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Welcome to New Haven

Page 35

by Dawn Doyle

  “That’s a relief.” He chuckled. He straightened up, and they carried on walking. “So tonight.” He said. “Anywhere in particular you want to go?”

  “To be perfectly honest, I have no idea. Anywhere there aren’t many people… Just in case.” She said shyly as he grinned.

  “I hear ya.”

  They both laughed at their earlier ‘scene’. The coach had gotten a good look at them locking lips.

  Alex was having the best phys.ed class of his life! He was on the track with Holly. Ok, they were walking instead of running but they were actually spending time alone and talking! Listening to her talk about her Mum’s outburst at the store had been funny. Shocking, but funny.

  He’d taken in every detail of Holly’s face as she told him about it. The way she would blink quickly when the details got a little too much, the way her eyes would widen and she shook her head as if even she couldn’t believe what she was saying.

  He’d fought himself with the need to touch her, kiss her… He wanted to listen to her but her lips were calling out to him. Her whole body was calling out to him. He’d never felt such desire in his life.

  The need for one person.

  The need so intense it was in every breath he took. The way Holly looked at him; he could see she felt it too. Like she was stopping herself from doing something. She would look at him, take a deep breath and her fists would clench.

  When he’d thought it was because she didn’t like him, which he now knew was stupid, he would feel bad. But, because she did…the feeling intensified and spread through his entire being in huge waves and settling, mostly, in the southern area that got uncomfortable within their confines of fabric.

  “Oh I forgot to mention.” He said. He was feeling a little braver now. Seeing Holly had been checking him out earlier and he didn’t think she would mind if she knew he was…

  “What?” she asked, looking up at him with her big green eyes.

  Alex swallowed before grinning.

  “You may wear a loose T-shirt, but I know what’s underneath. I could feel it.” He waggled his eyebrows and ran off.

  “Hey!” Holly shouted in surprise.

  Alex was laughing as he ran. Holly tried to catch him, but he was too fast.

  Finally, he slowed but Holly didn’t. She ran at him and jumped on his back.

  “Hey!” he laughed as reached around to the side to grab her arms.

  “Aagh!” She squealed as he pulled her to the floor. He lowered himself enough so that she wasn’t hurt when she landed. Alex quickly pinned her arms down.

  “You’re scarily good at that.” Holly panted.

  “I’m used to being ambushed by Dev.” He said as he placed his knees either side of her legs. Alex looked down at her body. Her loose T-shirt, now clinging to her breasts, the material settling on her toned stomach. Alex’s heart was thumping in his chest like a jackhammer.

  His body tensed, and he was… hard.

  Holly watched Alex as his eyes were roaming over her body, and she liked it. She’d always worn baggy clothing because she felt uncomfortable when people looked at her. But when Alex did, it made her hot.

  She could feel the tightening of her nipples and her body begging for more than a glance. Her hips seemed to want to lift off the floor to make contact, and she was using all of her control to keep them steady.

  Holly licked her lips and swallowed hard, as Alex looked into her eyes. His pupils were so huge; his eyes were darker than before.

  “I… Um… think I should get up.” He said before he swallowed. Alex moved off of Holly and sat on the floor. His arms resting atop his bent knees. He had his hands curled over each other with his mouth resting against them.

  “Are you ok?” Holly asked with concern…and raging hormones.

  Alex looked embarrassed.

  “I just need a minute.” He said. “And a cold shower, maybe an ice bath.”

  “Ohhh.” Said Holly with recognition and a blush.

  I did that!

  Her lady parts did a happy dance.

  “You two are supposed to be exercising!” The coach said as he appeared.

  “Cramp.” Said Holly. “And I have a stitch.”

  “Well ok, but get back to it real soon. Class is almost over.” He said.

  “Will do.” Holly replied.

  “That could have been embarrassing, well, more than it already is.” Alex mumbled.

