Escape from Davao
Page 48
151 Thanks to Shofner: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 180–91, 203–4; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 203; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 103.
151 Even so, there was an ominous sign: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 215–19; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 20–21.
151 Austin Shofner was doing more: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 166.
152 “When do we go?”: Ibid., 167; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 118.
152 Hawkins and Dobervich: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 219–20; Hawkins quoted in Abilene Reporter-News (Texas), May 25, 2003.
152 At nightfall, the Marines: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 220–26; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 66; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 20–22; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 167.
155 The Japanese had challenged: Hawkins, film treatment, 227–34; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 109.
156 The conspirators could not dwell: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 235–37; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 69–71; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 120.
158 “All night in endless circles”: Henry Lee, “Awakening,” Nothing but Praise, 37.
158 In spite of their iron resolve: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 123.
158 They soon realized: Ibid., 120, 124; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview.
158 They began formulating: Hawkins, film treatment, 238–39; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 124; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 170.
159 A Sunday, they then decided: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 206; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 124–25.
159 Unfortunately, there was: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 217; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 83–84; Hawkins, film treatment, 240.
160 As plans progressed: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 133; Roper, Brothers of Paul, 73–78.
160 They then decided: Shofner, Smallwood interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 103, 118; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 168.
161 They were also looking out: Knox, Death March, 264; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 71–72; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 212.
161 After compiling a list: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 241–45; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview.
161 When he wasn’t pilfering tools: McCoy, Ten Escape from Tojo, 86; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 214–15; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 126; Hawkins, film treatment, 243–47.
162 After so many other nerve-racking effects: Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview.
162 McCoy and Spielman were anxious: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 214–18; Hawkins, film treatment, 247.
163 Sam Grashio, always: Hawkins, film treatment, 247–49; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 91–93; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 127–28. Although Hawkins feels strongly on the matter, Grashio declined full credit for the recruitment of de la Cruz and Jumarong. He later speculated that the colonos had in all probability already been selected by Pop Abrina—as the latter had promised to McCoy and Mellnik he would do—and steered to Grashio, a natural intermediary because his current work assignment at the dispensary facilitated an ease of communication between the two parties.
163 Six feet tall: Mercedes Brolagda, author’s interview; Eduardo Gardé, author’s interview.
164 Despite the portentous significance: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 124–25; Hawkins, film treatment, 250–52.
165 What little free time: Robert Spielman, Smallwood interview; Davao Penal Colony, NARA, RG 389, Box 2135, 113; Shofner, RECORD, 8; Dyess, EXPERIENCES, 12–13.
165 Dyess daringly exacted: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 159–60; Acenas, Silver Jubilee Book—1957, 32–33.
166 Austin Shofner was determined: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 94–97; Hawkins, film treatment, 252–56; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 216–17; McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 88; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 23.
168 “All night I lie with eyes”: Lee, “Awakening,” Nothing but Praise, 37.
168 The POWs, so deeply immersed: Hawkins, film treatment, 257–63; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 80–81.
170 Nonsense—that was Melvyn McCoy’s response: Hawkins, film treatment, 264–65; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 23–24.
171 On March 17: Hawkins, film treatment, 265–66; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Dobervich, DESCRIPTION, ENCLOSURE “B,” 2; McCracken, Very Soon Now, Joe, 57; Boelens, “Diary,” 44.
172 On some level: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 169–70; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 219–21; McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 88–89.
174 Returning to the coffee patch: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 221; Hawkins, film treatment, 266–67; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview.
175 Visibly shaken: Hawkins, film treatment, 268–69; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 24–26; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 129.
176 Once darkness fell: Hawkins, film treatment, 270–73; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 101–2; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 170.
177 The day began: Hawkins, film treatment, 273–76.
178 Toiling in the rain: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 222; McCoy, ESCAPE, 23;
Boelens, “Diary,” 45; McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 28; Hawkins, film treatment, 278; McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 91–92; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 129.
179 Dyess, Grashio, and Boelens: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 129; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 170; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview.
180 But that did not mean: Hawkins, film treatment, 269–70; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 101–2; Shofner, RECORD, 8, McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 93–95; Dyess, EXPERIENCES, 14.
