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Fallen SEAL Legacy

Page 19

by Sharon Hamilton

  “I’m in love with him, Dad. I’ve loved him since the day he showed up at our front door.”

  Coop was uneasy at first, not sure how he liked hearing the words spoken to someone else before he’d heard them himself. After a quick gut check, he found he rather liked the idea, even though it was a huge surprise. So much for the mind-numbing sex and just sex bit. But before he could say anything, Carla again rescued him from saying something stupid, by appearing at the bedroom doorframe.

  She looked over his bare chest, and he found himself standing a little taller, clutching Libby a little tighter.

  “Have you two had dinner?” she asked in her best hostess fashion. Cooper could see she was shaking. Brownlee whipped around as if to say something to her in anger, but stopped himself. Carla ignored him and waited for an answer.

  Libby sighed. She looked up and asked Cooper for some direction. All he could do was imagine the little mewling sounds she made as she came in his arms. He saw her naked flesh beneath the kisses he was going to strategically place all over her body. Whether it was in five minutes, or five hours, he’d stay beside her until they could be alone.

  Whatever you want, Libby.

  “I apologize for my state of undress. If you’ll give me a moment, perhaps, if Libby wants to—“

  “I have some things in the fridge, and we can always order something from room service.” Carla was focused on his face, and not his bare chest. “We’ll leave you two to….get dressed…Come on, Austin. Let’s give them a few minutes privacy.”

  Dr. Brownlee was led from the room in shock. As soon as the door closed, Coop had to push Libby away, holding her at arm’s length.

  “Not sure I can do this, Libby. I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault.” She wrapped her arms around his bare back, resting the side of her head against his chest. “I want you to spend the night here.”

  He hesitated, but wanted to say something.


  “Coop,” she leaned back and those pouty pink lips, accented by the mock worry lines forming between her eyebrows finished the sentence and sent him into orbit, “I want you to make love to me all night long. I need this more than anything I’ve ever needed in my whole life.”

  “Not here, Libby. That wouldn’t be right.”

  “Then we’ll get our own room.”

  “I—I don’t have—“

  “Shhh. I got a credit card. You okay with that?”

  “Well, honey, I’d rather pay for our room myself.”

  And yes, he was all in. He just hoped dinner didn’t last too long.

  And that there was another room available that didn’t cost a half month’s pay.

  Chapter 24

  It was painful to sit and watch Cooper across the table from her, sitting next to her mother. Libby guessed he usually had that giddy-making impact on women that her mother was exhibiting. It made her father frown.

  The first time she crossed her legs she felt Cooper’s calf rub up against her. While looking at her mother and asking for salt to be passed, she felt him nudge her foot up until it almost hit the underside of the table. Then they had a regular back and forth, touching and rubbing that was making her hot and wet.

  Her parents didn’t appear to notice. Her father said next to nothing. He was extremely focused on his food, despite her mother’s attempts to draw him out.

  “I was surprised to see you here, Cooper. After today…”

  “Mother, we ran into each other at the toy store downstairs.”

  “The toy store?” her father asked. “What were you doing there?”

  “Remember, I wrote you a note? I went down to the beach. I was bored. I was on my way back to the room when I almost got hit in the head with a helicopter.”

  “A remote controlled toy. I had the remote,” Cooper added helpfully.

  Libby could tell her mother was dying to know how they happened to get back together when it had been obvious earlier that the they were no longer going to be seeing each other. But she was wise enough not to ask.

  Thank God for small favors.

  “So, how long are all of you staying here at the Del?” Coop asked.

  “Well, Cooper, that’s a very good question. My daughter wasn’t very happy about being here, at least not until you showed up,” her father answered. “I will have to go to work every day. I’m guessing Carla and Libby will be here a week. Unless something changes.”

  “They any closer to catching someone for this?” Cooper asked him.

  Libby’s father glanced ostentatiously at his gold Rolex. “Let’s see, in the 4 hours since we’ve seen each other? No.” He cocked his head and pursed his lips before addressing Cooper again. “Any suggestions? I’m all ears.”

  Cooper played with a couple of leftover peas on his place, using the tines of his fork. “As a matter of fact, I was going to make a recommendation.”

  “Oh?” Her father took another pull on his amber liquid and appeared to weave in his chair slightly. It was her mother’s turn to frown. Libby could tell he was getting nasty again, the alcohol making him loose his inhibitions.

  Cooper was watching her father drink as if he wanted one too. Dr. Brownlee pointed to his tumbler and Cooper shook his head.

  “Why is it you don’t drink, Coop?”

  Libby and her mother exchanged panicked glances.

  It put Cooper in a pensive mood. He leaned back into his chair, his hands folded in his lap and regarded Dr. Brownlee. Libby knew his words would be weighed and measured, but it didn’t stop the panic from spreading all over her body. They’d been itching for a fight since day one. Maybe tonight would be the night. It wouldn’t do either of them any good.

  “There’s a story that goes along with it.” Cooper said, nodding toward Dr. Brownlee’s nearly empty glass.

  Her father shrugged his shoulders. “Enlighten me.”

