Book Read Free

Welcome to New Haven

Page 12

by Dawn Doyle

  “Nothing…he’s family.”

  “Uh huh” Holly said, narrowing her eyes at Dev.

  “I won’t say anything, Dev. If you have feelings for Ben, I’ll keep it to myself.”

  “Can I tell you something? It may sound a little weird though.” Dev said as she shifted in her seat to look at Holly.

  “Of course”

  “It is weird, but…I feel like I’ve known you for years, not just a week. I can’t explain it, but…shit…I sound like a stalker!” Dev laughed.

  “No, I know what you mean” Holly said as she glanced to Dev. “In my last school, I didn’t really know many people and I’d been there for six years. I’ve known you for just over a week, and I’ve joined in with a lot more stuff with you and the girls.”

  “Really?” Dev asked with a huge grin on her face.

  “Yeah. I’d never been to anybody’s house, exchanged homework help or even been on a day out…ever…and I’ve done all of that with you guys!”

  “Oh my God! Now, I feel all warm and special.”

  Holly burst out laughing.

  “Now that we’re officially BFF’s, tell me what’s up with Alex.”

  “Oh God” Holly groaned.

  “You can trust me” Dev said, squeezing Holly’s hand on the wheel.

  “I know. But just…don’t repeat any of this to anyone. Not even Alex.”

  “Not even Alex?!” Dev asked in surprise.

  “Especially Alex” Holly said firmly.

  “Oh…ok” Dev nodded. “So what is it that makes you not want to talk to him?” Dev got right in there with her question.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to…it’s…I can’t.”

  “What? Why?” Dev asked, confused. Holly felt the flush in her cheeks as she became embarrassed.

  “I can’t seem to speak, at all, around him.” Holly glanced and saw Dev’s confused frown.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You can’t figure that out?” Holly asked as if Dev was doing it on purpose.

  “No. You can’t speak to him. Why not? I don’t get it.” Holly blew out a long breath and swallowed.

  “My brain and mouth don’t seem to be able to function together around him.”

  Holly’s face grew hotter as Dev stared at her, then burst out laughing.

  “That’s not funny!”

  “I know, I’m sorry.” Dev said as her laughter subsided.

  “I don’t like doing that but I seriously lose my senses. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I really don’t think I should be telling you this…”

  “Well I do” Dev interrupted Holly’s rant. “You so should be telling me.”

  “But he’s your brother!” Holly said, her voice going up an octave.

  “Even so, I doubt you’d want to discuss it with anybody else.”

  “True” Holly said in resignation.

  “Also…” Dev added “…you like like him”

  “Oh God!” Holly groaned. “Me and the rest of the girls at school huh?”

  “Well, the other girls can’t like him like you do.” Holly stopped at a traffic light and looked at Dev.

  “How so?”

  “Well, for one, they flirt like mad around Alex, or trying it on whenever they can. You’re the only one who doesn’t want him to know which, I think, means you’re better and not out for a quick rumble with him.”

  “No! I…Uh…no.” Holly stumbled over her words, shocked at what Dev had just said to her. “I don’t want a ‘quick rumble’ or anything like that. Oh my goodness.” Holly ran a hand across her forehead before pulling away from the traffic light.

  “See? I told you.” Dev beamed, knowing she was right. “Are you a virgin?” she said unexpectedly and Holly was amazed she kept control of the car with Dev’s question.


  Holly’s facial thermostat went up a few degrees and her heart responded by pounding through her ears. Holly didn’t answer and Dev just kept staring.

  “Yes” Holly managed to whisper.

  “I thought so” Dev said quietly. “I am too. I think it’s great.”

  Holly chanced a quick glance at Dev and then back to the road. She smiled as she said

  “I do too.”

  “We’re good girls” Dev said with a smirk and raised an eyebrow.

  A though popped into Holly’s mind.

  “Wait…You said Alex is a good boy. Does that mean…?”

  “Hey I’m not saying anything. It’s not my place.” Dev said as she folded her arms and looked out of the window, still smiling.