  “It’s nice to see it’s not just me.” Holly said, happily.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m always embarrassing myself, and I’ve not seen it happen to you until now.” She said with a smirk. “I was getting a little self-conscious.”

  “Are you kidding? I can barely walk straight when I’m with you, or even in the same room, and I have to think about sports.” He said in surprise.

  “Really?” Holly said quietly. Unable to take in that this gorgeous, sexy guy had gotten that way because of her. Alex nodded, and his cheeks flushed again.

  Holly thought about the times in class when Alex would shift in his seat, or even at the lunch table. He would sit forward and lean his on his elbows and…

  ”Oh I get it now.” She said, mostly to herself.

  “Get what?”

  “Oh, nothing.”

  “Yes it is. What do you get?” He asked, narrowing his eyes with humour.

  “You…sometimes fidget in your seat, and you tend to lean forward onto the table like you’re sitting now.

  Alex dropped his head and laughed.

  “Oh my God, that’s so shameful. You must think I’m a perv.”

  “Not at all.” She replied.

  “No?” He asked, doubtful.

  “No.” She said and took a deep breath before slowly releasing. She closed her eyes for a second.

  “If that makes you a perv, then so am I.” Her face reddened.

  Alex dropped his head back and grinned.

  “What?” Holly laughed nervously. She didn’t know what he was going to say to that, but she had a feeling it would play havoc with her hormones.

  Alex shook his head a little.

  “It’s amazing that only a few days ago, we barely spoke to each other and now…” He paused “…We’re talking about how we react to each other.”

  “Yeah, what a difference a day makes.” She said.

  “And to think…” He continued with an innocent look on his face “…if you hadn’t kissed me yesterday…” Holly playfully swiped at his arm.

  “Hey! I distinctly remember you almost kissed me before that!”

  “Yeah, but you’re Dad walked in and interrupted me.” He said. “I was being a good boy but then you just kissed me in front of everybody!” He said with a hand on his chest.

  Holly could see that Alex was trying hard not to laugh.

  “Oh my God!” Holly squealed. “It was not just me!” She said with a shocked laugh. “Ok, I might have started it, but you kissed me back at the same time.”

  “Yes. I did.” Alex said as he leaned towards her. His voice in a low tone that made Holly’s hairs stand on end. Her cheeks flushed, and her breath hitched. She swallowed.

  “Don’t do that.” She said quietly.

  “Why?” He said in the same tone as before.

  “Stop it Alex.” Holly said, but her breathy tone didn’t sound convincing.

  He grinned.

  “This is interesting.” He said as he saw her cheeks flush even more.

  All he had to do was talk quietly and closely, and she was gone. He loved watching how she reacted to things he did. Text messages that got a little personal, winking at her from across the room. Even just smiling at her, he could sense a change in her. He had noticed them before, but he was so blind to her feelings that he dismissed them.

  Alex watched Holly’s eyes as her pupils dilated. She was as turned on as he was. That, however, don’t mean that they were ready. They hadn’t been on their first date yet, plus, didn’t know how she would feel
about being a couple. That thought reminded him about what happened in homeroom. Before he could stop himself, he blurted out…

  ”Dev said you were my girlfriend, and I agreed.”

  Oh shit!

  “Huh?” Holly replied, seemingly coming out of her own trance.

  Alex cleared his throat.

  “This morning, in homeroom, Dev told her you’re my girlfriend and I agreed with her. I should have said something earlier. I don’t want you to think I’m just assuming, or rushing you.” He said quickly. He wanted to explain to her before she could say anything.

  “Is that want you want?” she asked. Her question threw him for a second, and he answered truthfully.

  “Of course. More than anything. But, we haven’t been on our date yet.” He looked to her for some reaction and all he saw was her beautiful smiling face.

  “Does that matter to you?”

  “No. But I thought it may matter to you.” He said. Holly shook her head. Alex was relieved.

  “So… You’re my girlfriend?” He smiled, eyebrows raised with anticipation. He just wanted to confirm that Holly was his, and he was hers. Even though she owned him the first day she walked into his life. Holly sighed.

