Book Read Free

First Degree Burns

Page 17

by S. L. Kassidy

  “I hope I have the luck. I’ve made some good contacts. There are a couple of magazines that call about my work or hire me to shoot for them. Plus, there are a couple of places that will pick up my prints, and I tend to sell pretty well.”

  “Seems like you should be fine. I don’t know art, but your pictures are cool.”

  Beth smiled and Dane felt good to help the artist out, even if it was only with kind, but true, words. They fell silent for a moment, coming into the camp. Dane was happy to flop down onto one of the folding stools because her knee was killing her. I might have to seriously have that surgery to repair my knee for something like this.

  She hadn’t made it a point to think about the surgery. She would have to start thinking, point blank. She had to think about improving for Nicole and their relationship, as well as for herself. She had to think about if she’d ever be ready for kids. She had to think about what it meant for Raymond to actually like her. She had to think about what family really was and what Lillian was trying to do, and she had to think about what all of this meant.

  “So, you’ll play something for me or what?” Beth inquired.

  “If you can get my guitar for me. It’s in the tent.” Dane jabbed her thumb in the direction of her tent.

  Beth nodded and found the guitar with ease. Dane shouldered the instrument, flexed her hand, and began playing. Beth smiled as the soft notes filled the air, competing with birds and buzzing insects. Maybe I’ll get along with her.


  Nicole was pleased when they reached their spot and looked down onto the whole forest. It was awe-inspiring, feeling like they were standing atop the world, and she wished she could share the sight with Danny. A gentle breeze carried the scent of the trees and made her feel at peace. She imagined her beloved would pen beautiful music if she could take in the view. Not that Danny needs a reason to pen beautiful music. Nicole was starting to believe music poured out of Danny, as she sometimes implied, no muse or inspiration needed.

  “It’s always awesome to just stand here, huh?” Junior said to her, standing close.

  “It is,” Nicole replied, hoping he was going somewhere with that and not just making idle chitchat. He disappointed her.

  “We really should do this more often. We shouldn’t have let it fall to the wayside, even if the dads are busy. I mean, we’re not kids anymore, right?”

  “No, we’re not.”

  “So, we should all be able to get together once a year and do this again, right?”

  Nicole shrugged. “Probably.” She could do it, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. She wouldn’t want to bring Danny back around and subject her to her cousins’ harsh treatment. She also wouldn’t leave Danny at home for three or four days unless Danny was absolutely fine with it. Of course, even if Danny were fine with it, Nicole would be reluctant. She had no desire to spend days with people who’d bad-mouth the love of her life.

  Junior looked down at her, brow furrowing slightly. “You don’t think we could?”

  “Of course, we could. We’ve gone on this trip enough with our fathers to be able to do it in our sleep.”

  “So, why so grim about it?”

  A tense frown settled on her face. “You know why. Stop pretending everything’s fine. You’re not dense.”

  Junior groaned. “Still on this? What if I promised we, me and Spider, will talk to Danny and try to get to know her?”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it,” she replied, not that she thought it’d make a difference at this point. They had made up their minds, and she had made up her mind. She wasn’t going to subject Danny to her relatives anymore after this trip.

  “Come on, Nikki.”

  “What come on? Could you imagine how pissed you’d be if I treated Michelle like you’ve been treating Danny? You’d never talk to me again.”

  “It’s different.”

  Nicole snorted, not even bothering to ask why it was different. Her cousins weren’t listening to her. It certainly took some of the sparkle away from the trip, but it was saved by the fact that Danny claimed to be enjoying herself, even if Junior and Spider weren’t behaving themselves. The next time she came out here, she figured it would be her, Danny, and maybe Danny’s nephews or her little cousins, but she couldn’t see herself camping with these cousins ever again.

  “Nikki, we should definitely do this more often, because then we’d be able to see each other more often,” Lillian grinned, stepping up behind Nicole. She put her hand on Nicole’s shoulder, earning a glance from Nicole.

