Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series)

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Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) Page 27

by G. Bailey

  It’s been three days since we got Ren back, and even though the vampires are on my side, we all need Ren to wake up. He will know what to do next. Myles, Thallon and Henry have been amazing, helping me with Aala, who is trying to find her place in a world she feels she is alone in once more. Hopefully, in time, she will see that we aren’t leaving her side. Aala’s eyes fix on me, and I can feel her heavy gaze even when I don’t look her way.

  “Kid, why don’t we go and find out what the cooks are making for tea?” Myles gently asks Aala. I hear her say sure, and they both leave as I stand up, wishing Thallon and Henry were here. They are in the real world, in the tales city, helping with the gathering of blood for all the vampires here. Thankfully, the tales island is thick with woods and many animals that live in them, making it possible to find the blood that we need.

  “The angels are making an army. Gabriel sent us word, and they will attack all the supernaturals in three days if you and Ren aren’t given to them before then,” Madi says, and I nod. I expected as much.

  “I understand if you want us to leave,” I firmly state. “I’m asking you to fight a war with me.”

  “Before we came here to tell you, we held a meeting with all the leaders. We have all decided to fight at your side, and in return, if we ever need it, the vampires must come to our side,” Madi offers. “I understand you want to wait for Ren to wake—”

  “We accept your offer,” Ren’s voice fills the room, and I swiftly turn around to see him standing in the middle of the corridor. His large form makes the corridor seem small, and his presence dominates the room without him needing to do anything. Though he looks paler than usual, and his hair is longer, wilder than I’m used to, he still makes my heart smack against my chest, and my feet run to him without a second thought. His arms spread as I get closer before I crash into his chest, and he wraps me in his arms as I breathe in his scent to calm myself.

  “Very well. We will leave you now, and tomorrow we can make plans for war. The queen of hell wishes to speak to you tomorrow as well,” Madi softly says, but my mind is fixed on Ren and how he is awake and holding me. I hear Ren say goodbye before his hands cup my cheeks, and he leans down and kisses me.

  Knowing that I was inches away from never feeling his lips on mine again, of never having this moment between us, I push every bit of my emotions and love into the kiss until he breaks away.

  “Thank you for everything,” Ren gratefully tells me. “I know you didn’t have to—”

  “I did, because you are mine,” I tell him, and he goes silent, looking rather shocked. It makes me smile, considering he has been telling me this the whole time. “Do I need to tell you that you are right? You always were?”

  “I don’t mind hearing it,” he replies, and I laugh as he looks down at me.

  “You need a shower,” I mutter, brushing his cheek.

  “Do I smell that bad?” he questions with a raised eyebrow, making me laugh.

  “No...but I wasn’t suggesting you shower alone,” I reply, and his eyes widen for a moment before he links our hands and kisses my hands. Not wasting any more time, he wraps his arm around my waist, and we head down the corridor, back to his room. I lock the door as Ren walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower. I take a deep breath while slipping off my shoes before I inch closer to the door, my heart pounding in my chest as I push the door open to the steamy room. Ren’s clothes are spilling over the wash basket, and his back is to me as he stands in the shower, water dripping down every inch of his body. I follow the water’s movement, admiring every muscle, his firm ass and strong legs. Gods, he is incredible. He turns back, thick locks of hair hanging around his eyes as they meet mine.

  “Are you going to join me?” he asks, his husky voice making me shiver. I don’t respond, I’m too nervous to say a word, but I flatten my hand on the door and close it. Looking away from Ren, I tug off my T-shirt and slowly push down my jeans, my panties going with them. I undo my bra last and reach up to my hair, pulling out the clip and letting all my locks fall over my shoulders before I meet Ren’s eyes. Burning desire. That’s the only way I can describe the look he gives me as he pushes the shower door open and holds out a hand for me to come to him.

  I will always go to him. No questions asked.

