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NICO: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance (Claiming What's His Book 2)

Page 13

by Evie Adams

  “Keep guard over me you mean.”

  “No. If you're that cruel, I don't think you'd have a problem overpowering Appy. Escape, leave if you want to, but don't tell me I didn't warn you when you come across someone worse than me.” I hoped she'd still be here when I returned, but I couldn't not go out with Sal and the boys if I hoped to lead them one day. Besides, someone needed to watch over Sal, keep him in line. Gianni was my guy and could be trusted, but Sal was his boss, Gianni couldn’t exactly tell him what to do. But I can.

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  He left me in the cabin, and I thought about what he said, his warnings were nothing more than imaginary threats. Exactly what a captor would say, to keep me close, to keep me dependent on him. In the light, it would be easier to hike around the shoreline until I met some other house or a road or something. It seemed so easy, but when I opened the door, there was what must have been “Appy” on the porch.

  A hunched over old woman who looked about 150, but I didn't dare ask her. She pushed by me and went to the stove, tried to grab the cast iron pan on top and I thought she would fall over with it, so I went to help her.

  “Gratzi,” she said and smiled. And set it down to scrub it.

  So this was my new captor. Marcus was right, I'd be too worried what would happen to her if I left her alone. But, the door was open.

  “Sally,” she said and looked at me. “Sally?” in a thick Italian accent.

  I pointed to myself and said, “Anna.”

  “No, No, Sally! Certamente Anna. Sally!” She said and waived her arms, pointing at the shelf above the wood stove. “Salt!” she said, finally. I felt like an idiot, and got her the salt, which she poured in the pan and used it to scrub the pan until it was clean and the salt was dirty. She stood up, again about to fall over with the pan, so I went to help her and as soon as I had it, she moved around behind me, quickly for her, quick for anyone. She made the bed and straightened the rest of the room as I watched and tried to help and make sure she didn't hurt herself.

  She was a whirlwind really, but when she was done. She smiled and said, “Ho finito.” And she pulled a book from under her dress, and motioned me to follow her outside. She pulled two chairs together and gave me the book and told me, “Forte. Parla Forte.”

  The book had a pirate on the cover, and I already felt I didn't want to read this out loud to her in front of the lake. But she looked at me like an excited puppy, and she did just clean the house for me, sort of, so what could I do? I couldn't refuse her. She kept yelling at me, “Forte, Forte.” Which must have meant louder, but after saying, “love muscle” loudly three times I had enough of Appy, as sweet as she was.

  Thankfully, a younger woman came by shouting, “Ma!” and words I couldn’t understand in a sweet flowing Italian. The old woman just put her hand in the air, and waived her off, “Bah.”

  The young woman looked at me and spoke, “Sorry for her, she has no shame. I tried to get her a book on tape, but she turns it up so loud that they can hear it across the lake. What am I going to do with you” She leaned down and kissed Appy on the lips.

  “I'm Tess.” She stuck her hand out to me, which I shook. “Marcus said he was going to look after her for me, but it looks like it was you instead. Thanks.”

  “Anna,” I replied, stupidly.

  “Well, I need to bring her back to take a nap, and give you a rest from her. But come visit. We're in cabin 4 over there behind the main one. I'm trapped in there with a toddler and Ma, so come over or give me an excuse to get out for a while.”

  “Sure. Tess.” She smiled and walked away with her mother, who seemed to hear Italian better than English.

  This place was busier than I thought. At least four cabins, maybe more. I was left alone, but the fact that this place didn't seem as bad as I had thought at first and the warnings Marcus gave that sounded plausible, I decided to lay down instead of escape. At least for now.

  I still had the pirate book, but the fact that the picture in my head of the main character looked like Marcus made me want to throw the book across the room. It was no use reading it. I hated him for abducting me, for threatening me, but I couldn't exactly say I was disgusted by him. Especially how he looked coming out of the water, in the sun, or how hungry he looked when I came out of the water to fetch the soap from him.

  I woke to his face above me, staring at me, he spoke, “I could help you with that.”

  “With what?”

  “That.” He said, pointing to the book laying on my stomach and my hand down the front of my pants.


  I jumped away from him, but he grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me hard, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

  I pushed him off me, “You promised you wouldn't rape me.”

  “I know what I promised. And it doesn't seem like I'd have to. When we fuck, you'll want me as much as I want you. And you don't need this,” he took the book from the bed and threw it across the room, it fluttered open, and landed like a wounded bird on the wood stove, “when I'm right here.”

  “That's not mine, and it was the only thing to do in here.”

  “Not the only thing.” He grinned that wolfish grin. “But I did get you something to keep you busy for when I have to go away. Hope you like records and Italian music.” He pointed to a record player on the floor with a box of antique records next to it.

  “For me?”

  “It was but I’m not sure now.”

  “I need something here.”

  “OK, but I want something in return.”

  “Not that, you promised.”

  “You have a dirty mind. I like it. But no not that. Just a kiss. A good kiss.”

  It was worth it. I went up to him and put my arms around his neck and planted one, on those soft lips, one he could remember. One I could feel in his pants, but just when I felt he had enough, he grabbed me, and kissed harder, his tongue in my mouth, and picked me up and started walking to the bed. I broke free again, “A kiss, that's all.”