  “Not tonight, sir.”

  No one said anything for several minutes as they finished their meals.

  Her mother began to clear the table.

  Her father got up, holding his empty glass tumbler, and then hesitated, setting his glass in the sink.

  Libby heard her mom turn on the charm as she spoke to her husband. “Austin, I’d like to go downstairs and have a little dessert and an espresso. How about we leave these two alone?”

  “You’ll stay put, young lady?” her father commanded. “No more wandering along the beach by yourself, okay?”

  Libby looked at Coop with raised eyebrows, silently asking for his okay to stay there rather than get a different room. He nodded his acceptance. She grinned. “No worries, Dad. Besides, I’ll have Coop here with me. We aren’t going anywhere.”

  When she looked over at him she discovered for the first time that a Navy SEAL could blush.

  Chapter 25

  Coop was standing next to the sliding glass door, surveying the beach bonfires and the white surf beyond. Under the light of a nearly full moon the water was a deep Navy blue. The splashing sea foam looked like lace trim on a woman’s skirt.

  Libby came up behind him, and he could feel the contour of her body fit sweetly against him. Her warm arms encircled him as she ran her palms up over his t-shirt clad chest and lay her head against his shoulder blades. Then she freed the white cotton shirt from the waistband of his khakis, slid her palms up against his spine and began kissing his bare skin one vertebrae at a time. It had been over an hour since the hurried-almost-sex in the service elevator. Now that he was thinking more clearly, he wondered if this was such a good idea, but it felt so damned good.

  Her nimble fingers slid down and around to the front of his pants, finding him. She slowly caressed and gently squeezed his package, while her tongue made little darting motions as her lips and warm cheeks softly brushed against his flesh.

  He’d never been with a woman who was so horny for him. But then, he’d never really given anyone time to get serious. No one but Daisy, who had a reputation for sleeping around the Te
ams, when in fact, she was extremely choosy. Later, he learned Daisy only had one love partner at a time. He still felt bad about discarding her for Libby, but the buxom tattoo artist to the SEALs must have known it wasn’t going anywhere serious. Daisy appeared okay with the goodbyes, and never seemed to have expected much. In that respect, he was just like her.

  But now things with Libby were getting complicated again. He was getting drawn into the Brownlee family, even though he knew Libby’s dad still didn’t trust him. And even so, he couldn’t just walk away from the family of a Fallen, leave them alone to deal with this whacko. It was like leaving someone behind, and you just don’t do that to the Teams or their families, past or present. Once someone was a SEAL, their family was always part of their community. Whether or not they wanted to be wasn’t even part of the equation.

  Libby was slipping off his shirt when he turned and saw the need and want in her eyes. There was no strategy, no logic here, though he searched for an excuse, but couldn’t find a reason not to partake of what she was offering. Time for what she called mind-numbing sex. And he knew the deeper he got, the harder it was going to be to get out.

  Maybe I don’t want out.

  He knelt in front of her. “This is crazy, Libby. What if your parents come back?”

  “I think we have enough time. But if you don’t want to—“

  He grabbed her and gave her a deep penetrating kiss. She rested her hands on his bare shoulders as he unbuttoned her white blouse, peeling it away and then looking at the lace bra that dared to hide those perfect breasts from him. He slid down her straps, unfastened the clasp in the front as she threaded her fingers through his hair.

  The sight of her rosy nipples, knotted and puckered for him, shot straight to his groin. He cupped her and ran his thumb over one side as he kissed it. His other hand was undoing the button on her kakis. She was compliant, letting him explore her belly and the warm softness under her panties with his fingers.

  Libby leaned over, kissing the top of his head. He kissed her in the center of her chest, then nuzzled first one and then the other nipple, biting down slightly with his teeth until he heard her moan with satisfaction.

  The zipper on her pants was easy, and he discovered her panties were wet as he slipped them down and off her ankles. He slid his fingers over her nude mound, to the little nub holding guard at the entrance to her sex. He parted her knees with his other hand and she used him to steady herself, giving him full access to whatever he wanted.


  His lazy forefinger traced circles around her clit as he pressed it, squeezed it between his thumb and finger. He turned the angle of his palm and sent his thumb very slowly down lower, to her entrance.

  And then he stopped before penetration. He rimmed her wet opening slowly once, twice and a third time.

  She pushed herself towards him, trying to impale herself on his stubborn digit. He continued to massage her there, and let her wet goodness cover his fingers, one at a time, as he inserted them in and then out until every one had had a taste of her warm sex. She was gripping the tops of his shoulders, leaving marks he’d see tomorrow.

  He kissed her belly button, inhaling her scent below. He streaked a line down to that little bump, and then sucked hard.

  She nearly collapsed over him.

  Come for me, Libby.

  He could feel her legs shaking as her control was slipping. He wanted to make it last. He wanted her to flower and grow and come long and hard. It was all about giving her the pleasure she deserved.

  “Come for me, Libby,” he whispered as he licked his way down into her opening and tasted the sweet cream she gave him.

  “Cooper. Oh. My. God. Cooper.”

  “Yes. Come for me, sweetheart. Let me taste it.”

