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Winds Of The Apocalypse

Page 10

by Novak, Karina

  Silence took over the room, both Colin and Din stared at Casey as Toby let go of her and stepped back. Casey rubbed her arms while Toby had to fight back his impending urge to just get out of there so he won't have to face her.

  Toby gulped loudly, He had never heard Casey's voice so cold and cruel before, Casey had never spoken to anyone like that, not even to the people he knew she hated.

  Morgan stood, looking at them, not quit knowing how to react to Casey’s accusations. "You…You hit her?!" Morgan finally managed to question, his mind not so functioning at the knowledge that someone had hurt his baby sister, Morgan slowly breathed in. “You…Hit…Casey…?” He asked, his head spinning with heat as he slowly raised his eyes to meet Toby’s.

  ”I told you that he would have your head.” Colin whispered but Toby shushed him.

  "I had no choice." Toby apologized, not sure if the apology was meant more for Casey or for Morgan, it was probably not enough for both.

  "She wouldn't have come here if I hadn't knocked her out. I had to use force. I’m sorry.”

  He said, taking another step back, deathly terrified of the scorching energy that was now radiant from Morgan’s body.

  "When this is over..." Morgan said coldly, taking another shuddering breath in.

  "Remind me to punch you. Hard."

  “Can I forget to mention that?” Toby attempted to bargain.

  “Not likely.” Morgan hissed, turning his attention back to his twin, ignoring Toby's nervous half laugh.

  ”Casey?” Morgan tried again but Casey was currently busy staring at Toby.

  "Who the fuck are you talking to?!" She demanded, hoping for a different answer from the one her friends were torturing her with.

  "We already told you! It’s Morgan!"

  ‘No, still the same shit.’ Casey sighed as Toby snapped at her, irritated, he just didn't have the strength for this anymore.

  "God, you are sick, all of you,” Casey shook her head sadly. “You are just a bunch of sick bustards!” She sniffed. “I thought you were my friends! How dare you torture me like this?! Well, I am done with this bullshit! This is me, going! Now! Goodbye."

  She bellowed, turning away from her friends and off to the door again.

  "Wait!" it was Din who jumped in front of her this time.

  “Please…” Casey begged, powerless, “Please, just let me go. I want to be with Morgan.”

  “No! But you are!” Casey tried to walk around him. “Wait Casey.” Din grasped her arm, looking back at her twin.

  “Morgan!” he glared at the blond teen that stood there as if powerless himself.

  "Will you do something rather than just stand there?!” He questioned.

  “What?” Morgan glared back.

  “I don’t know!” Din hissed, “Just prove it to her somehow! Show her that you are still here!"

  "But how?” Morgan looked at his friends for answers. “What can I do?"

  "I don’t know!” Din stumped his foot. “But do it fast! C'mon! Just do anything! Now!"

  Morgan breathed in and then his eyes darted across the room, there had to be some way...

  ”There!” He almost cheered at the sight of a red big marker that lay on Din’s table.

  A sudden idea hit him, it was an overdone cliché he saw countless times in movies but none the less he had hurried to the table and made an attempt at the marker.

  “Shit!” His hand went right through it.

  “Get angry Morgan!” Din encouraged him and this time, when Morgan had willed everything in him for that little pin point the marker was hit by his hand like stone that crashed stone, the noise was inaudible to the others but Morgan sensed a sense of victory as he raised the marker and hurried with it to the far end wall.

  "Din! Let me out of here!" Casey begged, now trying forcefully to get her friend away from the door he was blocking but Din wasn't moving, in fact, he wasn't even looking at Casey, instead he was just staring at the wall behind him. "Din…"

  "Casey," Din looked down at her. "Turn around please."

  "What…?" Casey blinked at him." You are not keeping me here another moment! I will not just stand here submissive to your little games! I had enough so…"

  "Casey! Just turn the fuck around! Please!" Din's pleading voice along with a soft push to her shoulder had finally got to Casey, she realized with a fright that until they were satisfied with their little game her friends were not going to let her go back to Morgan and it wasn't going to be over. So, without having any choice Casey sighed deeply, promising herself that after this she will severe all contact with these insane people and then, feeling quit faint from all this turmoil she finally did as she was told and turned slowly around to see what they wanted to show her.