  “I know, but I’ll have to think about it. You know, you could always go camping with your brothers,” Nicole countered, even though she knew that’d never happen.

  Lillian scoffed. “So I can wake up with worms in my bed again? I think not.”

  “They were little boys when they did that.”

  Lillian glanced at Junior and Spider, who were shoving each other. “They’re still little boys.”

  Nicole really wished she could argue that. They had been acting like little boys for the whole trip. She supposed the camping trip brought back childhood memories, because they hadn’t acted childish the last time she saw them, which was at her house. She considered that maybe if they spent more time together outside, but not camping, her cousins might act more like the thirty-somethings they were.

  “We should leave the guys behind and do something with just the two of us. I don’t mind Danny,” Lillian said.

  “You should come stay at my house for a weekend. We could see a show or something,” Nicole replied. It had been a couple of years since she’d seen a show. It would be fun. Danny would probably like it, too.

  “That’d be nice. I haven’t seen a show in a while, and I’m sure they’ve got good ones where you live.”

  Nicole chuckled. “Only the best for the big city.”

  Next to them, Junior rolled his eyes. He and his brother weren’t the type to see a show. Honestly, if Nicole were with them, she’d never think to see a show either, despite her love for the theater. When she got around them, she turned into one of the boys, trying to relive a childhood that was a pleasant memory, but a memory nonetheless.

  “I think you’d have fun. Danny might take you around to some of the clubs that she used to play,” Nicole continued.

  “She plays at clubs?” Lillian inquired with slightly wide, interested eyes.

  “Well, not as much as she used to. The clubs she plays now are a little different from the clubs she used to play, but I think you’ll like it.”

  “Maybe I’ll take you up on your offer. I have to wait a while after taking these days off from work.”

  They stood on the plateau for almost a half hour, talking about nothing, really, and gazing at the view. They ate some snacks before starting back with the thought of dinner on their minds. As they came close to the camp, with the sun sinking over the horizon, they heard soft jazz, almost the perfect melody for the end of the day. Nicole knew, immediately, Danny was sitting around, plucking her guitar.

  For a second, Nicole’s family didn’t know how to react. Danny and Beth seemed totally peaceful with Danny on her guitar and Beth preparing cornbread and chili. They were exchanging words with relaxed expressions, but they were too low to hear. It was nice to see they were getting along. Well, it seemed that way anyway. Nicole planned to ask Danny about it when they were alone, along with several other things.

  “Hey, everybody, how was the hike?” The sound of Beth’s easy question got everyone out of their stupor.

  “It was good. You missed the view,” Raymond replied.

  “I’ll see it again, one day soon,” Beth said with certainty in her voice.

  “That’s good to hear and, Danny, I see you found something to keep yourself occupied.” Raymond gave Danny a smile.

  Danny smiled back. “Ah, well, Beth asked.” She ceased playing and flexed her hand. Nicole thought she’d start up again, but Danny seemed to be done now that she had a larger audience.
Nicole didn’t blame her.

  “It was a good request. She plays like she should have a halo over her head and the guitar is a harp,” Beth said.

  “You should hear her sing.”

  “If someone gave her a cup, she could panhandle,” Spider muttered and Nicole glared at him. He held his hands up in surrender.

  “Been there, done that. Doesn’t make the money I’d expected,” Danny said, as if it were no big deal. Spider’s mouth dropped open and he was left speechless.

  Nicole couldn’t help smiling. She moved and sat down next to Danny, putting herself in a position to drape herself over Danny’s broad shoulders. Moving her hands, she pretended to strum Danny’s guitar. Grey eyes glanced at her as an amused smile settled onto Danny’s face.

  “I get it,” Danny said, and she began to play again.

  “You have to sing, now that Nikki let that cat out of the bag,” Beth requested.

  Danny laughed. “Maybe later. Unless you’re making me sing for my supper.”

  “Don’t tempt me. I am the cook, after all, and you don’t wanna be on the cook’s bad side,” Beth chuckled.

