Dark Layers Volume 1: Volume 1
Page 9
"I would love to but I have another client at my neck of the woods tomorrow Sweets."
"Okay, call me tomorrow, yeah?"
"I will. Sorry about your job Anile, but I think it's for the best. I'll help you find another one Tuesday."
"I know you will." I smile. I lean over to peck his cheek. "See you later."
"Bye Sweets."
I watch him leave, gutted that I'll be alone tonight and also annoyed. I cannot believe I'm actually going to lose my job over a flipping man! Damn Mr. fucking Darks to... well, not to hell, just, damn him! Everything my mother taught me has been for nothing. She always told me.
“Anile, men are so readable, even on first appearance. Look at their smile, then their eyes. If their smile is on display - open and real - then they are probably as wide and as open as their lips and teeth. And then their eyes. Eyes tell a story of their own. If someone looks broken, it's probably because they are but remember, broken can be fixed. It is the dark and dangerous eyes that you need to notice, they are the ones who will take everything from you. This is how you evaluate your opponent and then you must learn to adapt to each creature, perfectly becoming a powerful woman.”
Her words linger in my mind, they have for nearly five years - I'm only too ashamed that I cannot become what she wanted me to be. My mother is such a wondrous woman, totally full of wisdom, love - oh how I miss her. I never think of her, it's too painful, knowing she's alone in the world - suffering more than anyone could ever understand.
Before I know it, it's eleven forty-five. I drag myself to bed, a little sad after thinking about my mother, and also knowing tomorrow will inevitably come, filled with losing my job and another news paper - so I can search for a new job.
I WAKE NAUSEOUS, WORRIED. I know I should now be at work, it's nine forty-five. I have been endlessly checking my phone but not one call has passed through. I decide to get ready and go out hoping it will take my mind off things. Maybe my father would love a surprise visit. It's only an hour's train ride away, so I’ll get to Maidstone in good time - that's where my father lives, Maidstone in Kent; perfectly hidden away in the country side. I really should invest in a car, I have my driver’s licence but I have never put it to good use.
I get out of the shower and to my surprise, my phone starts ringing.
Jesus, am I excited or scared? Hmmm, BOTH! I close my eyes as I feel my tummy fold over, flipping endlessly as my nerves take over my system.
“Hello.” I answer worried.
“Anile, where are you?”
“Hester, I'm surprised to hear from you.”
Because I thought that Bastard would call to at least apologise!
“Well, after Saturday, well, I didn't think I would have a job.”
“Anile, I have put your absence off long enough. Please hurry and get into work.”
“I'm not sure if that's a good idea Hester, things have gone too far. I mean, I just don't think it's a good idea.”
“Do you want to work in law Anile?” She questions.
“Yes.” Obviously!
“Well get your skinny little back side into work, asap!” She finishes and hangs up.
Holy shit! Can I do this? Yes! Yes! Yes! You deserve your job! Okay, I guess I'm going to work - maybe if I just stay quiet, resist the phone and eat at my desk, I will be successful in hiding from Mr. Darks. Thank bloody God I have already showered, time is becoming a real problem for me these days.
I quickly get dressed like ‘a blind woman’ as Derek would so nicely put it. I snack on a belvita biscuit, and I head out in double time - almost running through the streets until I reach the underground. Luckily getting to work is trouble free. I seem to have missed the rush hour; maybe I should ask to start work early and finish later to make my life a little easier? Yes, I am sure they will let you come and go as you please!
I rush through the revolving doors at Darks Lawyers, out of breath and overwrought, I don’t think I can face Elijah, Mr. Darks to you! Yes, I must remember to call him Mr. Darks otherwise he will end up doing… well, doing something I don’t like presumably.
While arguing with myself, something unexpected catches my eye. I stop dead in the middle of the huge white lobby and check everyone’s appearance. There is not one person dressed in white, in actual fact, everyone is dressed in ordinary clothes, what the Fuck? My eyes glance at the beautiful designer gray to blue to red suits - wow! I stare down at myself and notice I'm dressed in white, without even realizing! I'm wearing a black blouse but my suit is white. Grey mental clouds emerge changing my mood. My temperature boils to over one-hundred degrees! Is this man mind fucking me? I quickly collect myself and lose the jacket - tucking it neatly under my arm, hoping my white trousers will go unnoticed. I doubt it though. I rush to the lift with my head down and thankfully it's empty, so there are no clothes comparisons. I arrive on my work level and Hester's waiting for me. As soon as she gets a glimpse of me, she stares wide-eyed.
“Please do not tell me that on the first day in history of Darks Lawyers enabling employees to wear what they wish, you turn up in white!”
I shake my head with too much effort, my brain thrashing from left to right, but I welcome the headache, at least this is of my own according.
“I’m sorry I'm late Hester, I just,” She interrupts me.
