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Penelope's Gift [The Black Dahlia Hotel 4] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

Page 11

by Skye Michaels

  “Pen? What are you thinking?”

  “None of your business. You haven’t earned the right to know my deepest thoughts.”

  “But I want to, baby. I want us to go back to what we had before.”

  “I’m not sure what we had before was all that great. Let’s order our food. That poor waiter is hovering over in the archway, and he doesn’t know what to do about this table.”

  Jay looked over in the waiter’s direction and motioned him over with a two-finger salute. The man was seriously arrogant, but so sexy her thong was drenched. When the waiter was standing nervously beside the table Jay said, “Two filets, rare, mushrooms and asparagus.”

  “Yes, sir. Coming right up.” He couldn’t get away from the table fast enough.

  “You are going to have to leave a serious tip to make up for all of this drama. Poor guy.”

  “I know. I’ll take care of him. Probably the best thing I can do for him is promise not to come back.”


  “Don’t get smart, Pen.”

  “I’ve never been smart where you’re concerned. Why start now?”

  “Does that mean we can possibly work this out? That you might be willing to listen?”


  “I’ll take what I can get right now.” He smiled that fifty-megawatt smile that had always gotten to her.

  The steaks were excellent, but neither of them did the meal justice. Penelope was nervous about agreeing to listen to Jay, and Jay was anxious to get the hell out of there and get her back to the hotel.

  “Let’s have dessert back in my suite. You haven’t been up there yet. I don’t want to take this back to the dungeon just yet. I think we need to talk in a more normal atmosphere.”

  “Okay. No promises.”

  “I’ll be happy if you just listen, baby.”

  The waiter returned to the table. “Can I get you anything else, sir? Coffee? Dessert?”

  “No, thank you. Just the check.” When he’d delivered his Black Card to the waiter and signed the credit card slip, he used the pen to scribble something on a crisp bill. She craned her neck a bit to see that he’d tucked a hundred dollar bill under his plate.

  “What did you write on that bill?”

  “Just ‘sorry for the drama and biting your head off.’” Now Jay looked embarrassed. “You really kicked my ass this time, baby. I think I understand for the first time just how rotten what I did actually was. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Eleven

  In the Fairlamb suite at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Monday night, January 4, 2016

  The ride back from the restaurant through downtown Fort Lauderdale was relaxing. The traffic was light, and the fresh, ocean-scented breeze blowing through the convertible was pleasant. They didn’t talk, but Jay took Penelope’s hand and held it on his thigh while he drove with his left hand. Romantic music was drifting from the radio. When they got back to The Black Dahlia, he tossed the keys to the hotel valet and opened Penelope’s door himself. He helped her out, and when she was standing beside the car, he bent down and kissed her hard and quick. His cock was raising Cain, but he knew if he turned this into sex, he would lose this battle for Penelope’s heart. She would never accept that he had changed and that she was his top priority. He took her hand and they walked into the hotel and over to the scenic elevator, which zoomed to the ninth floor with no intervening stops.

  Jay opened the door to his suite and ushered Penelope in. He immediately kissed her again, lightly. She stepped back out of his reach. “We’re going to talk, remember? Don’t think you are going to bulldoze me right into bed and everything will back to normal. That’s not going to work, Jay. It certainly wouldn’t solve any of the problems we have for the long run.”

  “You’re right. I’ll call down for a coffee and dessert tray, and we’ll go out on the balcony, sit in separate chairs, and talk to each other like adults. Okay?”

  “Fine.” While they waited for the coffee, Penelope looked around. “Nice digs, Fairlamb. Is this the honeymoon suite?”

  He laughed. “I believe it is. I had big plans for us, and I wanted something nice beside the theme rooms. Believe it or not, there’s a hot tub on the balcony and a mini-dungeon in one of the extra bedrooms. I was pretty amazed myself.”

  The coffee and dessert tray were delivered, and they were sipping cappuccinos and eating cannolis on the balcony within what seemed like minutes.

  “Where do you want to start, Penelope? What can I tell you that will make this easier for you? I’ve told you that I love you, have always loved you. I’ve never given up on us.”

  “Why, Jay? Why wasn’t I enough for you? What was wrong with me or missing in me that I wasn’t enough for you? Why did you need a ménage, another woman?”

  “But baby, that’s not why I wanted to try a ménage. It was never that you weren’t enough. I was fairly new to BDSM. I’d heard the outrageous tales about ménage à trois, and I was just curious, testing the waters. I never wanted to replace you or make you feel you were less than enough for me, that you weren’t perfect for me.”

  “That’s how it made me feel, Jay. That’s how I’ve felt all these years. As though I was less.” Jay saw the suspicious gleam of a tear in the corner of her eye, but she blinked rapidly, refusing to let it fall.

