as attorney general, 352–353
Bush choice for, 344–345
call for resignation, 415
confirmation hearings, 345
criticism, 346
Democratic effort for no-confidence
vote, 440
farewells, 456–457
Bush letter to, 455–456
campaign for Texas Supreme Court
reelection, 79
communication with Bush on Jefferson
documents, 380–381
congressional advice, 427–428
congressional hearing, April 19, 432–435
daily childhood routine, 19–20
education, 24–26
family background, 16–18
as general counsel to Governor Bush,
hearing as perjury trap, 429–430
inability to recall details, 433
planning for testimony, 431
hospital visit with Ashcroft, 315–322
marriage to D. Clemens, 38, 47–48
meeting with congressional leaders, 141
misstatements and perjury risk, 430
mother’s visit to DC, 340–341
on 9/11, 1–15
op-ed piece on US attorney dismissals,
perspective on possible Supreme Court
appointment, 226, 365
political views, 46
press conference questions about
Jefferson document search, 379
Bolten phone call on, 448–449
Bush and, 449–451
Bush comments, 454–455
call for, 442, 444–445
conversation with Becky on
possibility, 386
criticism as call for, 435–436
friends encouraging, 443
life after, 461–473
meetings after announcement, 455
news conference on announcement,
Senate Judiciary Committee efforts
to force, 446
visit with Bush before
announcement, 452
resignation letter, 387
on Rice testifying before Congress, 339
risk of criminal charges, 450
rumors as Supreme Court nominee,
207, 217, 358
siblings, 18
and Supreme Court recommendations,
at Belmont, 469
at Texas Tech University, 466
usual manner in meetings, 131
as weapons controller technician, 30
in White House, 111
work schedule on Sept. 10, 2001, 122
workload as general counsel, 109
Gonzales, Angie (sister), 340
Gonzales, Christina (sister), 18, 43, 340
Gonzales, Diane, 33
death, 49–50
marriage, 38
Gonzales family
in Austin, 109
health care, 21–22
living conditions, 17–18
support from, 19
Gonzales, Gabriel (son), 5, 89–90, 109,
in DC, 102
note to Bush, 459
school change, 467
Gonzales, Graham (son), 5, 89–90, 109,
college search, 468
in DC, 102
graduation from Belmont, 469
note to Bush, 458–459
school change, 467
Gonzales, Jared (son), 5
Gonzales, Maria (mother), 17–18, 21, 22,
37, 56
Gonzales, Pablo M. (father), 16–17, 20–21
accident and death, 41–42
optimistic attitude, 23
work ethic, 21
Gonzales, Paul (brother), 340
Gonzales, Rebecca (Becky), 10, 14, 48,
326, 355–356, 415
Bible study group support, 444
Bush conversation with, 451
conversation on possible resignation,
desire for return to Texas, 345
family transition responsibilities, 98
and governor’s general counsel job offer,
at hearing, 432
impact of allegations on, 449–450
impact of job as general counsel to
governor, 59–60
job change, 78
move to DC, 117
on 9/11, 4–5
parenting responsibilities, 206–207
and potential move to DC, 86
reading of criticisms, 436
reading of negative press, 440
return to college, 469
Gonzales, Rene (brother), 42
Gonzales, Theresa (sister), 340
Gonzales, Timmy (brother), 340
Gonzales, Tony (brother), 340
Gonzalez, Raul, resignation from Texas
Supreme Court, 74
Good Morning America, 417
Goodling, Monica, 489n3, 490n3
Gore, Al, 82, 86
concession, 94
concession retraction, 91
and Florida voting, 90–91
Goss, Porter, meeting on Stellar Wind
concerns, 309
government involvement, 46
Graham, Billy, 132
Graham, Bob, 252
Graham, Lindsey, 434
gratitude, 468
Graves, Denyce, 132
Gray, Boyden, 102
Great Britain
conditions for British detainees
standing trial, 174
hesitancy in military plans, 268
views on military commissions, 173–179
Greater Talent Network (speakers
bureau), 464
Griffey, Peggy, 275
Griffin, Tim, 404, 418–419, 421, 426
Guantanamo detention facilities, 151,
arrival of first detainees, 159
conditions, 160–161
efforts to close, 162
“evergreen” lease with Cuban
government, 158
list of detainees, 174
recapture of released detainees, 162
