Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series)

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Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) Page 28

by G. Bailey

  “Show me what you want. Don’t look away,” he tells me, cupping my cheek, his gaze searching mine.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, tears filling my eyes. God, I love my wolf. I lean up, brushing my lips against his neck before sinking my teeth in. He halts, a long groan vibrating in my ear before he frantically thrusts into me. The blood, the pleasure coursing through me is too much, and I crash into a second orgasm, tightening around Myles, who bites down on my shoulder as he comes inside of me. We both lie back on the grass as he looks down at me and wipes a thumb across the blood on my bottom lip. Looking him in the eye, I lick his blood off his thumb.

  “Turns out you taste good too, mate.”

  He laughs and kisses me, and no matter what happens in the future, this was a perfect moment.

  Chapter 62

  Thallon runs his lips down my jaw to my neck, focusing on the spot behind my ear that he knows I adore. His hands stroke over my body, tugging at my clothes and pushing them out of the way. Using my vampire strength, I push him onto his back, and his black wings spread out at his side. For a moment, I just stare in amazement. He is so handsome.

  And I’m so lucky.

  He leans up and cups the back of my head, pulling me back down to him for a searing kiss that I feel all the way down to my toes. Our movements slip from calm to frenzied as we rip at each other’s clothes until there is nothing between us, and Thallon easily slides inside of me. We both halt as he looks up at me, and I stroke his cheek with my fingers.

  “I love you,” I remind him, and he sits up, still managing to keep himself inside me. I roll my hips as he swallows my moans, and I lose myself in the feel of him, of being with one of the men that I love. Slowly my orgasm builds up, and I move faster. Hearing his groans and the way his hands tighten in my hair let me know he is close too. I come fast and hard, biting down on Thallon’s bottom lip as he follows me, and we breathlessly rest together in the open field that we escaped to for some quiet time. The cabin is so busy with everyone getting ready for the upcoming war tomorrow, and the tension is nearly unbearable. I’m scared, but so is every single vampire. The difference is, we have so much to fight for, and the angels simply assume they will win.

  I have another plan, one I haven’t shared with any of my mates, because admitting to it would cause big problems.

  I want to save them, and I know where the Great Light is. If I can get into the city, then I could get to him when the army is busy fighting the war.

  “Where did you go?” Thallon asks me, gently kissing me to bring me back to him. His hands spread into my thick hair, playing with it gently.

  “Just worried about tomorrow. It’s only morning here, but it already seems like our last day is slipping away so quickly,” I explain.

  “When this war is over, we will find a true home for the vampires. Then we can enjoy every day we have,” he suggests. “Ren and Henry can build, I can sort the gardens out, and Myles can...well, what do wolves do?”

  I chuckle, my heart filling with hope. “Hunt?”

  “Ah yeah, that. Do you think Aala will want to live with us when this is over?” he asks me. “She needs someone.”

  “Aala needs parents and family. She is special, blessed by the goddess, and we are linked. I want to keep her with me, if that’s what she wants. I know I’d never replace her aunt or parents, but I hope to be a sister at least. Family,” I say, wondering what he thinks about this. “Am I asking too much?”

  “I can’t answer for Ren, Henry or Myles. But for me? You could never ask for too much,” he softly tells me.

  “Neither can you,” I honestly reply. We kiss for a moment longer before we get dressed and hold hands as we walk across the field back towards the river that is easy to follow back to the cabins.

  “We never talked about you choosing to be a dark angel in Neamh,” I whisper, running my hands over his wings. He shrugs.

  “They told me I could go back to being human with no memories of my life. Of you,” he tells me. “Or I could make a choice. The light wasn’t an option when I needed to lie, so the dark was my choice. You were my choice.”

  “Thallon,” I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. Gods, he knows the right thing to say to me. Not that he needs to. Thallon has had my heart for a long time.

  “There you are! Hurry, there is a problem!” Vesnia shouts as she flies just above us. My back aches to fly after her, even when I know my wings are gone and my vampire powers are not something that can be learnt overnight according to Ren. When the war is over, he promised lessons for as many years as it takes until I’ve learnt them.