181 By the time the compound: Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 26.
185 “I am awake”: Lee, “Awakening,” Nothing but Praise, 39.
185 Just before dawn: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 225; Hawkins, film treatment, 280.
185 In their barracks: McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 95–96; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 32–33.
186 Thanks to Mike Dobervich: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 281.
186 Paul Marshall was perhaps: Paul Marshall, author’s interview.
186 In Barracks Eight: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 225; McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 96.
186 Back in Barracks Five: Bert Bank, author’s interview.
187 It was almost 0800: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 133; Roper, Brothers of Paul, 81–82.
187 On his way back: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 133–34.
187 Pop Abrina, in all probability: Affidavit of Candido Abrina (sent to U.S. secretary of war through the American high commissioner), February 16, 1946,
Abrina family records, 21.
187 With McCoy out front: Hawkins, film treatment, 281–83; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Robert Spielman, author’s interview.
188 “I knew that the next”: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 171; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 109; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 226.
189 Abrina had a jaunt: Affidavit of Candido Abrina, 21.
189 Their first hurdle cleared: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 226; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 172.
189 If ever there was: Marshall, author’s interview; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 227; McCoy, ESCAPE, 21, 24; McCoy and Mellnik, Ten Escape from Tojo, 98;
190 In the span of several minutes: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 172–73; McCoy, ESCAPE, 25; Hawkins, film treatment, 285.
191 The escapees sat silently: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 227–28; McCoy, ESCAPE, 25; Hawkins, film treatment, 286.
191 The escape party: Hawkins, film treatment, 287–89; Paul Marshall, author’s interview.
192 The afternoon sun: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 229; Hawkins, film treatment, 289–92; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 135–36, Hawkins, Never Say Die,
194 Hawkins, though: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 292–94; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 41; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 230; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 175–76.
194 They finished their beds: Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 42–43; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 175.
195 Bert Bank had experienced: Bert Bank, author’s interview; Fely Yap, author’s interview.
195 “The Japanese were beside themselves”: Carl Nordin, author’s interview.
196 But the Japanese promptly: Lawton, Some Survived, 72–73.
196 This revelatory pronouncement: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Jack Donohoe, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview.
196 Nobody knew: Bert Bank, author’s interview; McCracken, Very Soon Now, Joe, 76; Jack Donohoe, author’s interview; Bank, Back from the Living Dead, 81.
196 There was plenty of blame: Affidavit of Candido Abrina, 21–22,
197 While the fuming Japanese: McCracken, Very Soon Now, Joe, 76; McGee, Rice and Salt, 104; Lawton, Some Survived, 73.
197 Bert Bank had no idea: Bert Bank, author’s interview; Bank, Back from the Living Dead, 82.
198 At dawn: Statement of Brown, Oscar Burton (Pfc.), NARA, RG 331, Box
1090, 2.
198 Nearly two dozen trees: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 137.
198 Jumarong and de la Cruz: Hawkins, film treatment, 294–95; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 176; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 137.
199 An occasional grassy hillock: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 176.
199 They staggered in silence: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 295–97; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 40–41.
200 Making the mission more difficult: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 176.
200 Thankfully, they had not: Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Dobervich, DESCRIPTION, ENCLOSURE “B,” 3.
200 By noon, several crises: McCoy, ESCAPE, 26; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 231.
201 McCoy stumbled upon: Hawkins, film treatment, 297; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 232; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 44.
202 As they lay gulping: Hawkins, film treatment, 297–98; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 177; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 138–39.
202 “The pain of the stings”: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 177; Hawkins, film treatment, 299; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 120; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview.
203 Dyess concurred: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 177–78; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 133.
203 That, however, was where: Hawkins, film treatment, 299–300; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Stewart Shofner, author’s interview.
204 There was little doubt: Hawkins, film treatment, 300; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 139.
205 But their luck was about to change: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 139–40; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 233–34; Hawkins, film treatment, 301; Dyess, EXPERIENCES, 17; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Robert Spielman, Smallwood interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 45.
206 No sooner had night fallen: Dyess, The Dyess Story, 178–79; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 302; Grashio, Return to Freedom, viii, 140.