  “It’ll be hard but if I must, then ok.” She giggled as Alex choked on air at her reference, then laughed.

  He reached out his hand to her face as she leaned in, pressing their lips together. Alex let out a low growl.

  ”Football, baseball, soccer, cricket…” Holly hid her mouth behind her hands as she chuckled.

  Alex took a deep breath and stood. He shook out his legs, as did Holly. They walked hand-in-hand, into the building, for their cold showers.

  “How was your run?” Dev asked Holly as the group met outside the changing areas.

  “Actually, it was very informative.” Said Holly as Alex walked up and took her hand.

  His hair was wet from the shower, freshly mussed and sexy. Holly wanted to run her fingers through it.

  “A run informative?” asked Dev, confused.

  “Yes. You can ask my boyfriend. I think he would agree.” Holly said with a huge smile. She looked up at Alex, and he was beaming down at her.

  “Officially?” Squeaked Dev.

  “Yes.” Alex said with pride in his voice as he pulled Holly close to him. His strong arm held her tight.

  “Eeeeee!” Dev said in a high pitched tone of excitement. “That is soooo awesome!” She said with her hands on her heart. “But what do you mean informative?” Trust Dev to get back to the details.

  Alex leant to whisper in Holly’s ear and she gasped in shock.

  “Do I really want to know?” asked Dev.

  “Um…I’d rather not say” Holly said as she chewed on her lip, her face flushed.

  Dev narrowed her eyes at Alex, and then turned to inform the others that they were officially a couple.

  “What’s the matter babe?” Alex asked, innocently.

  “I can’t believe you said that!” Holly whispered.


  “You know what, mister.”

  “I just said I know how to get you hot.” He said as he stifled a laugh.

  “Exactly!” Holly said, trying to keep her voice down.

  “I meant running. Running gets you hot. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do for Phys.Ed?” He smiled.

  “You did not mean that and you know it.” She said, shaking her head but smiling with disbelief.

  He leant right in, his lips so close to her ear she could feel their heat.

  “No. I didn’t, babe.”

  “Oh dear God!” She squeaked, and saw that everybody had turned to them.

  “We were going to congratulate you, but we can see you’re a little busy.” Said Ben.

  “I think you need to stop whatever you’re doing Alex.” Laughed Ryan. “Holly looks like she’s going to faint!”

  “Leave them alone, Ryan, or…” Said Riss and she whispered something in his ear.

  “Sorry.” He said, immediately and made the motion of zipping his mouth.

  “Congrats dude” Ben said as he walked alongside them. “I’m happy for you both.” He said as he clapped Alex on the back.

  “Thanks, Man.”

  “Ok, let’s blow this joint!” shouted Kyle as they left the building and entered the parking lot.

  Students were standing around talking and pointing…at Holly’s car.

  The windscreen had been smashed, the tyres slashed and the word ‘Bitch’ scratched into the bonnet.

  “What the fuck?!” Shouted Alex. They walked to the car to see the full extent of the damage.

  “I’ll call the police” Said Dev.

  Holly was in shock at what had happened to her car.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry.” Said Alex. “This is my fault.” This woke Holly from her frozen state.

  “How? How is it your fault? Don’t blame yourself for the actions of a psychopath!”

  Alex looked as though he had tears in his eyes. Holly was furious seeing what this had done to him.

  “You couldn’t have known.” She said, putting her hands on either side of his face. “She was delusional, yes, but I don’t think anybody knew she would do this. Even Cerise walked away from her.” She said as she looked into his eyes.

  “How can you be so calm?” He asked.

  “Because I’m not letting her win. She thinks damaging my car will suddenly break us up?” Holly asked.

  “That’s not happening, ever.” Alex said.

  Holly was relieved. Nothing was going to separate them. It hurt even to think about it.

  “That’s good, because I’m not going anywhere.” She smiled.

  He tightened his arms around her. The principal came running out of the building as the police showed up.