  So basically, other than the little bit of fighting I can do, I’m not going to be much use in this war. That’s why I need to destroy the Great Light. It’s him or me.

  Thallon wraps his arms tight around me, and I hold onto him like a monkey as he takes off into the sky after Vesnia. In a few moments, or at least I think it’s that as I keep my eyes closed the whole time, we land outside the cabin where the doors are open and a line of blood leads inside. I rush in, pushing two of Madi’s mates aside to see Gabriel on the floor, with Warren trying to heal him. Three large cuts leak blood all over the floor, and I hate that it smells nice to me. Tears fall down my cheeks as Thallon places his hand on my shoulder, and I look over to see Ren stood with Myles and Henry. His eyes are fixed on Gabriel, hardly noticing I’m here. They have a lot of history, not all bad anymore. We couldn’t be here without Gabriel’s help, and I believe the angels must have found out he was a spy for us.

  And whose side he was really on.

  Madi kneels at Gabriel’s side, pushing a pillow under his head and helping him get comfy as Knox sits back and shakes his head once. I pick the blanket up off the back of the sofa and cover Gabriel up as he holds Madi’s hand tightly.

  “Te-tell Morgan he was a s-son to me, and we will see each o-other in the heavens,” he manages to croak out, and Madi nods as I kneel next to her. Grief lingers in the air around us as my hand covers his other hand resting on his chest.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much, Gabriel,” I tell him firmly. “The vampires will forever honour you in our history. You will be remembered as the saviour you are.”

  “I kn-knew you would be a ruler when we met, lass. The true go-dd-ess-es shine down on you, Kaitlyn.” His words are stuttered, and pain leaks from his voice, cutting my soul.

  “And they will take you to them. Rest, my friend,” Ren states from right behind me, and he rests his hands on my shoulders. “You are forgiven.”

  Knowing how hard that must have been for Ren to say, I almost sob as Gabriel smiles at him. A pure smile full of happiness and peace as his hand releases mine.

  And he leaves this world for one with the gods.

  Chapter 63

  Plaiting the last part of Aala’s soft hair, I pat her shoulders as I meet her eyes in the mirror. “All done, but I think I need practice.”

  “Erm, maybe,” she cheekily replies, and laughter drifts to my ears from the other side of the room.

  “Definitely. Get out of the way, bestie.” I turn to see Vesnia shut the door behind her and wink at me as I chuckle and step back with my hands in the air. I pull a chair out from the small table in here and sit down as I look at my best friend. We haven’t had a chance to talk since coming here, and it feels like it’s been a long time since we have been together.

  “How are you?” I ask her as she makes quick work of taking out the messy, almost falling out plait from Aala’s hair and grabs a brush.

  “I’m mated now. I was coming to tell you,” she says, her voice not doing a good job at hiding the joy in her words. After this morning with Gabriel, the good news is exactly what I needed to hear. I rush to her, and we hug each other. “I’m so happy, Kaitlyn. I just never knew I could feel this complete in my whole life.”

  “What is mating?” Aala innocently asks, and Vesnia laughs, turning back to Aala.

  “Kaitlyn can explain better than me,” Vesnia replie
s, dropping me in it. She carries on brushing her hair as I try to explain.

  “Mating is when you choose one person you want to spend your life with. It’s a magical marriage, basically,” I say.

  “Then why do you call more than one person your mate?” Aala asks me. I love kids because there is no judgment in what they ask and see. An adult might judge my life and the men I love, but she doesn’t.

  “Because it’s possible to love more than one person. Your heart is made to love wildly,” I say, and she nods, clearly content with my answer as Vesnia’s eyes meet mine.

  “Are you happy?” she asks. “We have gone a long way from two angels who started at the academy. Look at us, mated and fighting tomorrow for the world we want.”

  “If we lose no one tomorrow, then yes,” I say, resting my head on Vesnia’s shoulder. “Are you taking vampire blood?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to change into a vampire in time. I know it’s possible, and I didn’t want to be an angel. I was forced into the light like you were.” She pauses, her hand shaking on the brush a little bit. “But I will choose my future, and that is all that matters. I’m going to go back home with Bryne when this is over and make sure my dad has me for what is left of his life. He might not know who I am, but I’m going to be his neighbour. Bryne agrees.”

