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AFFLICTED: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 11

by Nicole Fox

  He grabbed a pant leg, pulled them off me, his hands working as frantically as his heavy breathing. Now I was just wearing a black thong, and the barest strips of cloth were all that separated us.

  I tugged his underwear down the rest of the way, sucked in a breath as I saw him for the first time. “I'd felt it,” I said. “But I didn't believe how perfect it would be.” I wrapped my long fingers around his cock again and began to stroke him.

  I was drenched, positively wetter and dripping more than I'd ever been in my life. I needed this, needed to feel him between my legs, needed to feel him slamming into me, pressing his weight onto me.

  He pushed back between my legs, spreading them with his bare hips. His cock rubbed across the front of my satiny panties, sending another thrill through me. Almost there!

  He put an arm behind me, grabbed my long hair and yanked my head back, almost painfully. “Hope you still want it rough,” Koen growled as he attacked my neck again.

  Fuck yes, I did. I wanted to feel like I was the only thing that mattered in the world, like he owned me because he'd taken me. I closed my eyes, relishing the way his hand felt in my hair, the way I couldn't move even if I'd wanted to. “Please, God, yes, just fuck me like you mean it,” I panted, struggling a little against his wonderfully tight grip. “I need to feel you inside me, Koen. Please, please, please.”

  He reached down between us and shoved my panties aside. He stroked two fingers up and down my slit, stopping at my clit to play with it.

  Pleasure consumed me like a bonfire, its blazing heat subsuming everything. I craved having him inside me like a dying man needed water in the desert. “No, Koen, no teasing,” I moaned, my voice ragged from the way he held my head back. I reached down between us and grabbed him, his soft-hard heat feeling so right in my hand as I began to lightly stroke him. “Please don't tease me this time, you fucker. Either fuck me or throw me aside. I can handle either one.”

  He thrust forward, passing through the palm of my hand and he guided himself into my drenched pussy. His head parted my lips like it was nothing, and I could feel him begin to fill me with his thick length. He went all the way down to the hilt, and I arched my back a little as the pleasure seemed to radiate throughout my whole body. He drew back out, and I had to bite my lip to scream at the loss between my legs. Soon, though, he was sliding back in to fill the void.

  I'd never needed a cock so badly in my life. I lifted my hips up to meet his first, full stroke. “Oh fuck,” I groaned as I strained against his hand wrapped in my hair, “you feel so good inside me.”

  He kissed my bared neck, bit me again, as he slid deeper into me, my body stretching to accommodate him wonderfully as he slowly stroked in and out.

  I lifted my legs and locked them together at his lower back, urging him to go deeper. “Don't stop,” I said, my eyes tightly shut as he began to speed up. “Fuck me ragged, Koen. Show me I'm yours.”

  His cock was like nothing I'd ever experienced. He’d been made just for me, and the way he filled me was intoxicating. It was like we'd finally grabbed hold of something worth holding onto, for once in our lives, and we weren't ever going to let go.

  He pulled my lips back to his, sucked my tongue into his mouth, and really started to lay into me.

  I thrust back into him, grinding my clit on the base of his cock every time he bottomed out in me. I nearly screamed into his mouth and begged with my hips for more. Please, just a little more.

  He drove harder into me, pulled my hair tighter as his free hand came up and wrapped around my throat. He bit my lip and groaned as he kept fucking me on the hood of his muscle car. He tightened his hand around my throat, letting me know who I belonged to.

  It was so deliciously dirty and rough. I knew he could crush me in a heartbeat, but he wouldn't. He couldn't. Not me, not ever. But just the idea of having this strong, beastly man having this kind of hold over me was too much. I groaned between my pants as I felt my first orgasm coming. It wouldn't be much longer, not at all with the way he was fucking me, the way he was owning me.

  He slammed harder into me, and I met each thrust. He let go of my throat and pulled my low cut tank top down and in front, tearing the thin cloth till one of my tits was exposed to the air. He dipped his head down low, sucked one of my hard nipples into his mouth.

  I leaned back, basking in the sensations, the pleasure of having his lips wrapped around me, of his tongue flicking at my hard nipple. Just the idea of having this man literally ripping my clothes off to get at me, just so he could taste every part of my body was so wonderful. I arched my back and pushed my breasts out, forcing more into his mouth. He groaned and sucked harder as I felt the orgasmic wave about to crest inside me.

  Each thrust came harder and faster, sending my whole body shaking and convulsing with pleasure. He pulled my lips back to his and tweaked a wet, sensitive nipple with his free hand.

  I cried out into his mouth, my whole body trembling and spasming as I felt myself latch onto his hard cock. I pulled him in tighter with my legs, locking my ankles at his lower back so he couldn't get away. I had to have him inside as I came, had to that long length of manhood filling me, and his strong arms holding me tight. I pulled back my lips, crying out again. “Oh, Koen, oh fuck. God, you feel amazing.”