“Forget that Anile. You have a promotion.” She nearly screams with a beaming smile.
What? Did I just hear her right? I have a promotion!
Okay, this has to be some kind of joke. I stand waiting for someone to jump out and scream ‘Punked’. Waiting, waiting, still waiting but nothing. I'm utterly speechless, stupefied and confused all at the same time. My mind doesn’t make sense so I'm pretty sure my face looks disorientated.
“Come again?” I ask.
“I wouldn’t advise on coming at all,” she jokes, “I would advise on grabbing your box from behind the reception desk and following me.”
On shaky legs I manage to make it to the reception desk. I sink solemnly into Hester’s seat. I think I will check myself into the Bethlehem Royal Hospital, surely I have imagined the last week?
“Ready?” Hester asks as she motions for me to move along.
I grab the box containing all my paperwork, noted no personal items - I really should get some pictures of my family and friends to keep me company.
We enter the lift and it flies us all the way up to the top floor. My mouth dries as my brain comes crashing down - Mr. Darks! The Bastard! I know he has everything to do with my promotion. Jesus, better to catch up later than never! This is all happening too fast! I was at home, comfy and feeling safe just over an hour ago, and now, I'm on the same level as Mr. Darks with a flipping promotion!
We exit the lift, all the while in complete silence. Nothing has changed up here, it's still the same Masonic reception area. Hester shows me to an office. Thankfully it's only around ten feet away from the lift - a quick getaway - it's more than necessary - Mr. Darks' office is only about twenty feet away!
"This is your new office Anile.” She smiles.
Wow. It's beautiful; the floor is carried through, which I don't like but the opulent white walls paired with the picturesque view of London is just breathtaking. There are no curtains to hide me from the lobby though; the translucent door and inside window are vast and clear without so much as a finger print. Mr. Darks probably did that on purpose to keep me exposed. There is a solid deep brown desk, carved into a sophisticated design with small brass handles on every draw - there is also a huge bookshelf to match the desk. The desk is perfectly in the centre of the office, making a statement with its grandeur. It's comfortably holding an Apple Mac. In my opinion, the Apple Mac looks too modern in here, this room is fit for a Queen - like Mr. Darks' office.
I walk over to the bookshelf that practically fills the wall - it's huge. I want to see what books there are. I'm curious to see if Mr. Darks has specifically hidden a book, trying to tell me somethin
g in a story - I think he's cryptic like that. Law book after law book fills the shelves, every legislation imaginable is here - boring but necessary - in the middle of all the books though, which almost causes me to burst out laughing, is a first addition of Wuthering Heights. Yup, I was right, he definitely put that there to try and cause an emotional impact. Jesus, if that man thinks I will die from a broken heart because of him, he's sourly mistaken. I stand open-mouthed and just gawp at everything. I turn back to face Hester, desperate for answers.
“What is this about Hester, why am I being given all this?” I ask. I exaggerate my hand motion waving at everything.
“You need to read through the envelope on your desk and sign Anile, then, get to your dedicated job immediately. The girl at the reception is called Jezebel. She is dial number one on the phone. She is yours and Mr. Darks PA. Don’t ask why you have struck lucky, just accept it and work hard so you deserve it.” She finishes as she leaves my office.
Once Hester is gone, I unpack my box, creating a location for everything in a heady daze. This is beyond anything I ever expected here and I can't help but over think it. I quickly remember the girl at the reception desk from the other day - she's so young and fucking rude. Now I'm in a higher position, maybe I can get her sacked?
Once I have finished unpacking my things, I open the brown envelope. It's a work contract for two years. Oh my! I'm so excited. I cannot believe I have a proper job! My mother, father and Derek will be so proud - I'm no longer a secretary! It takes me almost two hours to read through the contract. It's all pretty normal; hours, pay, laws here, etcetera. But what really gets me are the last few pages and the NDA.
Employment Contract from Darks Lawyers for - Miss Anile Gooden Employee and Job Description
Miss Anile Gooden
Whitehouse Apartments, 9 Belvedere Road, London, SE1
Telephone Number:
23 August 1989
Job Description:
Criminal Lawyer - assigned cases only
£60,000 Yearly - to be revised yearly
Criminal Law Degree – Non Masters
40 hours per week on basic - case hours to meet the client/s
Employment Contract
From 09/03/2012 to 09/03/2014
Personal Contract
Anile Gooden - Above information accurate and checked.
You agree if any of the above information is false you will bring it to the attention of Mr. Elijah Darks.
You agree to the terms of any contract signed by yourself for Mr. Elijah Darks - Please see Terms and Conditions.
You agree not to change any terms of signed contracts by yourself for Mr. Elijah Darks.
