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Welcome to New Haven

Page 77

by Dawn Doyle

Once the girls had hugged Holly, they hugged him, but he never let go of Holly’s hand. They guys hugged them too, and then they all went back into the house to Holly’s hangout room.

  “The garden’s looking great.” Dev said as they sat down.

  “It is. You all did a great job helping me out.” Holly replied.

  “I enjoyed it. It was therapeutic” added Kayla.

  “Yeah but it can hurt the back.” Said Riss, rubbing her lower spine.

  “Then, I can rub you down before I rub you up.” Said Ryan, which got everybody laughing.

  Trust Ryan to lighten the mood.

  Kim had filled Holly’s snack cupboard, and fridge and there were plenty for everyone, so Dev got to work sorting out the snacks whilst Kayla chose a movie to watch. Thankfully, she chose something that didn’t involve killing anyone. ‘Couples Retreat.’ At least it was funny. Each pair, in their group, sat together and cuddled whilst watching.

  Alex was sitting with Holly tucked into his body. Her back to his front but still sitting side by side. His arms protectively around her waist. He could see that the others were all watching Holly every few minutes. Checking on her. They cared about her so much, even after a short time of knowing her.

  Alex felt her hand on his thigh. Her fingertips lightly caressing. Her strokes got higher and higher and he took a deep breath to calm himself, but it didn’t help. His friend was alert and raging, not that it had gone away before. Holly would have definitely felt it digging into her lower back. She looked back at him and slowly winked. Her lips curving into a smile. He tightened his grip around her and lowered his head to her ear.

  “Abajo, chica.” He whispered.

  Holly swallowed, and Alex smiled. He released a hand to stroke Holly’s cheek and turned her face to kiss her gently.

  As their lips pressed together, Holly’s fingertips gripped his thigh. He softly sucked her bottom lip, released and then kissed her again. If nobody were there, he would have lain her down and kissed her deeply, holding her, loving her. He’d have to wait until later. Just the anticipation had his pulse racing.

  As they pulled apart, Holly, as if reading his thoughts, mouthed ‘later’ before pecking his lips again. He wrapped his arms around her again, resting his check against her head.

  Holly felt loved by Alex and loved by her friends. She’d noticed all of them glancing over to her, whilst watching the movie, as if checking to see whether she were ok.

  She’d never felt that way before, from anybody other than her family.

  Maybe she had been, liked her Nan had joked, ‘closed off’ to other people. She certainly didn’t feel that way anymore, and it was amazing.

  Emily and her Nan were coming to see Holly, for a few days, for her birthday.

  Their flight was landing early at the airport and her Mum was picking them up at one in the morning. They’d probably leave at around twelve thirty.

  Holly wasn’t scared, knowing that Alex would be with her as her parents went out.

  She smiled to herself as she thought how much Alex made her feel safe. Even before the incident, she wasn’t a fan of being alone. Especially when they’d first moved in. Now, with Alex, Holly didn’t feel in the least bit anxious with her parents going out.

  As the movie ended, Riss and Kayla both cleared away the remnants of the snacks when Kyle suggested they play cards. Great, Holly was bad at cards.

  “I brought some, just in case.” He smiled.

  “What should we play?” Asked Dev.

  “Poker.” Kyle answered, winking at Kayla as he emptied the cards from the box into his hand.

  They would all need to sit on the floor around the coffee table to play, so they got up and pulled the rug, and the table, further into the centre of the room.

  Kyle dealt the cards as they all sat.

  “I don’t know how to play this game.” Holly said, embarrassed.

  “What?!” Asked Kyle, incredulously. “You don’t know how…? Ok. It’s not that hard. We’ll play Texas hold ‘em”

  “I’ll help you babe.” Alex said from beside her. Alex handed his cards back to Kyle and shared Holly’s hand with her. “We’ll team up.”

  Holly felt relieved and delighted at the same time.

