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Scarlett, a Summer Bride

Page 5

by Hildie McQueen

  To the right was a large sitting area with a sofa and two chairs in front of a stone fireplace. Over the fireplace, a large mirror reflected the light from the windows. Just inside the door to the right was a long table, atop of it a lamp and a tray with miscellaneous items.

  To her left, through a wide opening, was a dark wooden dining table and chairs. On the far side she spied what looked to be the kitchen.

  Once inside the front room, to the right of the fireplace wall was a hallway, she assumed led to the bedrooms.

  “Why don’t you put your bag and shawl on one of the chairs,” Aurora instructed as she did the same, placing her shawl over the back of a chair. “It’s such a warm day, I almost left my shawl behind.”

  Evan entered and continued on past with the trunk.

  “How many bedrooms are there?” Scarlett asked, watching him disappear down the short hallway and into a room on the left.

  “Three. It’s a nice sized house. Let’s have a cup of tea while Evan places your items into the spare bedroom.” Aurora walked into the dining room and on past with Scarlett following.

  Like the rest of the house, the kitchen was functional and pristine. On a counter were a washbowl that was sunk into the surface and bowls used for preparation of food.

  “So many shelves and this beautiful cabinet,” Scarlett said walking around the room. “I love how spacious it is in here.”

  “When we built our new home, I ensured my kitchen was like this one,” Aurora said placing a teakettle onto the stove surface.

  “Do you cook?” Scarlett had to ask, as Aurora seemed to come from high society by her mannerisms and speech.

  Her new friend laughed. “Yes, I do. I enjoy cooking. Do you?”

  It was Scarlett’s turn to chuckle. “I do, but must admit, I am not very good at it. I suppose the more I practice the better it will get. At least that’s what I’m hoping.”

  “Don’t worry. Gladys, a woman who helps at the clinic, lives right next door. She is a wonderful cook. You can learn a great deal from her.”

  They sat down to have a cup of tea as Aurora continued telling her all about her own arrival and how she and Evan didn’t care for one another upon first meeting.

  Scarlett kept an eye on the doorway the entire time wondering when her soon to be husband would appear.

  Finally, she asked, “Is Emmett here?”

  Aurora covered her mouth with both hands. “Oh my goodness. I’m so excited for you to be here, I haven’t asked Evan if Emmett is presentable. I do apologize.”

  After Aurora called to him, it took a few moments before Evan appeared. He looked to Scarlett. “Emmett would like to meet you now. I do apologize it took so long. I wanted to ensure you would be safe and not exposed to his illness.”

  “Is it contagious?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. However with the proper precautions, you should be fine. Aurora and I have been here for several weeks without becoming ill.”

  Her heart beat hard against her breast, and Scarlett fought to keep her breathing even as she entered the dim room. Although the only window was open allowing for fresh air, the sun was not in the proper position to allow enough light in. However, there was a lamp on the nightstand, which helped illuminate the bed.

  On a wide bed sat a man propped up with pillows, who studied her with interest. Despite his flushed face and uncombed hair, he was quite handsome. Like his brother, his hair was dark blond. She couldn’t quite identify the color of his eyes as yet.

  If possible, he was better looking than his brother, Scarlett mused. Once recovered, Emmett Jones would be breathtaking.

  “Miss Franklin, I apologize for not being at the train station to greet you.” He had a deep voice and his direct gaze did not waver.

  Scarlett peered down at her hands before meeting his gaze. “It is understandable. Aurora and your brother have been very welcoming in assisting me today.”

  He motioned to a chair. “Evan demands you come no closer than there. Please sit down.”

  Once settled into the comfortable upholstered chair, she considered what type of conversation did a woman have with a soon to be husband one had never met before. If not for the intense man, she would have laughed.

  “How are you feeling today, Dr. Jones?”

  “Please call me Emmett.”

  Scarlett nodded. “Of course. Please call me Scarlett. It’s best we use our first names given the situation.”