  Danny smiled and continued to pluck the strings of the guitar. Nicole settled against her, softly inhaling her smell. Everyone else moved about the camp, focusing on their own things, but eventually they sat down. No one asked Danny to stop playing. Usually music was Danny’s last resort for people, but Nicole knew she wasn’t using it this time. She was being nice to her newfound friend, Beth.

  Nicole also knew her cousins and uncle weren’t won over by music, even though Junior and Spider had a garage band once. She hoped they didn’t somehow try to use this against Danny, too. Not that she could see how they could.

  “You know, I play guitar, too. When did you learn how to play?” Junior asked.

  Danny shrugged. “When I was little.”

  “We used to have a band,” Spider said.

  “So did I. Did you do concerts?” Danny asked in a tone that was slightly taunting. She knew they hadn’t done concerts. Nicole gave her a little pinch as a reprimand. Danny barely glanced at her.

  Junior stared at her with his mouth turned up. “You didn’t play concerts.”

  “Oh, yeah. We opened for some big names,” Danny replied. Nicole made a mental note to one day ask about those big names. She knew why Danny had never gone big, but she didn’t know all the details about her career.

  “Then why the hell aren’t you in a band now, and why aren’t you playing concerts?” Junior practically demanded, almost as if he was offended. He probably thought Danny was lying.

  Danny paused and flexed her hands, accidentally cracking her knuckles as she bent each finger. “Life gets in the way sometimes and fate has other plans.” She went back to playing.

  Spider huffed. “What does that even mean?”

  “It was a nice way of saying it’s none of your business. You guys are so full of crap, you know.” Beth scowled at the brothers. “Dinner’s done. Let’s eat now, so we can make some more s’mores.”

  Nicole chuckled and smiled at Beth, who smiled back. She was glad someone came out of this as Danny’s friend. Now, if only she could get Danny to warm up to Lillian, she could walk away without feeling like her whole family was against the relationship. But one step at a time.

  Chapter Eleven

  A COUPLE OF HOURS after sunset, the group called it a night. They had spent time making s’mores and telling more ghost stories. Danny, once again, managed to scare all of them with her tale; Nicole made a mental note to ask what sort of television her lover used to watch to come up with such wild stories. Danny had even regaled them with a song or two from her guitar. Beth and Raymond praised her music, which brought a smile to Nicole’s face. But, there was only so much to do by firelight, so they all went to their tents after that.

  “Don’t get under those covers,” Nicole ordered Danny as she sat on top of their sleeping bag.

  “What? Why? I’m all dressed for bed and everything,” Danny replied with her face scrunched up. She motioned to her pajamas, which consisted of black boxers and a white tank top.

  “Yes, you’re all dressed for bed, but I’m going to give your knee and leg a rubdown,” Nicole said. She had seen enough, since Danny had worn shorts, as always, to know her lover’s knee was swollen. The brace had probably kept it from being worse, but she wasn’t confident Danny would be able to do much tomorrow. She needed to do something to help her beloved.

  “You don’t have to.”

  Nicole let loose a little scoff. “Baby, I know I don’t have to. Though, I’m going to. You need it, and I have everything here to give you a proper massage. You’ll love it.”

  The grin that lit up Danny’s face was priceless. “Hell, yeah, I will.”

  “While I do that, you can tell me about your time with your new best friend.”

  Danny’s face scrunched up a little again. “My new best friend?”

  “Yeah, Beth. You’re playing your guitar for her and everything. Should I watch out before you move in with her?” Nicole flashed her a teasing smile.

  Grey eyes rolled as Danny scoffed. “You planning to move in with her? Because we both know that’s the only way I’d move. There’s nothing to really tell with Beth. We talked, like regular people. Something I can’t really get out of anyone around here, ya know?”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry about Junior and Spider. I don’t know what to say to them to get them to act right. I really wish they’d get their heads out of their asses, because I think they’d get along great with you.”

  Danny shrugged and brushed it off with a wave of her hand. “They bring out a part of you I didn’t know existed and it’s rather cute.”

  Nicole chuckled. “Oh, yeah?”