  He let go of my hair for the first time and crushed my lips with his again, his hands now tenderly cradling my face. His whole body went rigid beneath mine, and I swear I could feel him growing inside me. He was close, too, and his hips sped up as we ground against each other beneath the glaring overhead light.

  “Oh Jace,” he groaned as he began to unload in me, filling me up.

  At the first drop of his orgasm inside me, I felt my whole body release like I'd had a dam holding back everything. I nearly screamed as my world darkened around the edges, just like earlier tonight. I tensed up, then went slack, shaking as ecstasy filled my body. If pleasure was a liquid, I would have been filled to the brim with it, my whole body desperately trying to contain it all.

  We clung to each other, our arms entangled around one another's sweat drenched bodies, holding each other close as we desperately moaned out our orgasms together. He leaned down and kissed me again, and our tongues swirled around one another as we began to come down from our raucous high.

  He pulled me into his arms, my whole body slack and exhausted, and I could feel a tremor shake him.

  “Fuck . . . I mean . . .” he said, his voice dry and breathless as he looked into my eyes.

  “Yeah,” I agreed in a croaking voice as I returned that twinkling gaze of his. “Just . . . wow.”

  We kissed again, this time more wetly, more intensely. It wasn't a kiss like we were just fucking on the hood of a car, but instead one like we were actual lovers who'd just shared a moment together. It was soft, tender, intimate. Somehow, even more intimate than what we'd just done.

  “Think I need a beer,” I whispered.

  “Pretty sure I need one, too,” he replied.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When I awoke the next morning, I found myself glancing up to check the top of Koen's dresser for the cash he must have left. I reminded myself that I wasn't in that line of work anymore. Instead, I closed my eyes and snuggled into his broad, warm chest, just listening to his deep, soothing breaths and the thumping of his heart.

  I still felt amazing and so wonderfully sore from the night before. The way Koen had filled me, and held me afterward instead of just paying. It felt like it was close to, I don't know, acceptance. Like I had a shot at a somewhat normal life, had a chance at a healthy relationship that wasn't just with some John or some pimp.

  I nuzzled into him and kissed his warm, tan skin. I may have even sighed.

  I could get used to this, I realized. I could see myself living a life like this, with a man like Koen. So what if the sex was rough? I liked it that way. And maybe he was egotistical and a little possessive of me. But, what girl didn't want her man to be confident
, or to really want her?

  My eyes slowly closed again as I relaxed into him and his nice, warm, comfy bed. It occurred to me how infrequently I'd slept in a bed with a man. I mean, not a hotel bed or anything.

  I could find happiness with Koen, I realized as I began to drift off. I could give up this stupid vengeance dream I had about Aleksey, just throw in the towel and call it quits.

  But, then I'd be giving up on the memory of Tomlin, wouldn't I? He'd be just some poor dead kid in the big city, murdered in the bathroom of a nice hotel somewhere downtown. I couldn't do that, not to him. He was my baby brother, my only family left. Now he was gone, and someone needed to pay.

  Besides, what I was feeling wasn't love. I knew that. It was just lust, the product of a thousand different chemicals in my body swilling together into some heady brew that was sending me off into La La Land about a man.

  True, I still needed Koen to get to Volkov, especially after my last plan hadn't worked. But, maybe, just maybe, I could come up with something else.

  I couldn't get too comfortable with this broad-chested biker boy, though. After I got Aleksey, what I had with Koen would be over. He'd never want to touch me again, no matter how intoxicating our bodies felt when we put them together.

  # # #


  Jace stirred beside me, but I kept my eyes closed, just enjoying the feel of her warm body coiled up against mine. My body ached from the night before, every fiber of my being calling out for me to stay in bed. Who knew leaping from a moving bike onto a semi-truck speeding down the highway would take so damned much out of a man? But, still, the feel of her tiny form pressed into mine was the best excuse I'd ever come up with to stay in bed.

  I'd fucked more women than I could count, even with my boots off. Fed once joked that I should just get a revolving door put on my bedroom or, better yet, one of those subway style turnstyles that kept count for you. I didn't even remember most of their names, to be honest. They'd always been a flash of blonde hair, or brown, a soft body pressed beneath mine that I could do with as I pleased. I'd pump 'em till I couldn't anymore, then I'd toss them by the wayside.

  It was what I did.

  Far as I was concerned, they couldn't leave my bedroom fast enough.

  Which was what made it so damnably weird that I was thinking of what Jace and I were going to eat for breakfast.

  A woman had never gotten under my skin like this before, I realized as Jace started to move beside me. I reflexively pulled her back down to my chest. I could feel her eyes fluttering against my skin, her eyelashes feeling like butterflies on my pecs.

  Like fucking butterflies. Never thought I'd say that.

  I just wished I'd met her a week earlier, before her brother Tomlin had died, before she'd set off on this stupid ass vengeance jag. Then, I could still have her.

  But, no, she just had to try and double-cross me. She just had to lie to my face over and over.

  In a game like the one I was playing — one where people ended up in the bayou with their heads and hands gone — Trust was spelled with a capital T. It was the most important thing you could have between two people.

