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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

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by D. D. Goordin

  “Well as you know Blake is my name. My mother came from America and met my dad here. This is why I have an American name.”

  “I was thinking that I have never heard of that name before.”

  “Yeah, it’s an American name. So tell me what would you like to know?”

  “Your likes and dislikes, the types of women you go for etc. It’s only fair that I ask the same.”

  “That is fair. Well being a man, I do like sports mainly football. I am usual the secretive type so that is something I would prefer you to find out about. In regards to the type of woman well like you, I have not really focused on that. If I like someone I go for it. I would not say that I have a type.”

  “So do you tend to go for blondes or brunettes?”

  “I tend to go for the exotic type. This is where you come into the equation.”

  “And how do I fit in?”

  “All in time you will see.”

  “So how about family? Any brothers and sisters?”

  “I did have one sister.”

  I heard the sadness in his voice but decided not to press on to that topic. I remained quiet, enjoying his company and having his hands in mine.

  “I was her only brother, she was the youngest. It is so hard when you lose someone you love.”

  “I know how that feels like believe me. Let’s just change the topic.”

  I could smell that fragrance that I could lavishly bathe in.

  “Hmmm you smell so nice.” I blurted out so loud without thinking.

  “All them times you smelled it, surely you must have known we were always in the same carriage in the train. You stumbled onto me, crinkling my newspaper on one occasion but you did not even turn back.”

  I remembered that and giggled.

  “I told you I was clumsy.”

  “I would not have figured.”

  “Nadine there's something I need to tell you.”

  I looked directly in those green eyes that had captivated me. He had my full attention. I could tell he was concerned.

  “What is it Blake?”

  “I want you to be really careful. Promise me that one thing. That you will be on guard.”

  I looked at him in a state of confusion and I know he can see it in my expression.

  “Just promise me that you will be careful. Not everyone is what they seemed to be. Take it from me.”

  I felt him squeeze my hand just as he was saying this. I could tell he was being serious. A big part of me felt scared and I was pretty sure he could feel my anxiety creeping in.

  “Its ok to be frightened Nadine. I did not want anyone to get involved. Why did you think I asked you why did you save me?”

  For once I was speechless. I had felt immensely emotional. Talking and having a heart to heart with this man was something I had not for seen. I felt my eyes water and knew that all this was too much for my heart to bear. He had somehow pushed through my barriers. As soon as he saw the tears. I felt his other hand brush away my tears. It was the softest touch I had ever felt on my skin.

  “I cannot bear to see you cry. This is crazy, we are practically like strangers but it feels like I have known you for a long time Nadine.”

  “I felt exactly the same about you Blake.”

  He grabbed my other hand and placed it on the beating of his heart. Feel what you are doing to me.

  I could feel his heart beating.

  “You are the reason why I am breathing right now Nadine; the reason why my heart is still beating.”

  It was a tender moment that we shared. I felt him lowering his head to mine. I felt his breathing on my skin. My heart started to race. As he bends his head lower, I felt the touch of his lips on mine. Coaxing me to kiss him back, he was undoing me right there and then. My hands were in his hair. The spark between us was intense. Never had I come across a man I was this deeply affected by or had such a big attraction to. He placed his finger on my lips which made me stop kissing him.

  “I want you to listen to me carefully Nadine. I would like to see you again. But promise me that if for any reason, we lose contact; I would want you to track me down. Remember not everyone is what they seem.”

  I had listened and found this odd.

  “I cannot lose you again. When I saw you laying there in a pool of blood, I was determined to make sure that I would never experience that helpless feeling again. I promise you that I will be careful and if we do lose contact, I will not give up.”

  “I am relieved that you have told me that Nadine.”

  He bends his head down and kissed me much more passionately than before.

  Just then we heard the knocking on the door.

  I remain seated beside Blake as Doctor Lawson had entered the room.

  “I see that you two have managed to talk. Just wanted to make you aware that the visiting hours are up Miss Nixon.”

  “Are they? I did not realise the time. I'll make my way out.”

  “I'll leave you to it. You can come by and visit Mr Saunders tomorrow. Safe Journey Home Miss Nixon.”

  Doctor Lawson closes the door.

  “I need to be off now Blake.”

  “I don't want you to go.”

  I can see in those eyes he was pleading with me. I notice a napkin on the table and pick it up. A thought came to my mind. I checked to see if there was any pen but could not see any. I rummaged through my bag to find a lipstick instead.

  “What on earth are you doing?”

  “Just you wait and see.” I state.

  I wrote down my name and number on the napkin and fold it.

  “Here you go. Keep it with you at all times.”

  Blake looks at the napkin that has been folded and opens it up. When he realises it happens to be my number, he was beaming.

  “Call me sometimes.”

  “You bet I will.”

  I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek but I could feel that he was motioning towards my lips. We shared a tender kiss.

  “Take care of yourself Blake I will see you again. This won’t be the last time we will meet.” It was a promise I intended to keep.

