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Wishful Thinking

Page 13

by Lynette Sofras

  “I saw the photos in ‘My!’ magazine yesterday and wondered if you might like to talk about that,” Jess said tentatively. “I mean your surprise announcement, of course.”

  Amber, it seemed, had finished with her soup and sat back in her chair as if replete. “Was it a surprise? You must know that Christian and I have unfinished business. We always shall – because we both know we belong together. We’ve tried to convince ourselves otherwise, but it’s time to face the truth and admit it to the world.”

  “I see,” Jess said carefully, dabbing at her lips with her pristine white napkin. “No, I didn’t know that. I thought you were, as I told you before, engaged to Adam. And I believe Christian thinks the same.”

  “I love Adam!” Amber said leaning forward across the table and speaking in an exaggerated stage whisper. “But of course, we all know - don’t we - that Christian and I are meant for each other? It’s what the whole world wants.”

  Jess pondered that novel thought for a moment, seriously doubting that the romantic thoughts of a few hundred fans constituted the whole world. Amber’s face seemed to have taken on the look of a fanatic, her eyes shining as she gazed off into the distance.

  “Do we? I mean, does Christian?” Jess’s confidence grew gradually and she held Amber’s gaze for a moment as one little maid hurried away with the soup bowls while the other brought in an enormous bowl containing a disappointingly small amount of green salad. “Only, you see, he led me to believe that there was no longer any romantic attachment between the two of you.” Jess helped herself to salad and then stared at the bowl in dismay. She had hardly taken any but the bowl was virtually empty. How could that be enough for two people? She didn’t want to appear greedy and contemplated putting some back in the bowl but wasn’t sure how to do it without making herself look foolish. Besides she was hungry. She made a mental note to refuse lunch with the next skinny superstar who invited her.

  “Christian is going through a very vulnerable patch right now…on account of the babies.” Amber explained.


  “Our babies. The ones we lost, Amber said.

  Jess’s appetite vanished in a flash. She looked at Amber expectantly.

  “I see he hasn’t told you. He won’t talk about it, of course. I wish he would. The doctor referred us for counselling but he’s just so stubborn. I’m telling you this in the strictest confidence, of course – not for the book, but as a friend. I was hoping you might be able to persuade him – being a mother yourself.” Amber reached across the table and took Jess’s hand in hers.

  “Persuade him?” Jess felt as if her vocal cords had been strangled.

  “Yes, you know, to have a little faith. The doctors say there’s every chance of success this time, but he’s hurting inside for our lost babies. That’s why he gets drawn to other women’s children; children like your sweet little boy. Oh, you’re not the first, Jess, don’t look so distressed. He’d have married half the single mothers in London by now if we hadn’t kept an eye on him.”

  Jess stared at the lettuce leaves on her plate feeling sick and miserable. A painful lump stuck in her throat. However much she wanted not to believe Amber, some instinct told her there must be an element of truth in Amber’s words. No woman would lie about losing her babies and Christian was inordinately interested in Ben – had been from the very start, now she considered it. If Amber couldn’t provide him with the children he clearly desired, what else was he to do?

  “Anyway,” Amber said with a mysterious smile. “I have some wonderful news for him and I’m flying out to L.A. on Thursday to tell him. By the time your book is published it will be common knowledge, so I’m sure he won’t mind you being one of the first to know.”


  Christian’s limo had just joined the freeway at Torrance, heading north to West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, when his phone rang. He snatched at it eagerly, expecting it to be Jess, but saw Amber’s avatar instead and frowned deeply. He was not in the mood for a conversation with Amber right now. He was angry and frustrated at being unable to communicate with Jess.

  He’d tried repeatedly from the hotel and at various times throughout the day. He succeeded in catching her once and then very briefly while she was stuck in traffic. They barely managed to exchange ten words before the traffic cleared and she had to disconnect. The eight hours’ time difference might as well be eight light years for all the obstacles it seemed to put between them.

  “Surprise, surprise!” Amber said. “I’m at the Heights – where are you?”

  “Right now? In the car heading to a meeting at...” he paused in surprise. “You mean you’re here in L.A.?”

  “Just arrived. You’re not staying at the Hollywood Heights, I see?”

  “No, they checked me into The Roosevelt. What are you doing here, Amber?”

  “The Roosevelt, eh? How long before you’re free to meet me?”

  “I don’t know,” he glanced at Tom as if seeking inspiration. “A couple of hours, maybe.”

  “Great. Then I’ll unpack, grab a shower and meet you at The Tropicana. I’ve missed you.” Amber flipped off her phone.

  Before Christian could call her back to demand an explanation, his phone rang again. The avatar showed Count Dracula – meaning Justin Daco, former bass guitarist of Wishful and one of his best friends.

