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Winds Of The Apocalypse

Page 21

by Novak, Karina

  "I'm ok, Morgan…" Casey whispered, breaking the tension, “I’m ok.”

  She said as she reached her weakened arms up to Morgan and allowed him to pull her up from Jon’s lap, leaning against her twin, her legs barely holding up her wrecked body.

  "What did you do to her, Jon?!" Morgan demanded, holding Casey around the waist, guiding her to the nearest bed to sit on.

  "I had no choice…” Jon shook his head, joining his siblings on the already bloody covers, pulling them up to wipe away the remaining blood patterns from Casey’s face and arms. “We had to get out of there…" He said, looking up at his baby sister. “I’m sorry.” “No…”Casey tried to protest but Morgan huffed in annoyance.

  “Stop it! Just answer me! What did you do Jon?!" Morgan asked almost growling, ready to punch his brother if it came to that.

  Jon grimaced.

  "I brought us here Morgan. You must have seen us…I had to use our way of travel, I didn't have a choice and it proved to be a lot more pressure then I intended on a her human body…"

  ”This is not some ‘body’ Jon!” Morgan yelled, pulling Casey closer to him.

  "This is our baby sister! Remember?! You could have killed her!!!"

  ”I’m sorry!” Jon looked at Casey, begging for her forgiveness.

  “I’m sorry, the monsters were closing in on us, I couldn't leave you behind…I had to try.”

  “It’s ok.” Casey said, raising her hand to Jon’s tear struck face.

  "Don't be mad, Morgan…"

  Casey pleaded weakly, looking back at her angered brother.

  "Jon got me out of there alive." She said, breathing in deeply and looking across the room at her friends, realizing, suddenly, that there was a new unwelcome addition to their little gang.

  "What the fuck is she doing here?!" Casey asked bluntly, pointing at the blond girl that Colin had just set on her feet.

  "She’s…"Colin gulped, looking at the others to help him.

  ”It’s May, Casey…From our class, remember?"

  "Yes, I remember." Casey crossed her arms over her chest, looking a lot more livid then she was mere seconds before.

  "But I still don't get what she is doing here." She said in roil, her eyes searching for the one thing that they were meant to bring back.

  "And where is Jon's body?!" Casey asked enraged, getting up from the bed Morgan had set her on, rejecting Morgan's helping hands as he tried to help her up from the covers.

  Toby and Colin exchanged semi anxious looks, none of them wanted to be the ones to tell Casey about what had brought them to bring May back instead of Jon's body.

  "It stayed behind…" Colin said eventually with a small voice, almost subconsciously taking a step back at Casey's shocked open mouth and balled fists.

  "What?!" Casey's body shook with rage, she couldn't believe at what she was hearing.

  "We had to leave it behind…"Colin's voice became even less audible then it already was.

  "What?!?!" Casey was beginning to see double.

  "We had to!" Colin attempted to justify their actions.

  "The apocalypses were everywhere! They blocked our way and then we saw her…"

  He glanced at May, realizing too late that it was the wrong move at that moment.

  "WHAT??!! So all of this was for nothing?!" Casey was about ready to explode, her face as red as a ripe tomato.

  "No! It wasn't!" Colin exhaled, he almost never saw Casey like this, and it was almost as bad as when Casey had thought that Din had killed her brother.

  "We saved May!" Colin shook his head.

  "This was not for nothing Casey! She was a prisoner of the apocalypse! We couldn't just leave her there! We saved another human being!"

  He pointed at the girl that stood beside him, still too shocked to speak.

  "Of course you could!" Casey screamed.

  "You could let her rot for all I care! The point was not to save some bitch! We went there to save my brothers!"

  Colin looked at her, astonished, that was a really cruel thing to say right in front of May. "C’mon Casey!!" Colin took a step closer. "You don’t actually mean that!"

  Casey made a high pitched shriek; it was so high that it resembled way too much the apocalypse howl.

  "Of course I fucking MEAN IT!!!"