  “Remember what I said Nadine, be on guard at all times and please be careful. Take Care.”

  I walked out of his room and glanced back to see those green eyes are still on me. He looks somewhat sad and I have the urge to go back to him but know that the visiting hours are up. I surely would not want to give Doctor Lawson any ideas. I start to feel on edge remembering what Blake had said, that not everyone is what they seemed to be.

  Chapter 9

  As I head out of North wing back on ground floor, I notice Pc Stevens lurking about outside the accident and emergency department. He looks suspicious. I wonder what he was up to. He looked fairly agitated. I decide to spy on him. My curiosity has gotten the better of me. Pc Stevens happens to be looking around. Just as he realises that I happen to be there, I grab a magazine to shield my face. I pretend that I am waiting for a cab. I peek around it and notice him walking passed me to Chelsea wing. I debate on whether to follow him. As he disappears from my sight; I scan the place and realise that there are only a handful of people around. I go back to the direction I came from but Pc Steven’s is nowhere to be seen.

  I glance down at my watch and see that it is already 7pm. I notice that my phone was flashing and realise there’s a message from Chrissie. Hey hun, keen to go out tonight and was thinking you would like to tag long. Making my way to yours now will see you shortly. P.S sorry for the short notice.x. I head out of the hospital not wanting to risk getting caught. I decide to call the cab at the payphone and wait patiently. The accident and emergency department has gone fairly quiet. Just then I hear my name being called out and instantly know that happens to be my cab. I take a seat in the back of cab. Part of me is on a high. I did not think that meeting Blake would turn out so perfect but on the other hand, a tiny part of me is frightened with his warnings. He made it perfectly clear that he wanted me to be on guard. I could not help
but wonder why Pc Steven’s was there. Something was not adding up. My mind was all over the place. I had not thought that I would have gotten intimate with Blake so quickly, I had not imagined the fact that there would have been a major attraction between us; the spark was electrifying when I was in his room. I could not help but smile. The feeling of his lips on mine; I touched my lips at the memory. His kiss was still lingering on my lips. I could not believe that after years I had someone who was interested in me.

  The cab journey takes just over 45 minutes. For some reason there was traffic. Once reached on Holland Mews, I can see that Christina was waiting outside. I pay the cab driver and head towards my house. Christina is already dressed. I had not anticipated to be going out.


  I give Chrissie a big hug.

  “I did not realise that you would already be here. Your text message was fairly brief so I did not know what to expect.”

  “I am freezing my tits off here. Let’s get inside.”

  I locate my keys and open the front door of my house.

  “What are you wearing underneath your jacket?” I inquire.

  “Wait and see.”

  Chrissie takes off her jacket showcasing a coral coloured dress which was short teamed with nude patent heels.

  I attempted a poor wolf whistle. We both laughed.

  “Are you on the hunt to pull again? What happened to Tom?”

  “I am sure I mentioned it. There was a slight glitch with him.”

  “Eh? What do you mean? A glitch? He didn’t seem to have a problem getting you off. So what kind of glitch are you talking about?”

  “Put it this way he happens to be a one minute man. And on top of that, he still is in a confused state of mind. One minute he wants a relationship and the next he doesn’t.”

  “Ah, please do not tell me you’re going to do what you always do. Move on to another guy. I did say to give him time Chrissie.”

  “I know you had said that, but you know me. I lack patience. It’s his loss if I hook up with someone else. Anyways where had you been Nadine?”

  “Christina, I am sure I mentioned I was going to the hospital to visit Blake.”

  “Oh yeh, sorry Nadz. It had completely slipped my mind. So tell me how was it?”

  “Honestly Chrissie, I was so nervous. Put it this way I had no idea how it would turn out. I am just glad that I was not the only one who found him attractive.”

  “What? You need to spill. You trying to tell me there’s a possibility that he feels the same?”

  “All you need to know is that we had shared a tender moment.”

  “Nadine, you have never been the one to kiss and tell.”

  “You know that I do not like to broadcast my business to the world. But I have to admit, I cannot believe that after so long, someone was interested in me. I can let you in on the fact that we did share a kiss.”

  I smiled then.

  “It certainly is nice to see you smile. But you need to get ready. I was keen to hit a bar and make you tag along with me. Want me to help you find another dress?”


  We both head upstairs to my bedroom. Chrissie instantly searches my wardrobe. I feel absolutely exhausted. It has been an eventful day already. I don’t want to let Chrissie down. I glance in her direction. I can see that in her hands she has found a dress I have never worn. It was a short black dress.

  “It has to be this dress, what do you think Nadz?”

  “I cannot even remember when I had bought that dress.”

  “You can wear these heels; she points to the black patent heels with a buckle.

  “Nice choice Chrissie. I will quickly go and change. Will be right back.”

  I take the dress from her and head into the bath room. I quickly change which does not take me long. Once dressed, I go back to my bedroom where Chrissie is silently sitting on my bed.


  She passes me the heels which I put on.

  “You look stunning Nadz, may need a slight touch up on your makeup than we can head out.