  The minute her body was turned from Din and her eyes focused on the wall in front of her Casey gasped in shock, her mind feeling like it was going to boil over as she took a step back only to collide with Din that had reached his hands to catch her, preventing her from running away from the unnatural sight.

  Casey took a deep breath, her eyes following the floating marker, lingering there in front of them in midair, scribbling a red painted message on the white wall paper, a red painted message that was undoubtedly directed to her.

  Casey took another deep breath, she was not going to get her hopes up that this was really happening, she just couldn't 'Right? I am probably still passed out from the moment Toby hit me.' She tried to convince herself. ‘It is just a clever joke.’ She said to herself. ‘It will all be over in a second.’ But the marker kept moving and the 'dream' wasn't ending, 'Could it really be?'

  "Morgan…?" She whispered, her eyes refusing to accept what they saw.


  The message that was currently being written on the wall said.

  'Please, little sister, please I know that you can do it, c'mon, just believe in me, you have to, I need you, I’m really here. Just have a little faith.'

  Casey gulped and the tears broke out of her anew. She began crying again, she wanted it to be real, she wanted to believe so bad it hurt, so bad that the pain was threatening to kill her. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, nodding for Din that she was ok, that she wasn't going to faint on them, then she looked up to where the marker was still floating in front of her.


  Casey reached out her hand, at first hesitant and then she stretched it forward to touch the air that surrounded the marker but it wasn't air she was now feeling, what felt like a warm, strong hand, reached out and grabbed her, Casey yelped in fear but then that invisible hand gently guided her to feel the rest of the invisible body. Casey closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the hope the touch had brought her, right there and then, when she couldn't see him Casey recognized the worm skin she was touching, the soft long dreads and the baggy t-shirt ,all this, it just had to be…


  Casey half whispered. "Are you…Here?" She couldn't believe that she was actually asking that, no, Morgan was in the hospital and this…She must have lost it like her friends did. "Morgan?" Casey gulped again and then as if by magic, coming from nowhere that she could think off a faded shape appeared in front of her. "I…" The shape took form, the colors brightened and just a few seconds later a blond dreaded boy was standing in front of Casey, still holding the red marker in his outstretched hand.

  "Casey?" Morgan whispered. "Casey, can you see me? Can you hear me now?"

  Morgan asked his baby sister, giving her a soft smile and not moving an inch from his place.

  A heavy silence took over the room, for a moment Morgan was sure that he had failed but then, to his relive and horror Casey's lip quivered in a familiar fashion and a sob escaped her.

  "Morgan!" Casey cried out and practically launched to hug her older brother, the marker falling out of Morgan's hand as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, it was better than any reply.

  Chapter seven: Prophesy

rgan…" Casey couldn't stop the heart breaking cries from escaping her lips. Morgan smiled, pulling her impossibly close to him.

  "Shhh…It's ok, I'm here." He tried to calm her. "I'm here." Morgan whispered as he stroke Casey's hair gently, doing his best to calm the erratic teen down.

  "But I saw you…" Casey choked on her words." I saw you in the hospital…" She hiccupped. "You…Your body…I…You didn't wake up…"

  "I know. I know, I'm so sorry Casey, I couldn't…" Morgan pulled a little back, looking into the eyes of his shaken sister. "All of this time I was here and I couldn't find you…" Morgan looked ashamed.

  "You're…" Casey felt her heart breaking. "You're a spirit aren't you? You're not coming back from this…You're dead…"

  "I am not dead!" Morgan stumped his foot, shaking his head and stating quickly to emphasize his point as he saw all light die out in his sister’s eyes, she was giving up on him, which was not going to happen as long as Morgan was still alive, he wouldn't allow it.

  "I will make my body wake up for you, trust Me.” He looked away momentarily and then back at her. “But you have to help us Casey, you are the only one who can."