  “Baby, I am so sorry. I’d cut my own arm off before I’d make you feel ‘less.’ If anything, you are more than I deserve.” She shook her head as though she didn’t believe him. He could see the damage his little adventure had done, and he was shocked. He wanted nothing more than to hold her. “Oh, baby.” He got up and took her in his arms. “I love you. I’ve never cared for anyone else since you left me. I’m not saying I’ve been a monk. I don’t plan to get caught in a lie about that. But none of the women, subs or vanilla, meant anything to me. It’s always been you for me, Pen.”

  “And it’s always been you for me, Jay. I just don’t think I can believe what you say or trust you again. I don’t go looking for pain and anguish. I’ve had quite enough of it over the last five years.”

  He sat back down in his chair pulling her into his lap. “Actions speak louder than word, Pen. Let me show you how much I love you, starting with tonight. Will you spend the night with me here? I want you in my bed when I fall asleep and when I wake up again. I want you for a lifetime, starting now.”

  * * * *

  Penelope didn’t know what to do, what to say. Could she afford to take another chance on Jay after the pain of the last five years and this latest trick? Could she afford not to? She knew in her heart there would never be anyone in her life who meant as much to her as Jay had, and still did, no matter how she tried to deny or change that fact.

  “Please, baby. Please give me this last chance to be the man you need.”

  “Okay. But be advised, I’ve already made a deposit with the hit man. If I don’t wake up a happy woman tomorrow, your ass is grass, Fairlamb.”

  “I’m willing to take my chances.”

  He took her hand and led her toward the master bedroom. They walked across the room to the enormous and very luxurious bed. He opened the French doors and the ocean breeze rushed in, billowing the sheer curtains and cooling her hot body.

  Penelope knew she was taking a big chance. She would be humiliated if she found Jay was playing her for a fool again. He pulled her dress over her head and left her standing in high-heeled pumps and a lavender silky teddy. He reached between her legs and unsnapped the easy-access snaps, and then the teddy was on the floor on top of her dress.

  She was fully exposed to his view, and suddenly she felt vulnerable. She caught her breath as he pushed her down and then joined her on the bed. For a moment, her nerves rose up and nearly choked her. She had to fight for him now or cut and run. She could see that Jay was aware of her doubts. He watched her for a moment and then just brushed her hair from her forehead and looked into her eyes.

  “Don’t be afraid, Penelo
pe. Don’t pull away from me. I promise I won’t hurt you again. Take a deep breath.” He stroked her hair and then ran his hand gently down her back. “It’s going to be okay.” She tried to relax as he just held her and rocked her like a baby while he whispered sweet nonsense in her ear. She knew by the tender look on his face that he wished he could take back the entire five years, take the feelings of hurt and betrayal away.

  He pulled her closer to his chest, and the heat of his big body seeped into her. It seemed to take the chill off her heart as well as her body. His nearness was like a drug. She looked into his eyes and saw the desire for her there. Her heart did a little skip-and-jump.

  He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently. He slowly insinuated his tongue into her mouth and explored her thoroughly. She felt his rock-hard cock against her belly, and she felt a quiver of anticipation race through her body. She felt a hum in her lower parts.

  * * * *

  Jay ran his hands down her body, enjoying the feel of her silky, golden-brown skin. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her soft, round breasts, to cup them in his hands and suck the sweet raspberry nipples. He was trying to go slow, but it was hard. He wanted to make tonight special, to make it last, to bind her to him for good. He lowered his mouth to first one pouty tip and sucked before moving to the other. He felt the jolt that rushed through her system as he played with her pebbled nubs. He kept at it, alternating his lips and his hands as he gently pulled on her nipples. He felt her slowly relax in his arms. He continued his assault with drugging kisses and the soft touches on her breasts, teasing and slow.

  He growled deep in his throat as she began to moan and thrash. God, he was hard. He wanted Penelope with every fiber of his being. He put his hand down between her legs and played with her clit, and she began to push against his hand. “Take it easy, baby. We have all night. I’m not going to rush this.”

  “Oh…Jay.” Suddenly there was a release of hot, wet heat between her legs. He was delighted. He ran his fingers through the slick wetness as he lightly circled her pulsing clit. She strained toward him, seeking more contact. He lightened his touch even more. He was going to make her work for this. She began to toss her head and rub against him as she desperately tried to maintain contact. He parted her slick pussy lips and slowly slid two fingers into her hot center. He thrust them in and out of her, ruthlessly stimulating her G-spot, until she gave a wild shudder and came around him.

  Giving her no respite, he took her mouth again as his hand cruised down the long expanse of her elegant back until he cupped her cute butt. He squeezed the round globes in his big hands. He had wanted to get his hands on her ass since she’d walked into the living room earlier. His cock was throbbing relentlessly as he nestled up against her. “Easy, baby. We’re just getting started here.”

  When her breathing had calmed a bit, he lined his cock up to her pulsing opening and claimed her with a powerful thrust. When his shaft was fully seated, he gave her a moment to adjust to his presence as her pussy stretched to accommodate him, and then he began to rock slow and easy. He pulled out almost to the limit and then pushed back in to the hilt as he continued to thrust into her.

