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moan for uncle 5

Page 4

by Towers , Terry

  Laughing, she rolled her eyes at him and began to remove her undergarments, dropping them to the floor as she walked toward him and the shower. She grabbed a white face cloth from the hanger and stepped into the shower behind him. The warm water had removed a good amount of the blood, leaving angry open wounds close to a quarter of an inch thick and running down the length of his back. She stopped counting at a dozen. Soaking the cloth she gently began to pat his skin, praying she didn't hurt him any more than he'd already been hurt.

  Tears filled her eyes once more, but this time she let them fall, taking comfort in the fact that the stream of water beating down on her would wash them away. She didn't think she'd cried as much in her lifetime as she had today and she suspected there would be more to come before this whole ordeal was over.

  Grant braced his palms against the light green tile under the shower head and leaned forward. Every so often, when the washcloth touched a particularly sore spot, his palms would ball into fists, but he didn't say a word, just endured. When his back was free of blood Nikki dropped the cloth to their feet.

  A sob caught in her throat as she examined him, her eyes travelling up and down the length of his back. His beautiful, muscular back was scarred and battered. It wasn't right. None of it was right and guilt washed over her because she hadn't been strong enough to be there for him when he was enduring such pain. She hadn't been strong enough to stay alert, and be there for him; like a coward she'd collapsed and she'd never forgive herself for that.

  When she opened her eyes again she discovered he had turned and was now gazing down at her, a concerned frown on his handsome features. "What's wrong, Nikki?"

  "Th-they did..." She sniffed, trying to rein in her emotions, but it was no use. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she laid her cheek against his chest and pressed her body tight against his, taking comfort in his strong embrace as he held her close under the warm stream of water.

  Grant stroked her hair, placing a soft kiss to her temple. "Shhhh. The worst is over now."

  "I... I couldn't even be th-there for you."

  "What? You mean... When you passed out... Before..." The concern in his voice, and the tenderness of his embrace only made her feel guiltier and sob harder.

  "I'm so sorry, Grant."

  "No, no, no. You have nothing to feel bad about."

  She nodded, but she didn't believe it.

  Pulling back from her, he placed his index finger under her chin and tilted her face so her puffy, teary blue eyes met his. "Nik, you're pregnant. You had a knife to your throat and you've never had to deal with this type of stress before. You have nothing to be sorry for. I admired how well you handled the situation under the circumstances."

  Looking into his eyes, there was no doubt in her mind he meant every word, but it still couldn't quite extinguish the feeling she had that she'd let him down.

  Sensing that she wasn't fully convinced he continued. "I need to be the one apologizing. This is my mess. You were forced to endure a situation that you should never have had to, because of me. Those men. Diana. Those are my mistakes that you're paying for."

  The sobs finally calmed and after taking a couple of deep breaths she nodded.

  "And to top it off your dress is ruined," he joked motioning with his hand to the trashcan overflowing with white satin and lace.

  Her eyes followed his to the poor dress that would never get to serve its purpose and laughed lightly.

  He directed her eyes back up to his. "Are you going to be okay, Nik?"

  Nikki sniffed. "I think so."

  He nodded. "Good. We'll get through this, I promise you." He pulled her back against him, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist and she fell against him, her breasts crushed against his massive, rock hard wall of a chest. She sighed, enjoying the warmth of his body pressed against hers and the soothing flow of the water as it cascaded over them, droplets of it shimmering as they slid down their bodies.

  She hadn't, until that very moment, realized how much she needed and cherished him. Just a few hours ago, she'd faced the distinct possibility that she'd never see him again, never have him hold her, or tell her how much he loved her and the thought had been unbearable.

  "I'd give my life for you, Nikki. Nothing is ever going to hurt you or our baby again. Ever," he vowed to her. His voice broke as he spoke and was little more than a whisper.

  A new round of tears flowed, mixing with the water as they slid down her cheeks and down his chest. "I love you, Grant."

  "Love you too, Nik."

  Chapter 5

  Nikki lifted her eyes to meet his as he lowered his mouth to hers. His lips grazed hers, ghosting them. She moaned and stretched up against him, wrapping her arms around his neck attempting to get as close to him as possible. His lips touched hers a second time, though this time they lingered. He nipped at her lower lip, pulling it into his mouth. Her lips parted ever so slightly, and he took that as an invitation to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping past her lips in search of hers.

  Her despair was quickly replaced by a different emotion, one far more desperate and demanding. She rubbed up against him, and his cock immediately awoke, growing rapidly against her stomach.

  "Wait," she pulled back abruptly, panting.

  "Hmm-hmm." His mouth was making its was down her neck now. Taunting and teasing the exposed flesh with his tongue and teeth.

  Why did I stop him? Oh God! Her thoughts were jumbled and all she seemed to be able to focus on was how hard and powerful his body was, pressing against her, pinning her to the blue ceramic tile.

  "Can you?" she asked, as his lips continued their travels from her shoulder along her collarbone. His hands slipped to her bottom, pulling her tight against his shaft. "You've been injured. Shouldn't you relax?" She gathered the remainder of her restraint, placed the palms of her hands against his hard wall of a chest and pushed him back. "Do you think you'll be alright if we..."

