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Scarlett, a Summer Bride

Page 7

by Hildie McQueen

  The woman frowned, but didn’t comment on the fact it was only the day after Scarlett had gotten married. Most would expect the newly wedded couple to remain cloistered for at least a couple days.

  It had not occurred to Scarlett to remain home that day. “Should I have remained inside today?”

  “As long as you feel well enough, no,” Gemina said matter-of-factly.

  Scarlett looked around the space to ensure not being overheard. The only other person was at the far wall. “Are you sure I shouldn’t have remained home? I don’t know anything about these matters and would hate to make a mistake that would cause any kind of talk.”

  “Honey, there is no need to worry. I suppose every couple is different. However, most do take a few days to spend time alone and get to... know each other better.”

  While she chose different items, Scarlett wanted to complete the task and return to the house.

  A young boy followed her home helping carry the parcels and upon arriving at her house, she gave him a couple coins. He left whistling and it made her smile.

  “Goodness, what to do now?” The house was silent and spotless. The women had seen to everything the day before.

  She took her time putting the purchases away, made a cup of tea and sat in a chair on the porch. After an hour of mindless sitting, Scarlett sighed. Surely, there was something she was missing. Most people seemed to have days filled with things to do. Why did she suddenly feel as if she was missing out?

  Emmett came home that evening and Scarlett was excited at the prospect of having someone to talk to. She chatted to him about going to the mercantile and listed each item she purchased, while he drank coffee and listened.

  When she asked about his day, his reply was a noncommittal. “Busy, nothing unusual.”

  They ate and she attempted to start a conversation once again, using what she’d learned from Lady Price.

  “As the town grows, will there be a need for another doctor?”

  He glanced up. “I have considered that. It’s a possibility.”

  “You may need to grow the clinic. If so, I’d be willing to assist.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  She gave up on conversing after his short replies but ensured to keep a pleasant expression.

  He pushed his plate away and placed his elbows on the table, fingers laced. “Thank you for the meal.”

  Scarlett nodded and smiled. “You’re welcome. I hope my cooking gets better as I practice more.”

  He waved away her concerns. “It was delicious.” As if for emphasis, he looked to his empty plate. “Scarlett, I do have something to ask you.”

  The statement made her mouth dry for some reason. She straightened. “Yes of course.”

  “What do you expect from this marriage? In a husband?”

  The questions took Scarlett by surprise. She’d not thought much past getting married and what to do to keep busy.

  “I suppose a companion. I expect to be cared for and provided for. I would like a husband who abides by his vows and is a hard worker.”

  He nodded at her words. Of course she needed to ask the same in return. “And you? What do you expect from me?”

  Emmett studied her for a moment, as if gauging how his reply would affect her.

  “Take care of my home and my needs. I anticipate you will ensure everything is in running order and of course that you maintain a good social life as not to expect it from me. I prefer not to attend social functions, but will have no qualms with you doing so. There is no question that I expect respect of our marriage vows as well.”

  He hesitated and cleared his throat. When his eyes met hers, Scarlett held her breath. “Scarlett, don’t expect more than friendship from me. The most I can offer is this.” With his hand, Emmett motioned between them. “I am not much of a companion, nor do I wish you to have any illusions of romance between us. I want to make that clear from the beginning. I am not like my brothers.”

  “Do you prefer I don’t speak to you over meals?”

  He turned to her as if not quite understanding. “Of course we can have conversations over supper like we just did.”

  Although she wanted to inform him it had been mostly a one-sided conversation, Scarlett didn’t wish to argue with her husband just a day after the wedding.

  At a loss for words, Scarlett remained transfixed as he stood from the table and went to sit at a chair in front of the fireplace. What was she supposed to do when around him?

  Any appetite completely gone, she stood, not wishing to eat the rest of her meal alone. Had he not noticed she’d not finished?

  Letting out a sigh, she picked up the plates and began cleaning up. The entire time the silence of the house was almost deafening.

  When she went to bed, Emmett was once again at the clinic. He claimed to have to check on some things, but she suspected he wanted to be away from her.

  Upon his return, Scarlett was instantly wide-awake. She watched as he undressed once again coming to bed completely nude. He slid into the bed and turned to her.

  Emmett reached for Scarlett and came over her, his mouth covering hers. The lovemaking was passionate, their bodies in perfect unison.

  The sensations that took over her had nothing to do with mentality, but with the physical reactions to what transpired. Scarlett soared and floated as Emmett made love to her.

  Somehow she pushed away any thoughts on the irony between their physical and emotional relationships and allowed herself to be lulled into a satiated slumber.

  The days that followed were a repeat of the first. Finally one morning after completing her household chores, Scarlett couldn’t stand to remain at home any longer.

  She donned her shawl and placed a few dollars in her reticule, along with a handkerchief and fan. Once satisfied of her appearance, she went out the front door and headed to the seamstress shop.

  Through the window, Emmett caught a glimpse of Scarlett walking from the house. As usual, her shoulders were square and posture perfect. He had to admit, his wife was very attractive and he was glad for it.