  “Very well. Scarlett, thank you for asking. I feel better than last week. If it were up to me, I’d be out of this room, but my brother plans to remain until the end of the week to ensure I don’t.”

  Unsure of what to say, she looked around the room. Would this be their bedroom? If so, it was large and accommodating. Whoever had designed the house was knowledgeable and had planned it well.

  “I like your house. It’s perfect.”

  “Thank you, my brothers and I built it. We each wanted a large bedroom so we didn’t end up in daily fights. You’ve met Evan, he is the level headed one. Our youngest brother Elias is more of an impulsive type.”

  “And you?” Scarlett smiled when the corners of his mouth lifted, just a bit.

  “I suppose I’m the stern brother.”

  Stern was a good way to describe him. Despite the fact soon she’d get to know him well, a part of her wondered how close he would allow someone.

  There was a distinct air of standoffishness about him. An invisible fort carefully built kept people at a distance. And yet, he was not unfriendly. As a matter of fact, Scarlett was perfectly comfortable to sit with him and talk.

  “Have you ever been sick like this before?”

  Emmett frowned in thought. “A long time ago, when we first arrived, I became very sick. It was the worst time, as we didn’t know anyone, and the only place we could find a room for me to sleep was in the saloon.”

  When his eyes rounded in realization of what he’d revealed, Scarlett shrugged. “It was a good thing you did. Someone so sick remaining outdoors could easily catch their death.”

  He nodded. “Very true. I felt as if I was knocking on death’s door.”

  There was a soft knock on the open door and Aurora entered with a bowl of food and a glass of water on a tray. “Time to eat Emmett. You haven’t eaten today.” She placed the tray on the side table and smiled at Scarlett. “He can be stubborn about things.”

  “Thank you.” He looked to the food with dispassion and lifted the glass of water. “Is Evan at the clinic?”

  “Yes. Gladys came to fetch him a few minutes ago.”

  Aurora looked to Scarlett. “If you would remain here and ensure he eats, I’ll see about starting supper. If you’re hungry, there is bread and cheese in the kitchen.”

  Scarlett waited for Emmett to sit up straighter and then helped him place the tray on his lap. Brows drawn together, he looked up at her. “You shouldn’t be this close. Evan will scold you.”

  She wasn’t sure if he jested or not, but she smiled at him anyway. “I’ll be fine. I have a strong constitution.”

  While he ate, Scarlett told him of her travel to Laurel and about the two women she’d befriended. When she mentioned Fern opening the seamstress shop, he looked to her, but didn’t say anything.

  It was quite interesting to get to know him, Scarlett thought. With him too ill to do much more than remain in bed, it gave her the opportunity to get to know him and also gauge his personality.

  Her first impression of him was that Emmett Jones was a quiet man. Although he described himself as “stern”, she would describe him more as reserved.

  Once he finished, she took the tray. “I’ll go see about helping Aurora with supper. Please call me if you need anything.”

  “I will, but you should rest. You’ve only just arrived. Thank you. Nice to meet you Scarlett.”

  She smiled at him unsure of what to say. “You’re welcome.”

  With the tray in hand, she looked at him one more time. “Is there an
ything else you require right now?”

  It seemed as if he was taken by surprise by the slight widening of his eyes. “No and please don’t feel as if you have to wait on me. I plan to be out of bed in the next day or two.”

  She bit her bottom lip in consternation. Did he not know they were getting married in two days exactly? “Very well,” Scarlett said turning to leave. It was best to leave the conversation to Evan, as she wasn’t sure how to phrase it.

  Chapter Six

  “Tomorrow?” Emmett stood by the bed and looked about the bedroom. “I am not sure I can remain standing longer than a few moments without becoming ill. It won’t do for me to pass out at my own wedding.” He glared at Evan. “Tell Pastor Ward it will have to wait at least until the end of the week.”

  “I won’t do that,” Evan replied, and sipped from whatever was in his glass. Emmett suspected brandy. “Everything is set up and besides, you won’t have to stand up for long.”

