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The Claiming (The Pack Claims a Mate)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Think about it, and you’ve got to talk with Kitty.”

  Tom chuckled. “I will. Can you believe we’re going to be mated to a woman named Kitty?”

  “It has a nice ring to it, Kitty and the wolf.” Roy laughed, leaving him alone.

  Letting out a sigh, Tom wished his father was here to talk to. His situation was growing worse, and only Kitty held the key to making him better.

  “Please, let me stay in control long enough for this.” The full moon was close, and he was risking everything on his wolf.

  Don’t fail me.

  Heading inside, Tom took the stairs two at a time. Opening the door, he sat in a chair, waiting for his woman to wake up. He didn’t mind waiting. When she was awake he’d be here, waiting to talk to her. To do anything she needed.


  Kitty stretched out her muscles. She’d not slept well in months, and her body suddenly felt more of her own that ever before. Glancing from side to side, she saw Tom sat down beside the bed watching her.

  Sitting up, she recalled everything that happened, including Joey turning into a wolf. Holding the blanket up against her chin, she stared at the man who’d brought her into this situation.

  “I can understand why you’re scared, but I promise you have no reason to be,” he said. There was no one else inside the room, other than him.

  “Where’s your brother?” she asked, shocked by the scratchy sound to her voice.

  “He’s doing something around the house, I’m sure. We do a lot of stuff to keep ourselves busy.” He stood up and sat on the bed beside her.

  Should she protest?

  “Are you going to hurt me?” She looked up to see him frowning.

  “No, we’d never hurt you, Kitty. You’re safe with us, I promise.”

  Nodding, Kitty checked out the room. Without the other four men, she felt there was room to finally breathe. “Thank you. For not hurting me.”

  He reached over, stroking her cheek. “I’d never hurt you.”

  She believed his words even though he’d kidnapped her. Was this some kind of Stockholm Syndrome?

  Shaking her head, she looked at him. “Why? We barely know each other, and in my experience, people always hurt each other.”

  “I’m not most people, baby. I’m part wolf.”

  What did she say after that?

  Kitty couldn’t deny his claim. She was living amongst wolves. “It must be nice changing and being able to run wild,” she said, rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm up.

  “You’ve got problems?” he asked. “Are there people waiting for you back home?”

  “No, there’s no one who cares about me.” Kitty bit her lip. She’d just admitted to her kidnapper that there was no one looking for her.

  You were checking him out before he came over.

  She couldn’t deny the feelings evoked within her when she was around him. He took claim of every part of her senses without even trying. Licking her lips, she became aware of how dry her throat was.

  Within seconds Tom had a drink in hand and was offering her a sip.

  “You’ve got good reflexes as well,” she said, taking the drink and sipping from the straw.

  “Look, this is a lot to take in, and if you want no part in this, I understand,” he said.

  Holding her hand up to stall him, Kitty took a drink. When she was finished, she handed him back the cup and stared at him. “First, why am I here?” she asked. For most of her life she’d been able to process thoughts and emotions a lot faster than other people. She’d never had time to dwell, and instead of staying down, she’d risen above all the battles she and her mom faced.

  “Do you want the truth or for me to sugarcoat the reason why you’re here?” he asked.

  “I need the truth.”

  “Fine, my wolf recognizes your scent as my mate. We’re a pack of brothers and are destined to share a mate. You’re that woman.”

  “Wait, hold up, I’m supposed to mate six men?” she asked. The idea didn’t put her off.

  “It sounds like a lot,” he said.

  “It is a lot.” She ran a hand down her face trying to process everything.

  “You’d be the only woman,” Tom said. “You wouldn’t have to share us with anyone else. We’d be devoted to only you, your happiness and your pleasure.”

  His words shouldn’t sound so tempting.

  “What needs to happen?” she asked

  Was she even considering this? No, there’s no way she should be thinking about sticking around.

  Another quick look around the spacious room, Kitty let out a sigh. If this room was anything to go by, the rest of the house would be a dream.

  “This would be all yours,” he said.

  She glanced at him, seeing the hope shining back at her. When had she been able to read emotions so clearly?

  “What needs to happen?” She asked the question again, trying to bring some focus into her world.

  “I would have to start the claiming ceremony at the full moon, making you our woman. After the full moon you will have to spend one moon month with each of my brothers until, at the end, you’d be with me. During that time you’ll bond with each of my brothers and then finally with me. When you and I are mated, we’d have another mating that would cement our bond and that of the pack together.”

  She took a deep breath, trying to work through what he was saying.

  “You make it sound so easy,” she said. “It takes a long time.”

  “Yes, mating to each other and that of a pack has to be long to assure all that it’s the right bond forming.”

  Kitty nodded, understanding. “You’re all okay with sharing the same woman?”

  “It’s what we’ve been waiting for.”

  “Waiting for, seriously, you think that’s romantic?” she asked.

  He smiled, and then he got all serious. “I can promise you, Kitty, we will cherish every part of you. You’ll be treated like a queen.”

  “Tom, I don’t know you.”

