dinner at home of, 118
discussion on Iraq, 232–233
Gonzales’ first meeting with, 81
heart problems, 107
on Hussein, 244, 260
interviewing potential Supreme Court
nominees, 352
and Iraq, 232
non-involvement in 9/11, 230
preparations, 264
ultimatum, 239, 240
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 303
meeting with Bush on affirmative
action policy, 216
and Michigan admissions policy, 213
in National Security Council meetings,
240, 276
9/11 Commission desire to interview,
on potential Iraq invasion, 138
questions on NSA authority, 283
on search of congressional documents,
and Supreme Court recommendations,
343–344, 355
in transition process, 93
Cheney, Lynne, 81
Chertoff, Michael, 380
and interrogation discussion, 190
Chiara, Margaret, planned removal as US
attorney, 398–399
chief counsel, Gonzales expectation of job
offer, 89
child pornography, 346
Chile, 271, 274
China, confrontation in April 2001,
Chirac, Jacques, 262
Christian church, assault on, 470
Church Committee investigations (mid-
1970s), 187
Church, Frank, 187
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
Cinco de Mayo events, at White House,
Ciongoli, Adam, 190
Circuit Court of Appeals, Sixth, on
Michigan Law School admissions
program, 221–222
civil liberties groups, opposition to
military commissions, 170
civil liberties, protection after 9/11,
Civil War, military commissions during,
civilian casualties, minimizing, 265–266
Clarke, Richard, 120, 338
classified information
difficulty in public discussion, 445
Justice Department investigation of
disclosure, 334
NYT leak, Oct 2004, 332
prohibition on publishing, 282
security for, 128
faith and, 67
racial discrimination in, 114
recommendations on, 62–64
requests for, 108
Clemens, Diane, 33. See also Gonzales,
Clement, Paul, 219, 220, 222, 446
Clements, Bill, 45–46
Clinton, Bill, 51, 71, 229, 489n2
pardons by, 108
Clinton, Hillary, view of Hussein, 255
Clinton, Roger, 108
CNN American Morning, 417
coalition of nations, opposition to
Hussein, 262
Cobb, Robert, 1, 101
Coburn, Tom, 434
call for Gonzales resignation, 435
Coleman, Bill, 118, 171
college, parents’ perspectives on, 24
Colorado, supermax prison, 157
Comey, James, 298, 304, 318, 328–329,
in Ashcroft hospital room, 318
questions on, 437–439
and Ashcroft responsibilities, 318
and Card, 320–321
Gonzales reaction to testimony, 437
information on meeting with
congressional leaders, 320
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns,
in national security briefings, 328
and NYT staff meeting, 333
on Gonzales, 439
in Judiciary Committee hearing,
on US attorneys dismissal,
commander in chief authority, 189,
292–293, 296–297, 485n1
and intelligence gathering, 284
and metadata records collection, 298
communication process, in White House,
communications center, as military target,
community service, 45, 53
House Judiciary Committee, hearing
on May 11, 2007, 436
Intelligence Committee, CIA
briefing on enhanced interrogation
techniques, 196–197
Judicial Selection Committee, 108–
109, 456
legislation on NSA authority, 310
oversight of government surveillance,
presidential determination letter for,
safeguard of communications, 368
Senate Intelligence Committee, NIE
from, 252–253
Senate Judiciary Committee
Bharara and investigation on US
attorneys’ removal, 437
Gonzales as witness on July 24,
2007, 445
Gonzales hearing, 427
Gonzales testimony in hearings,
hearing June 2004, 204–205
hearing on US attorney removals,
judge nominations evaluation, 110
Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence, 201, 252
congressional investigation, Gonzales
cooperation in, 430
congressional leaders
briefing on Iraq strategy, 249
and Bush decision on Stellar Wind,
Sept 4, 2002 meeting with president,
and Stellar Wind concerns, 309
Stellar Wind explained to, 310
