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Penelope's Gift [The Black Dahlia Hotel 4] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

Page 5

by Skye Michaels

  She laughed, and Penelope felt better. Penelope wanted Morgan to enjoy the trip, too. She was really excited about her second night with the Master. The anticipation of seeing his face had her on edge all day. Would his face live up to the advertisement of his body? That was a high bar to clear, with a body like that. He was pretty amazing. She felt herself get damp just thinking about him. That hadn’t happened to her since her time with Jay.

  Once they were all dressed in dungeon-appropriate dresses, high stiletto heels, and their hard-limit rubber bracelets, but without underwear, as required, they made their way up to the tenth floor. They swiped into the dungeon with the white Black Dahlia bracelets. It was as busy as it had been the night before, but without the frenzied party atmosphere. Penelope looked around apprehensively. She didn’t see the Master, and she began to get anxious until she felt a pair of strong arms come around her and squeeze her tight while he kissed her neck.

  “You’re late, sub. It’s 8:05. That’s one smack for each minute you kept me waiting, and I don’t want to hear that there was a lot of traffic.” He laughed a low, husky laugh in her ear.

  Her pussy clenched in anticipation at the sound of his deep voice. Oh, God. She hadn’t had a spanking since Jay. She had so missed that. She turned her face and saw he still wore the black mask that obscured the upper part of his face, and he still had a dark scruff of beard on his jaw. She knew a look of disappointment settled over her features. She had been dying to know what he looked like. She forced a smile. “Hello, Master.”

  He nodded to Kathi and Morgan, took her hand and headed toward the hallway and the theme rooms. She glanced over her shoulder, shrugged and gave a little finger-wave to her friends.

  Chapter Five

  In the Spanish Hacienda theme room on the top floor of The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Friday evening, New Year’s day, January 1, 2016

  After he swiped the reader, he dragged Penelope into the room. She didn’t even have a chance to look around before he crushed his mouth to hers in a devastating kiss that totally swamped her senses. God, the man could kiss. A lot of tongue action and big, strong hands roaming up and down her back and over her ass were the icing on the cake. She almost didn’t care about the mask at that point. Well, almost. She was still dying to see what he looked like. She might have to resort to subterfuge if she didn’t get a little look soon. His mouth coasted down her neck heading toward her breasts.

  “What are you thinking, sub? I can feel the vibrations.”

  “Well…I was disappointed not to see your face, Master.” Was she being too bold?

  “Sub, I have my reasons for continuing to wear the mask. One is the mystique. The other I’m not ready to share with you right now. I’ll tell you what, I’ll unmask on the last day of our vacation, and then we’ll see if you still want to be with me. It will be your decision.”

  Penelope was dumbstruck. Had he been scarred in battle? He certainly had a body that could be read as military-trained. Did he have a deformity he was embarrassed to let her see? She couldn’t imagine any less terrifying reason for him not to let her see his face. So what if he wasn’t classically handsome? That wouldn’t matter to her. Oh God. Is he on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List? Now, that was a little fanciful, but still…

  “Master, I…”

  “Sub, that is my decision. Are you going to abide by it?”

  “Well, I…

  “Don’t get uppity, sub. This is your Master’s decision.” His voice was deep and authoritative. It was clear he didn’t expect any further argument from her. He was an arrogant, opinionated, alpha male, and she had always loved that—when she didn’t hate it.

  “You are vastly annoying, Master.”

  “And you just added two to your punishment.” He set her away from him. “Get undressed and present yourself in wrist and ankle cuffs at the St. Andrew’s Cross. It’s time for your spanking.”

  She hurried to undress and stow her clothes in the armoire near the door. Penelope took care of her chores, and she glanced around the room. The plaque at the door said Spanish Hacienda Room, and the furnishings were heavily carved, dark Spanish antiques. Boy, these Black Dahlia guys didn’t skimp on the details. The BDSM equipment was less obtrusive in the ambiance of this room.

  Penelope put on the cuffs and waited for Master to check them and help her mount the hydraulic step of the cross. He moved in close to her back after he had everything adjusted to his liking, and his body heat and scent sent a riff of nerves up her spine. She was anxious, but excited. She had to admit, she had been craving the emotional release of a good spanking since she and Jay had split.

  She didn’t know why she still seemed to need this, even five years after Jay. What in her psyche prompted her to lean toward this lifestyle? Was it the amazing sex, or was there a deeper emotional need? She was very successful in a high-stress career, had a good self-image, good friends, and a good education and upbringing to rely on. Was she really submissive, or was she just playing at it? Had she ever been serious with Jay way back when? Or had she been deceiving him and herself? Had she driven him to need someone else? Or was it all his fault? These were all valid questions she would need to address, but not tonight.

  Master stepped back and smacked each of her cheeks. The sharp sting reverberated through the muscles of her butt. Yikes! She’d forgotten that a good spanking hurt—a lot. He paused a moment so she could appreciate the full range of sensation before he did it again, twice more. That was six. He finished with one final slap right on her sweet sit spot. Seven. She decided then and there not to antagonize the Master again. He stepped up close to her back after he had finished and ran his fingers down between her rosy butt cheeks to test her pussy. He didn’t soothe the sting of his swats.

