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Their Salvation (Bosses In Love Book 1)

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by May Gordon

  Their Salvation

  Bosses in Love Book 1

  May Gordon

  Copyright © 2018 by May Gordon

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Photo: Bigstock Photos

  Cover Design: May Gordon

  Editor: Elizabeth Neal

  Created with Vellum

  About the Author

  May Gordon

  Bringing you sweet, sexy, safe reads.

  Happily ever after guarantee.


  This is my 4th book.

  This journey has been so incredible. Lots of learning and help from both readers and authors. I want to thank all who have been there for me and have helped me through the last four books, and hopefully continue too in the future.

  Thank you.

  And like always, thank you to my editor! Without you this wouldn’t be possible!


  ~May Gordon

  Their Salvation

  Diana Hemway has spent the last five years recovering from the horrific attack that made her a mother and being disowned by her family. She's done everything in her power to give her son a life filled with love like he deserves, and only wishes she could have the same. She hopes her new job at Thorne Inc. will provide more stability and opportunities that could benefit her and Eli. What she didn’t plan for was Pierce.

  Pierce Thorne is as antisocial as they come. A workaholic who allows no one in his life, and he’s completely satisfied with that. Until he meets Diana and Eli and realizes how lonely and miserable he was without them.

  In each other, they find something they’ve both been longing for. Their Salvation.

  But their relationship is tested when a theft inside Thorne Inc. brings forth old enemies, Diana’s disgruntled family, and secrets. Will they be strong enough to weather the storm bearing down on them?

  This book is a sweet, sexy, and safe read with a happily ever after guaranteed


  This book touches on topics that could be triggers for some readers. The main character is a rape victim. No details are written on the topic.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  16. Epilogue 1

  17. Epilogue 2

  Also by May Gordon

  Coming Soon

  Haven Rose

  Favourite Authors



  This book touches on topics that could be triggers for some readers. The main character is a rape victim. No details are written on the topic.

  I wanted to add another warning in case people missed the first one. I understand how horrible it is to dive into a book and then find out it has triggers.

  Again. Zero detail is written about the actual rape.

  You've been warned.



  The nurse hands me my son after cleaning him up. He’s red, crying loudly and I've never seen anything so beautiful. I cradle him in my arms, trying to calm him with kisses.


  The nurses clean me up next before wheeling me into the recovery room. I spend the time watching my new son. He’s perfect. And mine. Mine alone.

  “Are you sure I can’t call anyone for you, hun? I hate that you're alone.” The nurse asks, sympathy covering her face.

  I give her a small, sad smile. “Thanks, Anne, but I have no one.”

  Sadness covers her face. “If you need anything, just press the call button.”

  I give a nod and go back to admiring my beautiful Eli. His existence wasn’t planned, in fact, it was one of the worst days of my life.

  I was eighteen and in my first semester of college. I was studying toward a degree in financing at the University of Chicago, following my father's plan for me. I didn’t mind too much since I enjoy working with numbers and accounting seemed like a logical career plan. After graduation, I’d have a position with him. I’d just spent the afternoon and early evening getting a jump on my workload, excited about what the future would hold.

  Then it happened.

  I was walking from the campus library to student housing when I was attacked, and it changed my life forever. Nine months later I'm in the hospital, having just given birth to my beautiful baby boy. He takes after me. I don’t know what my attacker looked like; I never saw his face. Afterward, it was like a whirlwind with the hospital, police, and worst of all, my parents.

  My family is high society and having a daughter who’d been violated was terrible enough, but then I found out I was pregnant. I’d been a virgin prior to the attack so I wasn’t on any birth control. My parents were horrified, demanding I get an abortion. I refused, and they kicked me to the curb. I had to drop out because I couldn't afford it without them. I moved to low-income housing and worked as a waitress while taking inexpensive online university classes. For the last nine months, I’d worked hard to save up and prepare for Eli’s arrival, knowing I would’ve have any help.

  Not long after my parents disowned me I changed my name, I didn’t want to be Diana Woodworth, a reminder of my family and their shame. So, I became Diana Hemway, using the name of my Grandmother’s dog. I love him dearly, and wanted something that made me smile. And it cracked me up.

  It’s been a hard road so far, full of pain and agony. Now there’s excitement and love. I know it’ll only get harder from here. As I look down at Eli, my heart is full for the first time. He's my world. What that nurse failed to see it that I'm not alone, and I never will be again.

  I have Eli.

