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Hard Man to Kill (Dark Horse Guardian Series Book 4)

Page 16

by Armstrong, Ava

  “So, the women and children will be on an island that is basically an old fort?” Elvis asked.

  “Yes, Einstein will be there, too.” Ben stated. “As for the beach scene, we need Geminoid automatons that look exactly like us. We will dress them in our clothing, build a bonfire on the beach, play some music in the early evening…..and that will be the lure. They’ll think we’ve dropped our guard. It will appear that we’re having a celebration on a warm spring evening.”

  “The perimeter needs to be wider and reinforced.” Gus noted.

  “Yes. And, it will be. We will put the additional SEALs here, here, and here. Rangers will be on the east side, the marines on the west. Plenty of silver shadows for all of you. A huge shipment just arrived from Israel, courtesy of Moshe.” Ben smiled.

  But he felt the smile disappear as he continued, “The biggest problem will be avoiding our own bullets. The way this place is set up, we’ll be fighting in a bowl. It’s important we take the high ground, use the G’s, and watch them come in. But, the moment the first shot goes off, they’ll know our positions. We also don’t know how many of them will come. Right now, my intel gives me four, maybe five. But, if it is more than that, we could be in for trouble. These bastards have access to the best weaponry. From what I’ve learned, some of the stuff Americans left behind in Iraq is now being utilized by them. It will be a night fight, so that will add an element, too. We’re best at night, but if they have night vision goggles – it will level the playing field, a little, anyway.”

  The room fell silent. Ben could sense the team was thinking. Some of the men asked questions, others wanted to dive into the game, which would play out all of the different possibilities. After two hours of running through each scenario the artificial intelligence could throw at them, it was obvious they could be in a tough spot, unless it all came together without a hitch. But, Ben knew that was a rare thing. Every mission, no matter how well planned, always had unexpected events that seemed to occur at the most inopportune moment.

  Rusty immediately went to work to obtain Geminoid automatons from Japan that would be suitable. Not an easy task, Ben knew. But, if anyone could do it, Rusty could. He was a magician, at times.

  ~ Abdul ~

  Frustrated by Keegan’s latest move, Abdul paced the floor of the living room in what he considered a second rate apartment. He wanted a more luxurious flat, but his father said that would attract too much attention. Lately, he had brought his father nothing but disappointment. In silence, Abdul replayed the events of the last few weeks. In discussing the execution of Keegan, one of the American men went off on his own and pulled the trigger. This was not something he had ordered, it just happened. Aaron Brown was a hothead. The whole incident was an embarrassment, his father had explained angrily on the phone. Abdul was blamed for having this incompetent idiot, Aaron Brown, affiliated with him. His father’s anger was palpable. Salib Madi said the actions of this one man proved that Abdul as not a leader.

  The noise at the door jarred him from his reflections. The rest of the jihadi cell arrived for the meeting. Ibrahim, Saleh, Tim and Khouri. Abdul had preconceived concerns about Khouri. He was forced to take him on due to his father’s insistence. Khouri could be really good at scouting and killing, or an uncontrollable wild card, from what he had heard. He hoped he was wrong about the latter. But only time would tell. His father explained to Abdul, part of being a leader is controlling the actions of those you lead. Thus, he knew from the beginning, he had to take control of Khouri. This was his last chance.

  As the men settled in the living room, Abdul began talking. “We have been watching Keegan for months now. One of our operatives, Aaron Brown, was killed because of his stupidity. He was spying on Keegan and decided to take a shot at him. Big mistake. Keegan has his team of Navy SEALs there and other reinforcements. We need to watch him around the clock. Don’t do anything stupid like Brown did, or the same thing will happen to you.” Abdul tried to sound like the leader his father expected him to be.

  Not a good sign, Immediately, Khouri questioned his authority. “But, if I have a good shot at this Keegan, shouldn’t I take him down? There’s a half million bounty on his head. Why shouldn’t I get it?”