  Holly had a feeling in her stomach. Relief? She didn’t know. Not that she had a right to delve into Alex’s private life. What he does, or did, was none of her business. But, Holly couldn’t help feeling happy that Alex wasn’t like ‘that’.

  Holly could tell the boys, at school, that were.

  She’d been propositioned by Jake, had leering eyes on her and she’d also overhead somebody saying that he wouldn’t mind ‘taking her for a spin’. ‘Ugh’

  “Please don’t say anything, Dev. I don’t want Alex to think I’m just another girl on the long list who likes him. Especially when he doesn’t like me that way.” Holly said as they pulled up outside Dev’s house.

  “I won’t. But, if Alex wasn’t concerned, he wouldn’t have bothered at all.” Dev pulled her lips between her teeth for a second. “Ok, he didn’t tell me not to forget to text. He told me not to forget…to see why you don’t talk to him. So…what should I say?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe just say I was overwhelmed. Like I told Kay and Riss.”

  “Yeah good idea. Text me when you get back.”

  “Will do.” Holly was relieved that she could finally say what was bothering her, well most of it, but also relieved that Dev wouldn’t repeat it.

  The last thing she wanted was the whole school to find out and then to be a laughing stock. She could see it… ’Dev’s friend likes Dev’s brother. He doesn’t like her back…awkward!' then follow that up with points and laughs, and she would have to go crawl in a hole somewhere.

  Alex had been pacing his room for the past ten minutes after Dev sent a text that they were on their way back. Seeing Holly in the car, earlier had left him confused. He noticed that she watched him come out of the house but when he looked at her, she stared for a second before looking away. She’d blushed, he’d definitely seen that. Whenever Holly looked at him, it made him feel…happy? He never liked the way Stacey looked at him, it creeped him out, made him feel…dirty. But, when Holly looked into his eyes… ’I want her. I want her to want me.’ Alex ran his hands over his face.

  “Grrrrr” he growled to himself. He didn’t know what he was doing, he was nervous, and he was getting flutters in his chest.

  Alex stilled when he heard a car pull up. Looking out of the window, he saw Dev get out of Holly’s car, they waved and then Holly drove away. Alex ran down the stairs as Dev walked through the front door.

  “So, what did she say? He asked impatiently. “Whoa, let me get in first!” Dev laughed.

  “Come on, Dev, I’ve been dying here!”

  “Ok Romeo…Firstly, Holly is quite shy and she’s new. When we’re all together, or she’s in a crowd, she gets a little overwhelmed.” Dev answered.

  “What? That’s it?” he asked disbelievingly. He could see that Dev was holding something back from him.

  “Sorry, Alex. Look…we talked in the car. She said a few things, but she doesn’t dislike you. At all. Keep trying though, but don’t push her for a conversation ok? I know you’re thinking ‘oh she’s ok with the girls’, but I’ve been with her since she started. There’s only four of us and, believe it or not, she doesn’t talk to Kay and Riss as much as me either.”

  “I’ll try, thanks.” Alex said, and he hugged Dev. He turned back to the stairs to go to his room.

  “So you’re ok?” she asked from the bottom.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Like you said, Holly’s
new. The times I’ve spoken to her there’s been a lot of other people there. So her being shy kinda fits. I feel a bit stupid now, getting so worked up over it.” Alex could feel a dull ache in his chest, dropping low into his stomach.

  “Don’t feel like that. You’re not stupid. Just…I don’t know…take it slow and let her include herself as much as she feels comfortable.”

  “You sound like Mom” he replied with a small smile.

  “Well then, Mom is very wise.” Dev beamed.

  “I’m going to draw, so I’ll see you later little sister.”

  “By two minutes!” she shouted as Alex laughed on his way upstairs.

  He was going to take Dev’s advice but also, he wasn’t going to leave it at just that. Dev was hiding something. He’d talk to Ben.

  Chapter 8

  In homeroom, Dev assured Holly that she didn’t say anything to Alex and that he accepted her being ‘overwhelmed’. Holly felt bad that she was lying to him, but there was no way she could face him if he knew the truth. That she liked him. Really liked him. Even that didn’t seem right, like it wasn’t enough to describe how she felt.