  The second my hand slides into his, he pulls me into the shower and kisses me with so much passion before lifting me up. The hot water falls down onto us as I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling his cock pressing against my core when he pushes me into the shower wall. His hands slide down my waist, brushing against my nipples, and I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips. Ren swallows my moans like he owns them as he slowly pushes himself inside me at the same time he rubs my clit with his thumb. With the intense feeling of him filling me, I get closer and closer to crashing in pleasure as he pushes into me, like he wants to enjoy every single second of me. Just before he completely fills me, he rubs my clit faster, and I can’t stop myself from crashing into an orgasm, and he slams all the way inside me, thrusting harder and harder, making the pleasure more intense by the second.

  “I want to spend all day inside you, but I’ve waited too long to claim you as my mate. Bite me, Kaitlyn. Take me as yours, and I will have you as mine forever,” he demands as he carries on thrusting, our moans echoing around the room. I don’t need to be told twice. I brush my lips across his shoulder, choosing the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, and then bite him, tasting how delicious he is. His teeth slam into my neck at the same time, and euphoria as I’ve never, ever felt courses through me. I cry out in pleasure as an orgasm so intense crashes into me, taking hold of my body as Ren finishes inside of me.

  Breathlessly I come back to Ren, the shower, and how he holds me in his arms.

  “If that is mating, I want to do that a million times over,” I say, and he laughs, kissing me softly.

  “Master vampire mating is said to be the most pleasurable form of sex in the world. Why do you think there were so many half-vampire children?” he asks, and I giggle. I totally get it.

  I lean up, sinking my hands into his hair and kissing him softly once. We turn off the shower and climb out, wrapping up in towels before heading back to the bed. Ren holds me closer to him as we lie down, and I listen to his beating heart under my ear.

  “Do you want to talk about what happened with the angels?” I ask.

  “The light above wanted to make sure I learnt my lesson, and his favourite angels helped. I did not give in, so he didn’t give up. I passed out at some point,” he tells me. “When I woke up, Riley was there, and he helped me. Gave me medicine and blood, no doubt what kept me alive.”

  “Riley helped you?” I question, not believing it. “Seriously?”

  “Yes,” he tells me. “It surprises me as much as it does you.”

  “When I was escaping the prisons, Riley threw a sword at me, and Masita jumped in front of me. He would have killed me, and he did kill her,” I explain, and I kiss his cheek when he stares at the ceiling, anger shaking his whole body. When he finally calms down, his heart rate returning to normal, he brushes my cheek with his hand.


  “I’ve sort of adopted her. Aala might have problems with separation anxiety, but who could blame her? I want to show her that not everyone is killed in her life. Is that okay?” I ask, and he cups my cheek.

  “I will love her as my own because you love her,” he responds. “You have a beautiful soul, my queen.”

  “And you know how to flatter a girl, my king,” I reply, hooking my leg around his waist and rolling on top of him. He grins and slowly unpeels my towel.

  “Only you, Kaitlyn. Only you.”

  Chapter 61

  Glancing at myself in the reflection of the river near my feet, I wonder what the queen of hell will think of the vampire king and queen who are dressed in casual clothes. Not a crown in sight. My black T-shirt hugs my curves, hanging just over my skinny jeans and knee-high boots. Thankfully, Madi is ju
st as casually dressed as I am, but she has a blue cloak covering her shoulders. Myles, Thallon and Henry stand just behind me and Ren, and Madi is stood to my left, while one of her mates, Warren, stands in the river. The water crashes around his waist as he closes his eyes and grips a staff in front of him. A wave of black coloured magic spirals out of the staff, infecting the water around him, and then it happens. The water crawls onto the shore of rocks and spreads until it makes a large shimmering portal, and slowly the water clears to reveal the queen of hell on the other side.

  “Lexi!” Madi cheerily greets her, and she grins at Madi until her eyes drift to us. There is a big pause, then a look goes between Lexi and Madi that can only come from a deep friendship.