  “I think that’s a sweet idea,” I tell her truthfully. I want to see my parents, but one look at my mother, and I know I couldn’t cope with the idea of being near her but her having no idea who I am. The door is knocked twice before Myles steps in, and Aala grins at him in the mirror.

  “The pyre is about to be lit for Gabriel. Madi wants you there,” Myles says to me. “Sorry, kid, I’m going to steal Katy for a bit.”

  “Will you come back?” Aala asks me.

  “Of course. I’m always going to come back for you,” I tell her, and she smiles widely at me. Vesnia hugs me tightly, whispering in my ear, “The girl is hurting, and I’m so proud you are stepping up, loving her. If your parents could remember you, they would be so proud.”

  I try not to cry as I let my friend go, nodding once at her before rushing to Myles. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, letting me lean against him as we leave the cabin and head towards the gathering where they have built a wooden pyre. Gabriel rests in peace, lying on top of it, his body covered in white silk. We walk over to Ren, Thallon and Henry as Madi lights the pyre. The fire quickly burns over the wood, and there is silence as we all say a real goodbye. Gabriel saved my life, got me away from the angels, and in a way, he saved Ren too. We wouldn’t be with the tales, safe from the angels, if it weren’t for him.

  I hope, wherever he is, he knows how thankful we truly are.

  “Myles, Thallon, can we go for a walk?” Ren asks them when everyone starts to depart. I look at Henry, who shrugs.

  “Yeah,” Myles answers, and Thallon gives him a nod. They walk off together, leaving me alone with Henry as we both watch them go.

  “Do you think we should spy on them to make sure they don’t kill each other?” I ask.

  Henry laughs, wrapping his arms around me and tugging me to him. “My beautiful mate, no, we should leave them. This is something Ren needs to say to them and figure out. He has always accepted us, and now he is learning to accept them. Give them time.”

  “Brother, Kaitlyn. How are you both?” Hazel asks, coming over to us, her eyes fixed on me.

  “I never got to really thank you for saving my mate,” Henry softly says, placing his hand on her arm. “Thank you.”

  “She would have saved herself, we both know that. Kaitlyn doesn’t seem the type to go down without a fight,” Hazel says with a smile.

  “I still couldn’t have escaped there without you,” I remind her, and she shrugs.

  “I had to leave the city and my friends.” She pauses, placing her hand over her stomach. “I was mated to an angel, but he died when he tried to get us out of the city. Many angels do not agree with the leaders and want to escape. Hundreds have escaped, but he died and I hid, knowing I couldn’t have stopped them. I found out last week I’m expecting a baby, and I want to let you know that’s why I am leaving.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Henry asks with a massive smile. “Congratulations, sis.” They hug tightly as tears fall down her cheeks, and I give her a small smile.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, and congratulations,” I tell her, not sure how to feel for her. Henry seems like he’s already aware of her loss, so I’m taking his lead to be happy for her.

  “But you’re leaving?” he asks her.

  She nods as Henry backs up a little. “I’m going to be a teacher at the Lost Time Academy, and my child will live there with me. Madi offered me the job when I explained my situation. I was a teacher in Neamh…and I will be a good one for the tales.”

  “You will be. I will visit often,” Henry says, placing his hands on her shoulders. “And my nephew is lucky to have you in his life.”

  “How could you know it’s a boy? Even I don’t know,” she asks with a laugh.

  “A guess,” he replies, and they hug tightly. Hazel eventually says goodbye, and Henry walks us back to the cabin with a huge smile on his face.

  “You seem happy,” I comment as we get inside the cabin. Henry laughs, tugging me into his arms and starts to slowly dance with me.

  “I have the girl of my dreams in my arms, my family is safe, and we have a future I would die to protect,” he tells me, taking one of my hands and spinning me around before catching me back in his arms but with my back to his front. His hands wrap around my waist as I lean my head back on his chest.

