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Welcome to New Haven

Page 46

by Dawn Doyle

  “Wow.” She whispered. “At first, I thought it was just me.”

  “You too?” He asked with a grin. He was so happy!

  “Yes. I almost walked into you, and…I couldn’t speak. God that was embarrassing! It’s unbelievable to think I’ve only been able to talk to you for less than a week.”

  “Why was that?” Alex already knew that Holly was nervous around him, Dev had told him, but there had seemed to be more to it than that.

  “You’re going to laugh.”

  “I won’t.” He said. Holly took a deep breath and licked her lips, and he gazed at her tongue as it travelled along the bottom edge.

  “You remember me informing the class that I think you’re sexy, don’t you?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “How could I forget that? It was awesome!” He grinned, pleased that Holly had meant it too.

  “Well, I had to stop myself blurting out the first thing that came to my mind. It took a lot of control too. I’m a good girl, Alex. I never had thoughts like that before. You corrupted my mind.”

  “Really?” Alex’s heart was racing more than ever. Just being near Holly had him on edge and now…

  We’re in the car, in a parking lot, broad daylight.

  He was trying to remember that there were a lot of other people about who could see them.

  “That first day, what had you thought?” He’d often wondered that when he’d mistakenly thought that Holly was, possibly, a foreign student and didn’t understand him.

  “It’s embarrassing!” Holly said with her hands on her cheeks.

  “I’ll tell you, if you tell me.” He said quietly.

  “You swear?”

  Alex put his hand on his chest and nodded.

  “I swear.”

  “Ok. I thought…you were so…beautiful. Can guys be described as beautiful? Anyway…” Holly shook her head. “You looked right at me, like you saw into me. I thought I was dreaming when I looked at your mouth, and I wanted to kiss you. I remember thinking ‘How the hell can somebody be so perfectly gorgeous?’ That’s when it registered that you’d spoken to me, and I got…well, embarrassed.”

  “Wow!” He said, stunned at what Holly had just told him.

  “I had no idea. So that was every time we crossed paths?”

  “It kinda got worse every time.” Holly smiled shyly. “I actually almost told you to kiss me, but luckily the teacher showed up.”

  “When was that?”

  “Outside Delaney’s room.”

  Alex’s eyes widened.

  “Yeah that would’ve been creepy and shameful.” She said.

  “I totally would have.”

  “You would?” Now Holly looked surprised.

  “Yes.I wanted to kiss you too. That first day I saw you walking towards me, I thought ‘That girl. I want her.’ I thought you were the most beautiful, perfect, and sexy thing I had ever seen. I wanted to touch your face, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to stop myself.”

  Holly’s eyes teared up again.

  “See? You say the sweetest things.” Alex held her tight as she continued talking. “How can we feel like this? It’s insane! I don’t mean that in a bad way because, I like it. It feels…normal. Hell, I used to find myself turning towards you even before you walked in the door. Like I knew you were there.”

  “And you say that I say the nicest things.” He said into her ear. “It feels right to me too, babe. I feel like I’ve found my missing piece.”

  Alex pulled back to look into Holly’s eyes and saw, nervousness.

  “Alex…I wanted to tear your shirt off in there…”

  “You’re so fucking sexy” He cut in and crashed his mouth to hers. He didn’t care that they were outside anymore.

  Holly’s fingers flew to his hair that she loved so much as she stroked her tongue into his mouth and then sucked his lower lip. Running her tongue along the edge, like he’d done to her. Alex let out a sexy growl, and Holly tightened her grip on him as she pressed her knees together in attempt to stop the ache between her thighs.

  “Alex!” she breathed as she released his lip. “I love you so much.” She said. Panting with the need to be closer to him.

  “Holly…I love you too.” Alex’s voice was strained as if he could barely talk. He brought their lips together again, tasting her mouth, merging their tongues together in ecstasy.

  His hand reached down to her ‘number four’ rear. Holly slid a hand to his chest and down his stomach, finding the hem of his T-shirt. Like earlier, her hand slipped underneath and caressed his smooth bare skin with her palm. Her other hand joined the party and stroked his hard chest, rippling abs and round to his hard back.

