Pryor, Mark, 419, 421–422
on Gonzales as liar, 420
“quaint,” to describe Geneva Convention
components, 151, 152
Quirin, Ex parte, 164, 169
quitting, 34
quotas, opposition to, 214–215
race, justification to consider in college
admissions, 208
racial relations in America, 207–208
Raciocot, Mark, 92
racism, 443
Rahman, Omar Abdel, 181
Rasul v. Bush, 160
Rayburn House Office Building, planned
FBI search, 367–371
Reagan, Ronald, 46
Reason to Believe (RTBs), 174
Reed, Harry, 356
Regents of the University of California v.
Bakke, 208
Rehnquist, William, 352
death, 357
religion, 20
church attendance decline during law
school, 40
Republican Guard, 259
Republican Party
Gonzales’ interest in, 46–47
National Convention in Houston
(1992), 49
in Texas, 45–46
Republicans, suspicions about Gonzales,
resignation. See also under Gonzales,
Alberto R.
Gonzales discussion with Bush, 388
news media on threats, 393–394
review panel for military commission
decisions, 179
British demand for, 176–178
Rice, Condoleezza, 6, 13, 80, 332
and botulinum scare, 149
on British detainees, 176
and Bush address on Iraq, 276–280
on Bush, and war, 243
at Camp David planning session, 133,
and China confrontation, 115
discussion of public testimony before
9/11 Commission, 338
discussion on Iraq, 235–236
on Labor Day celebration, 2001, 122
meeting agenda preparation, 136
meeting with Bush on affirmative
action policy, 218
and Michigan admissions policy, 216
and military commissions, 170
as National Security Council advisor,
92, 95
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 240
Rice University, 23–24, 34
acceptance as transfer student, 34
Economic Summit of Industrialized
Nations, 49
graduation from, 37
political science, 36
Rice, William Marsh, 35
Rich, Marc, 108
pardon, 489n2
Richards, Ann, 51–52
ricin, for chemical weapons testing, 236
Ridge, Tom, 80, 133, 149
Risen, James, 332
Rizzo, John, 189, 194
Roberts, John, 343
Bush decision to nominate, 356–357
as chief justice, 360–361
as potential replacement for Rehnquist,
352, 357
Roberts, Pat, meeting on Stellar Wind
concerns, 309
Robertson, Pat, 66
Rockefeller, Jay, 312
meeting on Stellar Wind concerns, 309
Rodriguez, Maria. See Gonzales, Maria
Roe v. Wade (1973), 75, 341
Roehrkasse, Brian, 446
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 164–165
military commissions, 169
precedent for, 175
Rosenberg, Chuck, 422
and NYT staff meeting, 333
Rove, Karl, 60, 80, 87, 103, 220, 343, 421,
on achieving diversity, 218
conversation on Miers as potential
Supreme Court nominee, 360
on Judicial Selection Committee, 108
meeting on affirmative action, 213, 218
meeting on racial diversity in education,
meetings on Supreme Court vacancy,
on national security, 250
in pre-inauguration meeting, 103
on Senate Democrats efforts to damage
Bush’s credibility, 404
and Supreme Court recommendations,
RTBs (Reason to Believe), 174
Rumsfeld, Donald, 111, 144, 199, 259
appointment of review panel, 482n1
approval of enhanced interrogation
techniques, 199–202
at Camp David planning session, 133,
and China confrontation, 115
debate with Powell, 230–233
on deployment orders, 260
on Guantanamo, 158
on Iraq
chemical plant strike, 239
discussion, 232–235
intelligence inside, 231
potential invasion, 138
ultimatum, 239
view of non-involvement in 9/11, 230
on message to Turks, 272
on military plans, 276
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 240
and Operation Enduring Freedom, 145
on Spann death, 150
support after Gonzales resignation,
and war on terror, 243
Rumsfeld, Joyce, 149–150, 462
Ryan, Kevin, 400
planned removal as US attorney,
Salazar, Ken, 422
same-sex marriage, Supreme Court on,
Sampson, Kyle, 349, 361, 381, 382, 385,
386, 404, 406, 411, 428
e-mail about plan to appoint Griffin,
meetings on concerns over
