True Faith and Allegiance
Page 55
He and his wife, Rebecca, have three sons, Jared, Graham, and Gabriel. They currently reside outside Nashville, Tennessee.
ABC News, on Hastert, 385
abdominal slapping, 196
abortion, parental notification for minor,
Abu Ghraib prison, 197
scandal, 203–205
Academy of Achievement awards
banquet, 441
Adam Walsh Act, 414
Adams, John, prayer of, 106
Addington, David, 99, 101, 170, 189, 372
and FBI clearances, 93
Goldsmith meeting with, 290–291
and Jefferson documents seizure, 372–374
new authorization for intelligence
collection, 297
on 9/11, 10
and Stellar Wind, 286
authorization, 316
and continuation, 325–326
discussion on, 296–297
meeting on concerns, 301
adversity, response to, 471–472
affirmative action, 213
Bush on, 208
in college admissions, 208–227
conversation with Bush on, 211
Afghanistan, 229
humanitarian aid for, 145
Northern Alliance in, 135
plan to send CIA operatives to, 134–135
prison riot in, 150
US Special Forces in, 150
war, 144, 229–232
Aguilar, Jay, 62
Air Force
basic training, 28–31
enlistment, 26–27
remote assignment, 29
Air Force Academy, 30–37
freshmen class council, 32
Preparatory School in Colorado
Springs, 32, 33
withdraw from, 34
Air Force One, Austin trip with Bush,
airline flights
American flight 77, 5, 14
grounding on 9/11, 10
restrictions by FAA, 4–5
United flight 175, 2
airline industry, financial impact of 9/11,
al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 289
al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 289
al-Qaeda, 3, 120, 121, 137
Bush on, 126
characteristics, 150–151
focus on, 229
Geneva and, 152
intelligence gathering on, 134–135
in Iraq, 266, 271
operatives in Faisalabad, Pakistan, 183
planned attacks in 2003, 202
threat report, 125
training camps as targets, 145
Zubaydah as member, 183–184
al-Qahtani, Mohammed, 198
Al Rashid Hotel, 270
al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 236
Alamo, 24
Alaska Methodist University, 30
Alcatraz, 157
alcoholism, of father, 21
Alito, Samuel, as potential Supreme
Court nominee, 352, 358
Gonzales meeting with, 343
Gonzales support for, 358–361
nomination, 364–365
Allbaugh, Joe, 56, 60, 88
as governor’s chief of staff, 60
at Republican convention, 82
on vice presidential candidate, 81–82
Allen, Ernie, 489n4
allies, and declaration of war, 125
America West airlines, 133
American airlines, 133
American flight 77, 5, 14
American citizen, as enemy combatant,
American Dream, 340, 471, 473
American Leadership Forum, 54
André, John, trial for spying, 164
Andrews Air Force Base, 7–8
golf at, 119
anthrax, 202
in Daschle’s mail, 146–148
anticipatory self-defense, law on, 237
apology, China demand for, 114–115
Arab countries, opposition to Hussein,
Arafat, Yasser, 247–248
Armitage, Rich, 348
Arrington, Jodey, 466
Arthur Andersen, 391
Ashcroft, Janet, 315, 317, 320
Ashcroft, John, 92, 96, 121, 136, 149,
166, 170, 189–190, 201, 299
approval of enhanced interrogation
techniques, 189
at Camp David planning session, 136
hospitalization, 292, 308
competence after surgery, 316
condition after surgery, 314–315,
Gonzales and Card visit, 314–320,
and Stellar Wind decision
participation, 301–302
transfer of position after surgery,
meeting on Michigan admissions, 211
meeting with congressional leaders, 141
on military commissions location, 170
on Moussaoui’s trial, 166
position on admissions programs and
race, 216
resignation after 2004 election, 344
in senior staff meeting on Sept 12,
2001, 124
and Stellar Wind
benefit of signature on
authorization, 314
problems, 300
reauthorization, 290, 291
and Supreme Court recommendations,
and USA PATRIOT Act, 146, 284
on university admissions brief, 222
views on Afghanistan, 154
At the Center of the Storm (Tenet),
athletics, 25
attention grasp, 195
attorney general of US. See also Gonzales,
Alberto R.