  “Mmmm” She moaned.

  Alex gently pulled back from their kiss, keeping his hand firmly on her ass.

  “Holly…” He said, their foreheads together.

  “Football, baseball, cricket…”

  There was a knock on the window.

  Dev and Ben had come out of the store and Dev had knocked.

  “Whoa, guys! You’ve steamed up the windows!” Said Ben.

  “Holly, are you ok?” Dev asked as she opened the car door and got into the front passenger seat.

  “Should I drive?” asked Ben with a smirk.

  “Yeah, that’s probably best.” Said Alex. There was no way he could get out of the car with a hard on like that.

  “I’m fine. I’m just a bit emotional.” Said Holly, to Dev.

  “Awwww!” Said Dev, with the realisation that Alex’s sweet comment had set her off.

  “Alex. I got the stuff you wanted. They’re both in stock and will be delivered tomorrow morning. I paid, well Dad paid, a bit more to get it then.”

  “Thanks Dev.”

  Alex took Holly’s hand and held tightly. He wanted to feel even closer to her. So, as he had sat to her right, he held her right hand in his right as he rested his left hand on her right thigh and lightly squeezed.

  Holly looked into his perfect chocolate button, thickly lashed eyes and let go of his hand. His brow creased a little until she dropped her right hand to his left thigh. She reached over with her left, taking his right hand. She began to stroke towards the inner part of his thigh, looking down in time to see a ‘twitch’ in the bulge of his jeans.

  She smiled, mischievously, at him until he moved his hand to her inner thigh too. She had to stop herself from gasping out loud.

  Holly was filled with need.

  The need for Alex to do more.

  To move his hands, to where she needed him the most.

  She didn’t know where to first.

  She felt it all over…

  Alex noticed Holly fidgeting, slightly, in her seat. He was uncomfortable too.

  His pants were too tight, he felt hot all over, his heart pounding in his chest.

  He wanted Holly so bad it physically hurt.

  As they saw each other’s situation, they slowly removed their hands from their thighs. Simple hand holding would have to do.

  On the ride home, Holly rested her head on Alex’s shoulder and he rested his head on top of hers.

  “Riss and Ryan have a date tonight.” Said Dev, breaking the silence.

  “Yeah?” asked Holly.

  ”Yeah. She texted me when we were at the cashier’s desk. Seeing you two getting down and dirty in the back seat kind of made me forget about it.” She said and waggled her eyebrows at them.

  “No we weren’t!” Said Holly. “Don’t exaggerate, Dev.”

  “Exaggerate? Isn’t that another interrupted episode today?” She giggled.

  “Dev.” Alex said in a warning tone.

  “It’s ok, man.” Said Ben.

  “I totally get it. Dev, you don’t need to try to embarrass them. They’re not gonna have sex in the car.”

  “Oh my God.” Said Holly, putting her hand over her face as it flamed.

  “I was not trying to embarrass them, Ben.” Dev said, raising her voice. “I think it�
��s sweet that they can’t leave each other alone. I’m just making a point that I noticed, with a little added humour. You know…haha? You should try it Ben. Before your face cracks.” Dev folded her arms.

  “Try what? Getting hot with some girl? No offence, Alex. I don’t mean Holly is just some girl…”

  “I’m glad you said that Ben.” Said Alex, annoyed.

  “No…” continued Dev. “I didn’t mean that, you ass. I meant humour. You’re so grumpy at times. And FYI, I know they’re not gonna have sex in the car. You know they can’t have sex yet…”

  Holly ears pricked up.

  Can’t have sex…yet? Ben knows we can’t? What’s going on?

  “You get on my nerves!” Dev added.

  “Right back atcha, sweet cheeks.” Ben replied, calmly.

  “Oh you did not just call me that!”

  “I’ll explain about that later.” Alex whispered.

  “There’s a lot that you need to tell me.” Said Holly. “You still haven’t told me what you said, in Spanish, this morning. I’ve been wracking my brain, but I have no clue, except for ‘very, very hot.’ I’m guessing it’s not clean?” Alex shook his head whilst keeping eye contact with her.


