Book Read Free


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by Aliyah Burke

  A Total-E-Bound Publication


  ISBN # 978-0-85715-934-2

  ©Copyright Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke 2012

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright April 2012

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 2.

  This story contains 81 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 9 pages.

  Kemet Uncovered


  Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke

  Book three in the Kemet Uncovered Series

  I am of the primordial chaos before the world’s creation. Older than Ra himself. A component of those who constitute the Ogdoad. I am of the water, existing in a cold world. Until her.

  They call her Chaya. She has brought me light. She is my whole world. However, I am not hers for she lives for another. If I am to get her, I must acquire the deepest part of her heart. For I don’t want a mere moment, nor the time of her mortal life. No, that is far too short. I want this enchantress for eternity. And when one is immortal, like I am, eternity is truly forever.



  Taige Crenshaw

  To all the mothers who give their all to their children without expecting anything in return. Here is a toast to you for all that you do.


  Aliyah Burke

  To OV, who inspires my love of hockey!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Toyota 4 Runner: Toyota Motor Corporation

  Cadillac Escalade: General Motors Company

  Hugs and Kisses: Kellwood Company

  Chapter One

  He was back.


  And watching her.


  Readjusting her hold on the large, grey bin, Chaya Stevenson ignored the bead of sweat that trailed between her breasts, the man who made her have incredible dreams of passionate nights and mind-blowing sex, and got back to the task at hand. Bussing tables.

  She lifted the plates—still with food remnants on them—and placed them in the container braced on her hip. Allowing herself one final peek at the man who, for the last three weeks, had come in every night she worked, she admired his looks.

  He carried himself in such a way that it screamed ‘capable’ and ‘powerful’. His hair was buzzed to about half an inch in length and his skin reminded her of smooth, melted, dark chocolate. A large man. Not fat large, no—there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He was muscular. Yet even that wasn’t an overblown feature like some weightlifters acquired. His muscles seemed…natural.

  Add to that the way his clothes fitted and she never lacked for a star player in her dreams. Tonight he was wearing blue jeans and a white button-down that had the top few pearly buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up, showcasing well-built forearms.

  When Lottie, the waitress, sauntered over to him, coffee pot in hand, Chaya bit back her snarl of frustration, neither understanding nor appreciative of the jealousy that coursed through her.

  What right do I have to be jealous over a man whose name I don’t even know?

  She dropped the remaining silverware into the bin and made short work of wiping the table before making the trek back into the kitchen.

  “You get lost out there?” asked Tom, the cook.

  “Thought I’d just take a break and shop for a while,” she retorted, a half smile on her face.

  “Hope you brought me something,” the man said.

  “Sure did. Dirty dishes.”

  She flashed him a wide grin as she took her place by the sinks and began to wash. The loud, powerful spray halted her conversation with Tom for the time being. As she worked she ignored the ache in her lower back and focused on why she had taken the second job.


  She shook her hand and removed everything from her mind other than work. Now was not the time for dwelling on the past.

  When her shift was over, she exited out the back. The cold air whipped around the building, slamming into her with considerable force, and she tugged her coat tighter while hastening her steps. Piedmont was a town along the Canadian border. Their winters sure got cold. Although not winter yet, if this was any indication of what was to come, it was going to be a long one. She climbed into her older model Toyota 4 Runner and started the ignition.

  A shiver skated up her spine and she snapped her head up. Scanning the dimly lit area, she searched for the source of the feeling. Off to the right she saw a figure hidden in the shadows and thoughts immediately returned to the man from the diner.

  Cripes, get a grip, she admonished herself.

  Nevertheless. The fact remained that it had been him she’d thought about, mostly because the shiver she had experienced was similar to the ones he gave her when he stared at her inside the diner—sexual in nature.

  As she drove away, she stole a final glance in the rear-view mirror. The air seemed to shimmer before…nothing.

  Biting back a curse, she gave her driving all her attention and chalked her imagination up to being exhausted and horny. And hungry. Her stomach rumbled and she peered sideways at the bag sitting on the passenger seat with her meal in it.

  Once in her driveway, she hurried inside. Sara Kelly lifted her bent head. Her blue eyes twinkled and she got to her feet.

  “Hi,” Sara said.

  “Evening, Sara. How was he?”

  Sara smiled and shrugged her shoulders, blonde hair moving in time with her movements. “Excellent. He’s very excited about the start of hockey season.”

  Digging into her purse, she pulled out the money owed. “Thank you so much.”