support for Bush plans against
terrorism, 126
congressional resolution
on military force use in Iraq, 256
on regime change in Iraq, 230
on affirmative action, 221
Gonzales recommendations for
Supreme Court, 342
impact of Michigan issue on Gonzales,
reaction to Supreme Court Michigan
case, 225
Supreme Court nominees as, 341
Alito, 352
suspicion of Gonzales, 113
suspicion toward Gonzales, 219
Constitution (US), 101, 472
commander in chief authority, 189,
292–293, 296–297, 486n1
and intelligence gathering, 283
and metadata records collection,
Fourth Amendment reasonableness
standard, 283, 284–285
president and, 334
speech and debate clause, 368, 373,
374, 394, 488n2
Twenty-Fifth Amendment, 107–108
constitutional rights, of enemy
combatants in US, 156
ntact chaining, 287
Continental airlines, 133
continuity-in-government plan, xiii
Conyers, John Jr., 436, 487n3
Cornyn, John, 72, 73
costs, of military action, 249
counsel to president. See White House
counterterrorism, 141
covert actions, against Hussein,
possibility, 230
Cox, Doug, 102
cramped confinement, 195
criminal justice system, racial
discrimination in, 114
criminal trials, vs. military commissions,
criticism, response to, 469
cruise missile strikes, as potential 9/11
response, 135–136
Cub Scouts, 22–23
Cuban refugees, in Guantanamo, 158
Culvahouse, A.B., 102
Cummins, H.E. “Bud,” 418
testimony in Judiciary Committee
hearing, 404–405
Cutler, Lloyd, 102, 171
cyanide, for chemical weapons testing,
Daley, Bill, 91
Dallas Morning News, 95–96
Danforth, John, 92
Dannehy, Nora, 460
Daschle, Tom, 126, 313
anthrax in mail, 146
Gonzales meeting with, 141
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 309
on potential military action against
Iraq, 241
Davidson, Donna, 69
death penalty, 62–64. See also execution
of inmates
for WWII saboteurs, 164
Decision Points (Bush), 318, 328
declaration of war, 129–130
legal issues for, 125
Defense Department
budget, 47
interrogation rules, 198. See also
degrading treatment, 185
DeLay, Tom, 309
Delta airlines, 133
Democrats, political motivation of
investigations, 460
deputy attorney general. See Comey, James
Desert Storm
and Hussein, 228
no-fly zone after, 111, 229
detainees in Gitmo
arrival of first, 157
death of, 201
interrogations, 193–194. See also
process to return to home countries, 175
diet manipulation, 196
Dinh, Viet, 141
Dirksen Senate Office Building, anthrax
detection, 147
discovery procedures, 180–181
correcting mistakes of past, 218
against Hispanics, 24
diversity, 45
Bush and, 62, 74, 212
on Court, as Bush goal, 342–343, 354
in education
Supreme Court on, 226
university admissions policies, 209
in judicial appointments, 109
O’Connor vacancy and, 354
divorce, 48
Dobson, James, 77
DOJ. See Justice Department
Domenici, Pete, 428
domestic consequences group, 128–129,
Donovan, Ray, 460
Douglas MacArthur High School, 25
DRAFT document, on Geneva
Convention, 151–153
“Dream Team” of lawyers, 101
Dreyfuss, Heidi, 463
Dreyfuss, Larry, 463
DUI case, jury selection, 87
Dunn, Ronnie, 441
Durbin, Richard, 252
bulk metadata, 286–288
information collection on terrorists’
use, 282
EARS evaluation. See Evaluation and
Review Staff Reports (EARS
Edson, Gary, in pre-inauguration
meeting, 103
education, 469
Bush views on funding, 60
diversity in, Supreme Court on, 222
election watch party, in Texas, 90
electronic surveillance
president authority to conduct,
285–299, 486n1
warrant for, 137
Elmendorf Air Force Base, 31
Elston, Mike, 373, 382
Elwood, Courtney, 101
enemy combatants
American citizen as, 487n1
constitutional rights in US, 156
list of designated, 173
enhanced interrogation. See also
techniques authorized for CIA,
Enron case, 391–392, 462
Environmental Protection Agency, 39
equal protection court decisions, 209
Estrada, Miguel, 357–358
European Union, 231