  Grant's eyes caught hers, his intense hunger burning in them and chuckled. "I think I can handle it." Without another word, he lowered his mouth to her breasts, taking one hardened nipple into his mouth, and flicking the tip with his tongue as his hand palmed the other, rolling the nipple between his fingers.

  At the back of her mind the concern lingered, he should be resting, but her body needed him, needed him more than she ever had. She needed to feel that connection with him and take comfort in feeling him deep inside of her.

  Arching her back to give him better access to her breasts, she hooked a leg around his waist, taking care to avoid his injuries and pulled him tighter to her. Slipping a hand between them she grasped his hard, thick cock in her hand and began to stoke it, while her thumb circled the head.

  Grant growled, a deep low grumble against her breast, and she shuddered as short, yet intense jolts of pleasure rushed through her, thanks to his expert touch. He rose back up and claimed her mouth once again. Slipping his shaft from her grasp, he rested it at her entrance, the head slowly pressing into her.

  His tongue duelled with hers as he continued to press into her, slowly, excruciatingly slowly. She bucked against him, desperate to feel the full length of him stretching her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tore her lips from his and buried her face into his neck, sighing and basking in the sweet torment his cock was giving her.

  When, at last, his cock became buried to the hilt, he stayed there. Nikki had no idea how long they stayed connected - two bodies as one - cherishing the feel of each other, her body on the brink of orgasm, but when he began moving into her once more, the intensity of her desire overtook her. Nikki shuddered as her pussy erupted over his dick, coating it with her juices.

  She continued to cling to him as he slid in and out of her, slowly, as if he were treasuring the feel of her, as if attempting to etch in his mind how her pussy felt milking his dick. In contrast to their shower together that morning where the goal was to get off hard and fast, this time was different. Neither one spoke, the only sound w
as the stream of water from the shower and their various moans, and sighs as they both climbed the summit together.

  Waves of pleasure washed through her, starting at her head and ending in a pulsing between her legs as her pussy clenched and clung to his cock. As she came closer to the brink, the speed of his thrusts increased, signalling he too was coming to his breaking point. She clung tighter to him, grinding against him, her hips moving in perfect sync with his.

  Closer and closer she came. Her pulse raced and her heart seemed to be thumping so quickly and so hard that she could hear the thumping in her ears. His cock throbbed and tightened within her. His breath became shallow and rapid against her neck.

  So close.

  Her moans and whimpers increased in both volume and frequency as she reached the brink. Seconds away. Just as she was about to let go Grant groaned in her ear and thrust hard and suddenly into her. She cried out as his cock unleashed within, his warm cum filling her. The feel of his breath on her neck, and his cum as it filled her sent her spiralling over the edge once more, moaning his name.

  Pulling back, Grant cupped her chin in his hand and brought her eyes to meet his. "God, I love you, Nikki." before she could reply his mouth covered hers and for what felt like the hundredth time since they’d escaped she found herself wondering how she could ever have lived without him.


  His back pained like a son of a bitch, but he did his best not to let on to Nikki. In addition to the gashes from the whips which hurt more than the rest of his injuries, many parts of his torso and back were turning into large, ugly welts from where they had prodded him with the electric shock rods. Nikki had spent the past half hour attending to his various wounds, doing her best to ensure they didn't become infected and bandaging them, taking such loving care that it actually brought tears to his eyes.

  By the time she was done cleaning his wounds, the majority of his back was covered in gauze and medical tape. He admired her diligence, he knew by taking a brief peek in the mirror that his back looked like it had been run over with a lawn mower, so the fact she was able to clean up the wounds without vomiting, he found commendable.

  Just as she was finishing up he felt her index finger running down the back of his arm.

  "Hey Grant, what's this in your arm?"

  Where she was pointing was at the back of his upper arm, not possible for him to see regardless of how much he tried. Though considering the pain he was enduring due to his chewed up back, it was a half-assed effort to look at best.

  "Honey, I can't see where you're pointing. What does it look like?"

  Nikki, now dressed in an white 'I Love Boston' t-shirt and matching shorts - it was all they had at the pharmacy on the way to the hotel - made her way over to the dresser, grabbed the complementary hotel hand mirror and went back to him.

  "Look." She placed the mirror at an angle that he was able to see the spot she was pointing to. A rush of dread raced through him because just below the skin was a dark coloured capsule perhaps a quarter of an inch long. Alarm raced through him but he did his best to maintain his composure to keep from upsetting her.

  "Alright, what I need you to do is go over and grab the knife from the dresser and run it under hot water. Just get it as clean as possible, we don't have time to properly sterilize it."

  Hesitating for a moment Nikki nodded and did as she was told.

  Damn, damn, damn.

  "What's going on? What is that?" she asked as she came back into the room from the bathroom with the cleaned knife in hand.

  "It's a tracking device."

  Nikki frowned and alarm began to register in her eyes as she climbed back onto the bed with him.

  He gave her a reassuring smile, brought her hand to his lips, flipped it over and kissed her palm. "Don't panic yet. I won't know the range it has until it's out and I can examine it."