  In confirmation to his brother’s words, his legs wobbled and he sat down. “The timing is bad. She shouldn’t have come so soon.”

  “Why are you even doing this?” Evan asked in a low tone so not to be overheard. “You were against Elias’ and my marriage, then suddenly you place an ad.” He waved toward the door. “And now you act as if the entire thing is a bother.”

  “I didn’t plan to be ill. I am not in the best of temperaments for meeting a woman and marrying her in such quick order.”

  Emmett let out a breath. “I didn’t place an ad, I sent Lady Price a letter.” The reply was stupid as it brought the same result. A wife.

  “It’s done brother. May as well make the best of it. All you need is more rest and some fresh air. You’ll be recovered in no time. At least the period of any possible contamination is over. You should be able to join us for tonight’s meal since you are out of bed.”

  Instead of a reply, Emmett nodded. It was a bad idea from the start. Why had he replied to Lady Price’s telegram? She’d caught him in a moment of weakness, probably on the verge of becoming ill. Yes that was it. He’d been about to get sick, so he wasn’t thinking clearly.

  Dinner conversation between the others at the table kept at a steady pace. Mostly it was Aurora asking questions and guiding them to subjects where Emmett and Scarlett would get to know one another. He had to admit his soon to be wife was a good conversationalist and listened intently when someone else spoke. It was obvious she came from good breeding.

  Although he’d yet to learn much about her background, he was sure something having to do with the ways of society back east was the reason for her being there.

  She met his gaze for a moment, the dark eyes holding his for just a couple seconds before she looked away. “I am glad to see you are up to joining us this evening.”

  “The poor thing has been abed for almost three weeks,” Aurora piped in. “If you knew him better, you’d understand it makes him quiet restless.”

  “Restless?” Emmett looked to his sister-in-law. “I’d think you’d have a stronger word to describe my mood since being ill.”

  “I prefer to keep those to myself,” Aurora replied with a wide smile. She turned to Scarlett. “Doctors make the worst patients. Too ill to do for themselves, but constantly wanting to be in control.”

  When Scarlett studied him, Emmett ensured a neutral expression.

  “It seems you are recovering now, so your disposition should improve,” Scarlett said.

  There was a hard cough and water blew out of Evan’s mouth all over his dinner plate.

  Aurora gasped and then began laughing. Evan chuckled, his gaze moving from Emmett to Scarlett, who was trying to figure out what happened.

  Emmett set his teeth and pressed his lips together to keep from cursing at his brother.

  “I’ll pour tea for us,” Aurora told Scarlett and looked pointedly at her husband. “Bring your plate to the kitchen dear. Your food is...wet.”

  They left and Emmett studied Scarlett who followed their progress. There was a light blush on her cheeks as she followed the couple’s progress.

  “Did I say something wrong?” she asked him.

  “Not at all.”

  He began to eat. The pot roast was delicious, the flavors perfect. After not eating much for many days, Emmett was quite hungry. “Please eat. Your food will get cold before those two make it back.”

  Following his lead, Scarlett began to eat. Every move she made, from cutting the meat to bringing the utensil to her mouth was graceful. She reminded Emmett of a time he wished to forget, of someone he never wanted to think of again.

  The food on his plate lost its appeal and he was grateful when Evan and Aurora returned. Both were flushed and kept their gazes from him. No doubt, they’d been in the kitchen laughing at his expense.

  While the women drank tea, he decided it was time to retire. Although he was sick and tired of being in the bedroom, he was not in the mood for civility and small talk.

  “Why don’t you sit outside for a bit?” Evan redirected him to toward the front door. “The fresh air will help you feel better.”

  If Scarlett hadn’t been watching them, Emmett would have snatched his arm away. “Fine.”

  They walked out to the porch and he didn’t sit right away. It was the end of the day, the sun hidden behind the buildings that flanked both sides of the street that ran down the center of town.

