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AFFLICTED: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 15

by Nicole Fox

  The little sharp bit of pain went through me like an arrow, punctuating the pleasure I was feeling as he filled my pussy. I bit my lower lip as, finally, I settled all the way down to the base of his cock. “Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “You just make me feel so full,” I panted, moaning out the last word.

  “You fit me like a glove,” he conceded, his voice filled with pleasure. “Perfect.”

  I began to move on him, rolling my hips a little as I began to slowly stroke his cock in and out of me. I rose up and down, the sensation of emptiness followed by completeness so mesmerizing that I lost track of the world. The only thing that mattered was Koen's cock, and my pussy, and that we were both joined together by our most sensitive and wonderful of parts.

  He let go of my hip and covered my other breast with his hand. Then, it traveled up, brushed over my throat.

  I tilted my head back as I arched, giving him unspoken access to my body as I began to bounce more insistently on his hard length. Whatever he wanted to do to me, I was fine with it. After all, he owned me. And, with the sensations I was feeling, and my coming orgasm, he was more than welcome to it. If he could make me feel this way for the rest of my life, I'd gladly let him keep me.

  His hands crept up over my throat, over my chin. He ran a fingertip over my lips, and I sucked him into my mouth, swirled my tongue around his finger as I groaned out my lust.

  His cock hit all the right spots in me as I moved on it. I could feel it rub my g-spot, and the base even teased my clit with each stroke. I rocked my hips and gyrated on him as I sucked on his finger.

  He pulled his finger from my mouth and grabbed my breast again as I sped up my movements.

  Koen thrust his hips into me harder, began pounding into me as I rode him like a stallion. I nearly screamed as he grabbed my hip again, slamming me down harder onto his cock with each thrust.

  I panted until my breath caught in my throat and another orgasm over took me. I could feel my pussy clamp down on him like a tender vice, milking him and convulsing around his length as he thrust harder into me. I stopped my movements, my whole body given over to the ecstatic relief that overtook my body.

  He was close, too, I could feel it. He moved faster, grabbing both my hips and lifting on and off his cock. I was nothing in his hands as he pounded into me.

  Even if I'd wanted it to stop, and I didn't, there was no way I could have. I was limp as a rag doll, and my only reality was the white light and white heat that seemed to blot out everything.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned, his whole body going rigid below me for a moment before he turned to a slow, steady fucking.

  I felt him explode inside of me, and watched through watery, exhausted eyes as he shoved his head back into the pillow, his mouth open in a wordless groan.

  “Oh, Jace, oh fuck,” he groaned out again, a whole body shiver shooting through both of us. We shook together like that as he continued to fill me with his seed, as he continued to unleash and empty himself inside of me.

  Another orgasm flooded my body, making me go weak. I let myself collapse forward so I was braced against his chest and, with his hard cock still buried inside me, kissed him. I sucked his tongue into my mouth, taking it for my own, as he continued to shudder in pleasure and fill me, my hips moving slowly up and down his almost spent manhood.

  Finally, I felt him slip out of me, and I dropped onto his broad chest, curling up with him as we lay together in a jumbled heap. “That was amazing,” I breathed, a little shudder of post-orgasmic bliss sending my body trembling as I pressed my body into his.

  “Yeah,” he groaned, a shudder going through his body as he grabbed a handful of hips and butt and pulled me closer into his side. “Goddamn that was good.”

  I craned my neck back a little, kissed him again, this time like the other night. A wet, tongueless kiss. “Wonderful,” I said, then dropped my head back to his chest. I let my slowly close as I listened to the steady in and out of his breathing.

  “About what I said earlier,” Koen began, one finger curling my long tresses around it.

  “What about it?” I said with a content sigh, not expecting much.

  “About taking care of you. I promise you, it's true. I'm going to keep you, and help you forget all the shit that's happened to you.”

  Exhausted, both physically and emotionally, I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep. I'd believe it when I saw it.

  # # #


  Her head lay in the center of a pool of auburn red on my chest. I didn't even mind that the long strands kept poking me in the nose, or that her slight body was like a goddamned furnace laid on my chest. Strong, gutsy, brazen, mouthy. She was just so damned beautiful, inside and out.

  As my wonderfully sore prick lay against my thigh, and the cool air from the fan hit my sweat drenched body, I couldn't help but think that the only thing that mattered in the world was that Jace was here in this bed, and so was I. And I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world, either diamonds or gold, or strength and power.

  I pulled her closer against my chest and breathed in the smell of her hair, took it into my nose and sucked it down to my lungs, so it could become one with me through some mystical alchemy I didn't understand.