  “Madi, are you sure?” Lexi asks her, and Madi glances at us.

  “The vampires have never had leaders as good as they do now. Their race should not be destroyed because the angels want to keep their secrets. Vampires are born from angels,” Madi answers, and a rush of emotion fills me. Madi is a good person, and I hope we will be friends one day.

  “As are demons,” Lexi adds in, her eyes finding mine. “In some ways, that makes vampires and demons siblings. Family.”

  “We need your help,” I say and bow my head once before meeting her eyes. “And we will offer you a deal in repayment for an army, the deal that there will be peace between us all, forever, and if you need the vampires’ help in the future, we will come.”

  Lexi looks back at her mates, who stand behind her. They talk quietly for a moment, and I glance at Ren, hoping I said everything right. He winks at me. “I chose the best queen. I knew the second I met you.”

  “Sweet talker,” I whisper back, and he chuckles softly. Lexi takes her sweet time talking with her mates before turning back to the portal. At this point, I feel sorry for Warren, who must be freezing in that river.

  “The angels have forever seen us as scum, and no doubt this would have been our war in the future. The demon army will rise, and we will fight at your side. We do not want the angels to be destroyed, but they need new leaders. They must change their ways and promise peace with every race,” Lexi says. “I am bound to hell, and I cannot leave, but some of my mates will lead the army, including my mate, Javier, who is a wolf shifter and will fight with the wolves alongside the alpha and your man, Myles.”

  Glancing at Myles behind me, I see him grinning, and I turn back as Ren starts to talk.

  “History will mark this day as one of unity,” he says, and the statement lingers in the air as we all take it in. Somehow he is right. All of us have our own stories that shaped who we are and led to this moment right now. This war that will forever be remembered as a war where the tales, demons and vampires fought side by side to stop the angels once and for all.

  “Agreed,” Lexi replies.

  “I hope it is a story we can tell our grandchildren,” Madi adds in.

  “We will prepare for war, and in two days we will meet at the ruins of The Demon Academy. The area is still being rebuilt, and it will be a good place to fight,” Lexi suggests. “It’s not far from the angels.”

  “Good luck to us all and may peace prevail,” I say. The words are repeated by every single person here until the portal disappears, and poor Warren can get out of the river. He looks grumpy as he stomps out of the water and tries to hug Madi, who runs from him with a laugh. Watching them be playful, how it effortlessly works between her and all her mates, is so sweet. They co-exist, and it gives me hope it could work for me somehow.

  “Can I talk to you?” Myles asks, stepping in front of me, and I smile up at him.

  “What about, wolf?” Ren asks before I can answer, his tone curt and forced into some degree of nice as he is still not quite on board the Myles train. Thallon and Henry seem to really get along with him, but Ren pretty much only likes Henry out of my guys. At some point, we all need to talk about how I’m mated with three of them, and I have feelings for Myles that won’t simply go away. Myles smiles at him, not remotely thrown by Ren’s hostility, or at least he doesn’t show it.

  “I could do with some time away from the cabin and the vampires all staring at us,” I gently tell Ren. “Plus, this dimension is spectacular, and we have hardly looked around.”

  Ren nods once, his eyes fixed on Myles, but before he lets me go, he steps right into Myles’s face.

  “If you hurt my queen, I will rip you to pieces,” Ren warns him in a voice that scares me a little bit. I want to step in the middle of them, but it feels like it’s their moment and they need to sort whatever this is out. “If you allow anyone to hurt her, the same thing will happen to you that does to her. Being in Kaitlyn’s life, having her trust, is worth more than anything in any world. I am trusting you with my soul. With my everything. With Kaitlyn.”

  They stare each other down, and I start to worry a little bit. I don’t think I could cope with seeing them rip each other apart.

