Book Read Free

Jaymie Holland

Page 10

by Tattoos

  Megan studied Drew. “I don’t think they’re the types to rub your face in something, especially when you could have been killed.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.” Drew sighed. “But they’ve been having me followed. Watching me. Shouldn’t I be upset about that?”

  With a thoughtful look, Megan tilted her head to the side. “Normally, I’d say yes. What they did definitely could come off as stalker-ish. But with it being Colton and Dane, I don’t feel that way.”

  Drew found herself giving a little smile. “As much as it pains me to say it, thinking about them watching me is a bit of a turn-on. Is that sick?”

  “I don’t think so.” Megan laughed. “They really care for you and you have to admit, you feel something for them. Don’t you?”

  At that, Drew’s shoulders slumped and she lowered her head, hair falling over her eyes. “I do.”

  “Drew?” Megan pushed hair from Drew’s face. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Because I don’t want to get hurt.” Drew raised her head. “All men screw around. The last thing I need is to fall for two men who end up fucking some other woman.”

  “Oh, honey.” Megan took Drew’s hands in hers again and squeezed. “Not all men are like the assholes you’ve been with.”

  Drew gave a pained laugh. “Sure. And what about my father and stepfather screwing around on my mom?”

  “I’m so sorry you’ve been through all of that.” Megan didn’t lessen her grip on Drew’s fingers. “It’s nothing to make light of. But there are good men out there, and Colton and Dane are two of the best. I trust them as much as I trust Nick and Sean, and you know I trust my husbands more than words can say.”

  “I do.” Drew nodded. “Coming from you that means a lot.”

  “Nick and Sean wouldn’t have gone past a business relationship and wouldn’t have developed a friendship with Colton and Dane if they didn’t believe the pair were stand-up guys.”

  “I believe that,” Drew said. “In spite of my background, I can’t help but feel that Nick and Sean are great guys.”

  “And so are Colton and Dane,” Megan said.

  Drew blew out her breath. “I’ll think about giving them a second chance. I just don’t know.”

  “You deserve to be happy.” Megan’s smile was soft and sincere. “Like I said, I think they’re good men and they could make you happier than you could ever imagine.”

  Drew let out her breath. “Maybe.”

  “Would you like to talk it out some more?” Megan asked.

  “I’m hot, sticky, and wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday. I need to get into something else and freshen up.” Drew stood and smiled back at her friend. “Thanks for the talk, but you go on with your day.”

  Megan got to her feet, too. “Anytime you need me, you know where to find me.”

  Drew hugged Megan again before opening the front door for Megan and saying goodbye. They hugged again and Drew closed the door behind Megan and locked it, then set the alarm.

  She glared at the place where the camera was hidden, and thought about getting a ladder from the super, climbing up, and yanking it out.

  She felt a heavy weight in her chest. She wasn’t sure if it was because of Colton and Dane’s spying on her, or the fact that she found it impossible to trust men.

  But were Colton and Dane good, trustworthy guys like Megan had said?

  She’d have to think this through, give herself some time to process it and make her decision.

  With a sigh, she turned and headed toward her bedroom.

  Chapter 12

  For two days Drew avoided Colton’s and Dane’s phone calls. She’d put barriers over the security cameras as she didn’t have the money to have them removed. It had turned out to be a lot more difficult than she’d thought it would be to take them out.

  Her anger had started to die down and she’d had a lot of time to think. What they’d done was wrong, and she should be angry, no doubt about it.

  But she believed, like Megan did, that they were good men. They’d screwed up—what they’d done had been wrong. But they knew it and they’d had come clean on their own. They could have left her ignorant—not telling her would have been the easy thing to do. She likely would never have known.

  She paced her bedroom and furrowed her brows, then stopped and closed her eyes. She slowly let out her breath and after a moment, opened her eyes. Yes, she was ready to move on from this and forgive them. Now she just needed to figure out how. Should she call them or go to them? It was the weekend, so they wouldn’t be at work.

  After she showered and changed into a backless spaghetti strap blouse and a thigh-high skirt, she went into her kitchen barefoot to make herself a cup of tea. She heated water in the teapot and waited for it to whistle before pouring it into a teacup.

  As she put the teabag of chamomile into the hot water, a knock at the door caused her to go still. She left the teabag in the cup and faced the door.

  She brushed her hands on her skirt and pushed her hair over her shoulders as she walked to the front door. When she peeked through the peephole, her heart started pounding. It was Dane and Colton.

  It told her something about herself when she was instantly glad to see them and didn’t hesitate opening the door.

  When she swung it open, both men looked at her with apology in their gazes. They looked so damned good that it caused her pulse to flutter. Both men wore T-shirts and jeans. Colton, so tall and broad with green eyes that made her melt. Dane with his muscular build and long, dark hair, and blue eyes that gave her even more of a melty feeling.

  “May we come in?” Dane asked when Drew said nothing.

  Unable to speak for fear of throwing herself at them, she nodded and stepped back. Both men walked in and she closed the door behind them.

  Dane moved in front of her. “You mean a lot to us, Drew.”