  I knew right then and there, as I held her against me, as I rubbed the soft skin of her back, as my cock began to grow again even though it had been less than five minutes; she was what I wanted. Sure, we'd be old one day, but that wouldn't matter. She understood me like few women I'd met, and I hoped that spark inside would never fade.

  I was falling for her, and falling hard.

  I leaned down and kissed the top of her head, producing a mumbled response from her. She was already passed out from the stress of the day. I wasn't that far behind, either.

  I knew, though, what I had to do. I had to make her mine. I had to make her mine in both name, and deed.

  Chapter Twenty


  The next morning, I fixed Jace breakfast. Then I took Jace to all the places I thought she'd want to go that a life like hers would have kept from.

  We parked my bike down at Club Hellfire and headed down to Cafe Du Monde, a few blocks away, for coffee and beignets, their wonderful fried dough and powdered sugar practically melting in our mouths. We fought back through the crowds and strolled through the French Quarter, then, just window shopping as we walked by all the businesses throughout the neighborhood.

  We pushed past a bustle of tourists and headed out to the river, down to the walk. We were side-by-side on the sidewalk, our hands just barely touching.

  I'd never exactly been much of a hand holder, or anything like that. I'd never felt the need, especially since I hadn't ever really felt this way about a woman. Not before.

  “Been down here?” I asked as we approached the Big Muddy.

  She shook her head. Then sort of shrugged. “Kinda. Never really been down to the river just to, you know, hang out or anything. I grew up near it, though, back home, and we'd go down to the edge of it sometimes and get high, drink some beers.”

  “Back home, huh?” I asked. “Up North?”

  She nodded, bit her lip.

  We looked out over the railing at the river, watching it churn and flow as it made its way out to the sea. “Your brother was there in that hotel to take you home, wasn't he?”

  “Yeah,” she said, nodding a little, “my stepfather went away on a DUI, so we were free from him. I could've gone home.”

  “Would you have?” I asked. Had her brother not been there in that hotel room, she and I would have met under completely different circumstances. Sven would still be alive, and she'd still be one of the girls he was running. Would she have caught my eye? Or would she have just been some street-walker I would have turned down at the end of the meeting, then left forever?

  The thought that it took her brother dying for us to meet was somehow disheartening. But, strangely, it somehow gave my feelings more import. Like, somehow, we were meant to me

  “I was going to,” she replied. “Tomlin and I were about to leave when Sven came back. Then, well, you were outside my hotel room when I came running out.” Jace glanced down at my hand next to hers. They were the smallest fractions of an inch apart.

  I looked down, followed her gaze, and smiled a little.

  Without saying a word, she slid her hand into mine, and our fingers entwined together.

  “I'll take you home when this is all done,” I said, the words leaving my mouth before I even realized I was speaking them. “Give you a shot at a new life.”

  She laughed, the sound like the tinkling of bells to me.

  “Who said I wanted to go home to that piece of shit anyways?” she asked, then laughed again.

  # # #


  “I don't think you could pay me to live in a small town ever again,” I said, leaning up again Koen’s side and gripping his hand tighter.

  He laughed. “Really? But that's home, right?”

  “When Tomlin was around, maybe,” I said, the laughter leaving my voice. “But I realized just now, when you told me you'd take me home, that, well, Tomlin was the only thing tying me there. What would I do, anyways? Get knocked up and have a bunch of kids with some meth-head, then go to church on Sunday, while I'm working at Tilly's Diner every night?”

  He grinned. “Nah, I guess not.”

  “Can you picture me with grease stains all over my outfit?” I asked, returning his grin as a lopsided smile.

  “So, what do you want to do, then?” he asked, emphasizing the first “do.”

  I shrugged. “Stay here with you, if it's an option.”

  A look of shock passed over his face, one that was soon replaced with realization. “With me?”

  “Yeah,” I said, bumping into his side with my shoulder. “Why not?”

  “Well, first thing, you know I'm gonna be a hell of a lot poorer with Aleksey behind bars. No guns getting stolen means no money coming in.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the water. “Koen, you know why I like you?” I asked after a while.

  “Cause I'm a bad ass and great in bed?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Yes, Koen, you are. But, I respect you, too. I respect that you're trying to go after this guy, and trying to get him for me. Even though you know it's going to hurt the bottom line. That takes guts, especially when you're leading the men you are.”

  “Well,” he said, putting an arm around me and pulling me close, “at least it's not just Fed that respects it. I just hope we come out on top.”

  I let him crush me into his chest, the smell of him and the city filling my senses. “We will,” I whispered. “Don't worry, we will.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Agent McKesson called me the next morning, bright and early, while I was fixing breakfast for me and Jace. Jace and I had spent another night together, with her practically moving from the guest room into mine. I'd never had the same woman in my bed twice, let alone three times, and the giddiness of it was going to my head.