  She remained elegant even while making love, which he had to admit made it much more enjoyable. Although he knew very little of her background, it was apparent Scarlett came from good upbringing and tutoring. Interesting that she also had no qualms with maintaining a household and although her cooking was not the best, neither was it tasteless.

  “Dr. Jones?” Gladys entered through the side door. “Someone’s coming.”

  A wagon neared at a fast pace. The person driving it brought the horses to a quick stop and jumped down. “My brother’s been shot,” he called out rounding the wagon. “Help him please.”

  When Emmett went to the back of the wagon, he found a dusty man writhing in pain. There was blood everywhere.

  They managed to get the man inside while he thrashed, incoherent with pain. The man who’d brought him didn’t help things by demanding Emmett do something more while he examined the wounds. He gave the man something to do by instructin him to apply pressure to one of the gun shot injuries.

  Gladys cut off the injured man’s clothing while soothing him. “Calm down now, you’re not helping things. It’s going to be fine, just breathe.” She kept repeating the words as she worked the scissors through the fabric of the man’s clothes.

  Someone must have alerted the sheriff because Colton Blake entered and took in the scene.

  Emmett motioned him to come closer. “Put pressure there on his leg.”

  Finally the injured man calmed, his eyes rolled back and he passed out. The brother’s eyes rounded. “Is he dead?”

  “No,” Emmett replied, although he feared it wouldn’t be long before the man did die. There were too many bullet holes and he’d bled too much.

  As he continued working, the sheriff helped where he could. Gladys also worked steadily. She cleaned the wounds and packed each entry point to staunch the bleeding as much as possible.

  Within minutes the injured man
died and Emmett took his time ensuring there was nothing to be done before speaking to the brother who stared at his brother’s chest urging him to breathe.

  “I’m sorry,” Emmett said and placed his hand on the stricken man’s shoulder. “He’s gone.”

  Heart wrenching sobs echoed through the room as the man clutched his brother against his chest. Emmett along with the sheriff and Gladys moved away to allow him privacy.

  Blake looked toward the sad scene before speaking. “Did he say what happened?”

  “No,” Gladys answered first. “Only that his brother had been shot. We’ve been to busy trying to save him to ask any questions.”

  The sheriff nodded and met Emmett’s gaze. “How many times was he shot?”

  “Six, whoever did it wanted him dead.”

  “Seems that way.”

  It was always hard in these instances to know how long to wait before approaching a grieving person. Emmett was thankful for Gladys. The older woman had a better sense of these things and she motioned for the sheriff and him to go out to the front porch. “Wash up and wait a bit. I’ll let you know when it’s time to come back inside. Sit down for a bit Dr. Jones,” she instructed and settled onto a chair where she could knit and keep watch on the brothers.

  Emmett couldn’t help but consider how he’d react if the same thing happened to one of his brothers. As the eldest, he’d always protected them. Even now, it didn’t matter that Evan and Elias were grown men, he would die for them and kill anyone who harmed either of his brothers.

  The man inside his clinic was living a nightmare he wouldn’t wish on anyone, and his heart broke for him.

  Scarlett exited the door wearing a shawl and reticule. She never came to the clinic and today he was glad for it. Unfortunately, she noticed the blood on his shirt and hurried over.

  “What happened?” Her large eyes scanned his torso. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I was treating a bullet wound...” His words were interrupted by a guttural cry from inside the clinic.

  At once without speaking, Scarlett stormed past them and through the door. Unsure what would happen, Emmett exchanged looks with the sheriff. “The last thing I need is a swooning woman in there.”

  Blake shrugged. “You may be surprised. Women are pretty sturdy when it comes to blood and such.”

  His wife was too polished for the scene she’d confront in the clinic, so he went to go inside, only to stop at the front door.

  On the floor next to the bed, the dead man’s brother had collapsed and Scarlett was beside him, her arms around him while holding his head against her shoulder. The man wept against her, seeming to calm at her caring touch.

  “It’s going to be all right,” Scarlett whispered into his ear. “He’s not hurting anymore and I have faith you’ll see him again.”

  Gladys wiped tears from her face while pulling a sheet over the dead man’s body.

  The man finally pulled away from Scarlett and she pushed his hair away from his face. He was young, Emmett guessed no more than eighteen years of age.

  “Thank you Miss.” The young man’s face reddened. “Sorry for this.” He motioned to Scarlett dress. It was smeared with a mixture of dirt, blood and tears.

  Scarlett met the young man’s gaze with a soft smile. “Would you help me up?”

  Not only did Scarlett show compassion, but also a way for the young man to not feel totally embarrassed. Emmett could not stop watching as the now composed young man helped her to stand and she thanked him.

  Something akin to jealousy stirred in Emmett and he pushed it away. There was no need for such feelings at a time like this. Yes, Scarlett never was demonstrative toward him, but Emmett himself had set the boundaries, so it was ridiculous to feel anything when she did so to others, especially given the situation.

  “What’s your name young man?” Blake took over.

  “Josiah Carter,” the young man answered looking toward the now covered body. “That is my brother John.”

  “What happened?”