  “That's not all. That wasn't just a kiss.”

  “You said a good kiss, so I gave you one, but that's all.”

  “Goddamn it.” He growled and knocked over the stack of records and slammed the front door as he went out.

  I almost felt sorry for him, but that was payback for not telling me about the shower. I went over to the pile of records, to gather them back up, and saw they all had price tags. $75, $200, some were even $500, all antique, rare records. He came back in the room, “You stole these didn't you?”

  “Not really.”

  “Did you kill or beat someone for them too?”

  “I don't have to explain myself to you.”

  “No, I know you did something awful for these. I'd rather not know. Take it away, I don't want it.”

  “You didn't ask where I got the money for the donation, now did you?”

  “If that was dirty it'll have to be returned.”

  “Of course it was dirty. All my money is dirty. I made millions buying companies and dismantling them piece by piece. But that was perfectly legal. I formed companies to buy other ones, and when the deal went bad, the company declared bankruptcy and millions more were washed away. I was dirtier in my old line of work than this one. But if you have to know, this is from a guy who runs a music shop. A degenerate gambler, drug addict music shop owner who owed my half-brother Sal money and of course didn't have it. So instead of beating him or worse, I talked my half-brother into busting out his business. It's not much different from what I did on Wall Street, just much smaller potatoes. This guy has nothing, but his business has credit, so he orders a ton of inventory, we take the inventory and sell it off to pay ourselves back, and in the end he declares bankruptcy and goes out of business. Trust me, it's more humane than what Sal planned to do to him. This way he walks away, bankrupt and broke, but at least he can walk.”

ut you don't need the money.”

  “No, but Sal does. His guys do. If it makes you feel better, I did pay for these, but I didn't pay full price. And you know what? After I handed him the money, he placed another set of bets with Sal. I'm the sucker here you should feel sorry for.” He left again, slamming the door.

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  My god she was a pain in the ass. I do something nice for her and the thanks I get is a rebuke and an accusation. But worse than all of that, I followed it up by being honest, by telling the truth, by showing myself what an idiot I am for her.

  I did pay and overpay for the records because I figured she would like them. Sal and the boys thought it was weak of me too, but I had to pay for them, because I knew she would refuse stolen ones. I hate how good she is at putting me in awkward situations and making me explain. I hate this weak willed person I come to be around her. Well, that ends tonight.

  I would go back inside right now and show her she is mine, and have her enjoy the hell out me fucking her, anything to stop this feeling of weakness. When I’m fucking her, I’ll feel strong again.

  But now, I had promised to introduce her to my father. That should be uneventful, but I found myself worrying what they would say to each other, if they would like each other.

  The lake was frozen in the moonlight, silvery ripples broke up the mirror surface. I thought of going fishing, maybe with her. Fish or fuck, one or the other. She may even ruin fishing for me. Fishing was like meditation, nothing could follow you out there, you concentrated on what was in front of you, what was in front of you was the only thing in the world.

  Maybe tomorrow, after I had her tonight.

  I poked my head back in the cabin, she sat with the records arrayed around her. “Well, as long as the moment is ruined, how about we go visit my father?” I asked. She got up silently and followed me.

  We walked up to the main cabin, a mansion really, not a cabin, a compound. The living room had floor to ceiling windows and looked out over the lake. The room my father was in was just to the left of it and had a big bay window instead of floor to ceiling, but let an amazing amount of light in and had a beautiful view of the lake and the mountains. The place was quiet, somber, and the priest was in the room with the old man, I saw her pause at the priest, a priest next to the bed of an old man in poor health is never a good sight, but I pulled her along, and the priest got up to leave when the old man saw us and motioned us in.

  “Teasing the poor father again?” I asked.

  “My only pleasure these days. They keep everyone away from me because I need quiet and rest but I feel like I’m already dead with all the quiet and rest around here.” He said warmly, and looked at Anna beside me.

  “This is my friend, Anna. She'll be happy to scream at me if you want.”

  “Anna. Lovely Anna.” He raised his hand to shake hers and spoke to me, “Even if they're screaming at you, at least they're talking. Even if they're laughing at you, they're still laughing.” He turned back to Anna, “So what do you do Anna?”

  “I'm a political fundraiser. I worked on Michael’s campaign.”

  “Ah, beautiful and smart. You don't belong here any more than Marcus does do you? Why are you here with us?”

  She looked at me, and I gave her the look to shut her mouth, “I don't know,” she said and it sounded like she meant it.

  “Well, at least she's honest. When I ask you that Marcus, you have no answer either, but you pretend to have one. Family. Loyalty. Bullshit.”

  “Dad, maybe now's not the right time for this.”

  “I don't know how much time I have left. So I don't care about any of that. If now's not the right time who cares? There may never be a right one. One more thing on the bucket list was me confessing why your mother and me split up. I love having you here, but it breaks my heart at the same time. Your mother and I loved each other, very much. But we agreed when you and Michael were very young, that I couldn't leave this life, and growing up in this life would trap you kids, and her. But if she left at least you two would have options. Wouldn't be trapped. So we agreed she would leave and take you with her.”