  Colton took a step closer and she felt his presence directly behind her. “Tell us what we need to do to prove it.”

  She turned around. Without really thinking about what she was doing, she reached up and gave Colton a soft kiss. He looked surprised, but settled his hands on her waist and kissed her in return, with a passion so sweet that it told her volumes.

  Dane moved in closer and Drew turned to him. He cupped her face in his hands and lowered his head. He kissed her just as passionately as Colton had.

  The two men touched her and kissed her and then they were surrounding her. It felt comfortable and right being between them, having their hands on her body, and their lips on hers.

  “We’re so sorry,” Drew said. “What we did was wrong, even if we did it to protect you.”

  “Will you forgive us?” Colton said in a low, rumbly voice.

  “Yes.” She paused. “But we need to get to know each other better. I want to know more about your childhoods, your families, your past loves, and your lives now. I want to know everything about you both.” She added quietly, “I want to know that if we are in a relationship you will never hurt me or cheat on me.”

  Colton drew her into his arms and held her against his chest while Dane pressed himself behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a soft kiss on her nape.

  “We would never hurt you or cheat on you.” Colton leaned back and stroked her hair from her face. “Let us prove it to you.”

  “I’ve been cheated on by every man I’ve ever been with.” The words came out slowly, painfully. “I don’t find it easy to trust because of that.”

  “I’d like to make the men who hurt you pay for it,” Colton said.

  Dane pressed his lips to her neck again. “We both would.”

  “That’s not necessary.” She gave a small smile. “It’s been a long time since I’ve let anyone get close to me, so I moved on long ago.”

  Colton kissed her and then she turned and faced Dane. She kissed him as she reveled in the feeling of security and caring she felt in both men’s arms.

  Her need for them gre
w strong. She reached behind her and pulled at the end of the back spaghetti strap and the top loosened. She moved her hand to her shoulder and the ends slid from their bow and fell away from her bare shoulder. Both men went still as she tugged at the ends of her other strap and it slid away from her shoulder, too. The top fell to the floor, leaving her naked from the waist up.

  Dane’s gaze drifted from her eyes to her full breasts, as Colton splayed his fingers on her ribcage. She leaned against Colton and arched her back, her nipples hard and aching for Dane’s mouth.

  Dane lowered his head and delicately circled her nipple with his tongue. She gave a soft moan and he moved his mouth to her other nipple.

  “You’re so special, Drew.” Colton moved his hands from her ribcage to cup her breasts and raised them for Dane to suck. “In so many ways.”

  She gave a whimpering sigh.

  When Dane raised his head, Colton moved his hands to her skirt and pushed it down, over her hips, and it slid to the floor. He pushed her bikini panties down and they fell to her bare feet, leaving her completely naked.

  “We want to make love to you.” Dane grasped her by her ass and she hooked her thighs around his hips as he raised her so that he was holding her. “We want to show you how much you mean to us.”

  He carried her to her bedroom and Colton pulled the bedspread away and pulled down the top sheet before Dane settled her on the middle of the bed.

  She watched as both men stripped out of their clothing and she ached even more between her thighs when she saw their twin erections.

  They slid into bed, one on each side of her. They caressed her, kissed her, made love to her like she’d never been loved before.

  Dane murmured in her ear, “I need to get a condom.”

  “I won’t get pregnant.” She smiled at him. “I’m protected. There’s lube in the top drawer for you, Colton,” she added.

  Colton reached for the lube as Dane kissed her. He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Her head spun a little and she caught her breath.

  She started to slide down when Dane positioned his cock at the entrance to her core, but he said, “Wait.”

  Colton lubed his cock and moved behind her, his erection poised at her rear entrance.

  “Now,” Dane said in a sensual growl.

  Both men slid inside her at the same time.

  She gave a soft cry as the men filled her to the brim. They started moving in and out in a slow rhythm, and she gasped at the feel of being taken by two men at once. It had been incredible that night, celebrating on the rooftop, but somehow this was even more special. It was clear that Dane and Colton wanted to show her how much they cared.

  Something expanded inside her, something more than just an oncoming orgasm. It was soul deep and wonderful. She didn’t want to name it just yet, but she knew it was more than sex, more than three bodies joined together. Maybe it was too soon to tell, but she knew she was falling for them, and falling hard.

  And the thing about it was that she didn’t mind. She wasn’t scared any more.

  When her orgasm exploded inside her, she screamed and swore she saw fireworks like she had before. Colors and light and a sense of power that rocked her to her very core.

  Dane came next with a shout, his cock throbbing as he rocked inside her and filled her with his come. Colton followed, his cry even louder than Dane’s. He continued sliding in and out of her ass until every bit of his come had spilled into her.

  When Colton was spent, he sagged against her so that she felt his weight on her back and Dane’s hard body beneath her. She was sandwiched between the men in a way that made her feel as if time had stopped and there were only the three of them left in this world.

  Colton groaned and slid out of her before taking her with him when he rolled onto his side. Dane’s cock slid from her core and then she was in both their arms again. Only, this time she didn’t feel any fear for the future. She only felt certainty, that with these men she was safe and secure and they would never hurt her. The future was bright in a way that it never had been before.