  Chapter 1

  Diana~ Five years later

  I look at myself in the mirror for the millionth time. I'm so nervous. It’s the first day of my new job, and I feel like I’ve sweated through every outfit I tried on from the stress of it all. I look around my little bedroom, scattered with clothes and shoes, all secondhand and nowhere near professional enough. Hopefully, after a few paychecks, I can go shopping to at least pretend that I fit in. My new job is at Thorne Inc., one of the most successful companies in Chicago, with its hand in almost everything. It’s a miracle I even got the job in the accounting department.

  After I gave birth, one of the nurses told me about a job position that included room and board. It turns out it was at a retirement residence for an event coordinator. Translation, someone to plan entertainment with the residents every weekend. I also do the books on the side. As soon as I was released, I went straight there for an interview. I had no other option since I couldn't be a waitress anymore, and only had so much in savings. Luckily for me, Ellen, the property manager, was a sucker for babies, and I'm sure after one look at Eli and I, felt so sorry for us.

  Since that day, we’ve been living there, and it has been a dream come true. The residents love Eli and are always willing to look after him. I was able to finish my degree, and work in a few accounting firms as a freelancer. With Eli just starting kindergarten, it made me realize as he gets older I need to do better. As a provider, as a parent, as his everything. I need to step up. Though some d
ays I’d much rather wallow, and the nightmares seem to still haunt me, I can’t. I need to be a mother.

  Luckily, one of the resident’s sister is head of HR at Thorne Inc. When I went for my interview last week, we hit it off. I know there were probably other more qualified applicants, but I somehow got the job. Like I said, a miracle.

  Looking at the clock, I know I'm out of time. I rush back into the kitchen where I left Eli eating his cereal.

  “Almost done, honey?” I ask as I pack his bag for the day.

  “Yup.” He jumps off his chair and carefully carries his bowl to the sink. “Can I play the Wii with Rusty?” Eli asks with a hopeful grin.

  Rusty is one of the residents here. He's about seventy, but has the energy of a twenty-year-old. He’s Eli’s usual Wii partner.

  “Sure honey, but only if Rusty wants to.”

  “He will,” Eli smiles at me. I can't help but chuckle, Rusty is always willing to spend time with Eli.

  I help Eli put his bag on and gather my stuff so we can leave. The elevator takes us to the lobby where all the early birds are starting their morning. We say hello to our various friends as we pass. I see Ellen near the front desk and she gives us a bright smile.

  “Don’t you like beautiful,” she beams. “Good luck and have a great day at school Eli.”

  “Bye, Ellen!” Eli waves as we leave.

  “Thanks, see you later,” I call out.

  We make our way through the busy Chicago streets to Eli’s school which is walking distance from the retirement building. When I drop him off, I give him a hug and kiss, and he runs inside. As I look around, I see other parents dropping off their children, and some grandparents. Something Eli has never had. I haven't seen or talked to my parents since I found out I was pregnant. They honestly don’t know what they're missing.

  I leave and jump on a bus taking me downtown. It's not a far commute, about thirty minutes. But it’s long enough to stress over my first day. When I finally get arrive, I stand outside and look up. The building is tall and intimidating. Taking a deep breath, I enter, and after getting through security I head to HR where I meet Mary, the woman who interviewed me.

  We talk a bit, and she runs me through the welcome package and sets me up in one of the free cubicles. She then hands me a stack of paperwork and gives me a sympathetic smile.

  “Sorry dear, seeing how you're so sharp with numbers I thought I’d give you a running start. These are all on Brayer Holding that’ll be up for sale; we need to go over their basic numbers with a fine-tooth comb before the big, bad boss looks.” She smiles then asks, “Think you're up for it?”

  My nervous energy turns into determination. “I am, Mary. Thank you.”

  “Okay, let me know if you need anything.” She smiles again and leaves.

  I glance around and see all men. How are there not any women in this department? They give me a variety of looks; some are dirty while others are clearly as if they’re trying to undress me. I decide to ignore them and get to work. I want to make a good first impression.

  This job is going to change everything, I know it.

  Chapter 2


  I fucking hate people.

  To own a billion-dollar company, you’d expect me to be a people person, but I'm not. I don’t care for them. I can maybe count five that I remotely care about, and they’re all other CEOs I do good business with. I’m a mean mother fucker, and I know it. I have no patience for anything. I'm a thirty-five-year-old workaholic without a family or any real friends.

  I grew up in a boy’s orphanage, never knowing my parents. The daily abuse from the headmaster and teaches hardened me before I was sixteen. I had nothing better to do so I ran away to join the Army. After spending years in a desert and starting to think I wasn’t alone, that I might have teammates and friends to trust, an IED took them all out. And once again, I found myself alone. Not that I care about my lonely life, it leaves more time for work.