Evaluation and Review Staff Reports
(EARS evaluation)
of US attorney offices, 405
vs. US attorney review, 429
Evans, Don, 174
Evans, Tobi, 467–468
evergreen lease with Cuba, 158, 160
evidence, civilian lawyer’s access to, 179–180
execution of inmates, 114
Timothy McVeigh, 117–118
witnessing, 63–64
executive privilege, 407
facial hold, 195
facial slap, 195
faith, 436
Falls Church, Bible study, 463
families, importance of, 470–471
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
air travel restrictions, 4–5
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
for judicial appointments, 109
for White House staff, 93
domestic spying, 187
offer of GPS watches for sons, 346
federal prisons, racial discrimination in, 114
Federal Reserve Board, 129
Federalist Society, 113
Feingold, Russell, 446
Feinstein, Dianne, 429, 446
questions about US attorney
dismissals, 399
Fielding, Fred, 93, 101, 102, 105, 423,
438, 456
encouraging Gonzales resignation, 443
office of, 105
Fiesta Americana Inaugural Ball, 104
filter team, for congressional office search,
financial support for terrorists, stopping
flow, 129
Fisher, Alice, 376, 379
on possible accommodations in
Jefferson search, 376–377
Fitzgerald, Patrick, 347
Flanigan, Katie, 463, 464
Flanigan, Tim, 3, 8, 14, 113, 189, 459,
463, 464
encouraging Gonzales resignation, 443
and executive order on military
commissions, 169–170
hiring, 100
work on AUMF, 130
Fleischer, Ari, 13, 80, 115, 218
and Bush address on Iraq, 280
Florida, in presidential election, 90–91
vote recount, 94
Focus on the Family, 77
Ford, Gerald R., 71
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA), 125, 136–137, 283, 285, 297
Court, 334
FISA Amendment Act of 2008, 335
FISA Modernization Act, 447
Fort Leavenwo
rth, Kansas, 157
Forward Early Warning Radar Site (Fort
Yukon, Alaska), 29
Fournier, Ron, 224
Fox and Friends, 417
Fox, Marta, 121
Fox, Vicente, 121, 271, 274
speech to Congress, 122
France, lack of support for US ouster of
Hussein, 262
Francisco, Noel, 101, 210, 219
Franks, Tommy, 144, 145, 157
briefing in Dec. 2002, 258
Bush advance notice of planned execute
order, 272
Bush instructions on minimizing
civilian casualties, 269
confidence level, 258
on Iraq civilians, 261
on Iraq plans, 258–260
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 243
on oil platforms in Iraq, 272
and start of Operation Iraqi Freedom,
Freeze, Jared (son), 50
French, Daniel Chester, 457
Frist, Bill, 147, 211
Garza, Emilio, 343
Garza, Juan, 275
general counsel. See also White House
responsibilities in Texas, 61
Geneva Convention III on the Treatment
of Prisoners of War (GPW),
151–154, 170, 481n11
George W. Bush Presidential Center, 467
Gephardt, Richard
Gonzales meeting with, 141
on potential military action against
Iraq, 242
lack of support for US ouster of
Hussein, 262
response to Iraq, 255
Gerson, Mike, 11, 132
on achieving diversity, 220
and Bush address on Iraq, 279–280
meeting with Bush on affirmative
action policy, 218
and Michigan admissions policy, 216
Gillespie, Ed, on Miers as potential
Supreme Court nominee, 360
Gitmo. See Guantanamo detention
gliders, 33
God, 34, 459, 463, 471, 472
faith in, 132
guidance from, 31, 55, 451
prayer to, 65, 414, 431, 436
before cabinet meetings, 459
Republicans and, 46–47
sense of humor, 451
trust in, 463–464
Goldsmith, Jack, 163, 290, 329, 349
in Ashcroft hospital room, 320
Gonzales view of, 294
meeting with Addington, 292–293,
and Stellar Wind authorization, 316, 326
DAG offer for continuation, 323–324
meeting, 305
visit to Gonzales home, 326–328
Goldsmith, Peter, 173, 177, 178, 179,
181, 482n 4
golf, at Andrews Air Force Base, 119–120
Gonzales, Alberto Graham (son), birth,
Gonzales, Alberto R.
as absentee dad, 345
appointment as Texas secretary of
state, 71–73
True Faith and Allegiance Page 56