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Love's Sacrifice

Page 6

by Ancelli

  Shon smiled, accepting her embrace. “Are you having fun?”

  “Yes!” Michele blurted out. “Dad surprised me. We did the wobble, played some games.”

  Shon fixed their daughter’s hair. “You look so happy.”

  “I am, Mom.” Michele looked at both of them. “I have the greatest parents in the world, that’s why.”

  “That’s sweet of you to say that,” Shon smiled. “I hope you remember that when we don’t see eye to eye.”

  “Yes mom… nice way to kill the mood,” Michele cooed. “Do you want something to drink?” Michele hopped from one foot to the other.

  “Yes,” Cody answered.

  “I’m okay,” Shon responded. “Linda,” she watched him, “already gave me some water.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Michele skipped away.

  “I thought you couldn’t make it.” Shon entwined her fingers.

  “I finished early.” He moved to stand next to her. He noticed the way the other parents and staff watched them. “I guess the rumors will start soon.”

  “They already started.” She glanced over at him.

  “What happened?” he asked concerned.

  “Nothing,” she sighed. “Thank you for being here for Michele.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for being here for my daughter.” He touched her hand. “Here is where I want to be.”

  “Cody.” She moved away from his touch. “We’re in uniform, and we can’t…”

  “Why?” He raised his voice.

  “Fraternization, Cody, that’s why.” Her tone was stern. “I looked up the Navy’s policy on fraternization.” Her eyes shined. “It doesn’t matter that we share a child together or that our relationship started when we were both enlisted. What matters is that when you were commissioned, we weren’t in a relationship, we weren’t married.”

  “But we share a child.” His voiced came out louder than he expected.

  “It doesn’t matter. We can be parents to her, but we can’t be romantically involved.”

  “Who the fuck has to know what we do behind closed doors.” Cody was pissed. “I have loved you since we were E1s.”

  “Look around you.” She glanced around the room. “People are already talking about us, because we share a child.”

  “They don’t know our past, Shon. We do.” Cody cracked his neck. “This is not the place to talk about this.”

  “Why don’t you date someone like Linda?” Shon stated.

  “Is that what this is about?” He chuckled. “You’re jealous of Linda.” Michele’s little game did work.

  “No!” Her lips thinned. “I was just making an observation.”

  “Shon.” He stepped in front of her. “No one else will ever do but you. Get that through your head.”

  “Here, Dad.” Michele handed him a cup of juice.

  “Michele,” Shon moved away from him, “I’m leaving. Have fun with your father.”

  “Okay, Mom. What are you cooking tonight?”

  “I forgot I’m your personal chef.” Shon shook her head.

  “Lets give your mom a break.” Cody winked at Michele. “We’re taking her out for dinner.”

  “That sounds like a great idea, Dad,” Michele replied. “It’s a date, Mom.”

  “Yes, it’s a date. See you guys later.” Shon kissed Michele and exited the room.

  “Do you want to do an obstacle course outside?”

  “Why not? Let’s show them how it’s done.” They both strolled outside. Michele introduced him to all her friends and the staff. They spent the entire day together; playing games, dancing, getting to know each other better. Shon and her mother did a great job raising her. Michele was a respectable, smart, loving, well-rounded young lady. Cody missed too much already… He had to make it right. Yes, he was still mad at her mother, but she did it out of love not malice. Her action affected their future, but now it was time for his actions to correct Shon’s mistake.

  Chapter Six

  They were at a small, soul food restaurant right outside the city limits. It was nice and quiet; Shon and Michele usually went there to get away from the military surroundings. This was Michele’s favorite place to eat; she loved their chicken wings and mac-n-cheese. She inherited Cody’s genes in the eating department. Michele could eat her food and Shon’s left overs, and she was still skinny. If Shon even thought of eating as much as her daughter, it would go straight to her thighs and ass.

  Michele’s laughter echoed through the restaurant as she covered her mouth with her hands.

  “It wasn’t that funny,” Cody mumbled, taking a sip of his drink.

  Shon laughed too. She could just imagine a big man like him inside of a potato sack.

  “Mom.” Michele wiped at her eyes. “Dad was almost at the finish line, and he tumbled over, rolled, and crawled to the finish line.” She giggled some more. “You should have seen his face.” She gazed over at him. “When he made it to the finish line on his hands and knees, dad looked up and asked Ms. Linda,” she gasped, “did we win?”

  Shon touched his hand, trying not to burst out laughing again. “Did you get hurt?” She caressed his knuckles.

  “Now you ask, after laughing at me.” He frowned and then smiled. “We won that’s all that matters. Right, pumpkin?” He raised his hand in the air, and Michele tapped it.

  “Yes, we did!” Michele beamed.