  “Then stick around and give us all a chance. If, by the time the full moon is up, you can’t stand the sight of us, then you can leave.” His jaw tensed, and he stopped talking to look down.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Nothing, this is just important to us all. I need you to make a choice on your own.” He stood up and walked to the door. “You can leave at any time. If you wish to be with us then come down for dinner.” Tom continued to stare at her.

  She watched him finally leave. When he was gone, she left the bed to look out of the window. The scenery was beautiful. She’d never seen anything so amazing and bright. Pulling a seat to the window she sat down and looked out at the passing day. She saw each of the men she’d met in her bedroom, doing something outside, from chopping wood, to playing ball. They found any way to keep working.

  “What do you think, Mom?” she asked the room. Her mother was dead, but it didn’t do her any harm to ask for a little help. “Do you think I should give them a chance?”

  Nothing answered her. For the past year her life had been nothing but shit. She had little to look forward to. Six men were better than none, and all of her men were sexy and hot.

  With her decision made, she left the bedroom, going downstairs. She found all of them in the kitchen surrounding a pot of stew. They stopped talking the moment they saw her.

  “I’d like to stay,” she said. “I’d like to give this mating thing a try.”

  Chapter Three

  Over the next couple of days, Tom worked harder than he’d ever worked in his life to make Kitty feel at home. He’d never expected her to agree after taking her off the street. She seemed so relaxed when she was around them all. Sitting at the kitchen counter he watched her eating a bowl of cereal and looking at a magazine. Guy was sat on one side with Roy on the other. Stuart was reading a book while Joey and Mark were arguing about a movie they’d watched the night before.

  For the first time since their paren
ts died peacefulness had fallen on the room. Sipping at his coffee, he watched her twirl a strand of blonde hair around her finger. She wore one of his shirts with Roy’s jeans. None of the clothes they owned fit her. He’d checked through the bag he’d brought with her and been surprised to find the barest essentials packed away.

  “You keep staring at me, and you’re going to make me worried,” Kitty said, turning toward him.

  “You’re a beautiful woman,” he said, taking a gulp of the hot liquid. Her cheeks heated, and her flush smelled so fucking sweet. His cock hardened in response. He’d not taken a woman in so long or had any kind of response to a female in a long time.

  “She has such a sexy blush,” Joey said.

  Kitty went back to eating her breakfast, but he saw the slight smile on her lips. She was happy with their compliments.

  “What are you doing today?” he asked, drawing her attention back to him.

  “Erm, Stuart offered to take me out to explore.” She looked toward Stuart who was reading a book and not paying attention. Screwing up the shopping list, Tom aimed it at his brother’s head.

  Stuart came out of his book with a start. “What?” he asked.

  “Are you still taking me around to explore?” Kitty nibbled on her lip. Tom wanted to suck that lip in his mouth. He wanted to do a hell of a lot more to her.

  “Yeah, is it that time already?” Stuart slammed the book closed and rose. “I’d rather spend time with you than in a musty old book.” He dropped the book to the table and reached for her hand.

  “Erm, you’re ready to go?”

  He nodded. “I’ve got a little picnic basket ready for us, so we don’t have to venture back here for dinner.”

  Tom watched her get up and leave. Seconds later the door closed, echoing around the whole house.

  “You were right,” Guy said.

  “About what?”

  “She’s the right woman for the mating.” Guy got up and left the table. Tom sighed in relief.

  “We’re waiting to judge,” Joey said, speaking for both him and Mark. Those two had a bond that Tom would never understand.

  All too soon he and Roy were the only ones left.

  “What are you thinking?” Tom asked.

  “She’s our woman. I just hope she can handle the claiming and the months to come. It takes its toll, and by the end of it she could become pregnant.” Roy stopped and ran a finger over his lips. Tom watched his brother contemplate their situation. “A lot is riding on two weeks of getting to know each other. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  Roy stood, ready to leave.

  “Wait, there’s something I need your help with.” He poured another coffee for himself and headed toward the office. Firing up the laptop, Tom sat down. Roy pulled up a chair, sitting beside him.

  “What do you need my help with?” Roy asked.

  “I want to buy Kitty some new clothes. I like seeing her in our clothes, but I think something new would be good for her.”

  Roy accessed the account. “Funny you should say that. I was looking at some new clothes for our woman.”

  “Do you think I made a mistake?” Tom asked while they were waiting for the websites to load.

  “No, I don’t. I enjoy her company. She’s funny, but I get the sense that she’s hurt about something.”

  Tom agreed. “Kitty’s experienced loss. Hopefully over the next six moons she’ll become acquainted with us, and we’ll give her everything she needs.”

  “Who will be going first?” Roy leaned back, letting Tom look at the clothes he’d picked. He put the items he liked in the box ready to purchase them.

  “I can’t go first. You know I have to wait until the final moon to make the final claiming.” He started the mating, and it ended with him.

  “I know.”

  “It’s between you and the others.” Tom tapped on the mouse, ordering some sexy lingerie for her.

  “Do you think we should put a background check on her?”

  He glanced at Roy. “You think we need to run one? Your scent is not convincing enough?”