The Guardian, 282
gun violence at schools, 440
gun-waving incident, 201
habeas corpus rights, 159–160, 487n1
Hadley, Steve, 134, 149, 276
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 243
Haitian refugees, in Guantanamo, 158
Halabja, 228
Halliburton, 81
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 487n1
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 487n1
Hamdi, Yaser Esam, 487n1
Hamilton, Lee, 338
Hance, Kent, 466, 468
Harman, Jane, meeting on Stellar Wind
concerns, 309
Harris County Republican National
Hispanic Assembly, 47
Hart Senate Office Building
anthrax in, 147
closed, 148
Harvard Law School, 36–37, 38, 39
Association Award, 43
financial package, 39
graduation from, 43
Hastert, Dennis, 126, 369, 395
ABC News on, 385
Gonzales efforts to call, 375
Gonzales meeting with, 141
��meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 309
meetings on concerns over
congressional office search, 373
statement on Jefferson document
return, 381
Hatch, Orrin, 225, 345, 427
Hayden, Mike, 197, 283–284, 288–289,
298, 332, 446, 485n1
lawyers as experts on privacy and
intelligence, 301
and Pat Philbin, 290
Stellar Wind surveillance program
discussion of metadata collection, 303
explained to congressional leaders,
meeting, 303, 309, 313
problems, 301
and surveillance continuation, 324–325
Haynes, Jim, 169, 170, 175, 178–179,
199, 202, 203, 233
on protected sites, 269
travel to London, 175
Haynes, William J. II, 167–168
Hertling, Richard, 487n3
high school, 25–26
high school diploma, 24
Hills, Carla, 92
Hispanic groups, 443
Hispanic Presidential Inauguration Gala, 103
as Bush advisers, 62
Bush relationship with, 74
Gonzales as role model, 112
in leadership, 472
Hogan, Thomas, 371
ruling on Jefferson documents, 394
Holder, Eric, 347
Homeland Security briefing team, 424
homeland security legislation, advisors’
meeting with Bush on, 250
hops, in contact chaining, 287
horseshoes, 119–120
hotels, as military targets, 269–270
house construction, 19
House of Representatives
Judiciary Committee, hearing on
May 11, 2007, 436
political party control, 400
Gonzales treatment after resignation, 462
law firms, 41
Houston Belt and Terminal Railroad
Company, 26
Houston Chronicle, 371
Houston Forum, 371
Houston Hispanic Forum, 45
Houston International University, 45
Howard, George, 142
Hughes, Karen, 11–12, 60, 88, 95, 115
and Bush address on Iraq, 280
as communications director, 95
on Labor Day celebration, 2001, 122
statement on death penalty, 66
human rights abuse, Hussein and, 228
human rights groups, and prisoner
treatment, 185
humanitarian aid, for Afghans, 145
humanitarian catastrophe, force as
response to, 237
Humble, Texas, 19–20
Huntsville, Texas, execution of inmates,
hurricane preparedness measures,
meeting on, 381
Hurricane Katrina, 367
Hussein, Saddam, 137, 228–229
Bush on, 245, 247
congressional resolution on military
force against, 255
defiance of UN resolutions on
inspection, 229–230
impersonators, 244
Iraq military general attempt to
assassinate, 271
lack of support for US ouster, 262
need to remove, 228–229
possession of yellowcake, 253
and Sept. 11 attacks, 228
weapons declaration, 259
weapons of mass destruction
capabilities, 278–279
Hutcheson & Grundy (law firm), 36–37
Hyde, Henry, on potential military action
against Iraq, 242
Iglesias, David
planned removal as US attorney, 398,
testimony in Judiciary Committee
hearing, 404
immigration, 16
Bush interest in reform bill, 207
illegal in Texas, 71
Inauguration Day ( Jan 20, 2001),
inauguration week (2001), 102–104
Incirlik Air Base, US military facilities
in, 256
information, security for classified, 127
infrastructure in Iraq, destruction and
rebuilding, 270
insects in confinement box, 195
inspector general, 200–201
investigation, 486n1
report, 311, 460
intelligence gathering
interrogations, 183–205
methods for collecting and sharing, 137
need after 9/11, 281