  "Holy hell!” Said Mr. Lawson. “Holly, are you alright?”

  “Yes sir, I’m fine.” She said as she was tucked into Alex’s chest.

  “I’m sorry this happened, Holly. We have CCTV so we’ll see who was responsible.”

  “Thanks sir. I’ve got a pretty good idea though.”

  The officers walked over to Holly and Alex.

  “We’ve been informed that this is your vehicle miss.” Said the officer. He was almost as tall as Alex, about forty-ish with a no-nonsense air about him.

  “Can you tell me the events leading up to finding your vehicle in this condition?”

  Holly, Alex and Dev all recounted the incident in homeroom. When Stacey’s name was mentioned, the officers looked at each other in recognition.

  “She said ‘you’ll pay for this’?”

  “Yes sir.” Said Alex.

  ”One of my staff have just viewed the CCTV footage.” Said Mr. Lawson as he put his phone away. “It was Stacey Scutter.”

  “We’ll need to view the footage. Said the officer.

  “Certainly, this way.” Said Mr. Lawson and he led the officer, along with Holly, Alex, and Dev, inside the building.

  “I can’t believe she did this.” Said Dev as she walked along the hallway.

  Alex had his arm around Holly’s shoulder, and her arm was around his waist. He squeezed her, gently, closer to him.

  “I’m going to get a protection order for all of us.” He said. “I don’t want her anywhere near either of you.”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” Said Dev. “With her doing this, I doubt she’ll be allowed back here. We won’t know where to look.”

  Listening to what they were saying, Holly felt as if she were coming apart. Her breaths were becoming short and quick. Her heart rate was increasing. The thought of Stacey coming back and going after Alex…

  “Holly!” Said Alex.

  “Shit!” Said Dev as she looked at Holly’s face.

  Holly knew it would be white. That’s what happened when she started to panic.

  “If she…hurts you…” She said. “I can’t…I won’t…” Holly’s breaths came faster. “…I don’t know…” more erratic
breathing. “…What I’ll do.” Holly began to hyperventilate.

  “What’s happening?” asked an officer.

  “Panic attack.” Said Alex. He was frantic with worry. He picked Holly up and carried her quickly down the hallway and through the doorway into the principals office. He sat her into a chair and kneeled in front of her.

  “We need to get her to control her breathing.” Said the officer. “Have you dealt with this before?”

  “Yes.” Said Dev. As Alex kneeled in front of Holly, his hands cupped her face.

  “Holly.” He said, gently. “Baby…breath.” Holly was gasping for breath, her hands grasping the arms of the chair, knuckles turning white. Tears were starting to roll down her cheeks.

  “Oh my God.” Said Dev and Alex saw that she was tearing up too.

  Alex rubbed his thumbs across Holly’s cheekbones.

  “Shh, babe. Breathe for me. Take deep breaths.” He said quietly. Alex was on the verge of a panic attack himself. Holly, his Holly had gotten so upset because of Stacey. She did this to her.

  Holly saw the worry on Alex’s face, and she finally started to find her breath.

  “That’s it babe. Deep breaths.” He said.

  As her breathing evened out, she let go of the chair and raised her hand to stroke down Alex’s face.

  “You had me worried.” He whispered.

  “If she touches you, even one strand of hair…” Said Holly. Thoughts of Stacey hurting Alex had sent her into a full blown panic attack, and Alex had somehow brought her out of it… again.

  “She won’t, babe. I’ll get the order, and she won’t be able to come near us again.

  “Here’s the footage.” Said Mr. Lawson. They all turned to the screen and sure enough; Stacey appeared with a golf club and what looked like a switch blade.

  First, she stabbed all of the tyres.

  She walked around to the passenger side of the car and then swung the golf club down onto the windscreen. Glass exploded everywhere, and Stacey’s head snapped to the side as if she’d been hit. She then walked to the front of the car and, with her switch blade, scratched ‘BITCH’ into the bonnet.


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