  Sara loaded her backpack and swung it over her shoulder. “Not a problem. He’s so easy and it’s so much easier to study over here.” She pocketed the money. “I’ll see you on Wednesday.”

  “Thanks again, Sara.” Chaya walked her to the door.

  “My pleasure, Mrs Stevenson. Goodnight.”

  “‘Night. Drive safe.”

  Chaya stood on the porch until Sara had backed out of the drive and was on her way home. Then she went back in and locked up. She toed off her shoes, swept them up and headed for her room to shower and change. Then she ate. After that, when the lights were off except for in the hall, she peered into the small room where her pride and joy lay sleeping.

  Her son, Daniel ‘Danny’ Stevenson. She stared at him lying there, only the light from the hall offering a view of his slumbering body. He looked so much like h
is father some days that it hurt.

  He was the reason she had picked up this second job. Danny played hockey and while last year she’d got by on having him wear second-hand gear, he’d had a growth spurt and she needed all new for him to continue to play. Hockey was the one thing he loved to do and she would move mountains to keep him in it.

  “Goodnight, baby,” she murmured to her seven-year old. It was the only time she could get away with calling him baby instead of Danny. She set foot back out into the hall and put his new gear down by his door so he’d see it when he woke bright and early for practice. Then, after blowing him a kiss, she headed to her own room for some much-needed sleep.

  Her dreams were filled with visions of her mystery man from the diner. When her alarm buzzed, he’d just removed his shirt and approached her. Dragging her eyes open with a groan, she slapped a hand down on the beeping menace that kept her from touching what she longed to caress.

  “The chest of a man I don’t know,” she muttered swinging her feet to the floor.

  She showered and dressed swiftly, then made sure Danny had got up.

  “Mom!” he hollered, barrelling out of his room and launching himself at her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  Tears pricked her eyes as he tightened his arms around her neck. “You’re most welcome, Danny. Now come on, get ready. We need to eat so you can get to practice.”

  She let him down and watched him bound back to his room to grab some clothes, then run to the bathroom. With a smile, she made her way back to the kitchen and got started on breakfast.

  “We’re getting a new coach,” he said around a mouthful of toast.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she corrected him automatically.

  “Sorry.” He swallowed and said it again.

  “What happened to Mr Angel?”

  He shrugged. “Sick or something. We get his friend, Mr Dixon.”

  I hope this man knows what he’s doing, so I didn’t just spend all that money on someone who won’t help him learn.

  Keeping an eye on the clock, she ushered Danny to the car at the appropriate time. She noted the way he carried the heavy hockey bag, almost like it weighed as much as he did. When they got to the vehicle she took it from him and tossed it into the back while Danny climbed into his seat. After another sip of coffee, she slid in and they headed out.

  At the arena she fought a yawn and followed her ever-excited son out of the cold. While Danny’s exuberant chatter mixed with the other boys’ she exchanged smiles with the parents there as she found a spot on the bleachers. Rubbing her tired eyes, she watched the boys skate onto the ice. She had just raised her travel mug to her lips when a figure glided across the rink towards the lads. Her heart pounded hard and her palms grew damp.

  Mr Dixon had made his entrance.

  She licked her lips and studied him. Blinked and looked harder. It was him. The man from the diner. If possible, he appeared even more mouth-wateringly and panty-soakingly handsome than before. As if he felt her gaze upon him, he raised his head and pinned her to the seat with the intensity of his dark eyes.

  Her hands shook and although he only stared at her for the barest of moments, Chaya felt like he’d stripped her naked and gazed at everything she had to offer. And he liked what he saw.

  While he spoke to the boys she observed him, from his dark sweatshirt to his slightly loose, medium-blue jeans and on to his black skates. She was no longer cold. In fact, she had become downright warm. Flushed was perhaps more like it. Her nipples beaded to tight points and poked her bra. Her pussy grew wet at the mere thought of his hands on her.

  Pull it together, Chaya! Stop lusting after your son’s hockey coach.

  It had been a long time since she’d been with a man. A long time since someone else had brought her pleasure. She used that as her excuse. Or tried to. As practice continued, her mind refused to let it go and her skin burnt with hypersensitivity.

  Whenever she thought she had her raging, hormonal body in control, Mr Dixon would shoot a heated look her way and she was lost all over again in a whirl of lust and longing. None of it made sense—she wasn’t a woman who felt these kinds of cravings. But with this man, ‘craving’ was an apt word. She shifted on the hard seat and tried to refrain from peering at the coach for the remainder of practice.

  * * * *

  Linc Dixon skated back to the edge of the rink as the boys of the Piedmont Rangers ran through drills. He lifted his gaze to where she sat in the bleachers. Chaya Stevenson.