  In a relationship, too, it was just as important. You had to have it there to keep something strong and unbreakable.

  But we didn't have it, did we? What little I had for her had been left on the side of that swamp highway, splattered with blood in the cab of that semi-truck.

  Chapter Fifteen


  We took one of Koen's spare bikes back to Club Hellfire. The city was already alive and teeming with life as we rode through traffic and pulled up behind the bar on Bourbon Street.

  Koen's face was stony, his expression set in granite as we rode. No smiles, no laughter. Of course, he had made breakfast for me. That was nice. It had been a while since a man had made me eggs after I'd spread my . . . well, you get it.

  Koen didn't bring up what happened the night before, and I didn't either. He didn't lean in for a soft lover's kiss like the one from the night before, and I paid it no mind. Focusing on keeping him happy kept me from keeping my mind where it needed to be: Aleksey Volkov.

  Together, we headed upstairs, into the center of the F&B MC operations.

  Koen went around collecting Fed and Happy, and whoever else was around, while I stopped in and checked on Benji.

  I knocked on the door and waited for her to call out.

  “Come in,” she said after a while, her voice sounding a little lower than normal.

  I pushed open the door and went inside, the smell of antiseptic hitting me like a subtle sledgehammer. She was sprawled out in her makeshift hospital bed, her skin pallid and the rings around her eyes so dark she looked like she'd pissed off the wrong John. “Hey,” she warbled at me, smiling widely.

  “How's it hanging, girl?” I asked with a wan smile as I went over and propped one hip up on the edge of her bed, taking a seat.

  “Tired,” she said. “Hurts like a sumbitch still, but other than that I'm good.”

  I smiled at her, reached out to push some of her lank hair behind her ear. “Guess you can scratch getting shot off your bucket list,” I said.

  “Yeah,” she said, laughing a little, “guess so.”

  We didn't say anything else, not for a long moment. “So,” I finally began, purposely and slowly speaking each word, “I wanted to apologize for fucking everything up last night.”

  She nodded as she listened.

  “I fucked up. I fucked up real bad, and I almost got you killed. I'm sorry, Benji.”

  “Yeah, you're right,” she said after a while. “You did fuck up bad. I mean, like, horribly, awfully, astronomically bad.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, my lips pressed tight together.

  “Like, so bad, if I were to tell someone on the street what you did, they'd call me a liar. Because no one ever fucks up that bad. Never.”


  “So bad, in fact, we could probably call up Guinness World Records on the phone and get them out here.”

  “I agree.”

  She smiled and shrugged. “But, it's kind of okay. I forgive you, I guess.”

  “You guess?” I asked in a fake, unsure tone, taking one of her hands in mine and squeezing it. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” she said, nodding and squeezing weakly back. “I love you like a sister, Jace. Even if you do some stupid-ass shit sometimes. Just don't ever forget that, okay?”

  I nodded, my eyes starting to spring a leak. I reached up with my free hand and wiped away the rain drop that had suddenly fallen from the sky. “Okay. I love you, too, girl.”

  “I know,” she said, smiling back with that same wan smile. “But, I'll be fine soon. Doc says I just need to rest.”

  We stayed like that for a little while, just talking. Koen came by soon after, though, and knocked on the open door. “Jace,” he said. “Meeting time.”

  “Coming,” I said, and had to suppress a little bit of a grin at my words.

  “Oh no,” Benji said after Koen disappeared back into the hallway. “You fucking slut,” she said good-naturedly, her tone saying she was just messing with me.

  “What?” I asked, trying to fake my innocence.

  “Oh, Jace,” she said, grinning. “How was he?” she asked, readjusting in her pile of pillows. “Big?”

  I grinned. “No idea what you're talking about.”

  “You're telling me you can get me shot with a harebrained scheme, but you can't tell me what his cock looks like?” Jace asked, shaking her head. “I thought we loved and trusted each other,” she squeaked lowly.

  “Jace!” Koen called from the hallway again. He'd returned, and he looked more frustrated and impatient than anything else. “Let's fucking go!”

  “Back in a few,” I promised as I got up off Benji's bed and headed for the door.

  “Don't leave me hanging, woman,” Benji squeaked out at me, her voice sounding more like her own. “Just tell me!”

  Koen gave
us both an inquiring look as I approached.

  “Nothing,” I assured him. Then I turned around and, grinning, gestured to her with my hands eight or nine inches apart, estimating about how long I thought Koen was.

  Benji laughed. “You go girl,” she squeaked as she weakly pumped her tiny fist in the air.

  Together, he and I headed through the halls, destination: meeting room. I had to fight the urge to just stare in awe at him as he stalked through the halls. Memories of the night before flashed in my mind. Memories of his hand entangled in my hair, of his grip on my throat, of his lips wrapped around a stiff nipple as he pounded into me on the hood of his Camaro. I pushed them all down, though, and tried to remind myself what I was doing here.


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