Gonzales “Listening Tour” and,
Gonzales support of, 440
as presidential appointees, 411
Sampson review of, 397–398
Senate confirmation, 418
US Circuit Courts, nominees for, 117
US government, separation of powers,
US military, Geneva and, 154
US/Soviet nuclear arms policies of
Mutually Assured Destruction, 29
US Special Forces, in Afghanistan, 150
US Supreme Court, 158
arguing case on enemy combatants in
military proceedings, 180
Bakke case, 208, 226
and Florida ballot count, 94
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 487n1
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 487n1
influence on American society, 341
and Jefferson documents, 393–394
Johnson v. Eisentrager, 160
on Michigan cases, 226
nomination process
Bush and, 342–345
Bush decision on Miers, 363
Bush to Gonzales as not option,
Gonzales concern for, 360–361
research on potential nominees, 343
screening potential nominees,
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), 341
Ex parte Quirin, 164, 169
Rasul v. Bush, 160
Roe v. Wade (1973), 75, 341
rumors of Gonzales appointment, 112,
207, 217, 358
rumors of vacancy, 116
USA PATRIOT Act, 137, 141, 284, 333,
Ashcroft and, 146
US attorney appointment powers, 400
and US attorney interim appointment,
university admissions policies, racial
diversity in, 209
University of Michigan
admissions program, 208–226
Bush administration options,
Bush position on, 221
memo from solicitor general’s office,
uranium oxide, milled, British intelligence
about, 253
US Constitution. See Constitution (US)
USA Today, 410, 432
on US attorney removals, 406–407
USS Cole, attack, 120
Vega, Jorge, 62
Vinson & Elkins (Houston law firm), 41,
44–45, 462
leaving job, 59
partnership goal, 48, 49
Virginia Tech University, shooting, 431, 440
Walker, Helgi, 101
Walker, Mary, 200
wall standing, 195
Wall Street Journal, 226, 460
on Gonzales racial quotas opinion,
Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, 468
walling, 195
Walters, John, Gonzales meeting with,
Bush on state of, 13
inevitability of, 260, 263
just cause for, 242
legal implications of word use, 125
legal issues for declaring, 125, 129–130
rules for spoils, 232
war crimes, 191, 294
War of 1812, military tribunals during,
Warner, John, on potential military action
against Iraq, 242
Washington DC
Becky Gonzales and potential move
to, 86
Blair House, 103
cost of living, 345
Gonzales’ efforts to return on 9/11,
National Cathedral, 132
on 9/11, 9
Old Executive Office Building
(OEOB), 105–107
perception of truth, 413
politics, 471
Washington, George, use of military
court, 164
Washington Post, 444
on affirmative action position of
administration, 213
on Michigan admissions policy, 215
Washington Times, Gonzales draft memo
in, 152–153
water dousing, 196
waterboarding, 193, 196
McCain on, 482n9
officer conviction for ordering, 482n11
OLC opinion on, 193
weapons controller technician, Gonzales
as, 30
weapons of mass destruction (WMD),
131, 231, 241, 252, 257, 259
absence of discovery, 266–267
CIA report on Iraq, 229
Hussein’s capabilities, 278–279
Powell on Iraq possession, 266
request on status, 252
Whilden, Bob, 52
White House, 105
birthday party for G. Bush, 119, 442
botulinum toxin, 148–149
Christmas party invitation, 2008, 465
Cinco de Mayo events, 117
communication in, 153
controversial issues in, 188
DOJ absence from inclusion in
meetings, 319
Easter egg roll, 115
evacuation orders by Secret Service, 4
final visit as attorney general, 457
friends and family tours, 106
vs. Justice Department, on Jefferson
documents, 377–378
on 9/11, 9
Oval Office, 464
access, 112
early morning conversations, 113–114
preparations for Bush address to
nation, 279
private dining room near Oval Office,
security issues, 127
Situation Room, 276–277
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns,
state dinner, 121
T-ball game on South Lawn, 444
tennis courts, 120
White House Correspondents’ Dinner,
White House counsel
announcement of Gonzales as, 95
Gonzales qualities for, 84–86
Gonzales workload as, 109
office of, 105
office staff, 93
responsibilities of, 107
White House staff, 92
announcement of, 95
caution around support staff, 127
debate over trials for terrorists, 165
emergency planning for families, 149
FBI clearance for, 93
inoculations, 149
and lawyers, 299
need for attorneys, 347–348
selection, 101
senior staff meeting, 103
Sept 18, 2001 period of silence, 140
stress counseling for, 127
swearing in, 106
transportation for senior staff after
9/11, 128
Whitehouse, Sheldon, 418, 446
Wilkinson III, J. Harvie, as potential
replacement for Rehnquist, 352,
Will, George, opposition to Miers
nomination, 363
Williams, Daryl, 173, 174
Williams, Pete, Gonzales interview with,
Wilson, Joe, 347
Wilson, Margaret, 69, 72
as Texas secretary of state, 66
Wilson, Roger, 96
Wolff, Candi, 374, 379, 381
Wolfowitz, Paul, 134, 137
women, on Governor Bush’s staff, 62
work ethic, 21
World Trade Center, 2. See also 9/11
collapse, 7
World War II, military commissions
during, 164
Yale law school, 36–37
Yates, John, 463
yellowcake, British intelligence about, 253
Yoo, John, 168, 170, 189, 192, 272, 297
and interrogation discussion, 189, 199
and legal guidelines for interrogations,
legal opinion reversal, 348–349, 351
as presidential war powers expert, 285
Young, Evan, 467
Zarqawi network, 266
Zubaydah, Abu, 121, 183
conversation with Bush about, 188
enhanced interrogation, 194
CIA permission to use, 191
impact, 198
True Faith and Allegiance Page 60