  “You hurt Katy once, and I should kill you for that, but clearly Kaitlyn is a better person than I am. I give you the same warning, but know I would never hurt her,” Myles replies. “I have looked for my mate my entire life and never expected to find her in the sky. I have a feeling we have that in common. We have searched a long time for Katy.”

  They stare each other down for another long pause before Ren steps back and offers Myles his hand. Thank the gods. Myles takes his upper arm in a tight grip, and Ren does the same, both of them doing a strange handshake before letting go. Ren kisses the side of my head, the tension still thick in the air before he walks into the forest where Henry and Thallon wait for us. They watched, and I have no doubt they would have stepped in if it went bad. Waving them all goodbye, Myles takes my hand and links our fingers as we follow the river downstream.

  “How are you?” Myles softly asks me when we are completely alone.

  The question is simple enough, but the answer, not so much. “Angry. Happy...most of all, nervous of what is to come.”

  “The angels are known for being incredible fighters, and we have no time to train. I thought maybe we should practice some basic combat moves together?” he asks me. “I always find working out takes your mind off the bigger picture.”

  Knowing he is just trying to settle my mind, to help me find comfort wherever I can, I rest my head on his shoulder. I couldn’t imagine my life without Myles in it. He never demands anything, he just is there, at my side, being exactly who I need. I hope I am the same for him when this war is over. I hope we have a long future ahead of us as mates, because I don’t see a future for me without Myles in it.

  “I know how to fight, the academy taught me, but training will help,” I eventually reply. “I know we haven’t talked about us mating, and I’m not sure if it is different for wolves, but I know that I’m in love with you, and I want us to have forever. I will fight for you, for Thallon, for Ren and Henry because you’re my mates. You’re the future I have longed for.”

  Myles stops us and looks down, and I try to read the emotions in his eyes with no luck. Instead I’m just stuck in how beautiful they are. Lifting my hand, I brush his blond locks off his forehead and smile at the sheer beauty of him.

  The gods crafted Myles for me, because there is no other way he can be so perfect.

  “I love you too, Katy,” he whispers to me. “I love how brave you are. How even when you fear your own heart, you fight for what is right. Most of all, I love that when I look into your eyes, I see home. A home I never had, never knew I needed and never understood what it felt like. War, angels, supernaturals and whatever else we will face, I will be at your side through it all.”

  Tears wet my cheeks as he kisses me, swallowing any reply that never could have matched up to the brutally honest words that tore my heart apart and sealed the gaps with him inside.

  We will fight for forever.

  And it will still never be enough for me and my mates.

  Ripping at each other’s clothes, we soon lose all of them before he picks me up and
lays me down on the cold grass by the river, covering my body with his. Kissing me senseless for a long time, our bodies brush against each other, turning me on more than I ever thought was possible. He moves down my body and grabs my thighs, parting them before pressing one soft kiss on the side of my knee.

  “Myles,” I whisper, begging for more. We have waited so long for this, to be together. I don’t want to wait.

  “Are you sure?” he asks me, brushing one more kiss on the inside of my thigh. “Because I think I’m going to die if I can’t be inside you soon. I will wait though. I will wait forever if that’s what you want, Katy.”

  “I’m so sure. I want to be with you,” I answer, and a rumble of a pleased growl escapes his lips. My lips part as he suddenly kisses me, right on my core, swirling his hot tongue around my clit with expert movement. I sink my hands into his hair as I lift my hips, losing all control. My orgasm is intense and extreme, leaving me a shaking mess as Myles wipes his hand across his lips and climbs up my body with a big grin.

  “You taste better than I thought you would,” he tells me, lining himself up. I blush, not knowing what to say to that, so I lean up and kiss him, pulling him down to me at the same time he thrusts inside of me. A long moan leaves my lips as Myles fills me in such a perfect way. Gods. He thrusts hard and fast, a low growl escaping his lips, which only serves to turn me on more. My teeth ache to bite him, and I turn my head away, not wanting to scare him, but he stops me.


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