  Her volume went up a notch, making her friends to shrink back in silence.

  "Don’t you bloody get that that was maybe the only chance we had to get Jon back?!" Casey asked, her tiny hands locked in tight whitening fists.

  "Don't you bloody get that now they are going to move him, or worst, put him back into that chamber…?”

  "But they were about to do that to May!" Colin interrupted him. "Don’t you care about that?"

  Casey bit her lip.

  "No." She said lowly. "No! I don't fucking care! Better her then him!"

  Casey didn't even notice Jon stand up until she felt Jon's comforting hand on her shoulder. "Casey, please, calm…"

  "I will not calm down!!!" Casey shook his hand off and turned to him sharply.

  "How can you be ok with this?! They might as well fucking killed you!"

  "Screaming won't help now…" Jon said quietly. "It would only make you more upset."

  Jon looked at May. "To save another human…I'm fine with it."

  "But I am not, I only wanted my brother's back and instead I get…"

  Casey turned to glare at Colin. "I fucking hate you!” She hissed.

  "You're worse than my fucking mother! At least her stupidity is obvious! Because of you I'm going to lose Jon forever!"

  "Casey…" Colin tried to reason with her again. "Casey, please…"

  "No! Don't Casey me!" Casey spat. "What you did was stupid! It was plain moronic!

  Or maybe I shouldn’t blame you, after all you're just a stupid little boy and maybe if you wouldn't have been thinking with your dick but with your mind you would have known that! Fuck!!!"


  "Shut up!"

  No one was able to stop what happened next. Casey had sprung forward; Colin didn't even see it coming. Casey's fist collided with his cheek bone and then her other hand punched Colin's stomach, sending him tumbling down to the floor, as Casey stood above him, panting in rage, straining to balance herself.

  "Fucking shut up Colin! Just shut up…" Casey whispered, shaking her hands free from her fists and then marching up to the door and completely ignoring May disappearing through it, slamming the door behind her as hard as she possible could.

  Chapter fourteen: Miss Carla's secret

  Colin looked lost; he didn't even try to get up from the floor, he didn't have the strength to face what he had done to deserve this treatment.

  "I'm sorry…" He whispered, raising his blue eyes to meet Morgan's brown ones.

  Morgan shook his head.

  "Should have expected her to react like this… Don't worry." He let out a sigh.

  "I'll go talk to her." Morgan decided, getting up from the bed and squeezing Jon's shoulder supportably for a moment, left the room after his sister, leaving his friends to deal with their new unexpected complication, the girl named May.

  It didn't take a genius to figure out exactly where Casey had gone to.

  Morgan knew from bitter experience that whenever Casey was hurt, sad or upset she would go to the highest place she could find around,

  ‘To see the world from a different perspective’, Casey would tell him every time he found her there.

  She did it when their parents divorced, Morgan laughed to himself as he remembered the fire brigade getting his annoyed little sister kicking and screaming off the roof top of their old house.

  She did it when they went on their first day of school and the teachers had denied them from sitting together. This time the suicide counselor was involved as Casey managed to get up to the top floor of the building and sat on the edge of the ninth floor window for an hour. And again a few years later, on the day that Morgan had almost drowned.
/>   He couldn't get her down from that lake side high tree until he had called Greg and his mother.

  So, naturally, Morgan had went outside and raised his chin up, looking at all the high places he could see from that area, he hoped to god that Casey didn't find another way up a tall tree cuss if he didn't know how to climb it then when he was a full human with a tangible body he sure as hell didn't know how to do so now.

  "Huh." Morgan smiled as he spotted the raven hair flying in the wind on top of a sad looking face as Casey leaned against the edge of their schools roof, looking down at the afternoon gardens.

  “Go away.” Casey mattered the second Morgan had stepped foot out the door that led to the roof.

  Morgan was quiet in his walk but Casey seemed to have some sort of radar for him.

  Casey sensed Morgan standing there behind her, looking at her from above, sighing to himself loudly.