  She was gone.

  Chapter 23

  They pulled up outside Alex and Dev’s house. The past twenty minutes consisted of Ben and Dev’s bickering, then silence, then more bickering. Alex and Holly had shared a few kisses, very aware that they needed to keep their hands to themselves. Well, almost.

  As they walked up the path, Evie and Rami opened the door to greet them.

  Dev walked in with her bag and went straight to her bedroom and slammed the door.

  Evie and Rami looked straight to Ben.

  “What?” He said, shrugging his shoulders, hands out to the sides.

  “Bickering?…Again?” asked Evie, foot tapping and arms folded. “You need to sort out why you two are always arguing, Ben. It’s gotta stop.”

  “It wasn’t me this time, I swear.” He said as he shook his head.

  “Sort it out.” Said Rami, pointing at him.

  “Alex, did you get what you need?” Evie asked, noticing his bags.

  “Yeah. My bed’s coming tomorrow so we can be in when it’s delivered.”

  “Good. We had an emergency locksmith here whilst you were out. Here are your new keys. The alarm code has changed too.”

  The code had been their wedding date. Alex felt bad that they’d had to change it.

  “It’s not your fault; son” Said Rami.

  “Dinner’s almost ready. Ben, I called you mother to let her know you were staying. Holly, I figured you wouldn’t want to leave each other just yet.” Evie said as she winked at her.

  Holly turned to Alex.

  “I should see if Dev’s ok.” She said.

  “Ok, baby.” He said and gave her a gentle kiss.

  “Ahem.” Said Evie.

  “Holly, could you take these keys for Dev, please?”

  Holly went upstairs and knocked on Dev’s door.

  “Dev, it’s me. Can I come in?” As Holly waited for her reply, she glanced to Alex’s closed bedroom door.

  A sick feeling hit her stomach.

  “Come in.” Said Dev and Holly entered the room.

  It looked the same as last time. White walls with a lilac border around the top. Wooden floor with a lilac, heart shaped rug in the centre. Plain white bedding with lilac bows on the edges of the pillows.

  A dresser with eleven fairy figurines. Some by Anne Stokes, some by Linda Ravenscroft, and some others that looked older and smaller. They were Dev’s most favourite things in her room.

  She’d kept her walls white so she could change colours more easily.

  The first time Holly had been there, there’s been a blue circular rug on the floor with lilac and blue polka dot bedding.

  Dev was sitting on her bed, tears down her face.

  “Oh Dev!” sad Holly as she ran to comfort her best friend.

  “He makes me so mad sometimes!” She cried. “I think he gets off on it.” She sniffed.

  “Actually Dev, I think that’s exactly why he does it.” Holly said thoughtfully.

  “What? What do you mean? He likes making me cry?”

  “Oh no, no. What I mean is…When you’re not fighting, you don’t really say much to each other right?”

  “I…guess so.” Said Dev with a frown.

  “When you’re mad, your mouth kinda runs away with you, right?” Holly asked, her eyebrows raised.

  “Ok, maybe, but what about it?” Dev asked, confused.

  “He gets to talk to you because you’re fighting. He doesn’t get much ,otherwise.”

  Dev looked as though she were thinking about it.

  “Like in the underwear shop.” Holly added. She wanted to make sure that Dev knew exactly what she meant.

  Dev had been there for her through her embarrassing factions to Alex, and now it was her turn to be there for Dev.

  “He made the comment about knowing what you’d gotten. He could’ve kept his mouth shut but instead, he let you know that he knew exactly what he’d seen. Don’t forget his walking into the sock rack…” Holly grinned and nodded her head, to get Dev to understand.

  “So, if we talked more, we wouldn’t fight so much?” Dev asked.

  “You could always test out that theory. If he tries to argue, stay calm, and don’t rise to it.” Holly remembered that earlier, Dev had been worried for Ben and Ben had gone ballistic at the thought of Dev getting hurt.

  Definitely not just like a sister.

