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Fallen SEAL Legacy

Page 7

by Sharon Hamilton

  Coop headed back to the Babemobile. He locked up the scooter and then walked down the beach to sit by the surf.

  He was grateful for Kyle, who cared about him as much as anyone could. Going outside the Teams, especially to a family who obviously didn’t want anything to do with the military, was a mistake, and he intended to tell Timmons so at the next opportunity. Everything he needed to get right in the head was in front of him, or behind him in his home on wheels. And his comfy bed would help.

  He figured he’d work on the drone tomorrow, maybe shop for an infrared or thermal camera to mount on the UAV. He had a ‘40’s pinup decal of Lana Turner he was going to mark his new toy with.

  He turned and headed back home.

  A small figure stood outside the metal door, knocking. Bay was having a fit inside. At first Coop thought it was Daisy, back after having an uncharacteristic change of heart. But no, it was someone with auburn hair. Long auburn hair. Long legs. The shape of her ass as she stood on tiptoe while she knocked looked vaguely familiar.

  He’d been trained to move without a sound, and he did so, until he got to within a foot of the woman. He smelled lavender, and vanilla. She wore a pinky ring on her right hand that glinted in the moonlight.

  “Can I help you?” his voice was husky.

  She immediately turned, eyes wide and fearful. She slammed her body up against the shell of his silver beast, trying to distance herself from him.

  Libby Brownlee.

  “Oh. My. God. You scared me to death.”

  “Not quite. You look quite alive to me.” The anger he felt toward Libby and her family evaporated. “Why are you here?”

  “I—I just came because—I—felt bad—I wanted to—to—apologize for my father. You don’t understand. He is a very fine man. He just—”

  “He just blames the Navy for the loss of his brother.” Bay was barking. “I’ve got to let him out or he’ll shred the insides of my home.”

  “No problem.”

  She stepped aside and he unlocked the door, letting the dog, who had not been kenneled, practically topple Libby. Coop reprimanded him, but Libby was laughing.

  “Who’s this?” she asked between giggles.

  “This is Bay. I brought him back from…from my home. He’s just getting used to things out here.”

  “Ah. Well, Bay,” she said as she knelt and rubbed Bay’s ears, putting her nose close to the dog’s, “How do you like our ocean and our great weather, huh?”

  “C’mon, Bay. If you’re gonna just socialize, you’ve got to go back inside.”

  The dog ran off a few yards down the parking lot, sniffed the ground around several cars parked in the darkening early evening. When the he returned, Coop put him in the trailer and locked it.

  “So, you were talking about your father being a good guy and all—”

  “Well, yes. But what I meant to say is that he is a fine, caring person—“

  “Save it. Not interested in excuses. He send you?”

  “Of course not. I just thought it was wrong. Wrong how he treated you. That’s all. I guess this was a mistake…”

  Libby turned to go and Coop grabbed her arm. “Sorry.” He dropped his grip. “Stay for a bit. Then you can go.”

  The two stood close enough that he could feel the heat from her body. She was a lethal, complicated, combination of spirit and emotion. Cooper liked girls who were easier to figure out. Though it wasn’t wise, he found himself making nice.

  “I’d invite you in, but that wouldn’t be appropriate. Besides, the housekeeper has the day off. And Bay has had his way with the decorating and all.” His little smile was returned. Her eyes softened. Even in the dim light he could see her full lips, painted a deep pink, pucker as she formed her careful words.

  “No problem.” She searched his face. He wanted to step to her, see if she would shrink if he slipped his hand up under her cotton top. But he held firm.

  “You cold?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Let me go get a blanket. We’ll sit outside and finish our talk, okay?”


  That word again. Why do women like to use it all the time?

  Coop unlocked the door and in two strides grabbed the throw on his dinette couch without turning on the lights. He bid the dog stay curled on the dog bed inside the kennel. He didn’t want Libby to see the interior of his soul. After all, this wasn’t a date.