  Casey blinked; she wasn't sure if she had heard it right but Morgan nodded to clarify that she had. "Yes. Us, Casey. There is someone here that I want you to meet. That was dying to meet you too…"

  “What?” Casey glanced confused around the room. “Is there another ghost here that I can’t see yet?” She asked, a little shaken. “Cuss quite frankly I don’t think that I will be able to handle more than one right now…”

  Morgan shook his head and smiled. “No, not exactly but trust me, you would want to see him.”

  Morgan promised and then, squeezing Casey’s hand he turned a little, looking straight at the bathroom door. ”Umm…Jon…” Morgan cleared his throat as Casey’s eyes widened, it couldn't be…

  "Jon?” Morgan raised his voice. “Can you come out here please, now if you don't mind?" He said aloud as Casey fallowed Morgan's gaze to the closed bathroom door.

  Casey watched as the bathroom door slowly swung open and then a blond, tall, familiar looking boy stepped out, smiling widely at her.

  “Hi Casey.” He uttered and Casey felt her heart stop.

  “Casey.” Morgan looked at his baby sister. "Casey, this is…Casey?" Morgan glanced into Casey’s paling face, growing concerned as his sister suddenly lost all sort of natural color.

  "Casey? Are you…” He tried carefully and then, “OH! WOW! Hey!"

  Morgan screamed, catching his twin by her waist as Casey’s eyes suddenly rolled back in her head and she flat out past out, collapsing right there in front of her shocked companions.

  "Casey! Casey!"

  Morgan shook his twin as he tightly held her, sliding down to the floor with her; he didn't expect Casey to just faint. Morgan looked up at Jon who stared back at him, he too, amazed at Casey’s reaction.

  "Too much to handle in one day?" He asked and Morgan nodded.

  "Just a little bit, I believe.”

  “I kind of expected screaming.” Jon admitted.

  “Me too.” Morgan smirked. “I was already preparing my sensitive ears for the pain.”

  ”Oh god, are you two going to just stand there and discuss this?!” Toby asked annoyed, throwing his hands in the air in a very mother Han like manner.

  The two boys, still staring at each other turned to stare at him and Toby huffed in anger, seeing that this was going nowhere from there.

  “Get her up on the bed.” He ordered to Casey’s blond brothers and then, quickly crossing the room he ran into the bathroom, coming back shortly with a glass of cold water.

  "Here." He handed it to Morgan as the teen easily picked Casey up and brought her to Din’s bed, marveling at the fact that Casey was as light as a feather.

  "Thanx." Morgan said, reaching for the glass. He took it from Toby’s hand and sat beside Casey’s still body, glancing at Jon as he came closer and reaching for Casey’s head to slightly lift her up from the bed.

  ”Casey?” Morgan whispered as he set the water on the night stand, dipped his fingers into the glass and carefully patted Casey's forehead. Casey coughed; she shook her head and then pried her eyes open, blinking a few times at the sight in front of her.

  "Morgan?" She asked, praying that she wasn't dreaming.

  ”I’m here.” The reply was heard. Casey sighed in content, feeling the warm body against her and Morgan nodding and then Casey lifted her eyes to the other blond boy, still standing beside them, keeping a safe distance as if not to scare Casey and smiling faintly at her.

  "You're Jon." Casey said. She did not pronounce it as a question, she was sure of what she was saying, for her it was a stone written fact. "You are our brother."

  Jon blinked, surprised and then he smiled widely. "Correct, but how did you know that?" he asked, teasing and Casey pulled herself up a bit, with Morgan’s support behind her. Casey shrugged.

  "Just put two and two together, I suppose….And you do remind me of the girl I occasionally see in the mirror. And the jerk that stands next to her." She added jokingly.

  Jon smirked. "Very good Casey, I’m impressed.” He said, taking a step forward.

  ”It took our brother," He pointed at Morgan, still smiling, “A lot more time to figure that part out."

  Casey chuckled, shaking her head.

  "Well I am the brain of this family.” They all laughed and then Casey took a deep breath, it was time to get serious for a moment.

  “So...” She huffed with difficulty. “So we are triplets, aren't we?”