  So, when my phone rang and I didn't recognize the number, I decided to just take my chances. Even if it was a telemarketer, I was more than happy to run the risk. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

  “Koen Baldwin?” Agent McKesson asked.

  “This is he.”

  “We met the other night, Claire McKesson from the Bureau? Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  My heart sped up, and my mouth went dry with instant nerves. This might be my chance, I realized. I could put things right with this phone call, especially if she was the one initiating the contact. Maybe, just maybe, we'd get a second chance at this.

  “No, no,” I said as I scrambled the eggs in my skillet and went to flip the bacon in the other. “What can I do for you this morning, Agent?”

  “I got a call from a colleague in a local agency out in Elmwood who was looking for some assistance. I was wondering if, through your contacts with our mutual interest, you might know something about it.”

  Elmwood was a local suburb, about twenty miles outside the city. I knew the Thunder Kings had interests out there, and had sunk a lot of time and money into securing their territory, to the point where I'd actually had to order my boys to steer clear of it in order to avoid an even wider turf war.

  About that time, Jace came padding into the kitchen on bare feet, wearing just one of my old Sturgis tee shirts. It was so huge it nearly swallowed her, and, for some reason, the sight of her in it nearly made want to do the same.

  “Elmwood?” I asked, my eyes focused on the little vixen I'd taken in. “I'm familiar with the town. How can I help?”

  “Who is that?” Jace mouthed at me as she picked an almost-done piece of bacon out of the skillet. I nearly slapped her hand with my spatula, but she was too fast.

  “McKesson,” I mouthed back.

  “ . . . is trafficking narcotics, heroin to be exact, in there. Big players, and my buddy isn't getting any leads on his end. So, he asked me to reach out to my CI's, my criminal informants, to see if I could shake some information from the trees. While you're not one exactly, I just thought . . .”

  “McKesson?” Jace mouthed back. She made a “well?” motion with her hand.

  “One second,” I said. “Someone just walked into the room.” I put the phone against my shoulder, muffling the receiver.

  “What does she want?” Jace whispered.

  I explained to her what was going on, the short version.

  “And do you know?”

  I nodded. I knew. Of course I knew. Everyone knew.

  “Tell her,” Jace said. “Fucking tell her, Koen, and get us back in on this thing.”

  It broke down like this:

  The Russian mafia was heavy into drugs, and that would make Aleksey a prime candidate for helping anyone moving drugs in and out of the metro area. And, if I knew my Thunder Kings, they were responsible for the sudden influx. One, they wouldn't allow anyone else to traffic on their turf. And, two, they had zero qualms about moving that kind of shit.

  But, there was still that unwritten code bikers followed, about not snitching, even on rivals. You never involved the cops, not on purpose at least. At the same time, though, I needed to prove I was reliable to Agent McKesson. I needed to show her that I had value, and that I could help her bring the Wolf down.

  Jace narrowed her eyes. “You fucking tell her, or I will. What would Fed do?”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, then put the phone back to my ear. “Tell your friend to look into the Thunder Kings. They're an outlaw biker gang in the area, big on meth and H, and they're probably what he's looking for.”

  She didn't respond for a moment, but I had the feeling she was writing the info down.

  “Good to know,” she said.

  “Now give me the phone,” Jace said, clapping one handed at me as she chewed the last bite of bacon. “I wanna talk to her while you finish up breakfast.”

  I grumbled and shook my head before hanging my phone over to the little wisp of a woman. Maybe having a brassy, half-crazy woman around the house wasn't such a good idea after all.

  # # #


  It took some convincing, but I finally got Agent McKesson to meet with us again. This time in a less formal setting, and closer to Koen's home. We met at a little Starbucks in a nearby shopping center, some place we wouldn't know anyone from the city.

  “Alright,” McKesson said as she sat down with her plain black coffee that was so at odds with the half-fat mocha frappucino I'd ordered for myself. “Talk.”

  Koen nodded. “Okay. I wasn't completely honest before.”

  Claire snorted and kept her eyes focused on Koen like he might bite her if she looked away. “Yeah. I know. And your little tip this morning wasn't exactly the first indication, either.”

  He shrugged and gave her a little grin, trying to be charming with her. “Okay, my associates and I have been steali
ng from Aleksey Volkov, not doing business like I said before. We've been knocking over shipments of guns for the last year or so and moving them through our channels.”

  I hadn't exactly expected him to be that blunt, and from the look on Agent McKesson's face, I don't think she did either. She looked like she couldn't decide if she was going to burst out laughing or arrest him on the spot.

  “Okay,” she said after a moment, nodding. “Okay,” she said again. “How long, again?”


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