  * * * * *

  Morgan McDaniel and Asher Hale each shook hands with Drew as they stood in her office at JP Security Consultants.

  Asher was a blond with sharp, angular features, and Morgan had soft brown hair with a slight wave to it. If she wasn’t already taken by the two sexiest men on earth, Dane and Colton, she might have been interested in Morgan and Asher. They were gorgeous and intriguing, an air of mystery surrounding them. She’d seen them a time or two when she’d visited Faith at Spirits, but hadn’t actually met the men until now.

  Drew had moved from being a salesperson with her sex toy business to working full-time as sales manager for JPSC. She’d been with the company for almost a year now, having started not long after she had gotten together with Dane and Colton. With her extensive sales experience, as well as having a BA in marketing, she’d fit the bill when a position had opened up.

  She didn’t miss her old business. She was no longer out late at night and she could be with her two men when they were all off work. Now she could attend parties instead of being the one to demonstrate all the fun toys. In addition to an excellent salary, there were definite perks, like afternoon desk sex when Dane and Colton stopped by.

  She’d also been able to visit her mother and father in Kansas more frequently now that she was solvent. She liked that she could stand on her own two feet and had been able to for some time now.

  “I’ll have our scheduling department contact you,” Drew told Asher and Morgan as she walked the men to her office door. “We’ll get the security system installed as soon as possible.”

  “Yesterday would be best,” Morgan said with a grin.

  Drew laughed. “Not sure we can manage that, since tomorrow is the Fourth of July, but we can have technicians at your headquarters on the fifth or sixth.”

  “Excellent,” Asher said.

  When the men left, Drew walked back to her desk and took her seat. She had a great corner office that gave her a terrific view of the city.

  She smiled as she scooted up to the desk. When she’d started working at JPSC, she’d been dating Dane and Colton steadily. Six months later, she’d moved in with her men into their Central Park West condo and she loved every moment of being with them.

  Her mind traveled over the time she’d spent with her men, and how she had gotten to know them. She touched her cheek where the pale pink scar was barely visible. It couldn’t be seen at all when she had makeup on. It was hard to believe that it had been a year now since she’d been mugged.

  She, Dane, and Colton did almost everything together. They worked out, went to Broadway and Off-Broadway plays, movies, ballet, and other activities that they enjoyed doing, including going to an exclusive BDSM club. Drew had girl-time with Megan and Faith, and alone-time when she needed it, but most of the time Drew just wanted to be with Colton and Dane when she wasn’t working.

  She looked over the contract for the security installation for Asher and Morgan’s company. Their corporation was one of the biggest clients JPSC had landed. They’d met Colton and Dane at Spirits, and it had been arranged for Drew to follow up with them.

  A knock on the doorframe had her glancing up. She smiled when she saw Colton and Dane in her doorway. The men walked in, looking incredible as always. She never tired of seeing their gorgeous smiles, not to mention they were great eye candy.

  “What can I do for you, gentlemen?” she said in a mock-serious tone.

  “I can think of lots of things.” Dane flashed a grin and she instantly thought of desk sex.

  “We just saw Asher and Morgan.” Colton sat on the edge of her desk. “Of course, they think you’re the best.”

  “Let’s get you out of here,” Dane said. “We’ll celebrate.”

  Drew pushed her chair back and got to her feet. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  The pair escorted her through the office building. Drew, Colton, and Dane didn’t
advertise their three-way relationship, but it was probably apparent to many. Drew didn’t mind. She was proud of her men and cared about them more than she could ever have thought possible. She knew they would never cheat on her or mistreat her. There was never a doubt.

  When they left the building, a black stretch limo was parked in front, Louis standing at the back passenger door.

  She looked from Colton to Dane. “What’s the occasion?”

  Dane gave a casual shrug of one shoulder. “Does there need to be an occasion to take our beautiful woman out for a ride?”

  She smiled. “Never.”

  Louis opened the door and Colton helped her inside. As usual, her two men bookended her. They never seemed to be able to get enough of touching her, and she couldn’t get enough of them.

  When they were settled, she noticed a champagne bottle in a chiller along with three champagne glasses.

  “Are we celebrating the new contract?” she asked.

  Dane reached for the bottle of champagne. “Not exactly.” He popped open the bottle and the cork shot across to the seat in front of them. He managed to keep from spilling any as he filled the glasses that Colton held up for him before distributing them.

  After Dane set the bottle back in the chiller, he raised his glass. “A toast to the most beautiful, talented, and intelligent woman we know.”

  She clinked her glass with theirs and took a sip.

  Dane lowered his glass. “Today is the one-year anniversary of our first night out.”

  “To Tony’s,” she said with a smile. “I’ll never forget it.”

  “That’s where we are headed,” Colton said.

  “But we have a little something for you.” Dane set his champagne glass in the holder at his side and pulled a six-inch long black velvet jeweler’s box out of his suit jacket.

  He opened it. Inside, on a bed of black velvet, was a bracelet made of alternating rubies, diamonds, and sapphires. The red, white, and blue symbolized their time together had started the day before Independence Day.


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