  Jon nodded. “We are.”

  "Do we have more siblings that are going to suddenly pop out?" Casey asked and Jon laughed. "No, it's just us. I think that's enough."

  “Well.” Casey looked back at Morgan. “Well now I guess I get it why mom got so mad when we found your toys and asked about you…” She bit her lip. “What did you do? Where were you until now?"

  Jon sighed. "It’s a long story." He said, finally closing the distance between him and his siblings and coming to sit on the bed beside them.

  Casey reached her hand and took Jon’s into hers.

  "We have time so you better start." She ordered and Jon sighed, opening his mouth to tell his tale ones again.


  It didn't take long for Jon to explain to Casey about the accident, as he talked Casey began to remember bits and pieces of the forced trips to their grandmother and the long winding road they would take over there. When he was asked about his time away by Din who, with his friends was also listening to the story, Jon preferred not to talk about his time with the monsters but decided to clarify instead that the so called accident wasn't Greg’s fault at all, the monsters he was captured by had caused it.

  “They thought they were getting the one that was here to stop them but they didn't count on that there would be two more they were have to be worried about.”

  “So what do they look like?” Casey asked and Jon’s face converted in horror.

  “I hope that you will never find out.” He whispered.

  “God…” Casey squeezed Jon’s hand. “In all of this I just can’t believe that mom had never told us about you…”

  “We changed so much…” Morgan looked at his sister. “We stopped being the same the day we lost you and we didn't even have the cold stone to mourn you or the knowledge why…”

  "She had no right to keep this from us!” Casey suddenly burst; she couldn't hold it in any longer. “She had no right to take you away from us! It feels like loosing you twice! Not being able to understand our own actions, what made us be so different, what made us change!” She huffed, shaking her head. “She had no right!”

  “Casey…” Jon looked at her.

  “No! I am never going to talk to that bitch again!"

  “Casey!” Jon stared at her astonished but to his dismay Morgan decided that it was a great time to start laughing.

sp; ”Oh my god!” He exclaimed and Casey glared daggers at him.

  “What’s so funny you moron?” She huffed but Morgan shook his head.

  "Oh my god! I don't think I ever heard you insult mom before! My gosh! I like it, you sound just like me."

  Casey frowned, a little smile tugging the corner of her mouth. “Well, maybe now that Jon is back we are going to start being a little more the same again.” She said, pulling at one of Morgan’s dreads. “On second thought, no thank you, unless you’re going to do a new haircut and a change of clothes.” She winked, pulling at his over sized shirt.

  “No way, little sister.” Morgan smirked, "You change yours." He said and then looked back at Jon.

  ”Tell Casey about the prophesy.” He said and Casey blinked.

  “What prophesy?” She asked, confused.

  “Oh you are going to love this!" Morgan promised. "Some crazy person wrote that you are going to save the world.” Morgan clued her in.

  “I’m what?” Casey’s mouth fell open.

  ”Yes, she’s what?” Colin wasn't sure that he heard it right. “What was this person on?” Colin smirked but Casey silenced him with her eyes, glaring.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Casey demanded, turning back to Morgan.

  “What prophesy? What exactly does it say?”

  Jon shrugged. "Well, I never actually saw it; I just heard some bits and pieces every time we came back to the human world from their place of slumber…It were all very confusing… I don’t really remember their hellish dimension but I know that one of the creatures is guarding it, guarding the secret but I heard when they tortured me…” He cut himself out; he shook his head, not believing that he let it slip out. “I’m sorry…I wasn't going…”

  He didn't want to tell them.

  “They…” Casey gulped.

  “Please…” Jon looked away. “Don’t ask, not now. This was a mistake, just let me finish what I started.”

  “I…” Casey pulled herself up from Morgan’s arms and leaned against Jon. “Go on.”

  Jon nodded, and looking away from them continued.

  “It speaks of a human bound in the ties of friendship that has a connection to the one desired, the one that the apocalypse, that's how i heard them call themselves were brought here for and of course, the prophesy clarifies that the one who will destroy the beings will have supernatural help."


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