congressional office search, 373
on possible accommodations in
Jefferson search, 379
resignation, 416–417
offer, 412–413
review on US attorneys, 397–398
testimony, 426–427
on interim appointments, 419
and US attorneys review, 411–412
San Francisco, US attorney office morale
and mismanagement issues, 399
“Saturday Night Massacre,” 327, 382
Saudi Arabia, 233
Scalia, Antonin, 342, 357
schools, gun violence at, 440
Schroeder, Gerhard, 262
Schumer, Charles, 204, 347, 401, 446
call for Gonzales resignation as
attorney general, 415
meeting on documents for Judiciary
Committee, 408–409
press release, 428–429
Scolinos, Tasia, 406, 411–412
Scud missile defenses, 258
search and seizure, unreasonable, 283,
search warrant, 284–285
Secret Service, 11
Securities and Exchange Commission,
for classified or sensitive information,
criminal trials and, 179
military commissions and, 163
for White House, 128
law on anticipatory, 237
; preemptive, 238
self-esteem, 25
confirmation of US attorneys, 418
political party control, 400
Senate Intelligence Committee, NIE
from, 252–253
Senate Judiciary Committee
Bharara and investigation on US
attorneys’ removal, 437
Gonzales testimony in hearings, 334,
425, 445
hearing June 2004, 204–205
hearing on US attorney removals,
judge nominations evaluation, 110
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
declassification of hearing on NIE
report, 252
senators, home-state, in judicial
confirmation process, 420
separation of powers, 337–340
September 11, 2001 attacks. See 9/11
Sessions, Jeff, 433
sex offenders, 414
Shelton, Hugh, 111, 134, 135, 139
shock, 272
Skilling, Jeff, 391, 462
skin color, and education opportunities, 208
sleep deprivation, 128, 195
Smith, Lamar, 436
Snow, Tony, 424, 426
Snowden, Edward, 282
soldiers, requirements for POW
protection, 153
Somerset, Pennsylvania, 6
sorties, 272
Southern Methodist Center, George W.
Bush Presidential Center, 467
Soviet Union, 29
in Afghanistan, 134
Spanish-American War, military
commissions during, 164
Spann, Johnny Michael, 150
Specter, Arlen, 110, 345, 432, 434, 435
meeting on documents for Judiciary
Committee, 408–410
speech and debate clause, 368, 373, 374,
394, 488n2
Spellings, Margaret, 60, 440
spoils of war, rules for, 232
Stabenow, Deborah, 2
Stellar Wind surveillance program,
281–295, 487n1
authorization, 285–286
authorized modifications, 331
baskets, 286–287
Bush conversation on concerns, 304
congressional leaders and Bush
decision on, 327–328
congressional leaders briefing, 288
contingency of continuation, 288
conversation with Bush on concerns,
DAG offer for continuation, 323–324
exoneration of Gonzales by inspector
general, 460
Gonzales accused of perjury, 445
Gonzales signature for authorization,
Gonzales view on March 11
authorization, 328
meetings on problems, 296
Mueller instructions on, 330–331
OPR officials’ clearances for review of,
problem of metadata collection,
questioning of Comey, 437
Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP)
in, 286–287
Stephanopoulos, George, 417
Storm, Hannah, 417
Straw, Jack, 257
stress counseling, for White House staff,
stress positions, 195
strict scrutiny standard, 211
Sulzberger, Arthur Jr., 333
Sununu, John, 57
superintendent’s list (Air Force
Academy), 33
Sutton, Johnny, 402–403
Sweeney, Bill, 463
Sweeney, Mary, 463
symmetrical response to offense, 238
Talbot, David, 61
Taliban, 135
characteristics, 150–151
intelligence gathering on, 134–135
as priority, 138
US treatment of prisoners, 153–154
Tamm, Thomas M., 334
at Belmont, 469
at Texas Tech University, 466
telecom companies, cooperation of,
Telecommunications Act of 1996, 294
telephone. See also cell phones
information collection on terrorists’
use, 285
risk from sharing sensitive information,
system in Iraq, as military target, 270
Tenet, George, 111, 120, 121, 184