  Dev dried her face and the girls went downstairs. As they walked into the dining room, Ben and Evie were sitting down at the table. Upon seeing Dev’s face. Evie glared at Ben who looked hurt at what he’d caused.

  “I’m sorry Dev. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said.

  “You two need to sit here and discuss why you keep fighting. Seriously, this has gotten worse over the past few years.”

  “It’s ok, Mom. I get a little sensitive sometimes. It won’t happen again…” Holly saw Dev look at Ben with a straight face as she said “…Ever.”

  Ben looked down at his lap.

  Holly felt bad for him, knowing that he was hiding his feelings. She knew how that felt. It wasn’t a nice feeling at all.

  “Holly, Alex and Rami are in the study. Could you please ask them to come here whilst I have a talk with these two?”

  Holly turned and she heard Evie’s stern voice.

  “Ok. What is it this time?”

  “Nothing Mom. It’s over now.”

  “So, did you have sex with her?” Rami asked

  “No!” Said Alex.

  “You were gone a long time in her room.”

  “So?” Alex said. “We wanted to be alone to talk and yeah, we kissed. Holly’s my girlfriend and I love her.”

  “I know you do, son.” Rami said. “But when you both came downstairs, you looked…flushed.”

  “What?! Look, I told Mom, no, so why ask me now? Don’t you believe me?”

  Alex had never been asked these questions before. But then again, he’d never had a girlfriend or been on a date before.

  “Ok, Alex. I believe you. Do you want to have sex with her?”

  “Oh my God, we are not having his conversation, Dad!” It was getting too uncomfortable for Alex. The ‘talk’ they’d had, almost four years earlier, was bad enough. But, now…it was just awkward.

  “Look, Dad. I’m not eighteen, and neither is Holly. Ok? Can we stop talking about this now?”

  There was a light knock on the door and Rami opened it to see Holly standing on the other side.

  Oh shit. Thank you, Dad! Not.

  “Um…Evie said to tell you to come to the dining room.”

  “Ok, thank you.” Said Rami.

  “Hey babe.” Alex said and hugged her. “Did you hear any of that?” He whispered as his Dad left the room.

  “I he
ard the last part…from what your Dad asked you.”

  Alex closed his eyes and hung his head as he huffed a breath.

  “I promised I’d tell you, and I will. It’s not bad, Ok? Let’s go have dinner and then we’ll talk.”

  “Ok babe.” She said. Holly really wanted to know the answer to the question he’d been asked. She pretty much knew the answer, hell it was evident, but to hear Alex say it…she heated just thinking about it.

  Dinner was a mixture of awkward silences between Ben and Dev, and Evie and Rami watching all of them with avid interest.

  Alex was getting anxious to be alone with Holly again. He didn’t know how he was going to make it through the night without her. After spending all day with her, he knew he never wanted to be apart. He knew they had to, but he didn’t like it.

  His parents turned to each other to have their own conversation, and he saw his opportunity to get a little closer to his perfect girl. He pretended to fix his napkin on his lap so he could put his hand on Holly’s right knee.

  She flinched but quickly recovered as she didn’t want Alex’s parents to see.

  Two can play at that game.

  She squeezed Alex’s thigh. His eyes snapped to hers, and she batted her eyelashes innocently as her hand crept up higher.

  Alex swallowed hard.

  Evie and Rami looked towards them. Alex took Holly’s hand and brought them to the table, like that was all they’d been doing.

  “So, girls.” Said Evie. Get anything interesting at the store? I saw you had a bag, Dev.”

  Holly and Dev looked at each other and had to hold back a laugh.

  “Uh yeah, I got a few items. Nothing all that special though.” She said as she glanced to Holly. Holly had her hand over her mouth.

  “Oh. What about you, Holly? Did you get anything nice today?” Dev snorted the laugh she couldn’t contain.

  “I did…yeah…um…hmmm.” Holly was stuck for words and Dev was chuckling quietly. Ben rolled his eyes at Dev. Alex put his right hand under the table and reached across his lap to stroke down the side of Holly’s thigh.


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