  I end up listening to Chrissie. I add a hint more of makeup. I add more eyeliner and add eye shadow, giving my eyes the smokey look. I decide to pin my hair up.

  “What do you think?” I ask Chrissie.

  “You look amazing.”

  “Let’s get going.”

  “Just out of curiosity, are we going to opal bar again? Or to a different location?”

  “It would be a totally different location. We will be hitting up Camden.”

  “Sounds like a great plan.”

  We both head downstairs. I grab my phone, bag, keys. I close the door whilst Chrissie waits for me. Arms linked, we walk to the tube station together. It’s nearing on 9pm by the time we got on central line. The trains aren’t that congested. I decide to sit down and so does Chrissie. I can see that something is on her mind.

  “So Missy, what’s on your mind? I can tell there’s something that you are worried about.”

  “Honestly Nadz you remind me of a mother hen. I don’t know how you can tell when something is wrong with me.”

  “Want to know how and why I can tell. It’s because we have been good friends for ages that’s why and when you remain silent, it’s a big give away.”

  “I just want us to have a good time tonight. I will sure as hell miss working with you.”

  “Same here Chrissie, But you need to remember that you will be moving in with me soon.”

  “I will be looking forward to that, believe me.”

  “Let’s just have a good night; I think I am in need considering the latest events.”

  I check which stop we have passed, it happens to be Bond Street. Two more stops are remaining till we reach Tottenham Court Road. We would have to change to get the northern line going towards Edgeware.

  “So Chrissie what is really going on with you and Tom?”

  “You know me Nadine, I only want fun but somehow I get attached quickly. I am trying to put some distance between us. I know in the long run, he’s no good for me.”

  “So you’re going to classify him in that category? The men who just use women for sex right? You got to remember though that if you make it clear what it is you want, you would not have the same problem. I think you need to really evaluate what you want.”

  “I can’t dispute that.”

  “It’s our stop. Let’s make it an enjoyable night hey.”

  “I totally agree.”

  We get off at Tottenham Court road and head towards taking northern line. It does not take long to get on the northern line. We decide to stand up as there were no vacant seats available.

  “Nadz there’s 6 stops in total. It shouldn’t take long.”

  “I have never been to Camden town before.”

  “Which is why silly, I have decided to go there instead.”

  “You’re ever so thoughtful. I am still amazed as to how you know all these places considering you live close to Gatwick.”

  “You can say that I get around a lot.”

  We both giggled. It felt like a nice change to go out considering everything that has recently happened.

  “So Nadine tell me, will you be seeing Blake a lot more?”

  “I intend to but I am not keen to rush into something. I would like to get to know him a bit more. Right now he’s a mystery to me.”

  “Sounds exciting.” Chrissie says with a smirk on her face.

  “What’s that look for?”

  “Nothing just out of curiosity, how will you know be able to seduce him; you know get to the nitty gritty.”

  “What are you hinting at Chrissie just spit it out will you?!”

  “As in how will you bed him?...There I have said it.”

  “That’s not for you to be concerned about.”

  “But what if he’s hurt? How do you expect to get intimate with someone like that?”

  “Chrissie, use your imagination. I do not need to elaborate on this.�

  “OH!” Chrissie’s mouth drops wide open.


  “Miss Nixon, I did not know you were into kinkiness.”

  “Whatever gave you that impression beats me. I may just take control of the situation.”

  We both laugh out loud. Chrissie knows that sometimes I don’t tend to talk about stuff like this. In fact it helps having a laugh with Chrissie; she has managed to take my mind of events that I recently had to deal with.

  “This is our stop.” Chrissie announces.

  We link arms and head out the train. Once out of the tube station, the buzz was unreal. Compared to Holland Park, Camden town was livelier. The club that Chrissie was taking me to was quite a walk from the tube station.

  “By the way, the club we are going to is called Koko.”

  “Cool name.”

  I check the time and notice its 8:45pm. The high street is lively. I can tell that we were nearing the club. The atmosphere was totally different to opal. There were 5 different rooms in the venue. But we headed straight into the main room, the lights were dim and we were welcomed with a voice that boomed out from the speaker box. Chrissie headed straight to the bar and dragged me with her. My attention was at the stage. There was a live performance of an artist I had never heard before.

  I felt Chrissie squeeze my hand to get my attention.

  “What do you think of this place?”

  “It’s amazing! I had not expected to witness a live performance.”

  “Pretty cool right?”


  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Well if they happen to do cocktails, I would like to have sex on the beach.”

  “Chrissie, do you know who happens to be performing?”

  “Nadz, he is an upcoming artist called The Weeknd. I wasn’t too sure whether you would like his music.”

  “It’s very different to what I am used to but I think I can grow to like it.”

  “I’m hoping he will perform my favourite song.” Chrissie says enthusiastically.

  “Which song is that?”

  “Wicked Games; Tom had introduced me to this music.”

  “Ah so Tom was the one who got you into this kind of music; that makes perfect sense.”


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