  In all his years—and there had been many of them—he’d never encountered a woman who had such a powerful effect on him. So when he’d found her, he’d had zero qualms about arranging this set-up. It had been no trouble to implant a friendship into the old coach’s mind and have him call and ask for a sub when he’d had to go out of town suddenly. Another thing he’d learnt was that women in this time didn’t like to be tricked, but what she never knew wouldn’t hurt her. And while kids weren’t his favourite thing, he could learn to tolerate them.

  He looked back to Chaya. She had black hair styled in a tapered pixie cut. Smooth, mocha skin covered her lush curves. Plump lips he wanted to nibble on and suck into his mouth.


  He, an immortal being, older than Ra, was obsessed with a mere human.

  No, not ‘mere’.

  Chaya was a woman who had made him…well…feel.

  He took a deep breath and easily picked up on the subtle floral scent she wore. He longed to discover how far it went on her. Did she only dab it behind her ears? Or did she splash some between her breasts? Perhaps lower… His cock stiffened and he forced his mind off her and back to the task at hand.


  His arousal remained ever-present even after the practice session had finished. He had finished speaking to the father of Jonah, the goalie, when he spotted Chaya sitting with her son. Determined steps carried him over to where they sat.

  “Ms Stevenson,” he said.

  She tilted her head back and met his waiting gaze. His heart seized, then pounded intensely within the confines of his chest.


  Her eyes were melded brown and dark gold. Large, inviting eyes. He wanted to submerge himself in their unfathomed depths. Lingering there, he could see exhaustion, pride, and love for her son.

  A flare of lust exploded, only to be tamped down immediately and replaced by a flash of shame. Interesting. He wanted to see more of the lust. Hell, he’d love to have those big eyes of hers on him, hooded and full of sexual satiation…for starters.

  Her mouth moved, those full, kissable lips forming words. Words he wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to. He blinked and said, “If you have a moment, could I have a word, please?”

  Was that nervousness in her gaze?

  “Of course, Mr Dixon.”

  His cock hardened even more. “Excellent. My office is over there.”

  He led the way, knowing that if he didn’t he would be touching her. They were halted by another parent and a smile curved his lips as he watched Danny kiss his mom and leave with the other boy and his dad. He held the door to his office open and didn’t move as she brushed by him. Linc knew she felt the reaction between them, for she couldn’t hide her sharp intake of breath.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. His nails dug into his palms, leaving behind crescent moons in the skin. After she’d passed he shut the door, the click echoing through the small room, highlighting the fact that they were alone.

  He prowled around the back of the chair she perched upon and sat behind his desk, grateful his erection was now hidden from her view. She watched him with wary eyes, although he wondered if her attraction to him wasn’t all that she was worried about.

  “What can I do for you, Mr Dixon?” she asked flicking a piece of imaginary lint from her jeans.

  Oh, baby, if you only knew.

  Ignoring the ever-increasing pressure in his pants, he laced his fingers and rest
ed his hands on the desk.

  “Your son, Daniel—”

  “Danny,” she interrupted.

  He arched a brow at that interjection. “Danny,” he amended. “I would like to offer him a new position on the team.”

  She narrowed her eyes, exposing him to the protective mama bear within. “What?”

  “I think he’d be even more explosive as a forward rather than a defenceman. A right wing, to be exact.”

  She seemed to mull that over for a moment. Lifting her chin, she met his gaze head on. “Why didn’t you just change him over?”

  “I don’t want to get between a mother and her son.” He watched her absorb his words. Her gaze moved around the room. “How long have you been on your own?”

  Chaya snapped like an iron rod had replaced her spine. Her gaze glittered as she glared down her pert nose at him.

  “That, Mr Dix—”

  “Linc. My name is Linc.”

  She pursed her lips. “Mr Dixon, my personal life has zero to do with my son’s position on this hockey team.”

  “No, it doesn’t. And again, the name is Linc. I’m just curious.”

  “Not pertinent,” she snapped, her voice coated in permafrost.

  Unintimidated, he rose and moved to stand before her. She lifted her head as she ran her gaze up over his already-hard form. He wanted to crow at the obvious desire glistening in her large eyes. She was as aroused as he was.

  He lowered his face parallel to hers, dropped his sight to her full lips, shiny from her moist tongue, and back up again.

  “How long, Chaya?” he intoned, allowing his power to leech into his tone, quelling the remaining objections in her mind. “How long since you’ve allowed a man to satisfy your needs?”


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