  She liked to watch Alex when he was concentrating on something. In class, when they worked on pollinating the daffodils, in their other classes where her seat was further back than his. It was hot.

  She absent-mindedly licked her lower lip into her mouth as she was staring at him. Watching his mouth as he slightly pursed his lips. Watching his thickly lash rimmed eyes as he looked at the cards in her hand.

  “Helloooo!” Said Kyle as the others quietly chuckled.

  “Uh…huh?” Holly said as she turned to see what Kyle was talking about.

  “Alex, dude, you’re gonna need to put a paper bag over your head. You’re distracting her!” snickered Ryan.

  Alex turned to Holly and grinned.

  “Don’t judge me.” Holly said as she blushed.

  God, I thought I was past that!

  Maybe it was because she was in the company of all of their friends.

  Oh, so what! He’s gorgeous, and all mine.

  “Just so you know, Ry…” She began. “…A paper bag wouldn’t help. I’d still know what’s under there and my imagination can get extremely creative.” She finished as she glanced at Alex’s torso and then to his face.

  His eyes widened as he smiled.

  Ryan’s mouth hung open in surprise.

  “I never thought I’d see you speechless.” Chuckled Ben.

  Dev beamed at Holly with a glint in her eye, like she was happy Holly was ‘normal’ after what had happened.

  Them not treating her like a victim helped her to feel normal. Goodness, Holly did not want to be treated that way. Alex had already seen evidence of her vulnerability and had reassured her, but not once had he treated her like a china doll. She appreciated that. He seemed to know exactly what she needed, what to do and what to say.

  “Ok, let’s play poker!” Kyle said, interrupting her thoughts.

  They played a few hands whilst Alex showed Holly how to play, the rules and what the different hands were. Also, the different kinds of flushes you could have.

  Once Holly got the hang of it, she won a few games and Alex pulled her close and kissed her every time. They played a few more card games, and Holly was having fun.

  The occasional flashback happened, but Alex simply held her hand when he noticed her change in mood.

  God she loved him so much, with all of her life, heart, and soul.

  He was perfect.

  Holly couldn’t help but let her eyes roam over Alex’s biceps as his T-shirt hugged them. The way they flexed every time he bent his arms to hide his cards. His round, tight shoulders broad, and strong. His solid square chest, and then down his rock hard abs. If nobody were there, she would’ve reached underneath to stroke his skin. Feel his muscles rippling beneath her fingertips.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, we’re going to have a problem.” Alex whispered into her ear.

  His breath was hot against her and Holly couldn’t help but take in a sharp breath.

  “Not helping, babe.” He whispered again as she bit her lip.

  “Ahem.” Ben cleared his throat, bringing their attention back to the game.

  Holly risked a glance down towards Alex’s lower half, as he sat cross-legged, where a huge bulge was present. She smiled to herself and turned back to the game as Alex took a controlled, calming breath. Holly looked to Dev who was trying to hold back a laugh, waggling her eyebrows, letting her know that she saw Holly gazing lustfully at her brother.

  Holly just smiled and shook her head.

  Kim had made everybody lunch so they went through to the dining area to eat. The conversations stayed away from what had happened, and it was a relief.

  It was too soon to talk about it, Holly thought. Too soon to talk about it casually, anyway.

>   Her mind had had flashes of being in the shed again. Stacey’s crazy eyes, the pictures, the gun…Holly just steered her thoughts to the fact that she was alive and unharmed, home and with Alex. His being there with her helped her to relax.

  Once a flashback hit her, Alex put his arm around her, letting her know he knew what was going on, without bringing any attention to her.

  They were holding hands at the table when his phone rang. Alex took it out of his pocket to check the caller ID.

  “Hi Mom.” He said into the phone as his thumb traced circles on the back of Holly’s hand.

  “Yeah, we’re good. How are you and Dad?”

  He was silent for a while as Evie was talking. Holly could hear her voice, but not what she was saying.

  “Um…I’m not sure but I’ll call you soon and let you know if that’s ok?”