  Josiah accepted a cup of coffee and sat in a chair Gladys lead him to. It was then Emmett noticed the young man had a bruised jaw and dark purpling around his neck.

  “My brother and I have been camping over by the river. We’d been there for a few days, just come up from Tennessee.” Josiah drank from the cup seeming to need to wet his throat. “John had gone to check a trap when two men came up and told me we were trespassing.”

  Blake exchanged looks with Emmett, both knew whose property it was and if it was the family they suspected, they were hateful people.

  “When I told them I’d leave as soon as my brother returned, they dismounted and began throwing our things into the fire. I tried to stop them. We fought.”

  “And that’s when your brother returned?” Blake interjected.

  Josiah nodded. “Yes sir. He rushed them and had one down when the other one shot him.” He swallowed. “John wouldn’t go down and they kept shooting...”

  Emmett noted Scarlett remained in the room, tears falling down her face. He went to her. “You should go home.”

  “What’s going to happen now?” Josiah looked to Blake. “I mean to go after them. I’m telling you now. They killed my brother.”

  “Let’s settle down first. You can’t go after them, they will most likely be waiting for you and kill you too.” Blake took a breath. “If you were on their property and your brother attacked them, there’s not much can be done. I will go out and speak to them, but I’m not sure...”

  Josiah jumped to his feet. “They killed my brother. They’re murderers and you mean to tell me you won’t do nothing about it?” The young man’s face contorted with anger. “They killed John.”

  It was then Gladys neared, but did not touch Josiah. “Let Dr. Jones examine you. The sheriff will see about taking care of your brother. First thing you need to think about is getting cleaned up and seeing about your brother being taken care of properly. What comes next will take care of itself.”

  Surprisingly, the young man calmed down and nodded. “Yes ma’am,” he replied softly.

  Emmett turned to Scarlett. “Go home, you need to get cleaned up as well. Your dress may be ruined.” He took her by the elbow and walked with her to the back door so she could go to their house. “You shouldn’t have come here.”

  Wide eyes met his. Her lips parted as if she meant to say something. Instead she swallowed visibly, obviously hurt by his words. “I won’t do so again.” She straightened and snatched her elbow from his grasp.

  That evening Scarlett did not try to make conversation and she didn’t eat anything off her plate. As soon as he finished eating, she took up the plates and went to the kitchen.

  “Thank you,” Emmett said.

  She didn’t reply.

  He’d allowed Josiah to spend the night in the clinic and she’d asked him to take food there.

  After what seemed longer than necessary to clean up, Emmett went to the kitchen doorway and peered in.

  Scarlett stood looking out the window, her back to him. Poised as usual, she was almost regal in her stance. Then her head fell forward and she released a long sigh.

  Preferring she didn’t know he’d been watching, Emmett returned to the front room and lifted the book he was reading.

  When she eventually came to where he was, she stopped and looked down at him. “Good night.”

  He didn’t reply, as she didn’t wait for it, but instead walked on past toward their bedroom.

  And so the next week became more of the same routine. They ate in silence. Several times he attempted to say something, but it felt hollow. The situation was what he’d wished for after all.

  Or was it?

  Chapter Nine

  “This is the most entertainment I’ve had in a long time,” Gemina told Scarlett as they watched two drunken men attempt to help each other cross the street. So far they’d fallen twice and much to Gemina’s enjoyment, it had been quite a scene as once they’d fallen with o
ne atop the other.

  Scarlett shook her head. “I don’t understand why they drink so much, they can’t even walk straight.”

  “I believe it happens without them knowing,” Gemina said between chuckles. “Let’s make some tea. Here comes Isabel.”

  The pretty schoolteacher, Isabel Ward, was the pastor’s daughter and Scarlett was enjoying getting to know her. The trio, sometimes including Fern, had begun a tradition of spending an hour or so drinking tea while mending or doing a mundane task. They found it was much better to be with friends while doing so than alone.

  “I have a huge favor to ask,” Isabel announced walking into the mercantile. “Would you ladies be interested in helping me make a few dresses?”

  Both Scarlett and Gemina quickly agreed after Isabel explained about a new family with six children and not enough money to dress their school aged girls properly.

  The afternoon went by quickly as they chose fabrics and each picked a different child to make a dress for. Too excited to wait until the next day, Scarlett decided she’d begin sewing that very night. She picked two different fabrics and planned to make at least three dresses.

  It would fill her evenings when she fought to find what to do to avoid the stark emptiness of her marriage. This way she’d be busy and not have to think too much on it.

  Although Emmett continued to be demonstrative and attentive when in bed, the rest of the time, it was as if she barely existed. He thanked her for the meals and often commented on how well she did something around the house, but other than that, he had very little to say.

  She was cutting fabric when he appeared earlier than normal from the clinic that day. “I’m going out with Josiah to Elias’ house. I won’t be home tonight.” He opened a cabinet and took out a gun belt and hat. “Ensure to bar the doors when I leave.”

  Unsure of how to bid him farewell, she remained standing by the table. “Be safe.”

  He nodded and neared and surprised Scarlett by kissing her on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


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