  I’m looking through potential holdings to buy when my phone rings and I hit the speaker.

  “Talk,” I grunt out.

  “Rude as ever,” Fred's greasy voice comes over the line and I can't help but roll my eyes. Fred is a competitor, if you can even call him that. We’re always clashing to buy and flip companies to add to our portfolio. He’s an older man, well in his sixties, so you'd think his experience would one-up me. Though he has on occasion, I usually beat him to the buy which only infuriates him.

  “What do you want?” I ask, sounding irritated and bored at the same time. I want to hang up on the guy.

  “Brayer Inc.,” he states, causing me to tense. How the fuck does he know that I was thinking of selling it? I don’t care who buys it, so long as it’s not him. I’d keep it before letting him get it.

  “What about it?” I ask casually.

  “I just wanted to let you know my plans with it.” He sounds way too happy.

  “I’m not selling; your information is wrong,” I try not to growl. I don’t want him to know I'm losing my cool.

  “Really? We’ll see about that.” And he hangs up. I do growl this time and hit the end button on my phone. I don’t know what Fred Woodworth is up to, but I don’t like it one bit.

  What could he possibly see so valuable in Brayer? It’s a low-level tech company that makes a decent profit, but nothing spectacular. Knowing he’s probably onto something, I decide to dig and see if there’s something I’ve missed. I patch through to my secretary, one of the only people I tolerate, though barely. She’s in her fifties and has been with me for the last ten years. She’s also highly annoying but very useful in her job.

  “Jen, can you bring up all documents pertaining to Brayer?” I grunt out. Luckily, she’s used to my personality.

  “I’ll have it on your desk after your lunch meeting, Mr. Thorne,” she replies, not even affected by my sourness.

  “Fuck.” I rub my hands over my face. I forgot. “Can’t you reschedule?” I growl.

  “Mr. Thorne, this would be the fourth time. I suggest you suck it up and go.” It amazes me how she can sound so harsh with her sweet old lady voice.

  “Fine,” I say and hang up on her.

  I grab my suit jacket from the back of my chair, and all but storm out of my office like a bull charging for blood. I head toward the elevator, people avoiding eye contact and stepping out of my way. I get in and press the button for two floors down. When I step off, I see Charles through the glass sitting in the big conference room. I walk in and take a seat, not bothering to shake his hand.

  “Charles, let get this over with.” I'm already done with this meeting.

  “Of course, Mr. Thorne. Sir, the board insists that you have a will in place,” Charles rattles off. I make him nervous, as I do with everyone.

  “They’re planning my demise already,” I deadpan.

  “Of course not, sir! God forbid. It's just in case. You have a huge company, not to mention money, and other assets. You should have something in place.” I know he’s right, but it's still a waste of my time.

  “What do you need to know?” I ask him.

  “Well, who would you like to leave your assets to? What happens to your shares in the company? Will you donate any money to charity, set some aside for future children? A wife?”

  Well, fuck if this didn’t just get even more annoying. I don’t have anyone I’d leave a dime to, and I sure as fuck don’t see myself having a wife and child. Ever. I'm a loner.

  “I’ll send my notes to you. You can write up a will and send it to the boards.” I get up and leave.

  “Of course, sir, thank you, sir.” I hear him stutter as I walk away.

  I get back to my office and see a shitton of large folders on my desk. This must be the Brayer documents I asked for. It seems like I’ll be here all night again. I take my jacket off, throwing it over my chair, then roll up my sleeves and loosen my tie before sitting down. I spend more time in this very chair than my penthouse apartment. It’s always
felt cold and empty at home, if you can call it that. Rubbing my hands over my face, I get to work. It's going to be a long night.

  Chapter 3


  It’s well past eight o'clock, and I'm still going through document reports from Brayer. I didn’t want to leave after my first day without finishing my task. So, I called Ellen and asked if she could pick up Eli from school and look after him. Of course, she was more than happy to. Everyone in the retirement home is a real godsend. I couldn’t survive without all their help.

  I rub my eyes. They feel so tired from staring at numbers all day. Over the last few hours, I realized something was off with Brayer. Someone was stealing. When I first discovered it, my heart leapt into my throat. I thought I was mistaken, but as I continued, I knew I wasn’t.

  I growl in frustration because I don’t know what to do. Is this a test from the boss to see if I’ll catch it and inform him? Or does he have no idea? Maybe he’s in on it? My brain feels like it’s been through a blender. Worst case scenario, he’s taking from his own company and he’ll fire me for learning of his deception. And if it is a test or he doesn’t know, it’s a good thing, right?


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