  His eyes watched Holly’s face as he lifted their hands that were still holding each other, to move a stray piece of hair and tucked it behind her ear, then stroking her jaw with his thumb.

  “Thanks, Mom. Bye.” He said and ended the call.

  “Is everything ok?“ Dev asked.

  “Yeah, Mom was just checking in. Nothing to worry about.” He said before he turned back to Holly.

  The look in his eyes made her heart skip a beat. He was looking at her with a fiery mix of concern and restrained passion. Like he was worried about her, but also fighting to keep his hands off her.

  Maybe if we leave for a few minutes, he wouldn’t have to fight it.

  Holly felt her face heat as the corners of Alex’s mouth turned up in a knowing smile. He’d totally caught her thinking sexy thoughts. Not that she’d tried to hide them since their relationship began, but she’d at least attempted to control them when in company.

  It was almost impossible, though. Alex was just too. Damn. Sexy!

  Her brain refused to cooperate in his presence, what with his deep chocolate brown eyes, full chewable lips, strong chiselled jaw, perfectly sculpted body, and amazingly fantastic arse.

  Holly watched as Alex quickly licked his lips, and she swallowed.

  Alex cleared his throat and stroked her cheek once more before holding her chin up and softly pressing his lips to hers.

  Once lunch was finished, they cleaned up and headed back to the hangout room to play cards again. As they went into the hallway, Alex held Holly back out of earshot.

  “My Mom asked how you were.” He said. “I didn’t want to say anything at the table.”

  Holly smiled at his thoughtfulness. His Mum was worried about him too and was, most likely, missing her son. Holly was grateful Alex was staying with her, but she also felt a little selfish keeping him to herself, when his parents were just as worried as hers.

  “Do you have to go and see your Mum and Dad?” She asked, and he beamed.

  “Well my Mom asked whether we would go over for dinner. That’s why I said I would call her back. I wanted to ask you first because I’m not going without you, and I wasn’t going to say yes on your behalf if you didn’t want to.”

  Holly’s heart couldn’t have gotten any bigger. Even though his parents missed him, and he wasn’t in his own house, he wouldn’t go anywhere without her. She felt a little bad for liking it but, she told herself it was justified. They’d have to separate at some point though as she didn’t think their parents would take kindly to having them have constant sleepovers. They may be tolerating it for now, but they could stop them soon enough.

  “Of course.” She said. “You should see your parents. They’re worried about you too.”

  Alex hugged her close, and Holly pressed her face into his hard chest as she inhaled his scent from his T-shirt.

  “You guys ok?” asked Dev as she popped her head round the doorway.

  “Yeah, we’re coming through now.” Alex said as he released Holly from his embrace, taking her hand, and they both walked into the room.

  A couple of hours later, everyone left. They’d had fun and even with the flashes of memory, Holly looked Happy, which made Alex happy. Holly had let Kim and Oli know that they were going to Alex’s for dinner. They were fine with it, but Alex could see the worry in Kim’s eyes because their daughter would be out of the house.

  Holly had looked into the back of Alex’s car again, before getting in. He knew this was to be expected, and it would take some time for Holly to overcome that fear, and understandably so.

  They’d gotten into his house and his Mom had practically tackled the pair of them in the hallway. To say she was happy to see them was an understatement. Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged them both. Evie had cupped Holly’s face and looked straight into her eyes. Alex knew this was a doctor thing. She was checking for signs of distress.

  Evie smiled and gently patted Holly’s cheek, seemingly happy with what she saw. They went through to the dining room where Rami was setting the table. He too, hugged them both, smiling, but Alex could see his Dad was trying to disguise the worry in his expression.

  “I hear Dev, Ben, and the others were visiting today.” Said Evie.

  “Yeah, they left before we came here.”

  “Did you have fun?” She asked, aiming the question to Holly.

  “Yeah. We watched a movie and then played poker. Alex had to teach me though.”