  "C'mon, Casey," Morgan took a few steps forward. "You know as well as I do that running away is not the answer.” Casey smirked.

  “I would have murdered Colin but that it is not the answer either, is it?” She asked smiling, still not looking back at her approaching brother.

  Morgan smirked.

  "No, I'm afraid it isn't." Morgan closed the distance between them, sitting down by his twin.

  "Look," Morgan said, raising his hand to Casey's chin and gently turning Casey's face towards him.

  "Me and Jon, we are depending on you to get our bodies back so we can both come back to you, we can’t do it without you, and you are the hero of this story."

  "Well, I don't want to be the hero anymore. I resign." Casey groaned.

  "Pick someone else; maybe that blond bitch can do it better."

  "Her name is May." Morgan smiled. "You shouldn’t be this negative, she can never take your place and besides, where is you're famous fighting mode that I’ve been hearing so much about?” Casey blushed.

  "It’s gone with the wind, went away with Jon’s body.” Morgan shook his head.

  "Then get it back. Get them both back, fight for what you want Casey." Casey huffed.

  “I thought that that was what I was doing, but my stupid friends are getting in my way.”

  Morgan let out a little laugh.

  "I need you to help us fight these creatures Casey."

  "And mom. Don't forget mom." Casey smiled.

  "Yes, mom too. The worse of our current problems.” He grabbed Casey's arm and pulled Casey closer, messing a little with her long black hair.

  "Hey!" Casey tried to fight him off but Morgan wasn't letting go that easily.

  "And besides," Morgan concluded, laughing as he let her go.

  "You know that if you will just drop the towel now and let Colin and Toby handles the situation the world would probably come to an end next week…Probably tomorrow even, now how will you have that on your conscious?”

  "I'll live." Casey growled.

  "I won’t." Morgan said, looking at Casey, trying to figure out the unreadable expression she had in her features.

  "So what do you say, little sister?” Morgan pushed her to the side a little.

  "Are you going to let Toby and Colin help the apocalypse, well, bringing the apocalypse? Or are we going back and you resuming your place as the team leader to save the world again?"

  Casey huffed, nodding slowly, surrendering to her brother's sweet talk.

  “Fine…" Casey said, looking for the last time at the green trees billow and then pulling herself off the rooftop floor, waiting for Morgan to join her.

  "But Colin and Toby better find a way to deal with this blond nuisance,"


  "No, I'm serious." Casey argued, crossing her hands across her chest.

  "Cuss I have two brothers to worry about and I won't add some blond bimbo to my worry list. Colin and Toby can do whatever they want with her, I am not going to lift a finger to help her adjust to this situation she happens to get herself in.”

  Morgan laughed at Casey's annoyed disposition and then they, crossed armed went back to their bedroom with Casey going at the slowest pace that she possibly could produce.

  “So what did you decide to do with her?” Morgan asked Toby as they opened the door and entered the bedroom to find May sitting on his bed with Colin standing beside her and with Jon and Toby standing a little off to the side.

  “I will join you.” May raised her eyes to Morgan who she defiantly saw and finally spoke for the first time since any of them had met her.

  "Oh what a surprise." Casey growled, looking at Morgan. "She can see you."

  "Me too apparently." Jon said, getting closer to his siblings.

  "Great." Casey looked down at May, her expression hard, god forbid she will do anything to help May feel welcomed.

  "Anything else?"

  “They told me everything." May said as she gestured at Toby and Colin.

  "Lovely. Did you get her some tea to go with the bedtime story and gave her a pedicure as well?" Casey huffed sarcastically but May had acted as if she didn't hear her.

  "And I promise you that you can trust me, Morgan." She added, looking right up at him.

  Morgan laughed.

  "I'm happy that you are taking this so well, May.” He said and her eyes practically sparkled.

  "Not many would accept all of this so peacefully." Morgan continued and Casey's frown deepened as she turned from her brothers and went straight over to her unmade bed, mumbling something to herself and crawling under the covers.