  “Hey man – listen – I’ve only just seen this myself or I’d have called you sooner. Sasha saw it on Monday but forgot to show me. There’s a three page spread in some magazine and the tabloids are now sniffing around for a follow up story. It says you and Amber have finally named the day and like, very soon. I figured if that was true, you’d have told me and, knowing Amber…well, I thought I’d better run it past you.”

  Christian groaned loud and long. “Can you email it to me?”

  “Already have, mate.”

  “You know Amber’s here? She’s just arrived.”

  “No! You’re not seriously tying the knot over there are you? You wouldn’t do that without us, would you, mate? I always thought I’d be your best man!”

  “Look, I’ll put you onto Tom and he’ll tell you what to say to the press if you get asked. I have to go. We’re at the studios now and I want to check that email before I talk to anybody else.”

  He handed his phone to Tom to brief Justin while he pulled his iPad out of his travel bag to check his email and scan through the article and photos. The limo had pulled into the parking lot and the driver hovered outside the door but Christian waved him away for a moment while he read with mounting dismay.

  Had Jess seen this? He groaned. She almost certainly had and that would explain why she was avoiding him. His mind searched back to the party and he recalled Amber’s surprising little display of affection and the flash of a camera. He should have questioned her about it at the time but he was too preoccupied with thoughts of Jess and then Adam and had barely given it a second thought. He could kick himself for having been so stupid! It was now imperative that he communicated with Jess to explain. He’d have to rely on Tom to contact everyone else and set the record straight.

  But first of all, he would need to see Amber at the poolside bar of his hotel in two hours’ time and work out what game she was playing this time.


  Jess had operated in a daze of wretchedness since her lunch with Amber. As much as she tried to dismiss Amber’s hints as malicious lies, something constantly nagged at her mind. Some little thing about Amber made Jess believe she was speaking the truth. Even if it was only the truth as Amber saw it, it was enough to make any relationship between her and Christian untenable now. Amber had made that very clear.

  Amber was obviously pregnant and believed the baby to be Christian’s. How could he deny that if there was any possibility of it being true and she chose to make it public? Even if he didn’t care about Amber any more, it would make him look like a monster if he just walked away from her. And anyway, Jess wondered if she could ever want a m
an who would turn his back on his own child. Not likely – she’d already had one of those!

  Whichever way she looked at the situation, she could see no solution, only more pain. She couldn’t bear the prospect of a long-distance argument with Christian so rejected his calls to her mobile and monitored suspect numbers through her caller display at home. When she was at Weybridge, she left instructions not to be disturbed and Jacqui aided and abetted her with surprising skill in this. Jacqui had been a great support, and as disloyal as Jess feared she was being, she was unable to prevent herself from confiding some of her fears to the kindly nurse who seemed to take everything with her Caribbean sang-froid.

  “I never liked that Amber from the start and could tell she wasn’t to be trusted,” Jacqui said, wrinkling her nose in disdain. “I was perfectly happy when she seemed to favour Heather and then when Christian asked me to look after Ben, I thought: good riddance, missy – very glad to see the back of you! She’s a schemer – I could tell that from the start. I have no time for people like that, famous or not.”

  Jess reached out her hand and Jacqui gave it a warm squeeze.

  “You know she’s probably in L.A. with him right now?” Jess said.

  Jacqui shrugged. “Look, I don’t really follow the lifestyles of the rich and famous, but I know they live in their own fools’ heavens. They think they’re the centre of the universe and even the nice ones like Christian, who claim to be so normal, get upset when things don’t go the way they want them. He’s got one agenda – she’s got another – the space dust will fly when the mighty planets collide and you and Ben are better off out of it. I’d hate to see you both getting hurt.”

  “Do you think she’s right then, that it’s only Ben he’s interested in?” Jess asked.

  “I couldn’t say that for sure, but it might be a factor. I watched him with Ben, you know and he treats him more like an uncle, or even a father, than just a little boy he met a fortnight ago. But look at you – you’re as pretty as a picture – why shouldn’t he be just as taken with you? What’s not to like about you, little sister?”

  Jess gave a rueful smile, fighting back her tears. “Ask Amber.”

  “And learn what? Nah – she’s just jealous, girl, believe me. And speaking of jealousy – what happened to that Adam character who ran off in a jealous huff? Where does he fit into all this baby stuff?”

  “Adam!” Jess repeated. “I forgot all about him. Christian gave me his number – do you think I could call him and see what he knows?”

  “Huh? Do I what? Damn right I do, girl! In fact call him right now. He was flitting around her like a suicidal moth when we all arrived here, then all of a sudden he vanished from the scene – and no one seems to have asked why. Hmm, somebody round here might just be doing their sums all wrong!”


  He found Amber sitting at a poolside table, nursing a Mojito and picking out tiny asparagus tips from a dish of salad in front of her. She looked stunning of course, her flame red hair cascading about her naked shoulders and her slender body encased in a tight, white ruched tube of a dress which snuggled up against her gentle curves in an intimate fashion.