Ascroft as, 96. See also Ashcroft, John
oath of office, 472
priorities, 346–347
Rosenberg as chief of staff, 422
aurora borealis, 29
Austin American Statesman, 91
Austin-Bergstrom airport (Austin), 78
Austin, Texas
Gonzales departure from, 98
move to, 59
Sam Houston Building, 55
Australia, on military commissions,
authorization to use military force
(AUMF), 292–293, 486n1
Congress passage of, 141
Flanigan’s work on, 130
and intelligence collection, 292
Ayres, David, 319–320
Baghdad, 254, 259
reconnaissance flights, 267
Baker, James, 459
Baker, Jim, 293
Bakke case, 208, 226
Bartlett, Dan, 87, 115, 224
on achieving diversity, 220
and Bush address on Iraq, 280
conversation on Miers as potential
Supreme Court nominee, 360
Bartolomucci, Chris, 101
baseball, 23
Battle, Mike, 397, 430
Bell, Griffin, 171
Bellinger, John, 101, 179, 231, 238
Belmont University, 468–469
Berenson, Brad, 101
Bharara, Preet, 320, 347, 437–438
Bible study, 33
Biden, Joe
call for Gonzales resignation as
attorney general, 415
bsp; on potential military action against
Iraq, 242
view of Hussein, 255
bin al-Shibh, Ramzi, 165
capture of, 198
bin Laden, Osama, 120, 130, 135
access to criminal discovery
information, 181
bioterrorism, threats of, 146–148
birthday party for G. Bush, 70, 119, 442
Black, Cofer, 135
Blair, Tony, 176, 177, 257
meeting with Bush on Hussein, 245
Blix, Hans, 245, 251, 256, 259–260
analysis of Hussein’s weapons
declarations, 262
report to UN, 267
Bogden, Dan, planned removal as US
attorney, 398–399
Bogg, Danny Julian, 221–222
Bolten, Josh, 80, 81, 92, 128–129, 349,
372, 376, 386
meeting with Gonzales over Jefferson
documents, 376–377
phone call after Jefferson document
demand, 382–384
phone call to Gonzales on potential
resignation, 448–449
on possible Justice resignations, 381
in pre-inauguration meeting, 103
on president’s order on Jefferson
documents, 393–394
Boston, 39
Botsford, David, 68
Bowen, Stuart, 101
Bradbury, Steve, 368, 373, 414, 446
on congressional office search, 368, 370
on possible accommodations,
Brand, Rachel, 101, 361
Bridgeland, John, in pre-inauguration
meeting, 103
British detainees
proceedings for, 174–180
request to return to Britain, 181
Brooks & Dunn, 441
Brooks, Kix, 441
Brown, Reginald, 459
bulk e-mail, metadata on, 335
Bullock, Bob, 61, 70
Bush administration, position on
Michigan litigation, 210–211
Bush, Barry Lee, funeral service, 428
Bush Doctrine, 14
violation of, 237
Bush, George H.W., 46
election defeat, 51
job offer from administration, 48–49
Bush, George W., 51–58
address as president-elect, 94–95
address to joint session of Congress,
attempted assassination, 237
awareness of Gonzales activities after
DC, 467
birthday party for, 70, 119, 442
at Camp David planning session, 133
campaign for second term, 344
comments on Gonzales resignation,
communicating Stellar Wind problems
to, 300
conversation on affirmative action, 215
conversation on US attorney
dismissals, 418
conversation with Gonzales about
criticisms, 439
decision on war with Iraq, 271
Decision Points, 318, 328
in discussion of military commissions,
DUI arrest in 1970s, 86–87
farewell gathering for Gonzales, 464
gift of collected prayers, 458–459
Gonzales concerns over potential
Miers Supreme Court nomination,
Gonzales options for, 131–132
and Gonzales resignation, 445
decision on, 448–449
Gonzales visit before
announcement, 450
view on possible, 387–389
Gonzales view of, 85, 87–88
governor’s transition office, 56
on Hussein, 228, 245
instructions to senior staff of governor, 60
and interrogation techniques
information on, 186, 188
questions on, 197
invitation to return home to Texas, Jan
20, 2009, 465–466
letter to Gonzales, 455
meetings, 52
with Blair on Hussein, 240
with congressional leaders, 126
Gonzales’ first, 51–52
Gonzales’ first private, 56–58
with NYT publisher and editor, 333
and Michigan admissions policy, 214
on military commissions, 174–175