208 “Thus hunger, thirst”: Lee, “Prisoners’ March (Death of a Friend),” Nothing but Praise, 31.
208 Melvyn McCoy did not know: McCoy, ESCAPE, 27; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 179.
208 The scene in the swamp: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 140.
208 Every few hundred yards: Hawkins, film treatment, 304–5; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 140; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 235–36.
209 It was an oddly anticlimactic triumph: Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 47; Dyess, The Dyess Story, 180; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview.
210 At the Marines’ suggestion: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 47–48; Hawkins, film treatment, 309–11; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 12.
211 They marched about two kilometers: Hawkins, Never Say Die, 127–29; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 12; McCoy, ESCAPE, 28; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 142.
212 Frozen and frightened stiff: McCoy, ESCAPE, 28; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 238–41; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 13.
214 “Look, Major”: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 241–42; Hawkins, film treatment, 313–14; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 49–51; Dobervich, DESCRIPTION, ENCLOSURE “B,” 3; Ernesto Corcino, author’s interview; McCoy, ESCAPE, 29; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 15–16; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview.
216 Approaching Ed Dyess: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 143; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 129; Ernesto Corcino, author’s interview.
217 The distance between hell and paradise: McCoy, ESCAPE, 28–29; Hawkins, film treatment, 316–19, Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 143; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 12–17; Shofner “Guerrilla Diary,” 52–53; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Paul Marshall, Smallwood interview; Robert Spielman, Smallwood interview.
218 The escapees, however: Hawkins, film treatment, 320–24; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Shofner, “Diary: 1941–1943,” 65–66; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 17; McCoy, ESCAPE, 29.
219 The fun-loving Filipinos: McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 19–20; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 242–43; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 55–57; Shofner, “Diary: 1941–1943,” 69; Paul Marshall, author’s interview; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 143–44.
221 Tears welled in the eyes: Bank, Back from the Living Dead, 82–83; Bert Bank, author’s interview; McCracken, Very Soon Now, Joe, 76–80; Lawton, Some Survived, 74; Nordin, We Were Next to Nothing, 104–5; Heisinger, Father Found, 338; Jack Donohoe, author’s interview.
224 Despite their improved circumstances: McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 39; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 141; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 243–44; Jose Tuvilla, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 325–27; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 58.
225 The escapees had little choice: Hawkins, Never Say Die, 134–35; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 58–60; McCoy, ESCAPE, 30–31; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 244–45; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 326–27, 333–34; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 23; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 144.
229 “There was no trail”: Lee, “Awakening,” Nothing but Praise, 38.
229 The flotilla glided: Hawkins, film treatment, 335–37; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; McCoy, Yankee Guerrillas, 24; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 145; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 246–47; McCoy, ESCAPE, 31–32.
230 While roughly ten: Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Hawkins, film treatment, 338–40; Magdaleno Dueñas, author’s interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 61–62; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 25; Hawkins, Never Say Die, 139–40.
230 At 1730, the party: McCoy, ESCAPE, 32–33; Hawkins, film treatment, 340–43; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 65–66; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 146.
232 Their lesson learned: Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 65–67; Shofner, “Diary: 1941–1943,” 74; McCoy, ESCAPE, 33–34; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 27–28; Hawkins, film treatment, 345–46.
233 Regardless of the fact: Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 247–50; Grashio, Return to Freedom, 146–47; Paul Marshall, aut
hor’s interview; Robert Spielman, author’s interview; McCoy, ESCAPE, 35–36; Hawkins, film treatment, 346–48; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 28–30.
234 “Seldom in my life”: Grashio, Return to Freedom, 147.
234 Save for a surprise appearance: McCoy, ESCAPE, 38–39; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 32–33; Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 64, 70–73; Mellnik, Philippine Diary, 251–52; Jack Hawkins, author’s interview.
236 Barrio Buenavista: Shofner, “Guerrilla Diary,” 74–84; McCoy, ESCAPE, 40; McCoy, “Yankee Guerrillas,” 35–37; Jose Tuvilla, author’s interview; Austin Shofner, Smallwood interview.