  She let out a series of deep groans as she shattered. He wouldn’t pull out but kept the steady in and out with his tongue and one or two fingers. With each deep penetration she arched her back with renewed vigor. She jolted backwards as he held her and would not let her go.

  “More, Libby. I want all of you,” he whispered.

  At last she collapsed to her knees after losing her balance. She held his head between her palms and kissed him, her full breasts pressed against his chest. Her tongue reached for his, her lips tasting her own juices. She threw a knee over his thigh and rode him, rubbed him with her wetness, and pressed into him, messaging her need for him to claim her.

  Cooper’s erection was pounding into her belly. She tilted her pelvis up, adjusted her other leg and raised her sex on top to mount him. On his knees, he held her off the ground as she straddled him and let her slowly fall down around his shaft, squeezing his bulging cock until it was pulsing deep inside her. He raised her up and then back down on him as they both groaned. He was buried inside her to the hilt, and, God, he never wanted to leave.

  She whimpered as he pushed deeper still. She arched away, and he supported her carefully as she leaned back onto the carpeting. He moved himself forward, adjusted his knees to her sides and thrust up, covering her body with his. He laced her fingers with his, palms to palms, and held her arms out at her sides as he gently rode her, driving up and deep, feeling the glorious ebb and flow of their chests pressing and releasing. Her knees raised and locked over his shoulders and he let the rhythm of her breathing guide his long even penetrations at first. But he picked up speed and pumped her. Her breasts were shivering with the force of their mating. Her long beautiful neck strained back as she shouted her passion to the ceiling with her eyes shut.

  Come for me, Libby. Give me everything. I want it all.

  Her body convulsed and reveled in the orgasm that overtook her finally. Just as he wanted her to, she lost herself in a long rolling spasm as she continued to writhe beneath him. He struggled to hold her hands at her sides, needing her there. Right there. He rode her hard and pushed her orgasm further. Then he released her palms and penetrated deep. He felt her clutch his back, his buttocks as she ground into him, accepted him, all of him, as deep as he could get there.

  “Cooper. Please. Cooper.” She was begging him to fill her, and his cock began to release. Her mouth made a soft smile as he pulsed inside her, exploding and pumping her full of his seed.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He gave her more.


  He looked down into her face and knew he would do anything for her. He was filled with joy at the beauty of her body, at how she moved her head from side to side, closed and then opened her eyes, and how she smiled at him. He loved the feel of her thighs as they slid off his shoulders to cling to his hips, the smooth sweetness of her bottom as his hands roamed and explored her flesh.

  He collapsed on top of her and they lay together until their breathing was no longer ragged.

  Chapter 26

  Libby lay on the soft peach rug in the middle of the bridal suite living room at the Hotel Del Coronado. Although she didn’t have a ring and a date, it was definitely a honeymoon glow that tingled all over her body. The man who snored against her chest and whose legs still pinned her down, whose hands encircled her wrists and wouldn’t let her move—this man owned every part of her body and soul.

  She should have felt tied down, restricted, and with any of her other lovers she would have been moving their limp body off her so she could breathe. Not so with Cooper. Her shortness of breath because his massive chest pressed against hers was welcomed.

  Her parents would be returning soon, so Libby knew she’d have to get them to the bedroom. She let her fingers lace down his muscular back and she felt his body jerk, then shudder.

  He rose up on one elbow, but still kept her pinned beneath his thighs. “Hi,” he said as he brushed hair from her forehead, and then kissed her there, and again just under her ear, and then under her jaw line. At last he claimed her lips. His kiss was soft but not long.

  They stared at each other. Libby wished she could guess what he was thinking but decided he was thinking about her. She smi
led back at him, grateful to be the object of his desire. “Hi, yourself.”

  “Your folks will be coming back soon,” he said.

  “Yes, that’s why I woke you up. My parents—really it is my father—are tolerant up to a point. You’re growing on him.”

  “Oh, good.” Cooper rolled his eyes. “Like a wart, right?”

  “No, I think he likes you. You are quite a bit alike, truth be told.”

  He bent down and kissed her again. “I love the truth you tell me when you are coming in my arms.”

  Libby felt her cheeks blush. She could feel he was starting to get aroused again.

  “But,” he said as he continued to kiss her neck and down to the top of her shoulder, “I can certainly understand how he would feel finding his naked daughter on the floor wrapped in the arms of a very naked sailor.”

  “Quite right.”

  “Besides, I have to go let Bay out, get him his dinner.”

  “Can I come, please?” She held his head between her palms for emphasis. “Please.” She rose up and kissed his neck, wrapping her thigh around and over his. “I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.”

  “Hmmm.” Cooper moved against her, his full arousal searching for her opening again.

  “Say yes first,” she said as she moved away from him slightly.

  “Okay,” Coop said as he sucked her right nipple, and then ended it with a tender kiss.

  “Okay what?”

  “Okay you can come.”

  “Oh, I intend to. I want to come again in your bed. Can you do that for me?”

  “I can make you come right here.”

  “Okay,” she said, mocking him, moving away from him until he held her down again.


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