nicknames for others, 119
on 9/11, 3, 8, 10–11
9/11 address to nation, 13–14
9/11 attack response, discussion of, 139
9/11 Commission desire to interview,
openness about personal views, 273
opinion polls on presidential candidacy,
options on Michigan admission
programs, 210–211
personal lawyer for, 348
plans to run for president, 71–72
policy on treatment of captured al-
Qaeda and Taliban, 153
post-election phone call to Gonzales,
as presidential candidate
announcement, 79
committee to explore run, 80
Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB), 188
return to DC, 12
on Rice testifying before Congress, 338
signature on surveillance authorization,
statement on torture, 185
on Stellar Wind disputed collection
activities, 302
support for Gonzales in US attorney
dismissals, 423–424
support of death penalty, 63
and Supreme Court nominations,
341–343, 356
televised speech about Hussein option,
as Texas Governor, 51–52
time for decision making on Iraq, 239
on UN, 247
vice presidential running mate
discussion, 80
view on Jefferson document return,
views on Gonzales, 223–224, 464
on walls, 122
in White House, 111
White House staff, 92
Bush, Laura, 119, 444, 453
tour of private quarters, 464
Bybee, Jay, 194, 297
Byrd, Robert, 127
Cabeza de Vaca, Daniel, Gonzales meet-
ing with, 371
cabinet meeting, Jan 2003 reports on
Afghanistan and Iraq, 263
Calio, Nick, 141
on Judicial Selection Committee, 108
Cambridge, Massachusetts, move to, 37
Cammack, Kerry, 463
Camp David
Laurel Lodge, 134
legal implications of decisions, 139
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 243
strategy planning session, 132–140, 228
Cannon, Chris, 427
Card, Andy, 13, 80, 92, 100, 347
and Bush address on Iraq, 300–301
at Camp David planning session, 134
as chief of staff, 92, 106
communication with congressional
members, 325–326
and controversial issues in White
House, 188
conversation on Miers as potential
> Supreme Court nominee, 358–359
discussion of Stellar Wind metadata
collection, 303
discussion on Iraq, 235
and enhanced interrogation of
Zubaydah, 192–193
guidance on “new normal,” 127
hospital visit with Ashcroft, 314–322,
on Judicial Selection Committee, 109
on Labor Day celebration, 2001, 121
meeting on affirmative action, 212, 216
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 303
meetings on Supreme Court vacancy, 354
and Michigan admissions policy, 213
on Miers Supreme Court nomination
hearing, 364
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 243
reputation, 332
senior staff meeting, 106
standard for Oval Office access, 112
and Stellar Wind issues, 301, 308
and Supreme Court recommendations,
Card, Kathi, 149–150
Carlson, Gretchen, 417
Carnahan, Jean, 96
Carnahan, Mel, 96
Caroline test of self-defense, 238
Carroll, Jim, 459
Carter, Jimmy, 46, 71
casus belli, 232, 234
Bush and, 233
Catholic Church, 18, 20
CBS Early Show, 417
cell phones
bin Laden and, 181
electronic information from, 136
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 184
enhanced interrogation techniques, 186
approval, 193–194
intelligence information and Powell
speech to UN, 264, 266
interrogation, guidance on, 189–190
in Iraq, 229
report on Hussein and al-Qaeda,
233–234, 255
report on Iraq weapons of mass
destruction, 229
on terror threats, 120
updated report on chemical facility,
chain of custody challenge, 373
Charlton, Paul, planned removal as US
attorney, 398–399
chemical plant in Iraq
destruction, 266
Powell on, 266
strike options, 238
threat assessment, 238
chemical weapons
Hussein and, 228
testing, 236
use against Iraqi people, 237
Cheney, Dick, 6, 9, 80–81, 102, 111
on action against Saddam, 264
and affirmative action brief, 222–223
Bush communication on Ashcroft
hospitalization, 308
at Camp David planning session, 133,
chemical plant strike options, 234–235
criticism for war in Iraq, 230
and DAG offer for Stellar Wind
continuation, 324