  Nikki's frown deepened as she looked down at the knife in his hand then back up to meet his gaze and gulped. "You want me to..."

  "If I could do it myself I would, but I need you to retrieve it for me."

  She backed away from him a foot or so, shaking her head while her face paled. "I don't think I can. I... I can't cut your arm open Grant!"

  "Honey you have to."

  "Won't it hurt?"

  Grant grinned at her, hoping to sooth her frazzled nerves. "No worse than my back is hurting at this moment." He took her hand once more and tugged her closer to him. Leaning over he kissed her lips tenderly. "I trust you."

  She gulped and looked down at the knife in her trembling hand then over at his arm. Her bottom lip began to tremble, but she nodded and positioned herself behind him. "How did it get there?"

  Grant shrugged and then tensed up as he felt the sharp tip of the knife touching the skin of his upper arm. "My guess is Diana implanted it while I was knocked out. They're easy to implant kind of like an ear piercing gun... in a way. The gun lodges the chip under the skin. It's a relatively painless procedure. Getting them out is the painful part."

  "Oh." She took a deep breath in, steadying her nerves and hand and then exhaled. "Ready?"

  Taking a deep breath in Grant nodded. "Yup." The blade pinched as it cut open the skin and a warm trickle of blood made its way down his arm. Nikki groaned and for a moment Grant feared she was going to pass out again. There was another more painful pinch as Nikki retrieved the device. Less than a minute later she was passing the chip to him and bandaging up his throbbing arm.

  Relief washed over him as he held the tiny glass capsule between his fingers. "This particular tracking chip has a signal of about two miles so they would have to be close to find us. Doesn't mean they haven't already, but we might still be safe. In a city the size of the Boston area, finding a signal to this chip would be a needle in a haystack."

  Standing he made his way to the bathroom wrapped the capsule up in toilet paper and flushed it. If they hadn't already found him and Nikki then the tracking device would be of no use to them now.

  "So are we okay?" she asked, running a nervous hand through her dark - still wet - locks.

  "I need you to strip down so I can make sure they didn't implant you as well."

  A look of fear flashed over her features, but she did as told. He carefully inspected every inch of her naked body. Clean. He let out a breath of air he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He had dreaded the idea of having to remove a chip from her.

  "I'm good?"

  Grant nodded his confirmation. "Yeah, but pack our things. We're leaving."

  Quickly she got redressed and then walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she looked up at him. "But you said... It was a needle in a haystack. You need to rest, Grant. Can't..."

  He cupped her cheek in his palm, closed his eyes and lowered his lips to her forehead. "I will not take chances with your safety, Nikki. We need to get as far from here as possible." Not waiting for a response, he brushed past her and grabbed the t-shirt from the dresser that they had purchased for him. Instead of 'I Love Boston,' this one read simply 'Red Sox.'

  Walking over to the window, he pulled back the drapes just slightly and peered out into the parking lot. The day was quickly giving into the night, leaving red, orange and purple streaks in the semi-night sky. In roughly half an hour any telltale sign of day would be completely gone.

  Nikki walked up behind him and put a tentative hand on his shoulder. "Do you see anything?"

  "No. Nothing." He didn't, but then again he didn't expect to. If they had found them already, then it could play out one of two ways. Either, they would break into the room and overpower him and Nikki or they would simply wait and watch, hoping Grant would take them to what they were after. If he were a betting man, he'd bet on the latter.

  "Then maybe it's fine. Maybe..."

  He released the curtain and let it fall back into place, then turned to Nikki and gave her a reassuring hug, kissing the top of her head. "We're leaving, we'll take the Lincoln and then when I'm certain we're not
being followed we'll find alternative means of transportation and accommodation. You ready?"

  "As I'll ever be."

  Chapter 6

  Nikki learned quickly how serious Grant was when he said he would do whatever it took to keep her safe. They changed cars three times - the first two of the three cars he had broken into he had running in less than sixty seconds. They drove for over three hours and eventually ended up across town from their original location pulling up at yet another motel. The vehicle that they pulled up to the motel in was a black Dodge Ram 4x4 and to Nikki's surprise it was actually Grant's own vehicle, licensed under Victor Ackles.

  She had no idea Grant even had a vehicle in Boston. For that matter she had no idea he also went by the name of Victor Ackles. He had felt it was safe to pick up the truck because Diana was unaware of his Victor Ackles alias so the truck was safe. Nikki trusted him, and his judgement, but she kept getting a nagging tingle in the back of her mind about Diana; as though she knew a hell of a lot more about Grant than even he realized.

  She pushed the suspicions to the back of her mind. Grant was the expert at the spy stuff, she reasoned with herself. She was a scared, confused and exhausted college student who was being paranoid. But more importantly than that, as much as Grant refused to admit it, she could tell he needed to rest. He'd lost an obscene amount of blood, enough that she was in shock over that fact that he was still conscious.

  Parking the car in front of the door to the reception desk, Grant visibly winced as he opened the door and hopped from the truck. Nikki bit her tongue, wanting to jump out and assist him, but knowing his pride wouldn't allow it. He was far from fine, despite assuring her a number of times over the past few hours that he was. However, she could do nothing but accept his word for it.


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