International Atomic Energy Agency, 228
international coalition on Iraq, Bush
efforts to build, 279
International Criminal Court (ICC), 191
International Red Cross, visits to
Guantanamo, 159
Internet, legal authority to search, 136
interrogations, 193–194
Bush information on techniques, 186
criticism of techniques, 189
enhanced types, 184
Gonzales connection to policy, 204
prisoners of war and, 200
Yoo development of additional
techniques, 199
Iran, 137, 470
Iraq, 137
budgeting for future conflict, 231
Bush decision on war with, 271
congressional resolution on regime
change, 229
constitution development, 447
as enemy of United States, 237
Gonzales trip to, 356, 447
history of defiance, 229
invasion as mistake, 278
legal work to justify use of force, 231
need to disarm, 251
no-fly zone after Desert Storm, 111,
oil, 229
discussion, 236
goals for, 270
strategy planning session and, 228
ultimatum before military action, 239
UN resolution condemning weapons
programs, 257
unmanned aerial vehicles, 232
US message to people, 274
use of force congressional resolution,
view of potential invasion, 138
Iraq Liberation Act, 229
Iraqi Republican Guard, 272
Islamist AKP party, in Turkish
Parliament, 256
Israel, relationship with, 470
Jackson, Alphonso, 174, 444, 463
Jackson, Andrew, use of military
tribunals, 164
Jackson, Marcia, 463
Japan, 271
Jefferson, William, investigation for
bribes, 366–371
conviction on money laundering and
conspiracy, 395
FBI search of office, 371–372
motion to have documents returned,
possibility of documents return, 373,
Johnson, Anne, 98, 463
Johnson, Clay, 60, 92, 463
departure from Austin, 98
on expected Gonzales job offer, 89
on Gonzales qualifications for White
House counsel, 84–86
as transition team leader, 83–84
view on Addington, 100
Johnson, Lyndon B., 187
Johnson v. Eisentrager, 160
Jones, Louis Jr., federal execution of,
Judge Advocates General ( JAGs), 168
criticism of interrogation techniques, 200
judge, view on limited role of, 341
judicial appointments, identifying and
interviewing candidates, 108
judicial bypass, for parental notification of
abortion for minor, 75–77
judicial candidates, conversation with
Bush on, 276
Judicial Selection Committee, 108–109,
jury duty, Bush called for, 87
just cause for war, 243
Justice Department, 136
Ashcroft argument for role of, 169
on CIA interrogations, 197
Criminal Division, Public Integrity
Section, protocol involving, 418
and enhanced interrogation techniques,
event for wounded soldiers, 423
farewell ceremony, 456
FISA and, 137
Gonzales and, 325
Gonzales as attorney general, 352–353.
See also Gonzales, Alberto R.
Gonzales leadership, 426
Gonzales on reforms, 418
impact of hearings, 435
information on meeting with
congressional leaders, 320
inspector general, 200
report, 311, 460
investigation on classified information
disclosure, 334
meeting and recommendations for US
attorney dismissals, 433
Office of Professional Responsibility
(OPR), 348, 422
resignation threats, 327, 382, 385
rumors of politicized, 403
vs. White House, on Jefferson
documents, 377–378
White House staff and, 299
Kaplan, Joel, 372, 385
Katrina (hurricane), 367
Kavanaugh, Brett, 101, 219, 222, 223
Kean, Thomas, 338
Keesler Air Force Base (Biloxi), 28
Keisler, Peter, as interim attorney general,
Keller, Bill, 333
Kempthorne, Dirk, 444
Kenedy Allien Detention Camp, 17
Kenedy, Texas, 16–17
Kennedy, John F., 346
Kennedy, Robert F., 346
Kerry, John, 255
Khobar Towers (Saudi Arabia), bombing,
Khurmal chemical factory, 236
destruction, 266
Kinsler, Jeff, 468
Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service,
Kollar-Kotelly, Colleen, 335
Krauthammer, Charles, opposition to
Miers nomination, 363
Labor Day holiday (2001), 121–122
Lackland Air Force Base (San Antonio), 28
Lam, Carol, 400
planned removal as US attorney,
testimony in Judiciary Committee
True Faith and Allegiance Page 57