  Her daughter was having so much fun getting to know Cody, making Shon feel worse everyday about the poor choice she made in not bringing them together sooner. She lovingly gazed at her little family. Cody would leave in a week, and Michele’s life would be turned upside down again, but this time she would always have him no matter where they were.

  “Hold up,” Shon yelped. “Michele, didn’t you say he crawled to the finish line?”

  “Yes,” their daughter replied.

  “Aren’t you supposed to finish in the potato sack?” She arched her eyebrow.

  “That’s just a technicality,” he chuckled. “We won, square and fair.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Shon glanced between them.

  “Well, Ms. Linda said we won.” Michele eyed Shon.

  “So she cheated for you.” Shon bit into her food, staring at Cody.

  “May I go to the bathroom?” Michele shoved back her seat.

  “Yes,” Cody answered before Shon even had the opportunity to.

  Michele stood and trotted to the back of the restaurant.

  “It sounds like you two had fun today.” Shon wiped her mouth.

  Cody placed his utensils down and gazed at her. “We did, but you were missing.”

  “It was father and kids day not moms.” She pushed her plate away. “She needed this.”

  “I needed it.” Cody moved back in his seat. “I need this, Shon.” He brushed his fingers in her hair. “I need us—her.”

  Shon shrugged away from his touch. “Don’t you think I need this too?”

  “Then show it, take a chance on us.” He moved his chair closer to her. “I made a mistake in not fighting for you before, but believe it when I tell you I won’t be making that mistake again.” His voice was stern.

  “Good evening, Senior Chief,” Petty Officer Brown cackled, walking up to their table, staring at her and Cody with a smirk on her face. “Nice seeing you again, Lieutenant Commander Mitchell,” she said it with heavy sarcasm in her voice.

  “Good evening, Latoya, we’re not at work.” Shon glared at the fake smile on her face.

  “Oh, I noticed that.” She observed Cody. “Well okay then, have a great evening together.” She turned and walked away.

  Cody went to say something, but Shon put up her hand. “Let it go.”

  “Shon.” He went to touch her hand, and she thought about pulling away, however she couldn’t. He caressed her wrist. “You can’t let her, or anyone, talk to you in that manner. Regardless of where you are, you are still her Senior Chief. We haven’t done anything wrong.” He squeeze
d her wrist. “At least that anyone knows of.” He smirked, making her smile. “You have changed. What happened to your sharp tongue?”

  “Oh, it’s still there, but a certain someone taught me to only use it when necessary, and right now, I’m not going to let Latoya ruin our night out.” She leaned in closer to him, whispering, “I love having you around.”

  “I love being around.” Cody twisted his head, facing her. He eased forward barely touching her lips and then pulled away. “I wish I could kiss you right now.”

  Shon looked over to her right; sure enough, Latoya stared right at them. “I wish things could be different too.”

  Michele shuffled back from the bathroom and sat, admiring him. “Dad…” she paused. “I’m going miss you.”

  “Where did that come from?” Cody tilted his head in her direction.

  “I was just thinking of how much fun we’ve had the last three weeks.” Michele grinned. “I’m really not sad. I’m actually happy, because I met you, and you didn’t reject me. You love me.”

  “Sweet heart.” Cody’s eyes shined, and he pulled their daughter’s chair closer to him, and he hugged her, giving her tiny kisses on her cheeks. “I loved you even when I didn’t know you existed.”

  “Really, Dad, how is that possible?” She placed her forehead on his.

  “Because I loved your mom, and you are a product of that love.” He hugged her tighter. “You are my everything, and I will never let you go.”

  “Promise,” Michele whispered.


  “You swear to call me at least every other day and video chat once a week.”

  Cody chuckled. “That’s it?”

  “Oh wait, you have to vow to dance with me at my sweet sixteen.”

  “I promise.”

  Shon saw the way Latoya looked over their way and shook her head. Shon ignored her; she wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was out with her daughter, and her child’s father, which just happen to be an officer. She took a deep breath and finally let the weight off her shoulders go. She wasn’t going let anyone make her feel as if she was doing something wrong, when she wasn’t. They weren’t sneaking around, and they weren’t having a romance, not for his lack of trying. Shon’s core tingled, remembering their night of passion. The way her body danced to his music. She needed more … she wanted Cody like she’d never wanted anything else. He was it for her. Was she willing to risk it all and make another sacrifice to make things right?

  Chapter Seven

  “Sir,” Petty Officer Brown called out over her cubicle as Cody walked by.

  “Yes.” Cody stopped mid stride and turned to face her. Latoya annoyed him; he knew she was up to no good, trying to get Shon in trouble.

  “Commander Roberts was looking for you earlier.” She pointed out, staring down the hall. “He’s in his office.”