  “I’m more than happy with my sense of smell. What I don’t like is not knowing anything about her.”

  “We can’t force her to open up. Everything will come clear during the mating.” Tom looked toward the calendar seeing the date in just over a week was circled. He didn’t have long to discuss it with Kitty.

  This was his responsibility as alpha, to take the lead and bring their woman into the picture of what was required of each of them.

  “She’ll freak out if she’s not ready,” Roy said.

  “How did you know I was thinking about that?”

  “You were looking at the calendar. It doesn’t take a genius to realize what’s on your mind.”

  Finalizing the order Tom sat back. “I’ll get her ready and make sure she’s with us the whole way.”

  He didn’t have much longer as a human. His wolf purred beneath the surface, waiting for a moment of weakness to take over. Tom waited for Roy to leave before he dropped his head in his hand. So much of their future was riding on this coming month. What would he do if this didn’t work?

  No, he couldn’t think like that. Becoming a wolf was not an option. He’d fought for a long time, and he refused to give up now.


  Kitty stared out at the night in the study. Most of the men had gone to bed. She’d been in bed for a long time before finally giving up on sleep and making her way downstairs. This was the one room that smelled like her men.

  Her men?

  Crap, when had she started to think of the Snow brothers as her men?

  She couldn’t even think around them. They were so attentive, and they made it hard for her to focus on what she was doing. Wrapping her arms around her waist, Kitty inhaled their scent and realized she didn’t want to go. Tom, Roy, Guy, Stuart, Joey, and Mark had gotten under her skin. Each man was totally different, and she found herself falling for each of them already.

  It hadn’t been a week, and yet she was falling in love with them. Tom was so dominant that he grabbed her attention from simply walking into a room. She knew he was the alpha. Stuart, during their time together, explained all the finer details of the pack. Tom was alpha, with Roy as the beta and the next in command going down the line. Joey was the youngest as he was born minutes after Mark.

  If she went through with the claiming she’d have all six men at her mercy. She smiled thinking about having all of their hands and gazes on her body. Kitty wasn’t a small woman, not at all. She had curves, and she loved food, always had and always would.

  Shaking, she closed her eyes thinking about what it would feel like to have all six men caressing her, stroking between her thighs or against her breasts. She let out a moan, squeezing her thighs together to stem the flow of cream she felt pooling out of her cunt. Fuck, she’d not been this turned on for a long time. Her hands shook as she reached out to the window frame to hold on to.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Tom asked, startling her.

  Opening her eyes, she looked behind her to see the man who’d taken her from the boring world she lived in to the orgasms and love he promised were in her future. Taking a deep breath, she kept her gaze on him at all times. He walked further into the room.

  “You know I can smell you, don’t you, baby?”

  “Smell me?”

  “Yeah, I can scent that sweet cunt of yours flowing. You’re killing me with need, Kitty. I want to be a kitten to you and lick you until you scream against my mouth.”

  Her nipples tightened at his words.

  Within seconds his hands were on her hips pulling her closer toward him. She didn’t resist him. Kitty wasn’t afraid of the man in front of her. He’d shown her more kindness than she ever expected from him.

  This was like a fairy tale story where she’d been taken by a beast but fallen in love with him at the same time. There was more to Tom than the domineering alpha. He was sweet and always to
ok care of her. In his arms, she felt cherished.

  His hands moved down to her ass, cupping her cheeks tightly.

  “Stop getting turned on,” he said, growling against her ear.

  The noise had her gasping, holding onto his arms tightly while he nuzzled her neck.

  She moaned as his teeth bit down, not enough to draw blood but enough for her to know he meant business. Her pussy was on fire with need.

  “Tom,” she said, gasping.

  “Stop driving me crazy. I’ve only got so much control.”

  “Give up your control.” She leaned back to look in his eyes.


  “You heard me. Give up your control. I want you, Tom. I want this. Please, mate with me and make me part of your pack. It’s what I want.” Her outburst was the complete truth. No matter how many times she tried to deal with logic, nothing was logical about this situation. She was living with werewolves, the kind that turned all furry and growly at the full moon.

  “You’re sure?”

  “This is the only thing in my life I’ve ever been sure of. I know what I want, Tom.”

  He cupped her cheek, stroking the backs of his fingers across her lips. “Once I start this at the full moon there will be no going back. You can’t fight this, and you’ll be with all six of us for the rest of your life.”

  She took hold of his hand and brought it to his lips. Pressing her nose against his wrist she took a deep inhale. Her body came alive under his scent. There was something calming and yet sexy about his smell alone.

  “Fuck, you really do want this.”

  “I’ve got no one. There’s no one looking for me or wanting me. What you and your brothers are offering is a dream come true.” She let him go to run fingers through her hair. During the last week she’d not been open with any of them. Each of the men had given her a part of themselves while she kept herself at bay. “What I have in my backpack, that’s all I own. My mother died of cancer a year ago. I had to sell everything to pay for her hospital bills then her funeral.”

  “What about your father?”

  “He was a waste of space and caused more damage than he could ever repair.” She glanced down at his chest unable to meet his gaze.


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