Anile Gooden (s) Signature:
Non Disclosure Agreement
- Between
Elijah Darks – First Party
Anile Gooden – Second Party
Both Parties agree to the following
Non Disclosure of any information
Never to seek legal advice from another party outside of Darks Lawyers
Agree to working hours set in employment contracts
Agree to travelling for work
Agree to hotels and/or other sleeping accommodation regarding the working environment - if necessary
Agree to all working functions
Agree to finish all cases appointed to you by Darks Lawyers - Please see Terms and Conditions
Working and personal relationship
Personal Information gathered -The Second Party.
Female graduate in Criminal Law.
Mother and Father living.
No account of Brothers or Sisters.
Single, never married, never engaged and not currently living with a partner.
No account of children or aborted children.
Never given blood.
Never received a blood transfusion.
No tattoos.
No recognizable birth marks.
No mental or physical illness.
No criminal convictions.
Full UK drivers licence.
You Anile Gooden agree that the information gathered in this document is truth, all truth and nothing but the truth.
Both Parties agree to all terms - never to add or change once signed - including Terms & Conditions.
Date of Non Disclosure agreement not issued.
This Non Disclosure agreement is indefinite.
If/when the second party breaks this Non Disclosure Agreement, the first party can take legal action for all obtainable assets from the second party and/or any person/s responsible for the second party.
To Agree-
Elijah Darks Signature:E, Darks,
Anile Gooden Signature:
My mouth dries as I finish the contracts - to say they consume my thoughts' would be an understatement! Personal relationship? What the fuck is that for - why have that in a contract? I push the contracts to the side with little effort - I don't even bother to read over the terms and conditions. I sluggishly lift my elbows' onto my desk and cup my face with both of my hands. What on earth does he hope to achieve from the contracts? There is an alternative reason for them I know it. I have never in my life read an NDA like that before! 'Agree to work functions', 'sleeping arrangements'. What does he think is going to happen - he tells me there is miraculously only one bed, so I have to share it with him? I don't think so! If he's not careful, I will treat him to his own hobby - I will smack his backside and give him a red arse! Hmmm, maybe I should spank him, maybe it would knock some fucking sense into that ambitious brain of his! I close my eyes and sit back in my seat trying to gather my momentous thoughts but I hear low voices - one of them is male. My breath hitches as I watch Mr. Darks slowly glide through the reception area towards his office. Why does he have to be so damn hot! If he was just a little less good looking, maybe I would have the upper hand, maybe I would tell him where to go, but ohhh no, he is smoking hot and don't we all bloody know it! I try to busy myself as he stops outside of my office. The cirque du soleil have made another surprise visit - they swish and sway in my tummy as my nerves plummet! Please don't come in here! I swivel around in my chair, facing the huge window. I close my eyes to try and calm myself before I boil over; my mind is bubbling and pondering over this man! Ugh!
I hear my office door open. I jump out of my skin leaning forward in my chair. I slowly turn, feeling like an idiot - if he sees me sneaking a peek like this, he will either laugh or tell me to get a grip! Phewww, thankfully it's just Jezebel. She's a very gorgeous young girl; young being the operative word. Asian with the darkest lustful eyes and obviously brunette, obviously! I don't like her rudeness, but, we are now working together, so I suppose I will have to try and get along with her.
“Miss Gooden, here are the papers you require to get started on the Timothy Allen case.”
"Timothy Allen case?"
"Yes, this is your first real case, submitted to you by Mr. Darks himself; Mr. Darks has made all the necessary arrangements for you regarding PI's and the already gathered evidence. It is all here Miss Gooden."
“Thank you. You can call me Anile.”
“Actually I cannot Miss Gooden. Mr. Darks would have my guts for garters if I were to address you by your first name.” She replies shrugging her shoulders. I'm sort of relieved that it isn’t only me he has that effect on. Her choice of words catch my attention, ‘guts for garters’, I'm sure I used them exactly to express the punishment worry I could possibly suffer from Mr. Darks - and I know he wants to spank me, he said as much. I roll my eyes at the thought.
“Are you okay Miss Gooden?�
“Yes, sorry. Please leave the papers and I will get right on them.”
She stands uncomfortably fidgeting, almost biting her nails, twirling her lose strand of hair around her index finger - it's flipping annoying.
"Is that all?" I ask, hoping to get rid of her.
“Miss Gooden, have you signed your contracts? Mr. Darks would like them immediately.”
I flush red, annoyed yet, delighted.
”No, please tell Mr. Darks I will have my lawyer look over them and I will have them ready for him tomorrow.”
“Um, eh, you are only allowed a member of this law firm to look over them Miss Gooden. Mr. Darks insists.”
“Is that even legal?” I ask knowing the answer.
“I am not sure it really matters Miss Gooden. Mr. Darks makes the law this end of the world, so maybe you should take it up with him.” She replies as she leaves my office.
Oh I will take it up with him! I'm ready, ready to bust his balls! He cannot boss me around yet, I haven't signed anything!