  Internally, Nicole felt a burst of light she didn’t expect. It was exceptionally rare for people to see this side of her, but rarer still for someone to accept it. One of the reasons she kept it locked away was to avoid having significant others gawk at her as if she had lost her mind. Being judged by someone who was supposed to care about her was always troubling, even now.

  “Yeah, I think it’s really cute. I mean, you really are a tomboy. Thought you just played sports and stuff as a kid, but you’re really a little tomboy, playing in the dirt, picking up snakes, and all kinds of crazy things. It’s really cute.” Danny reached out for Nicole, pulling her to the bed.

  Nicole giggled in spite herself, knowing it’d only encourage her lover. “Stop it. I still need to get everything for your knee.”

  “My knee’s fine. But, I guess you can kiss me and make it all better.” Danny smirked as she caressed Nicole’s bicep.

  A smile tugged at Nicole’s lips, but she managed to fight it off because she didn’t want to encourage Danny’s behavior. They didn’t need to get wrapped up in each other in a tent with her family around. Besides, Danny’s knee was far from all right and definitely needed attention. She refused to be distracted from that.

  “I’m not kissing it, or you, right now. Now, let me go, so I can finish getting everything. You know your knee needs a massage, especially since we’re more than likely going to go exploring tomorrow.”

  Danny ran her hand through her hair. “Exploring?”

  “Yeah, we like to explore the woods, but we always end up in the same place in the end. We know about this cave, and I bet you’d love it. So, what do you say? You let me go, and I make your knee feel better?”

  “Then I get my kiss?”

  Nicole chuckled. “Only if you’re good, Big Dog.”

  Danny playfully rolled her eyes, but she released Nicole, who smiled again and gave Danny a kiss on the cheek. Once Nicole located the lotion she needed, she sat on the airbed and put Danny’s right leg into her lap. When the massage began, Danny let out a loud, almost obscene, moan. Nicole snickered a little.

  Looking up, Nicole gave her love a lopsided grin. “Baby, you keep making those noises and the whole camp is going to think I’m doing
something really bad to you.”

  “Or something really good,” Danny replied and moaned again, as Nicole’s fingers worked her swollen joint. “God, I didn’t know how much it hurt until you started making it feel better.”

  “Maybe you should’ve stopped sooner on the trail.”

  “Don’t think so. I probably could’ve gone farther.”

  Nicole arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean? With a knee like this you could’ve gone farther?”

  “It’s not that messed up.”

  Nicole couldn’t help scoffing at what she felt was a complete and utter misrepresentation of the truth. “Then why are you moaning like that?”

  Danny laughed. “You’re touching me, duh.” Her grey eyes shined as she locked gazes with Nicole.

  “You are so bad.” Nicole chuckled, swatting at Danny. “Maybe I should stop giving you the rubdown.”

  “You’d better not.” Danny gave her a mock glare.

  Nicole couldn’t help smiling and leaning in for a quick kiss. “You’d better behave then. So, how did you find the day?” It seemed like an odd question for her to ask, considering they were together the whole day, but they really weren’t. After all, she had spent almost all of her time with her cousins.

  Nicole wasn’t too sure how Danny took in the day, especially with the way her cousins had treated Danny. Outwardly, it seemed like Danny was enjoying herself, but internally, the purposely hurtful approach Junior and Spider had taken toward her might’ve bothered her much more than she let on. Plus, she wanted to know how things were going between Danny and Beth since they seemed to have taken to each other.

  Danny was silent for a moment, reveling in having her knee rubbed. Nicole made sure to do it just the way she knew Danny liked it. Danny gave a little chirp and jumped a bit, which made Nicole smile.

  Danny sighed. “It was good. I mean, I think one day I’d like to try fishing. Doubt I’d catch one right away, but it seemed really relaxing.”

  “I’ll definitely teach you. We’ll take day-trips.” Internally, she beamed. It was great that her cousins’ attitude hadn’t put her beloved down. She believed they had some great trips in their future.


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