  Other than some men walking toward the saloon, the street was empty as most were having supper and remaining at home now.

  Several buildings up on the left was the new seamstress shop. There was a wagon pulled in front of it and two men were unloading items. The women had traveled there with Scarlett, which meant the family was reunited. Just then Phillip Richards looked in his direction. The man lifted a hand in greeting and Emmett returned the gesture.

  Laurel was growing rapidly. Emmett frowned, unsure if he liked it or not.

  “I hope this marriage will be a good one. Scarlett is very nice and quite lovely don’t you think?” Evan studied him while speaking.

  The woman was indeed a beauty, had taken his breath upon first seeing her. “She is. I cannot comment on how we’ll get along as it has only been one day,” Emmett said.

  “I can imagine that being ill was not the way you wished to greet your future wife,” Evan stated. “Oh and I must remind you...”

  “Of?” Emmett tried to remember what his brother needed to remind him of.

  “The wedding is tomorrow. Do you need a gift for your wife? A new shirt?”

  What he really wanted was to go back to the day he mailed the damn letter and not do it. “I don’t need anything.”

  His brother knew better than to insist. Emmett wasn’t going to explain to his brother more than necessary. As a matter of face, he wasn’t sure what to think about the entire situation. Would he be doing Scarlett a favor if he changed his mind? It was possible for the woman to remain and marry rather quickly since there were plenty of eligible men in Laurel.

  Evan was absolutely besotted with his own wife and would expect the same from Emmett. His brother did not understand how difficult the situation was for him. Women were so very hard to understand. Although he’d seen and gotten to know many a married couple who’d remained happy for many years, in his own experience it was not something he expected.

  The one time he’d allowed love into his heart, it had proven to be the biggest mistake of his life.

  “What time is the wedding?” Emmett asked his brother, his gaze straight ahead.

  Chapter Seven

  When it started raining, Scarlett wasn’t sure if it was a good sign or a bad sign. She lay in bed for longer than necessary and listened to the rain pelt the window and roof.

  Her wedding day had arrived along with ambivalence. She’d tried to speak to Emmett the night before, but he’d gone to bed and firmly shut the door. Aurora had tried to explain he’d always been a bit quiet and shy, but Scarlett wasn’t convinced.

  The man didn�
��t have one shy bone in his body. God, was she about to marry an ill-tempered man?

  A giggle escaped when she recalled Aurora explaining why she and Evan had left the dining room table. Her assumptions of her future husband were correct. He was as aloof as he was handsome.

  It was the first time she’d ever seen a man so attractive. However, no matter how handsome his demeanor was off-putting. There was definitely an invisible wall that he ensured remained intact no matter the conversation or situation.

  The only time she’d seen him not seem to mind someone coming close was with Evan. Any other time, he leaned away when someone spoke to him.

  Scarlett sat up and stretched her arms over her head. Never mind his personality. They’d be husband and wife and as such, she’d find a way to get to know him.

  Perhaps they’d never be as romantic and obviously in love like Aurora and Evan, but they’d have a bond between them of marriage and intimacy nonetheless.

  At the thought of intimacy with Emmett, a shiver ran through her. She was very attracted to him. Hopefully he’d found her somewhat pretty and would not find being intimate to be a chore.

  Thankfully, she was fully aware of what transpired between a man and a woman. Her mother had always been very frank and answered every question she’d ever asked regarding marital relations.

  One night she’d even stumbled upon a couple in the throws of lovemaking when going on an evening walk in the woods near her home in Georgia. She’d been mesmerized and had watched from behind a tree for longer than she should have.

  The thoughts of what would happen between her and Emmett Jones later that night made her get up from the bed to prepare for the day ahead.

  After a discreet knock, the door opened and Aurora peeked in. “Oh good you’re up. Evan and Emmett have left so that you two don’t see each other until the wedding.”

  Scarlett frowned. “I’d not thought of that tradition.”

  Her new friend giggled. “I demanded they leave. Do you have a dress picked out?”


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