  It’s just the newness and strangeness of it all. It’ll calm down. She kept telling herself, but so far that hadn’t worked.

  Stacey was still shooting daggers at Holly, and she didn’t understand why. The girls had told her she was jealous, but Holly thought that was nothing compared to the anger that could be felt rolling off of Stacey. There seemed to be more to her jealousy than people were aware of.

  Holly thought she heard the word ‘bulldog’ coming from Stacey’s direction, but when she turned, Stacey was looking down into a magazine. When Holly turned again to Dev, she definitely heard ‘ruff’ like a dog barking. Holly, again, turned and Stacey looked down. A twisted smile forming across her lips.

  “I’m going to smack her!” Dev whispered to Holly as she turned back around.

  “Don’t bother, Dev. I’m sure she’ll get what’s coming to her.”

  The rest of the day was uneventful. Holly had had her first class with Dev, as well as Alex and Ben but then A.Eng with just Alex. As Dev and Ben’s class was next door, Holly was still safe. The guys had walked with them, but Alex had stayed on Dev’s other side so she was between them and Dev had been keeping the conversation flowing so that Holly didn’t need to add anything. Holly had left for lunch because of her free period. Her day had been safe. She’d spent more time in Alex’s presence than the other days, and she had just about coped.

  Her body had other ideas though.

  Her legs were like jelly all day and the tingles she felt had her pressing her legs together every time she felt his eyes on her. As Alex had not tried to talk to her, she knew Dev had asked him not to push her. She’d said so herself.

  Later on that day, she had a text conversation with Dev.

  D: Hey girl! How are you feeling after classes today?

  H: Good. Thanks for keeping the guys talking. I thought I might swallow my tongue if I had to say anything.

  D: Haha! Seriously that bad?

  H: You have no idea Dev. I could barely keep it together in Eng. I could feel him there. I was close to running from the room.

  D: It’ll get better I’m sure. I’m here for you, honey. x

  H: Thanks. See you tomorrow. X

  D: Ok. Sweet dreams. ;) X

  Wednesday, after homeroom, Holly made her way to Tech class and paused as she walked through the door. Ben and Alex were in her class, sitting at the back. Ben gave her a huge smile and waved. Alex smiled too, not as overboard as Ben, but there was something in his eyes as he looked at her. Holly managed a pathetic wave, her cheeks immediately flaming, and she rushed to take her seat to her left, next to the wall.

  The lesson was to put a string of code together, using the provided software, and once complete a dancing kitten would appear on the screen. The only help they could have was from the teacher as he gave out some hints and tips before the lesson.

  Holly knew it would take a few weeks to complete, and she was happy that the work was to be done individually. Less chance of awkward conversation with any of her classmates.

  Holly was out the door the minute the bell sounded for next lesson, and her phone beeped.

  D: Tener una buena lección de Español! :)

  H: What? I understood ‘good’ and ‘Spanish’ :/

  D: XD I said to have a good Spanish lesson.

  H: Thanks. You’ve just earned yourself extra tutoring. :)

  D: No problem. Alway happy to help.

  H: Yeah, yeah. See you at lunch. X

  D: See you then. X

  Holly was glad when Spanish was over. She had come out of there feeling as though she had learned zilch. Nothing, zip, squat. She was becoming increasingly annoyed with the ‘teacher’ and knew it wouldn’t be long before another outburst in her class. She could feel it.

  The girls met up and went to their table. The guys were absent, and Holly relaxed a little in their absence.

  “Where are the guys?” Riss asked, looking around.

  “They’ve gone to discuss their new training program with the coach. Because of the new schedules, their workouts have been messed up. Where they were going to their usual gym after school, sometimes they’ll use the school gym. Alex used to go to the gym on Fridays, but now he’ll be using this one.” Dev explained to everybody as they ate.

  “So they can’t eat lunch?” Kayla asked.

