing it in an ethereal glow. Lanterns hung from the four corners, the flickering flames casting mesmerizing shadows along the walls.

  It was dark, peaceful and romantic.

  Candelabras adorned the centers of the tabletops with bright candles and fragrant gardenias. The flowers scented the entire room with their sweet perfume. In the center was the dance floor, a white trellis of twinkling lights hovering over it.

  “Oh, it’s so beautiful!” Cinder crooned.

  “Very romantic.” Drake rolled his eyes but stopped mid-roll when I shot him a pointed glare.

  Raf took Cinder’s hand and ushered her toward the dance floor as a soft melody swirled in the air. Maxi and Alissa each broke off with their dates, moving to the center of twirling bodies.

  I scanned the gym turned magical starlit night, and a twinge of happiness bubbled up inside. I spotted Triston and Zephyr dancing with some shifter girls, Scarlett with her vampire coven, and Raine and Aeria giggling and drinking it up at the bar. My supe squad and my classmates were safe, and best of all, they were having fun.

  Apparently, even my headmaster.

  I ticked my head to a far corner of the room. “Hey Drake, look. Cillian is dancing with Calliope.”

  His light brows knitted as he watched the two angels float across the dance floor. A broad smile brightened the handsome angel’s face as Calliope whispered something in his ear.

  “That’s so cute,” I murmured.

  Drake’s gaze swerved from the cute angel couple, and then bounced from the dance floor to me and back.

  “We don’t have to dance if you don’t want to.” I placed my clutch down on the nearest table and pulled a seat out.

  “No. I want to.” The ice prince surprised me by taking my hand and interlacing his fingers through mine.

  I could’ve been imagining things, but I swore I felt the weight of my classmates’ stares boring into the back of my head as we weaved through the crowd. Drake finally stopped once we reached the crowded center and placed his hand on the small of my back, drawing me into his chest. My body relaxed against his as the melodic music moved my hips.

  If I closed my eyes, it was like we were back at Wintersbee Palace.

  “No waltzing this time,” Drake whispered in my ear.

  My eyes shot up to his. “How did you know I was thinking about that?”

  His shoulders lifted. “Because I was.”

  I leaned into his chest, his frosty lavender scent cocooning me in its embrace. I wasn’t sure when it had happened, but at some point Drake had become a safe place. He was more than my friend and my mentor. I found solace in his arms and with all the craziness going on in my life these days, I needed that.

  From the corner of my eye, Cinder’s curious gaze caught my attention. She waggled her eyebrows at the prince and me. I smiled and rested my head against Drake’s shoulder as he led me around the dance floor.

  Chapter 31

  Cinder showed up at my room bright and early, and it took everything I had not to hurl a pillow at her perky morning face.

  “How are you so awake right now?” I hissed as I burrowed deeper under the comforter. “You guys were out just as late as we were.” Glancing over at my roommate’s bed, I confirmed Scarlett had never even come back last night. She must’ve hit it off with that new vamp she’d been crushing on.

  “That’s true, but I didn’t overindulge in faery wine.” She smirked, and this time I did chuck a pillow at her. She laughed, dodging it easily. “Plus, I couldn’t wait to hear what happened with Drake after we went our separate ways in the dorms.”

  “Nothing happened. He dropped me off in my room.”

  “No more kissing?”

  I’d already filled her in on the impromptu make out session in the bathroom last night. “Okay, maybe just a little.” A smile split my lips as images of the night flashed across my mind.

  “So, are you guys together now?”

  “No… I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m ready for a relationship yet.”

  Cinder sat on the bed beside me. “Sweetie, it’s been almost six months since things ended with you and Ryder.”

  My eyes widened. Had it really been that long? Maybe it had officially, but it didn’t feel that way in my heart. “I just want to take it slowly,” I finally muttered. “Drake’s not exactly the nice, safe boyfriend I’d had in mind. He’s betrothed to the Spring Court princess, remember?”

  “Ugh,” she huffed. “Well, you’re only nineteen, you don’t need to be thinking about betrothals anyway.”

  “I might not have to, but Drake does.” I crumpled the comforter between my fingers. After everything I’d been through
with Ryder, getting involved with Drake was sounding like a worse idea by the second.

  She squeezed my leg and offered a reassuring smile. “Well, you have a two week break to think about it.”

  “That is very true.” I smiled and pushed the comforter back. “What time is Flare coming to get us?”

  “In about an hour so you better get packing. I’m all done.”

  “Of course you are.”

  She pushed me to my closet and started yanking down clothes from hangers. “Come on, I’ll help.”

  I grabbed a duffel bag and began filling it with whatever she pulled down. She was better at picking out my clothes than I was anyway. My phone dinged, and I dashed across the room to the nightstand where I’d left it. I scanned the screen and harrumphed.

  “What is it?”

  “Cillian wants to see the team before we all skip town.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.” My pulse quickened. It couldn’t be anything good if he called for a last minute emergency meeting.

  “Go. I’ll finish packing for you.”

  I pulled my friend into a hug before dipping into the bathroom to throw on some clothes. “Thanks, you’re the best, Cin,” I called out over my shoulder.

  Ten minutes later, I was trudging through the newly fallen snow to the training center. As my boots sunk into the freezing frost, I couldn’t wait to get to Draeko where spring would be in full swing. At least I could enjoy two whole weeks of more temperate weather.

  “Hey, wait up!”

  I spun around to see Drake traipsing toward me. My heart fluttered as memories of our heated kisses filled my thoughts.

  “How are you feeling after all that faery wine?” he asked as he sidled up beside me.

  “Not too bad. I think my tolerance has increased.” I smirked. “Kind of like your tolerance with me.”


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