  “Nice and wet, sub. Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, Master. I’m ready.”

  He continued to play with her pussy, glancing over her clit with a teasing, exploratory touch. She rubbed against his hand, but he slapped her ass again.

  “Topping from the bottom, sub. Hold still.” Oh, she didn’t think she could hold still, she really didn’t. She began to squirm against his hand. “I’m not going to warn you again, sub. Be still, unless you want me to take off my belt.”

  Penelope forced herself to stay still. It was almost impossible. Oh, God. He was hard when he rubbed his groin against her bottom. The rough fabric of his jeans against her hot butt was exquisite. And then she heard the soft zzzz of his zipper going down, and his hard shaft was pressed against her crease. Her clit was pulsing in anticipation.

  “What do you want, Penelope?”

  “I want you to fuck me, Master.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Master, I’m sure.” She was ready to jump out of her skin as she waited for him to take her from behind. The sound of her heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She pushed her butt back to give him freer access. He finally entered her, and she felt his perfectly sculpted chest rub against her back. His arms came around and steadied her as he began to pound into her. Her pulse quickened, and she could feel herself climbing toward her release. His hands coasted down over her butt briefly, then up over her aching nipples, and then back to her hips. He slowed his thrusts, and desire clawed at her. She needed to climb this mountain. She had to crest the summit and get to the other side.

  “You’re mine, Penelope. Mine.” His low, seductive voice reverberated through her helpless body. He picked up the pace again. She moved with him as he continued to piston his hot, steely cock into her, and she exploded in a ripping orgasm. His hot fluid flooded her pussy, and the fine hairs on her body stood on end. He leaned against her back and bit her neck lightly. She burst into a second orgasm and collapsed against the cross, hanging there helplessly as the aftershocks continued to pummel her body. They were both breathing hard. She didn’t think she could move if the building was on fire.

  His arms stayed wrapped around her as she came back to full awaren
ess. He unbound her and carried her to the bed, where he laid her down gently. He divested himself of his boots and jeans and joined her on the bed. He pulled her tight to his chest and cuddled her close, whispering love words in her ear.

  Master was amazing. He just seemed to know what she needed, whether it be a good spanking or to be cuddled and loved—or fucked mindless.

  * * * *

  Jay held Penelope tight to his chest. He didn’t want to ever let her go. He needed to care for her, to dominate her, to love her, to spank her butt, soothe her hurts, to make her his again.

  “What are you and your posse going to do tomorrow? There’s a Navy destroyer in port with open visitation, and I understand there is a big mall not far from here.”

  “Those sound good. First thing tomorrow, we’re going to visit the hotel spa for massages, facials and girl things. I think Morgan is feeling a little left out. Her Dom agreed to her making this trip with us as long as she didn’t scene with anyone else. She wouldn’t have, anyway. She’s crazy about Eric.”

  “What about Kathi?”

  “She met someone last night. They are going to have drinks tonight, get to know each other a little better, then go to dinner tomorrow night and maybe have a scene. We’ll have to see how that works out.”

  “And what about you, Penelope? How is this working out for you?”

  “So far, so good, Master. I don’t like that I have to look forward to the end of our vacation and our time together in order to see your face.”

  “Sub, there’s a good reason for that. You’ll understand soon enough.” He settled her up tight against his chest with his thigh thrown over her legs. “Rest. We’re not done.”

  * * * *

  Penelope’s fingers were itching to lift the edge of Master’s mask and take a little peek, but she knew if he caught her, she’d regret it—really regret it. The spanking he’d given her had been of short duration, but he hadn’t held back. She could still feel the hotness of her butt nestled up against his belly. She felt him relax against her back and thought he was dozing. Was it worth the risk?

  Yikes. She didn’t know. She lay there thinking for a couple of minutes. She already had a hot butt. What was a little more heat? But what if he decided she wasn’t worth the trouble if she couldn’t obey one simple order, and he cut her loose? God, it’s tempting to just sneak a little look. This must be how Eve felt in the Garden of Eden—the tempting knowledge was so close, she could taste that apple. Ha! But look how well that turned out. She couldn’t decide what to do. If she disobeyed and got caught, she could be in serious trouble, or worse. If she was successful, she would feel guilty for being sneaky. But, OMG, she was curious. Morgan wasn’t the only one whose curiosity got her in trouble sometimes.

  Penelope cautiously turned her head. Was he asleep, dozing, awake but resting his eyes? Her fingers crept up toward the edge of the mask of their own volition. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She almost couldn’t catch her breath. She just couldn’t resist.

  Suddenly, just as her finger was about to slip under the corner of the mask, his fist wrapped around her wrist. “What were you about to do, Penelope? I certainly hope you weren’t about to violate my trust while you thought I was sleeping.”

  “Uh, no, Master. Certainly not.” She knew she had the guilty look of “kid with his hand in the cookie jar five minutes before dinner” on her face. Shit. Bad move, Pen. What would he do now? She knew what she deserved. But even as she was craving his discipline, she was hoping she would skate on this very serious infraction this time. I swear I won’t try that again if I get away with it this time.