  “I know all of this. Mother got it off her bucket list before you did, and we've been over it too. I had options and I know the other life that you never did. It's just as corrupt, believe me.”

  He talked to Anna, leaned in close, like they were conspiring against me, “You see? Stubborn. Won't listen to his father. Yells at a dying man. Go scream at him or laugh at him, or give me a grandchild.”

  He leaned back on the bed, we were tiring him out, it seemed. We said our goodbyes, and he made Anna promise to visit him again, to conspire against me no doubt.

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  When we were back in the cabin, it was time for me to find some things out. Maybe it wasn’t wise to poke a snake as he was getting meaner, but it was past time I had some answers.

  “Why am I here Marcus?”

  “You’re here because I want you here, that’s all.” He dismissed it, without even looking at me.

  “Your father seems to think I’m your girlfriend or wife or something, I didn’t correct him tonight, but soon I’ll have to.”

  “Disturb an old dying man’s last wishes if you want, that’s on you not me. But he won’t care. He plays the kind old man now, but he is ruthless, he had to be to get where he is. He takes what he wants when he wants, and deals with the repercussions later. He never explains himself. And it’s time I start taking more lessons from him. Take off your clothes.”


  “There's that word again.” He pulled me to the bed and unwrapped the dress I had on, pinning me down.

  “You promised.”

  “I promised you would want it as much as I did. And I think you do. But I'll hear you say it first. Out loud.” I thought he was going to take me right there, but he pushed me off him, and leaned over me, “Now I want to see your naked body, and we had no deal about that.”

  I struggled and tried to push him off, but he was too strong. He kissed the side of my neck, pulled the shirt aside for my breasts to tumble out. “Is this how you imagined it,” he whispered in my ear as his mouth went lower, “Is this what you dreamed about this afternoon?”

  “No,” I told him, but weakly, it was a lie because this is exactly what I had imagined before I fell asleep. I enjoyed the kiss, the holding my arms above my head, the tingling from my belly, and the scratchy stubble on his face, then his silky soft lips tracing down my body. When he moved his hand down over my breast just before his mouth got there, and then his hand moved ahead, down to my upper thigh, I didn't have any struggle left. I wanted him, or at least my body did.

  His finger resting gently on my clit and making a slow circle, with slight, even pressure, and his tongue making the same circles around my nipples, I thought I was going to lose my mind.

  He came up and kissed me, penetrating my mouth with his tongue, searching, and I kissed him back. His finger stopped the circling motion and went north and south now, a little further south each time, just above the slit.

  His mouth broke free from mine, and he stared into my eyes as he talked, but never stopping with his finger rocking up and down, “I want you. Do you want me to stop?”

  It was cruel, the cruelest thing he had done so far. I didn’t answer, and he kept on asking, and rubbing. Finally, I said, “No.”

  “Tell me you want me,” he persisted, his eyes still focused on me, and his finger rocking up and down, with just a little more pressure. His cock was against my thigh, through his pants, and I couldn't pretend to resist anymore.

  “I want you, just fuck me and shut the hell up.” I said finally. “Please,” I whispered as he reached a hand down to spread my swollen lips.

  He moved away from me, down. I waited, listening to him breathe, his chest rising and falling far too fas
t, just like mine, his whole body tense, I waited for him to refuse me, some other cruel torment, when he got what he wanted, my admission, to throw it in my face.

  Instead, he gave a low, animal growl, wrapping his arms around my hips and pulling me into his mouth. His mouth and tongue were on fire between my legs, and so was I. My hands searched for something to hold onto, to not go spinning into orbit, they balled up the sheets in my fists, as I lost myself in the sensations. He attacked my flesh, in control of me, punishing me with his tongue, licking and sucking my pussy, lapping at my slit, burying his whole face against me, making me burn with pleasure.

  He stayed on my clit, in no hurry whatsoever, unlike most men, he had all the time in the world it seemed, sucking it first between his lips and then lashing it back and forth with his tongue. I felt my thighs tense and begin to tremble, my hips wanting to buck, to force him closer, but his thick arms had my hips in place, I could struggle as much as I wanted, they would not move in his arms. That freed me, I let myself loose, not careful, not waiting, just there and enjoying him, not being pushed to orgasm or to scream and shriek, we had all the time in the world his tongue told me.

  He held me in place against his face, his biceps were flexed, hard against my thighs. He gave a low moan, the sensation vibrating through my clit, and then redoubled his efforts. I heard him swallowing my juices, his breath coming almost as fast as mine. He made rough animal noises against my pussy, deep from his throat and chest. I wanted to do this forever, to feel his lust between my legs, his dark anger coming out between my thighs, the hunger in his eyes translated to his tongue.

  My god, when I closed my eyes, I saw him coming out of the water, his muscles glistening, the wolfish grin on his face, I was going to come. There was no stopping it.

  “Oh, Marcus,” I warned, him, barely a whisper, but he heard, he knew, he focused right on my clit, that tiny bit of flesh making my whole body shudder with anticipation. My hands were on his head, swirling his hair in my fingers, as his tongue lashed my clit.


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