  “When you put it like that, then yes, we have everything to live for,” I reply, and he spins me around one more time, but when I come back to him this time, he kisses me. Lifting me up, he carries me until he presses my body into the couch, never breaking the kiss. As long as Henry is in my life, we have everything to be happy about.

  Chapter 64

  Resting my head on the side of Ren’s shoulder, he glances down at me, a tug of a smile gracing his full lips.

  “You should go and rest, my queen,” he quietly suggests, and I grin back at him. We have been going over plans for tomorrow with all the men for hours. All of us are sitting or standing around a large table, bottles of drinks littered all around us, and empty boxes of food on the floor. For the first half an hour, we had to get to know each other, especially since most of Lexi’s mates turned up. Morgan and Lexi themselves can’t physically leave hell, but they will be doing everything they can in hell. Madi and her friend, Tavvy, left about half an hour ago to get some rest and check on their people. Knox waves his hand, and all the food and drinks automatically refill themselves before our eyes. The amount of power and magic in this room could literally set the world on fire.

  Thankfully, they are the good guys, and we only want peace. Even if it comes with a hefty price tag. “I couldn’t sleep if I tried.”

  “I understand,” he replies, kissing my forehead softly just once. “But do get some fresh air. Maybe you could check on Aala; you know how she struggles to sleep.”

  “Good idea,” I reply, glancing at my other mates. Henry, Thallon and Myles are all together as they talk to the princes of hell. When I first met them, I have to admit, the knowledge they are demons scared me, but I soon realised they are good souls. Climbing out of my seat, I rest my hand on Ren’s shoulder just for a second before I walk out of the room, leaving them to continue their plans on how we could possibly beat the angels.

  I wish I could tell them about my plan. How I plan to call for Ayda and fight my way around the bulk of the angel army and to the city of Neamh. Shivering from the thought of fighting the Great Light on my own, I wrap my arms around myself and kick stray pebbles from my path as I head back to my cabin. The door is slightly open when I get to my home, and I gently push it open as I hear someone softly humming. Keeping my footsteps as silent as I can, I follow the sound of the singing to Aala’s room where Bryne is
sitting on a chair near Aala’s bed, and he is the one making the soft sound. Aala is drifting off to sleep, looking far more at peace than I usually see her, and I nearly jump as a hand lands on my arm. I spin to see Vesnia, who places a finger on her lips and nods her head back to the living area. I hook my arm with hers as we go back to the main room.

  “Will you thank Bryne for helping her sleep? She never does sleep like that,” I ask Vesnia, and she smiles so widely at me in return.

  “He knows what it’s like to be a scared child and how the comfort of having someone near you can just soothe your soul,” Vesnia explains to me. “Aala needs that. I’m so happy she is going to have you and your mates. You’re the kindest and bravest person I know, and your mates are extensions of your personality. I’m so happy you chose me as your friend.”

  Tears are brimming in my eyes as I tug her into a tight hug. “You’re my best friend, and I feel like you’re my sister in every sense of the word. We are family, and we will survive tomorrow. I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “You mean we will, right?” she questions, leaning back to look me in the eye. Suspicion clouds her eyes, and thankfully the door is knocked once before it’s swung open. Vesnia lets me go as we watch Madi and Tavvy step into the room.

  “The boys are making war plans, and the girls should make our own plans. Right?” Tavvy asks, cocking a blonde eyebrow.

  “What did you have in mind?” Vesnia asks, totally on board with this idea. I had a funny feeling Tavvy and Vesnia would get along like a house on fire. Literally, the pair of them could cause an accidental house fire with their craziness.

  “I like you,” Tavvy exclaims, coming over and hooking her arm in Vesnia’s and dragging her out of the cabin. Madi chuckles as I go to her side, and we follow them out of the cabin and down the various pathways as they talk between each other.

  “This is for you,” Madi says, slipping out a star necklace from her pocket. “It has a built-in tracker, so if anything goes wrong tomorrow, we can find you. The men will all have star clips on their clothes, and the women necklaces. Tavvy and I spent all day making them with the help of our people.”


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