  Abdul stared into Khouri’s dark and brooding eyes, hoping he had enough intimidation to give him pause. “No, that’s exactly how you will get killed. Our approach here must be calculated. We need to exercise patience….do you know the meaning of that word, Khouri?” Already, Abdul suspected Khouri was only interested in obtaining the half million bounty and making a name for himself.

  “Of course. My English is perfect. I don’t understand your cowardice, however.”

  “I’m in charge of this operation; that’s all you need to know,” Abdul spoke loudly, swallowing the rage building inside of him. “Here is the plan. We watch the compound around the clock, night and day. I will bring more men, if needed. But, we must figure out Keegan’s patterns, his comings and goings, hack his phone, his computers, lay low until the right moment. And, there will be a right moment. But, only I will be the one to determine that. No one else.”

  The room fell silent except for the ticking of the clock on the wall, which was beginning to drive Abdul crazy. It seemed the minutes and hours were ticking by, as his father screamed at him on the phone, daily now. Talking about the killing of Keegan, but yet not speaking about it. They knew all of their communications were monitored by the NSA and the U.S. government. But their moles in the NSA and Homeland Security were monitoring Keegan, too. And, Abdul had frequent face-to-face contacts who told him everything. They were friendly well-educated Muslims supportive to his cause, working for the NSA and selling him intelligence. Valuable information.

  The third week of May was coming to an end, and he was no closer to executing Keegan than he was the day he arrived. His intelligence, however, had an interesting nugget of information in it today. Keegan was planning an outdoor barbeque with his fellow warriors on the beach at his house. He must be feeling fairly comfortable, if he was scheduling such a vulnerable affair. But, Abdul, being the cynic that he was, waited for further confirmation of this event Keegan was setting up. He wanted more proof that it was truly going to happen. But in the next day or two, the chatter confirmed it. Abdul began feeling hopeful for the first time since he’d arrived in the United States.

  Ibrahim and Tim were watching the road going into Keegan’s residence. Sure enough, trucks carrying food products and outside furnishings drove in and dropped off items for his Memorial Day celebration. Phone calls were intercepted saying to bring the family and other friends, they had food for everyone. But, why would Keegan be in such a happy mood? Memorial Day, it was a day to honor the dead. But, Keegan didn’t seem to realize he’d be among them. Could he really be this foolish? Something didn’t seem right….but, Abdul ordered the men to watch and wait. The date was fast approaching.

  ~ Lara ~

  Family dinners were large at Clearwater Farm with all of the extra mouths to feed. Over the past couple of months, the team and their family members became very close to Lara. She filled in as a school teacher, babysitter, nurse and story teller, when needed. The children had grown fond of her and she genuinely enjoyed expressing her inner child when with them. She knew their preferences and personal quirks. And, occasionally, she even fantasized about having a child with Ben. But, what a lifestyle to bring a child into. Black-ops. She never knew whether Ben would come home injured or even alive. The upheaval was similar to that of a military family, except now they had terrorists gunning for them. She dismissed the idea of getting pregnant any time in the near future. This was something she’d need to talk with Ben about if she could ever get him alone.

  Meanwhile, Lara trained with the Silver Shadow diligently at the shooting range built in the back of the house behind the garden. It was off limits for the children, but she and Monique and Rusty spent hours in there. The place was filled with smoke when they were done, but Lara loved the smell of spe
nt ammunition. The hot molten aroma became familiar to her, as well as the feeling of shooting the double barreled AR.

  More than ever, she wanted to shoot outside. The weather had become warm and balmy. But, it was too dangerous to linger in the yard. They never knew who might be watching. The children had been amazingly well-behaved under the circumstances. They played games and stayed inside. The entire basement of Clearwater Farm had been turned into a giant playroom, sectioned off by age groups. One area had mats for tumbling and wrestling. Lara would often join the older children showing them basic self-defense moves and the holds Ben had taught her.

  Today she sat alone with Monique, as Rusty cleaned up the spent ammo at the gun range.

  “I’m ready to kill these guys….do you think you can do it?” Lara asked Monique point blank.

  “Yes. I have had enough of this. I wouldn’t hesitate.” Monique seemed deadly serious.