  “I think they’re eating in the Phys.Ed department. So they can go over everything.”

  The girls continued to eat, and Kayla checked Holly’s nails for her handiwork.

  “They still look awesome.” Kayla said with a smile.

  “I can’t wait for swimming.” Said Dev as they walked to the Phys.Ed department.

  It was situated at the back of the school, with its own separate buildings and pool room.

  “Me either” Kayla agreed.

  “Is it wise to eat and then swim?” Holly asked.

  “We don’t do much for the first twenty minutes. Just some technique work, before doing laps.”

  “You’re not swimming?” Riss asked as they girls noticed Holly getting changed into her track pants.

  “No, I’m running track instead.”

  “Why? I thought we all had to swim.?”

  “I ran at my last school and before I started here, my Mum asked whether I could carry on instead of swimming.”

  “I’d rather swim.” Said Kayla. I don’t like running one bit.”

  “I like to run. I prefer to be outside.” Holly said, and she was glad that the girls didn’t ask her any more about it. She would tell them eventually, but not for a while yet.

  “Oh. Well I guess we’ll meet up afterwards?” Dev asked, looking a little upset that they weren’t having their lesson together.


  After their showers, the girls were getting their things together when they heard Stacey talking.

  “He just doesn’t know he wants me, yet.” She said. “He’ll cave soon enough.”

  She sounded certain of that, and she gave a little ‘hmph’ for good measure.

  ”Just leave is Stace” another voice said.

  It sounded like Cerise, Stacey’s friend from homeroom.

  “There are more fish in the sea.”

  “No!” Stacey spat, her voice snapping. “Alex is by far the hottest guy in this school, ever. He’ll be mine ,eventually.” She said, so sure of herself.

  Holly and the girls walked around the wall separating the changing area from the mirrors, where Stacey was talking. A few other girls were there too.

  “He’ll come around. They always do.” Stacey looked like a little secret was attached to her statement, as well as her smug smile.

  “I wouldn’t count on that.” Said Dev as she stepped closer to Stacey. “Alex would never go with you. You’re just too self absorbed to admit it to yourself.”

  “Wow. Here comes the protect
ive sister. Do me a favour, Fuck off and mind your own business.” Stacey snarled at Dev and Holly could feel her hands curling.

  “Alex is my business, So fuck you.” Dev said as she took another step to Stacey.

  “Oh don’t worry, sweetie…He will.” Stacey and her friend laughed and then turned their attention to Holly. “Aww, here comes the new girl. All the way from boring England.” She snorted.

  Holly narrowed her eyes at Stacey. She knew she couldn’t hit the girl because she would get suspended, and she didn’t want her Mum and Dad brought into the school.

  “Oh, cat got your tongue? That seems to happen a lot to you doesn’t it? Or is it just with Alex?”

  What the hell? How did Stacey know what happened with Alex? Only Dev, and Alex, know.

  ”Aww, do you wike him ‘ittle girl?” Stacey said in a condescending, childlike voice. “Are you hoping that his tongue gets tied up…in your pussy?” Stacey laughed again and Dev was about to step forward when Holly stopped her.

  “Don’t waste your breath Dev.” Holly whispered and motioned for Kayla and Riss to back off.

  “Go and run along, little girls. And don’t worry. I’ll take real good care of Alex…and his tongue.”

  Holly’s blood was boiling at that point, but she didn’t want to fight her at school when she had only just started.

  “Wow.” Holly said as she turned to face Stacey, stepping in closer to her. “You really are a sweat, aren’t you?” She said as she smirked, nastily at Stacey.

  Stacey looked slightly confused, but then smoothed her hair down.

  ”Thanks.” She said and snorted a bitter laugh. Holly took another step forward and looked right into Stacey’s eyes.

  “Oh that wasn’t a compliment.” She said, her voice low and threatening.

  Stacey’s face paled but then quickly regained composure.

  “What the fuck does it mean then? She snapped with a snarky look.

  “Google it…” Holly said, keeping a straight face. “…And don’t forget to look up the ‘boring British’ version.”


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