  “Thank you.” Cody spun on his heel and headed toward the commander’s office. Loud voices could be heard through the door as he moved closer. Commander Roberts was chewing someone’s ass. He wondered if he was yelling at the Chief in charge of one of the programs Cody failed for lack of following policy and instructions. He knocked on the door.

  “Come in!” Commander Roberts shouted.

  Cody twisted the knob, pulling it open. He stepped in and was surprise to see Shon standing at attention in front of the commander’s desk. Roberts looked up at him and back at Shon.

  Shon looked upset; he could see it in the way her fists shook at her sides. She must not have heard him enter the office. What the hell was going on? She passed her inspection with flying colors. Why was she getting chewed out?

  “All due respect, Sir.” Shon moved a little closer to his desk. “You have no right to question me about who I let, or don’t let, my daughter be around.” She raised her voice. He half smiled; there was the Shon he knew, the woman that wouldn’t take shit from no one, no matter what. “She is off limits.”

  “Excuse me!” Roberts stood.

  “You heard me, Sir.” Shon didn’t back down. “My personal life is just that, mine. I do not do anything that would jeopardize the way people perceive the Navy.” She took a deep breath. “I’m the first one here and the last to leave, and you question my work ethics.”

  “What’s going on?” Cody asked, stepping a little farther in, and Shon finally saw him. Her nostrils were flared, and her eyes were red. Yep, she was angry.

  “Commander Roberts here,” she pointed at her boss, “thinks that I’m an awful mother, because it’s come to his attention that you have been around my child, and I don’t know you. He wanted to know what kind of a mother I was to let a stranger in my daughter’s life.”

  Cody glared at the commander, clenching his jaw. His need to protect her was becoming unbearable, but he was at work. He had to get his emotions locked up.

  “What he really wants to know, but hasn’t had the balls to ask is…”

  “Senior Chief, watch what comes out your mouth next. I wont tolerate disrespect,” Commander Roberts spoke sternly.

  “To gain respect you must first give it!” Shon spat.

  “Roberts.” Cody looked at the older man. “Why did you want to see me?” He tried to diffuse the situation; Shon was about to blow.

  “Have a seat, Mitchell.” Roberts sat back down. Shon fiercely stared at the commander, her full lips thinned. It seemed she was biting her tongue.

  “I prefer to stand.”

  “Have it your way.” Roberts leaned back in his chair to stare at him. “What’s going on between you and Senior Chief Blake?”

  Cody knew the question was coming after he heard Shon go off on Roberts.

  “It has come to my attention that you and Senior Chief have been engaging in an unduly relationship.” He cocked an eyebrow. “The service member has even seen you out together with her daughter. You’ve been out alone with that little girl.” He moved forward, resting his elbows on the desks surface. “She’s that good, that you don’t care about your career?”

  “Excuse me!” Shon shouted. “What the fu…”

  “Senior Chief,” Cody stopped her before she could finish her sentence. “Please step out.”

  Shon didn’t move. “He just insulted me…” she said between clenched teeth.

  Cody had to be firm; he wouldn’t let her jeopardize her career, because if she stayed in that office another minute, she would be standing in front of a captain next.

  “Senior Chief Blake!” Cody raised his voice. “You are dismissed.”

  Shon turned, staring at him, her eyebrows meeting in confusion. He could see the hurt in her eyes as she watched him. “Yes, Sir.” She rushed to the door, grabbed the knob, opened, and then slammed it on her way out.

  He counted to five before twisting around to face Commander Roberts. “Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?” Cody’s voice was vicious.

  “Mitchell, watch your words.”

  “Watch my words?” Cody laughed sarcastically. “Did you not hear what you just told a Senior Chief? Who are you to question her about her child?” He opened and closed his fist. “You should’ve come to me, officer to officer, before you pulled her into this mess. Instead, you insult one of the best leaders you have in this command.”

  “Is that why her program passed with flying colors, and Chief Steward’s didn’t?”

  “I didn’t touch Senior Chief Blake’s program, Lieutenant Barkley did.” Cody was insulted now. He would never put personal shit into his work. He was fair no matter what. “And it was also Barkley who inspected Chief Steward’s. So if you have a question about why your programs did or did not pass, take it up with him.”

  “It’s just you and me in here now, Mitchell.” Commander Roberts stood. “Are you fucking her?”

  The muscles in Cody’s neck tightened. “Commander Roberts,” he touched the devices on his collar, “these don’t dictate who I am. I do what I do because I love serving my country and working side by side with my brothers and sisters.�
�� He inched closer to the desk. “But don’t let it fool you. I will fuck you up, if you disrespect her or me again.”

  Roberts reeled back away from him. “Look, Mitchell, you’ve been seen together. She even saw you leaving her house.”

  “Who and what have they seen us do?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Has this person seen us holding hands, touching, kissing? What the fuck have they seen that makes it so unduly? And who the hell is they?”


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