  “You can’t hesitate.” Rusty added. “If they are shooting at you, there’s no time for hesitation. Just shoot.”

  Rusty finished and approached them, “One more thing, Lara. You and Monique will be protecting the women and children, as well as yourselves. You understand these terrorists could very well follow you to the fort and come after you. You have to be ready for that, if it happens.”

  Lara was well aware of the possibilities. She’d been in the Dark Horse game many times and that very scene played out before her in high resolution 3D. Every time it did, she imagined pulling the trigger on the Silver Shadow killing as many of them as she could with rapid fire.

  She turned to Rusty, “Has all of the equipment been delivered for the beach party? And, the other stuff?”

  “Yes,” Rusty answered. “We are putting everything together in the basement and will try it out there, first. Everything has to be done with great care. Ben Keegan is going to be a hard man to kill.”

  ~ Ben ~

  Secretly provisioning the sailboat was a challenge, but not one that he couldn’t mount. He had ordered the sailboat out of storage and once it was launched into the water, he checked all of the systems and started the diesel engine. It purred and chugged to life. Elvis, Ben’s personal mechanic, had just gone over every inch of the engine room, and was wiping his hands on a rag, “Everything’s in order, Chief.”

  After the sun was down for an hour, the two men guided the 40-foot Hinckley sailing sloop from the yacht club to the mooring in front of Clearwater Farm. It was love at first touch for Ben, as he stood at the helm. His hands grasped the leather-wrapped stainless steel wheel, sensing the weight of the keel beneath him. This sloop was designed to sit in the water and sail, but it was a piece of art as well as a well-designed yacht. He spent a few minutes examining every tiny detail in the cockpit with only the interior running lights on. The sails were pristine. He couldn’t wait to really take this thing for a ride.

  While the boat was moored a few hundred feet away from the dock, Ben and Elvis took care as they slid the dinghy into the water and paddled soundlessly from the dock. Later that night, with snipers at their posts, Ben donned his wet suit and slipped beneath the water with provisions for the sailboat. Night after night, he swam by the light of the stars and moon, placing items into the cockpit with careful stealth. It also gave him a chance to observe the farm from the water. With the G’s, he could detect any movement. They provided the best high resolution night vision he had ever experienced. One night, he saw someone move, but quickly realized it was his own man. Over the course of a week, the boat had the things necessary to sustain them for a few days, possibly longer.

  The next phase of the operation would take place the last weekend in May. It was the day prior to Memorial Day. The set-up was in progress. In a few more days, they’d start setting up the picnic on the beach. The furnishings were assembled and piece by piece items were placed gradually, to create the setting they wanted. The only unknown was: how many uninvited guests would arrive at this party? There were many eyes and ears watching and listening to his plans. He had an open communication channel going, allowing Saleh to tape record the phone calls. As actors, each played his part, although Ben continually felt a sense of dread regarding the uncertainty.

  Tossing and turning at night in bed, Lara would soothe him. This was the closest he had been to bringing her on a mission. Except, this time, the mission was brought to his doorstep. He was amazed that he could function at all, but pleasantly surprised that she managed to divert his attention just long enough to stop the horrible thoughts that invaded his mind every night.

  Sexual romps with her became his tension reliever. He suspected it was the same for her, too. Often, they’d shower together and make love in the morning with the hot water pulsing over them. Whenever they did, it reminded him of St. John and the first time he made love to her, only a year ago. Now that moment seemed to be in the distant past.

  Occasionally, she would pull him into the master bedroom in the middle of the day and start removing his clothing hurriedly, as if she couldn’t wait to have him. She seemed to know what he needed before he did. She put a deadbolt on the bedroom door, and for an hour she could take him to a place that was heavenly. Once she whispered to him, “If I’m going to die, I want to be in your arms, kissing you, loving you. When I get lost like this, I forget what is taking place out there. I need you, Ben.” His heart melted when she said things like that. He felt so lucky to have her for his wife. The tension of all that was happening only served to bring them closer, which was what he hoped for all along.