  He walked down the beach toward the surf and she followed slightly behind. He placed the blanket around her shoulders, feeling the smooth texture of her neck and upper arm as he did so. She grabbed the blanket together at her chest and sat down in tandem with him.

  She was looking out to sea, the last remnants of the now-purple sky turning grey. A few stars began to come out. She leaned back and scanned the blue twilight ceiling.

  “I love how you can see the stars here. Not like where I live,” she said.

  “You don’t live in San Diego?”

  “No. I’m in San Jose. I was going to the University of Santa Clara.”


  “I’m taking a semester off.”

  Coop didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t gotten his college degree yet, though he had started. “Time off can be a good thing,” he said but didn’t mean it.

  “I’m getting my Master’s in psychology. I’ve been going to school non-stop for seventeen years. I don’t know, I just needed a break. Probably a stupid idea, but the thought of plunging into another year of studies frightened me for some reason.”

  “So you’ll live at home, then?”

  “No. I can’t think there.”

  Coop was going to let her tell him. He didn’t want to ask, but he was dying to know.

  Better stop this or you’ll get your dick in a ringer. Last thing he wanted to do was report back to Timmons that he’d not made contact with the brother, but fucked his daughter.

  Shit. Cooper, you’re a fuckin’ asshole.

  “I think best here. Everything seems right with the world when I’m in the water, or at the beach. Especially just after sunset.” Cooper chastised himself for being such a fucking romantic.

  What the hell are you doing?

  Libby turned her face to his. He watched as her pretty eyes fluttered over his features, ending with his mouth. Unless he had totally gone off his rocker, the lady was feeling something for him. Although excited, he wasn’t sure he should be.

  “I’m sorry about your family,” she whispered over the sounds of the waves in the distance.

  This unexpected painful reminder he was a damaged soul bothered him. He understood why she said it. Why do women always want to heal guys? He’d seen his share of relationship train wrecks in the SEAL community. He wasn’t sure he believed it was possible to do it successfully. But if he did, she might—

  Damn. Stop this right now.

  Cooper tore himself from her eyes and sifted sand between his bent knees. She was barely touching his thigh with her own. He hadn’t noticed that before. The warm glow tingled up his leg, sending his junk into alert status.

  “My father had no right to treat you that way. I want to apologize for his behavior. That isn’t who we are. We’ve never met—” Libby stopped, her voice wavering. This was hard for her.

  Her eyes searched his. It was so simple and happened so fast. He leaned in and placed his lips over hers to stop her from talking. He was going to back away, but she moved forward and increased the pressure. His tongue slipped along her lower lip until she parted them and he was in.

  He touched her cheeks with the back of both hands, and then sent his fingers into her hair at the back of her head, pulling her into him. She did not resist, but melted into his chest. He kissed her neck and heard her moan. Her smell, her breath, the taste of her lips put him in a trance. He wanted her. It was so wrong, but he wanted her more than he’d wanted a woman in years.

  Her hands smoothed over his shoulders and down his chest. Her fingers moved further
and rubbed over his erection tenting the front of his cargo pants. She stroked him, barely touching his sensitive part through the fabric.

  You want this? You want to do me right here?

  Coop was surprised. He didn’t want to ask if she knew what she was doing. Hell, he didn’t know what he was doing. Before he could think further, she had moved a thigh over his legs and was straddling him. She reached for his cock, coaxing it outside, and moved her fingers up and down, squeezing him.

  “I don’t have anything,” he whispered.

  “I’m on the pill,” she whispered back and kissed him.

  “But what about—”


  Well okay, then. Then he remembered he might have something in his shorts. “Wait,” he said as he reached down and thank God he had a shriveled foil packet in the lower pocket that had probably been through a couple of washings. But it was better than nothing.

  She grabbed the packet from him.