at Camp David planning session, 134
At the Center of the Storm, 254–255
directions for Zubaydah treatment,
on enhanced interrogation techniques,
for Zubaydah, 192–193
on Hussein, 243
on information gathering, 282–283
on Iraq potential invasion, 138
National Security team meeting with
Bush, 243
and Operation Enduring Freedom,
on overnight threat reports, 246
plan to send CIA operatives to
Afghanistan, 134–135
in senior staff meeting on Sept 12,
2001, 124
and Stellar Wind, 301
discussion of metadata collection,
meeting on concerns, 305, 309
at UN, 265
uncertainty in NIE report, 253
terrorism, 470
defeating as priority, 124
information collection about phone
calls and e-mails, 285
president legal authority to battle, 146
stopping money flow to, 129
threats in summer 2001, 121–122
threats of attacks, 206
war on, 11, 125
Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP),
291, 445
in Stellar Wind, 286–287
terrorists, White House staff debate over
trials for, 163
Terwilliger, George, 460
attorney general election, 61–62
Board of Pardons and Paroles, 63, 68
execution of inmates, 62–64
Gonzales appointment as secretary of
state, 71–73
Senator’s communication with, 252
Texas A&M University, George Bush
Presidential Library and Museum
dedication, 70–71
Texas Supreme Court
Gonzales on, 74–77
Gonzales resignation plans, 93
Texas Tech University, teaching at, 466
Texas-Wyoming Ball, 104
Thomas, Clarence, 142, 342
judiciary committee transcripts of
Supreme Court confirmation
hearing, 116
Thompson, Jim, 463, 464
Thompson, Larry
approval of enhanced interrogation
techniques, 190
and interrogation discussion, 190
meeting with congressional leaders, 141
mistakes in detention actions after
9/11, 201–202
Thompson, Sharla, 463, 464
threat reports
on al-Qaeda, 125
and 9/11 attacks, 8–9
Thurmond, Strom, 211
tobacco companies, suit to recover
Medicaid costs, 71–74
Toobin, Jeffrey, 438
torture. See also interrogations
agents risk of prosecution, 189, 193–194
US agreement to prohibit, 185–187
Tower, John, 45
Townsend, Fran, 380, 465
transition team
for Bush presidency, 83–84
expenses, 99
Transportation Security Administration
(TSA), 289
Treasury Department, 129
Tribe, Laurence, 84
truth, vs. politics, 431
Tucker, Karla Faye, death penalty for,
Turkey, 233
Bush concerns about, 258
concerns, 268
and regime change in Iraq, 233
and US military, 256, 272
Turner, Rebecca, 48. See also Gonzales,
Rebecca (Becky)
marriage to Gonzales, 50
Turow, Scott, One L, 39
Uniform Code of Military Justice, 170
United airlines, 133
United flight 93, 6
United flight 175, 2
United Nations, 138
Bush address to General Assembly
(Sept 12, 2002), 248
Bush on, 251
Bush view of inspections, 256
Convention Against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhumane, or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment (CAT),
185–187, 189
Hussein and, 229
inspectors in Iraq, 262
no-fly zone after Desert Storm, 111,
on date and time for inspections,
on Iraq, 244–245
lack of support for, 249–250
on lethal force, 257
and weapons inspection, 249
Sadam’s report to, 259
Security Council, 274
support for Resolution 1441, 257
US anti-torture statute, 185
OLC opinion examining, 195–196
US Army Field Manuals, 185–186, 198,
US attorneys, 396–397
decision to leave, 399
Bharara and investigation, 438
Bush and, 397, 399–401
Bush conversation on, 403, 418,
Bush support for Gonzales, 423–424
Comey testimony, 439–440
Gonzales meeting on plans, 398
inspector general review of, 421
investigator finding of no
wrongdoing, 460
McNulty testimony, 410–411
November 2006 meeting on
recommendations, 433
planned removals, 398–399
questions about, 414
Senate Judiciary Committee
hearings on, 404–405
Evaluation and Review Staff Reports
(EARS evaluation), 405, 428
True Faith and Allegiance Page 59