  When she caught sight of Christian, her pale face lit up and she dropped the vegetation and quickly wiped her fingers on an over-sized napkin. “Chris, darling!” She rose into his waiting arms and allowed herself to be quickly hugged, and kissed even faster, before he pulled away and sat down opposite her.

  “You’re looking much better, Amber. So what brings you to L.A.?”

  “Well I came to see to Veronique about the costumes for the tour – I have some new ideas I wanted to discuss with her. And, of course, I wanted to see you.”

  “Is Adam not with you?”

  She shrugged her slender shoulders and looked into her plate of salad meaningfully. “Not unless he disguised himself as an asparagus spear and I just ate him. Sorry about this, my body clock hasn’t adjusted and I was hungry. This salad is divine. I wonder where they find such succulent asparagus tips in January.”

  “Mexico, maybe, who cares? I expect they have their sources. Your tour starts in England, Amber – next week at the O2 if my memory serves me correctly. Are you trying to kill yourself with jetlag before you go back on stage?”

  Amber laughed, found another asparagus tip and placed it suggestively between her lips before sucking it into her mouth and chewing. “I don’t do jetlag, remember? Anyway I wanted to discuss something with you. Are you going to have a drink? I don’t really recommend these Mojitos – a bit too sweet. Shall we order some champagne?”

  Christian raised his eyebrows slightly. “I thought you hated champagne! Do we have something to celebrate?”

  Amber took his hand across the table and squeezed it while giving him a beatific smile. “I think we do. I’m pregnant.”

  He looked at her in genuine concern, shaking his head slowly. “Amber, you’re not going to risk putting yourself through all that again, surely? You know what the doctors have told you. Your chances of carrying a baby to full term are…not high.” There was no gentler way to put it.

  “Nonsense! Every pregnancy is different and I can feel this one is very different. This time I know it will be alright. I’ve asked Jake to cancel the second part of the tour, so after February I’ll be able to put my feet up and take it easy. But I feel full of energy. I feel absolutely right about this baby this time. Trust me, women know about these things.”

  “So where is Adam? Why isn’t he on the scene?” He glanced around him, looking for the waiter. The bar was reasonably quiet though a number of people thronged around the pool and a few others clustered together on the dance floor at the DJ’s encouragement. He couldn’t recognise anyone famous and heaved a sigh of relief. At least that reduced the likelihood of photographers lying in wait.

  Amber’s eyes narrowed and her lips went into a pout for a moment. “Who cares? Look I’m talking about you and me here. Our future. Our baby.”

  Christian’s wandering attention jerked back to Amber and he stared at her through narrowed eyes. “It’s not our baby, Amber and it’s not our future. You know that. Your future is with Adam, not me.”

  “But it’s not, don’t you see? I realised that on New Year’s Eve. That’s when I found out I was pregnant. It was our very big late Christmas present. It was a sign! This time we’ll get married. We’ll have the baby and everything will be perfect.” Amber had already taken on that serene but abstract expression of expectant mothers catching a glimpse of that strange new world beyond their present existence. Knowing that life would never be the same but not being able to imagine quite how different everything would be. Looking at her, he felt a sinister shiver crawl up and down his spine.

  “How can it be perfect, Amber?” he asked, hoping he was being gentle. “It won’t be my baby, for one thing. It will be Adam’s. And Adam needs to be the father to it.”

  “You don’t need to worry about Adam – I’ve explained everything to him,” she said, gazing earnestly into his eyes and reaching for his hand across the table. “He understands that we need to be together. The whole world understands that. And the whole world will know you are the rightful father. Don’t you see, Chris, this is how we can make everything right! It’s our second chance. It may feel a bit strange, now, but you’ll get used to the idea and when the baby is born, you’ll soon forget you’re not the biological father. Within a couple of weeks it won’t make any difference to you.”

  Christian stared at Amber feeling new depths of dismay. She was deluded and delusional and beyond his help. His sense of pity for her almost overwhelmed him, but his rational brain told him she had moved out of his sphere of influence. She wouldn’t listen to anything he said and he saw no point in causing her distress by arguing with her. She was never going to carry a baby to term and that tragedy alone would be enough for her to contend with when the inevitable happened.

  “Well, you know, you’d better lay off the Mojitos and champagne given your c
ondition,” he said cheerfully, to change the subject. “And you should probably stop trying to fight your body clock and get yourself some sleep.”

  “Later. I’m not tired yet. A couple of glasses of champagne and then I’ll go quietly. It will relax me.” She stretched up her arm and signalled to the waiter.

  “One drink only. Then I’m leaving – with or without you.”

  “Okay,” she smiled her acquiescence. “Which suite are you in?”

  “No, Amber. I’m going to get you back to your own hotel. I’ll get Tom to have a car brought round.”

  “Fine, you can stay with me then. It’s a better view up at the Heights anyway.”



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