  Coop lay back, slipping a hand under her and felt her press into his palm. He unbuttoned her pants and peeled them off her hips as she raised her body. He pulled the blanket up over her bikini-clad butt as she sheathed him with fingers that sent his erection into outer space. His fingers massaged the cleft between her cheeks. Under the blanket he diverted her panties to the side and placed his throbbing cock there. She inhaled, raised her torso up and then came down on him to the hilt.

  Like magic their two bodies moved in the moonlight. He couldn’t get enough. He stroked her wet insides, moving against lips that hugged him. He raised her body up and down on his shaft as she moaned her pleasure.

  She leaned forward and covered his mouth with kisses. The woman was beyond hot. He arched his cock up and into her while she pressed her breasts against his chest. She raised her shirt, slipped her bra up over her mounds and pressed the delicious flesh against his pecs.

  He needed the feel of her skin. He needed to see all of her. He needed to kiss all of her. He was not going to let her go until morning.

  Libby couldn’t believe what they’d just done. On a public beach, in front of God-knew-anyone-who-happened-to-walk-by. Would she have noticed? Would he?

  Where the heck is your pride, your common sense? You don’t even know this guy.

  She’d never done this before, and recognized the risky behavior as a warning. But, in spite of her training, now she wanted more. He’d come into her, thrilling her insides with danger. She’d been sure she wouldn’t let a man touch her for months after her near-rape at the University. And now she came begging for it. Literally hanging all over him.

  What were you thinking? She counted the months; no, it had been a couple of years since she’d had any kind of sexual relationship. She had friends, but casual sex wasn’t part of her DNA. Somehow, she felt he might feel the same way.

  Not smart. He could be an axe murderer for all you know. A little voice in her chest told her no.

  They walked to the water’s edge without saying a word. She was trying to answer her own question:

  What is this?

  She was always careful. She didn’t just jump on some guy’s bones on the beach—someone she didn’t know, so why now? Had she needed sex so much she couldn’t help herself?

  No, it wasn’t that. She’d always told herself she was good at reading people, but this was clearly over the line. Yet, she’d uncovered something there in his eyes she’d never seen before. There was pain, for sure. Loneliness, matching the hole she felt in her own chest, something that resonated.

  But there was something else—an honor, a devotion to duty. Everything she had studied indicated she was drawn to him like a moth to the flame. This unwise attraction could prove dangerous. He was unlike any man she’d ever met, ever kissed, ever...

  All her questions conveniently slipped away when he took her hand in his. She was still wrapped in the blanket. He was naked. He cocked his head and searched behind them, scanning the beach. Libby didn’t want to look.

  “Swim with me. Do you swim?” he said.


  “Yes. Swim with me.” He kissed her again.

  Her resolve melted. Before she knew it she’d slipped off her top, her bra and panties, leaving them in a pile on top of the blanket. In the moonlight their bodies touched. She felt the hard abs press into her stomach, his groin splitting apart her legs. She grabbed his ass and squeezed his cheeks as she pressed herself into his chest.

  He picked her up. She looked over his shoulder and didn’t see anyone on the beach, but would she be able to tell? Did it matter?

  Like a sea creature taking his prey out to a watery kingdom, he waded waist-high into the white foamy surf and then let her body slide down the length of his until she was in the water. The initial shock of the cold surf made her jump, but he held her, and warmed her as he pressed her to his chest. With steam coming off his flesh he made his body into a raft and pulled her up on top of him. She held on to his neck as his powerful arms pulled them out beyond the swirling surf.

  Her shuddering subsided as she got used to the chilly water.

  It was quiet except for the lapping sound of the unbroken swells. The distant pounding of the ocean against the sand accentuated her heartbeat. They were treading water together, legs and arms entangled and then parted. He touched her all over. She rolled over on her back next to him and they floated, looking up at the stars.

  Never done this before. Never felt the ocean as my bed. Never floated with a lover and gazed at the stars. She could feel the ocean breathe.

  What was happening?