  As he pulled off the wetsuit in the quiet pre-dawn hours in the mud-room, he padded softly toward the master bedroom and slipped back into bed. He thought Lara was sleeping, but when she rolled over to face him, her sensual kiss surprised him. Her hand moved over the back of his neck as she kissed him like he had never been kissed before. Whenever she brought her lips to his, it activated something in him, primal and raw. Velvety and full, her lips were on his and he was overwhelmed with the love he felt for her at that moment.

  When she pulled away and moved atop him, he perceived an eagerness in her eyes. With hair askew, she held his gaze for a long moment and he felt a potent energy rush through him. Her glance was seductive, filled with longing. His eyes dropped slowly to her shoulders, then to her erect nipples; he felt something instinctive stir within him. With one hand he pulled her closer, putting his mouth over her breast, gently touching her nipple with his lips. Her breathing became shallow, irregular and he felt her becoming stimulated as her dark hair fell over him. This was the response he wanted to provoke. Immersed in pleasure, he heard her make a delightful sound that spurred him on.

  ~ Lara ~

  Ben’s lips on her body made her quiver, and she knew in a moment she’d be losing control, but it was what she wanted right now at this moment. As he suckled her nipples, she felt his hands slide down past the curve of her lower back to her bottom. Instinctively, as he cupped her bottom with his hands, she moved her hips back and forth over the hardness she felt between her thighs. There was no stopping as waves of pleasure engulfed her. She was riding his erection and losing control. She pulsated and tingled with pleasure for a moment, then tumbled down upon him, breathing irregularly in his ear.

  “I’m sorry, Ben. I couldn’t stop myself…” she exhaled.

  “Don’t ever be sorry. I love that…so much, you will never know.” Ben smiled. His dimples were showing. A hint of mischief sparkled in his blue eyes. “You have no idea how much you make me want you, when you move….like that.”

  He took her hand and guided it to the place she had just straddled. As her hand moved over his hardness, she felt an insatiable desire to caress him. She smiled as his hands brushed her hair away from her face and his mouth was on hers, tongue probing the seam of her lips. She gently sucked on his bottom lip and felt him inhale sharply, as her hand moved over his hardness. “I want you.” She whispered.

  She watched his eyes close and she took her cue to move lower, covering his chest an
d abdomen with wet kisses along the way. Her hands were both on him as she looked at his handsome face in the dim light. He was observing her every movement, every touch, every kiss, immersed in a state of full arousal. Her fingers tightened around his straining erection and her lips lightly encircled the swollen masterpiece. As she continued with a slow and steady motion, she could hear him making a sexy sound, one of pleasure, she knew. Stroking and sweeping her tongue over and over, she felt him growing. His body tensed and she moved her mouth away to watch the glorious reaction. A sensual volcano erupted before her eyes. She was mesmerized watching him explode with pure gratification. Strong desire coursed through her as she viewed his pleasure on full display.

  After a few moments, he pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly. She loved this moment the most, when Ben was spent, totally relaxed, and he held her in his strong arms. She felt his hot breath in her ear. “I want you again, you know…” she could feel his smile against her face.

  “Yes. I want you, too,” she whispered back. That morning was one she would remember forever. A perfect morning tucked away to dream about when Ben wasn’t there. Lovemaking with Ben was always filled with surprises mixed with tenderness. She couldn’t imagine life without him, without this connection, their hearts beating together. Although the carnal pleasures were intoxicating, she was in love with the man inside. That’s what made her heart rate quicken, Ben, as a man -- and all of the qualities that made him who he was.

  ~ Abdul ~

  Tonight would be the big moment Abdul had been waiting for. Even though the celebration Keegan had been planning was supposedly kept under wraps, Abdul’s men had reported back to him hourly about the movements at Clearwater Farm. It was a warm spring day, a Sunday, the infidels’ sacred day. The day before Memorial Day. Good. Let them enjoy their memorial for the dead. Soon, they’d be among them. And, Abdul would secure the half million bounty and the coveted place next to his father, second in command.


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