  They talked about school, work, how Holly’s gardening was progressing. They stayed off the topic of the kidnapping.

  Dinner was great, and it was good to see his parents, reassuring him that he and Holly were both doing ok. He’d brought his bag that Evie had given to Kim, back with him to pick up some clean clothes. He didn’t know how long he’d be sleeping over at Holly’s.

  He’d stay with her every night if he could.

  If Holly felt up to it, she could stay over at his house.

  It would be even better if we had our own place.

  Alex went to his room, taking Holly with him, to get his clothes. Once he’d emptied his bag, he grabbed what he’d need for the next two days, plus some extra items he’d use later. He packed everything in and sat next to Holly on his bed.

  “Hi.” He said as he held her around her shoulder.

  “Hi.” Holly replied as she leant into him.

  “Are you ok babe?” He asked as his eyes scanned her face.

  “Hmmm” She answered as if thinking about it. Alex saw the glint in her eyes before she threw her leg over his thighs and straddled him.

  “I am now.” She said, and Alex chuckled, sliding his hands down her back and gripped her hips.

  Holly’s arms wrapped around Alex’s neck, fingers in his hair. The look in her eyes as she gazed over him was exactly the same as when they’d been playing cards.

  But now, they were alone.

  “You’re looking at me like that again.” He whispered. His pants getting tighter by the second.

  “You’re looking at me like that too, Alexandro.” She countered, grazing her lips against his.

  “I can’t help it.” He breathed. “You’re too damn sexy not to.”

  “Right back at ya.” Holly pulled Alex’s lips to hers, kissing him like she hadn’t seen him for weeks.

  His pants were so tight it was becoming painful. He could feel Holly’s ample breasts pressed against his chest and her toned, shapely legs either side of his.

  He lowered his hands to her perfect ass and squeezed.

  As Holly moaned into his mouth, their tongues swirling, licking, tasting. He couldn’t help but let out a moan himself. It came out like a growl and Holly’s thighs tightened against his.

  Alex dug his heels into the floor and quickly stood, hooking his hands under her thighs. Holly gasped as he turned around and kneeled one knee on the bed. Moving forward, and laying her down on her back, her legs still around him.

  Alex could hear Holly’s breath quicken, like his own. His heart rate accelerating as their bodies pressed together. He crushed his lips to hers again, exploring her warm mouth with his tongue.

pulled back to look in her eyes.

  “I told you we’d have a problem.” He said in his low, sexy voice that he knew drove Holly wild.

  “I don’t see any problem.” She panted. “None at all.”

  Alex pushed his hips forward into hers. Just enough for her to feel the effects of their actions. Any more and he would surely bust.

  “Oh my God!” Holly squeaked.

  “I told you.” He whispered into her ear before kissing under her lobe and continued leaving a trail of featherlight kisses down her neck to her collarbone. He took a deep breath in an attempt to get some control over himself. He stroked a hand down her side, to her hip, and then to her ass.

  “Mmmm.” He growled, gripping her pert ass cheek as he gently sucked on her skin.

  “Ah!” Holly sighed. The sound pushing Alex further to his limit.

  Holly had found the hem of his T-shirt and had her hands inside, pressing her fingertips into the bare skin on his back.

  He loved the feeling, like she couldn’t get enough and was gripping him tight. Holding him to her possessively.

  He was hers completely, and she was his.

  Together, forever, always.

  Alex kissed up her neck again and captured her hot, soft lips. Sucking and licking them like he was starved, and Holly was his meal.

  Holly gasped, and stilled.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked.

  “I think somebody’s coming up the stairs.” She whispered.

  Alex listened and he too, heard somebody walking up the stairs.

  As quick as a flash, Alex jumped up off of her and pulled her up to sit. He sat next to her, crossing his legs. They wouldn’t have had to do that if he’d remembered to shut the door!

  He mentally kicked himself for that.

  “Sorry, I forgot to shut the door.” He said.


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