  “Wake me up when you are done flirting with her so we could maybe work on a plan to get Din back if we completely gave up on the idea of saving you or if you just don’t care about that little problem anymore, ok?" Casey said, turning her head away from all the people present in the room.

  "At least we will have one back.” She shot a nasty look at May.

  "Since we pretty much screwed our chances to get Jon in order to save her."

  She said, looking directly at her and then turned from them completely, covering her head with the white, halfblooded duvet.

  Morgan puffed, he had just about enough of his annoyed sibling's behavior.

  "Excuse us for a second.” He said, walking over to his twin's bed and roughly throwing the covers off of her.

  "What the hell?!" Casey protested as Morgan leaned forward and grabbing Casey’s wrists pulled her up from the bed.

  “Hey!" Casey screamed as Morgan forcefully pulled her to her feet and practically shoved her across the room and into the bathroom, getting in seconds after her and slamming the door behind the both of them.

  “Can you please tell me what the hell is your problem?!" Morgan demanded, shoving Casey against the counter and glaring down at her as Casey pushed herself upward, glaring back at her twin.

  “Yes." Casey said nonchalantly as she crossed her arms over her chest and turned dramatically to the mirror.

  "It's out there.” She said, not turning back but pointed at the door that they had come in through.

  "Has mini tits, fake blond hair and its name begin with the letter M. Rings a bell?"

  “Casey!" Morgan growled, grabbing Casey's arm and turning her back so he could look at her face.

  "You are being ridiculous! Why won't you even give her a chance?!" He demanded.

  "Oh please!" Casey ripped her arm away from Morgan's grip.

  "It is so obvious that she is being all ok with this and shit cuss she thinks that she can get something from it!"

  "And what is that?!" Morgan screamed back.

  "You, you dump shit!" Casey screamed louder, her face redden in anger, she couldn't stand Morgan defending that beast from her. To Casey, she was no better than an apocalypse.

  "So you are jealous? Is that what this is all about? You think that she will take your place or something?" Morgan tried to find the answer in Casey's eyes but the latter just sigh, shaking her head as she turned back to the mirror and stared into her reflection ,her eyes avoiding Morgan's that tried to
catch hers.

  “Casey…Talk to me." Morgan asked her, laying his hand on Casey shoulder.

  "No." Casey shook her head, placing her palm over Morgan's hand to keep it on her.

  "No, I know you won't ever leave me behind, not for her…"

  "Then…?" Morgan looked at her in the mirror, finally being allowed to look into her eyes. "Then what is it? Why won't you give her a chance?"

  "Because I don’t trust her." Casey explained. "My instincts tell me that there is something really wrong about her." She turned to look at Morgan who removed his hand from her shoulder, looking back at his twin.

  "I can't deny it, I'm sorry." She said sarcastically. "When everything else fails I have to at least listen to myself." She looked down. "Since nobody else would."

  Morgan groaned, rubbing his temples.

  Surprisingly, even as a ghost Morgan could still have headaches, apparently he wasn't ghost enough to be completely detached from his human body as Jon seemed to be.

  “Casey, please, make an effort, I’m begging you." Morgan said his voice a lot weaker than it was a minute ago,

  "Just try." He begged, astonished at how well Casey could play on his nerves.

  Even now, in the middle of what could be the start of the end of the human existence Casey could still find a way to make it all about her, how did she manage to do it was a mystery to her twin.

  Casey bit her lip, looking at the half transparent reflection of her twin, seeing him for the first time in her life as the weaker amongst them.

  "Do you really like her that much?" She asked, hoping to hear a negative answer. "Casey….You know it's not about that…"

  "But you do." Casey said bitterly.

  "No…" Morgan attempted to justify his hesitant behavior.

  "It's just nice to have a girl to worry about you…You know…" Morgan blushed.

  "Outside of the family."

  "And if I asked you to choose?" Casey questioned.

  "Well… I…" Morgan stuttered. Casey raised her hand to silence him.


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