  “And lying to your Master on top of it. I would have thought one punishment tonight would be enough for you. It seems you’ve earned another one—a serious one.” He sat up and swept the blankets down off her body. He got out of bed and pulled her after him over to the padded spanking bench in the corner.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I won’t do something like that again. I promise.”

  “So are you now admitting that you were going to disobey me and violate my trust, and that you were lying to me a minute ago? Think carefully before you answer, Penelope.”

  She hesitated. If she admitted what she was going to do, she would be punished. If she continued to lie, she would really be punished. But she was scared. The benevolent, amused look was no longer on what she could see of his face. The set of his mouth was stern. She was in for it either way she went. Was it worth the risk that she could talk her way out of this dilemma?


  “I can see that you’re about to make the wrong decision, so I’ll spare you that mistake.” He quickly pushed her down over the spanking bench, which had legs spread for stability and tilted downward at an angle. Her legs straddled the bench. That left her naked butt sticking up in the air as a tempting target, with her thighs spread wide open. She could feel him standing behind her.

  “You’re going to be punished, Penelope. Do you accept your punishment?” He ran his big hand over her butt and patted it several times. Even though the muscles of her ass were pulled taut, she could feel the jiggle. This was not going to be good.

  “Yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master.” Further lying and trying to wiggle out of the punishment would only make it worse. She watched as he reached down for the jeans lying on the floor. She had an auditory memory of Jay preparing to punish her for some infraction or other she couldn’t remember now. She had craved the sharp bite of his belt, but she had never been afraid of him. She’d known he would never go too far. She didn’t have a year of experience with this Master. She heard Master’s belt slide over the rough denim and out of the belt loops. The sound made her stomach jump and her pussy clench. She gulped.

  “You need a good whippin’, girl.” How did he know that? “Disobedience, lying and sneaky behavior will not be tolerated. This is a correction for bad behavior, not spanking play. You still have your safe word, but if you use it, we’re through. Are you ready?”

  God, he was milking this for all the possible drama. She knew the drama was the most instructional part of the punishment and would be remembered long after the heat had faded from her ass. “Yes, Master, but I ask you to show mercy.”

  “Do you think you deserve mercy?”

  “No, Master.”

  “Ah. Your first honest answer.” He wrapped the belt with the buckle end against his palm until just a short tail remained. She couldn’t take her eyes off the repetitive motion. He slapped the tail of the belt against the leg of the spanking bench, and the sharp cracking sound made her flinch. She looked at his big hands—hands that could be gentle or harsh, like himself. He moved behind her and to the side. She could no longer see him, and that was even scarier.

  She heard the whistle before she felt the red-hot pain across her ass. She gasped. It hurt even more than she had expected it to, and much more than the sharp slaps of his hand earlier. He hadn’t said how many she would receive, and she was afraid to ask. If she said anything other than her safe word now, she took a chance of increasing her punishment. She sure didn’t want to do that.

  The belt fell on her upraised ass again and she jumped. It burned and she was sure she’d have welts across her butt tomorrow as a reminder of her bad judgment. She sank into the sting of his belt. She had needed this—craved it—for five lonely years. The belt crossed the other two strikes in a third stinging slap. He stopped and ran his hand over her burning butt. What should have been a reassuring, soothing gesture just upped her anxiety. The belt whistled through the air and landed across her ass again.

  And then he stopped, threw the belt down on top of his jeans on the floor and stood back. Was he done? God, she hoped so. She knew she deserved a punishment, but right now her ass was on fire and so was her clit. She felt the slick wetness on her pussy lips. Jay’s belt had always made her hotter than a firecracker, and it seemed this Master’s did, as well. She hoped he didn’t notice. He might decide she need more, if he thought she had enjo
yed it. He left her there while he walked to the armoire. She heard the door open and some rummaging around before he came back and stood behind her again. He still had said nothing. She heard a gurgling sound and then felt the cold wetness on her burning cheeks. She smelled the distinctive odor of chamomile and cucumber. He gently rubbed the soothing lotion into the welts, making sure to coat each burning trail.

  Ahh. That felt better already, but she knew she would have a vivid reminder of this punishment tomorrow. She hoped the marks wouldn’t show under her bikini bottoms. That would be embarrassing to explain, even here.

  “What do you have to say, Penelope?”

  “Thank you for my correction, Master.” Jay had always made her thank him after a punishment. “I promise not to do that again.”

  “Do what, Penelope? I want to be sure you understand why you were punished and that the lesson sticks.”

  She gulped. “I promise not to disobey you or be sneaky or lie to you again.” She could feel the salty tears running down her cheeks now. She hiccupped and a sob tore out of her throat now that it was all over.

  He stood behind her, and she couldn’t see him again, but she felt his fingers slide over her wet opening and pulsing clit. She wanted his hard cock there, not his fingers, but she was afraid to ask. She didn’t want to invite a second round with his belt. She had definitely learned a lesson—several, in fact.

  “Are you going to behave yourself from now on? No more trying to peek under my mask, even if I’m asleep?” She could hear a slight touch of humor in his voice now. What? She was far from ready to see any humor in this situation.


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