  They lolled in the water for several minutes. He swam a few strokes away from her and then came back for a kiss. Each kiss seemed to get longer and longer, until at last they were entwined again. She mounted him again as his powerful arms kept them both afloat. Weightless, she tried to move up and down on him, but settled for just being filled with his girth. She could see his teeth gleaming in the moonlight.

  “You are a fish,” she whispered. He grinned and moved his hands over her buttocks.

  “But I’m so glad I have hands,” he said as he caressed her, “and legs.”

  She started when Coop pressed a thumb against her anus. He didn’t force himself to penetrate, but waited for her. She looked into his eyes. Could she trust him? Hitching her breath, she didn’t pull away from him.

  Cooper lifted her body up, and then pulled her down on him again, his hands gripping her upper thighs and hips. He looked into her eyes as he pressed her to his groin.

  After several wonderful moments, Cooper spoke into her ear. She was still impaled on his cock, loving the feel of him inside her.

  “I need traction,” he hissed.

  “Yes,” she returned.

  They swam to shore, retrieved their clothes and the blanket, and ran to the trailer. He had to fish through his pants to find the key. She leaned her naked body against his bare ass while he worked the lock. At last the door opened, with a guttural moan, and she was brought inside his man-cave. Bay seemed resigned to catching up on his sleep and paid little attention to either of them. She saw an odd bouquet of flowers mounted on a wall bracket next to a small gas stove/microwave combo unit. Lines of blue Kerr jars decorated the wall in a wooden hand-made rack. They were filled with packets of sugar, salt and pepper, and matchbook covers from local businesses. She thought it odd this huge guy lived in such a tiny space and collected sugar packets and matches. But she felt safe here, for some reason.

  “We need to get rid of the wet and sandy,” he said with cool efficiency. He led her to a tiny bathroom with a fiberglass shower stall rigged with a spray wand. The skylight was opened and she could see the dusting of stars through the portal as he turned on the warm water and began to soap down her body. His silky fingers smoothed over her flesh and made her crave more.

  He kneeled as he soaped her sex, and then covered her body with the warm jet from the spray wand. The water continued to sluice down her chest, legs and arms. He spread her knees a
part slowly, and licked between her lips. The sandpaper of his tongue rubbed over her nub. His warm breath stimulated every cell. As he inserted his tongue she leaned into him and gave him everything she had.

  “God. That feels wonderful.”


  Cooper’s stiff cock stood ready. He was still kneeling in front of Libby, but reached over with his long arms and found a foil packet in his medicine chest over the sink. His shoulders were hard as she smoothed soap over his neck and upper back, feeling the rippling muscles moving under her fingertips. After he covered himself, he worked fingers into her opening as his tongue laved her. She began to shudder.

  He rose, gently turned her around and bent her over, pressing her into the fiberglass wall of the small shower. He placed himself at her sex from behind. His powerful hands held her hips in place, as he plunged in. She spread her legs to the side to accept him deeper. He pumped her from behind for several minutes until the water began to get cold. She loved the feel of the plastic wall smashing her breasts as his muscled torso and powerful hips urgently commanded her.

  Libby turned off the faucet and pushed herself back onto Cooper, who sat on the tiny shower ledge behind her. It was barely big enough for one butt cheek. His massive hands were all over her breasts, squeezing, tweaking the nipples with his fingertips.

  At last, a climax gripped her body. She pressed back to get as much of him as she could. She panted into the damp shower wall, screamed as he rammed inside her. His spasms were hard, as he stood, pressing her into the smooth fiberglass enclosure again. He bit her neck without breaking the skin as he finished filling her.

  She was sated, for now, but the raw need of him had scared her, even as it made her feel wonderful. She knew, as they dried each other off without saying a word, that perhaps she had finally found a man she would not be able to get enough of.

  There was a threshold she’d just walked through as a new fear emerged. She preferred this new fantasy to the reality of what was smart.

  And that scared her even more.

  Chapter 8


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