  He refused to be hurried. The feeling was fierce. This was his woman. Slowly, the rhythm intensified as he continued to stroke harder and faster. He fought to withhold his orgasm until he had brought her to completion. She was on the brink, but she refused to go over. He wasn’t the only one who wanted to make this last. He leaned down and, lowering his voice to the Dom range, he growled in her ear, “Come for me, Penelope. Now.”

  * * * *

  Penelope gave a startled cry as her climax washed over her body in a hot rush. The powerful feelings pulsing through her body felt as if a dam had burst. Jay continued to pound into her with wild abandon, his hips pumping relentlessly as feelings of ecstasy continued to jolt through her system. Strangely, she wasn’t worried now. She knew she could trust this connection between them. Finally, he following her over the top, and she felt his climax ripple through his taut muscles as his body stiffened and his seed blasted into her pussy. She cried out with the joy of it as another shaft of intense pleasure ripped through her, leaving her breathless.

  She was exhausted by the storm of sensation and emotion as she tried to recover. She almost giggled, then she watched him roll off of her with a look of sublime satisfaction on his face. He fell back against the pillows, relaxed and at ease while the maelstrom of wild emotions still roiled through her. Suddenly, she went from about to giggle to spitting mad. She punched his shoulder. “Don’t look so proud of yourself, you big oaf.” She shouldn’t be angry, but the emotions that had been rocking her system since she’d learned Jay was the Master surfaced again, overwhelming her.

  He had the audacity to laugh at her as he pressed her body close to his. He kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, and finally her mouth. He rolled over on top of her again, spreading her legs with his muscled thigh. “Don’t be mad, darlin’. You’re mine and you can’t deny it.”

  He began to slide his still-hard shaft against her center, hitting her clit with each stroke. The feeling was delicious. This self-satisfied jerk was the love of her life, and the only man on the planet for her. It was intolerable. She wanted to smack him again, but he imprisoned her hands over her head. She tried to roll away, but he wouldn’t allow it. He looked deeply into her eyes, pinned her with his hot gaze and said, “We’re going to work through these problems of ours, Penelope, one at a time, if necessary. And I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. Understand?” He ruthlessly plunged into her again and brought her to another hard-and-fast orgasm. Geez Louise! This is incredible.

  She struggled for a minute more before she gave in and relaxed against him. She didn’t understand her contradictory emotions, but she knew it would be a tragedy to go through life without the one man meant for her. He rolled off her and cradled her tightly to his chest. He threw his leg over her thighs and just held her. He wasn’t letting her go anywhere.

  “Thank you, Jay.” She buried her face in his neck and just breathed him in. “You’re right. I don’t know why I was mad. I don’t know what came over me. That was amazing. I do want to work through our problems.”

  “There’s no rush, baby. We have a lot of ground to cover and five years of lost time to make up for.” He settled her more comfortably against him before falling asleep. She shook her head. Just like a man to fall asleep after the most momentous event of her life.

  * * * *

  Jay awoke and watched her snooze in his arms. When she was deeply asleep, he pulled the silk comforter back, tossed the decorative pillows on the floor, and covered them both. She was spending the night with him right here, wrapped in his arms, and hopefully she would spend all the other nights from now on with him as well. He wasn’t naïve enough to think all of their problems had been solved by one good fuck, but he knew he definitely wanted to work on it. And that was going to be a pleasure.

  * * * *

  Penelope awoke in Jay’s arms. The sheer curtains over the floor-to-ceiling glass doors to the balcony were blowing in the breeze and the sunlight was pouring in. She was naked in Jay’s bed in the honeymoon suite. She stretched her arms over her head and breathed deep. Last night had been incredible.

  Jay walked into the room carrying a tray loaded with a coffee service and fresh bagels and pastries. “Finally awake, sleepyhead?”

  “Mmm. I guess I can call off the hit man. At least for now.”

  “I’m relieved. I was a little worried.” He put the tray down on a bedside table, poured two cups of coffee, and climbed back into bed. He handed her a cup before he picked up his own and took a sip. “Are we good here? I know we have a few things still to work on, but I think we’ve made a good start. I promise I’ll learn to communicate and discuss things with you.”

  “I guess I’m good. One thing is still bothering me.”

  “What’s that, sugar butt?”

  “I’m not sure that some of o
ur problem five years ago wasn’t my fault. At least partly. I don’t know if I ever truly submitted to you, Jay. Maybe you felt the lack. I don’t know if it was real, a game, a role. I need to think about it.”

  “Honey, you are going to be you. You don’t have to submit in everything. That Master/slave thing was another bad choice on my part. That just is not you, and truthfully, it wasn’t me, either. I was just still feeling my way, experimenting. I want you to give me yourself, as much of yourself as you feel comfortable with, until we figure it all out.”

  “Okay, then. My submission is a gift I give to you, not something you can take. So I give it to you now. I don’t want a Master/slave relationship or a twenty-four-seven arrangement, but I do want a D/s relationship, and to give you myself.”

  Jay was smiling. “You make me so happy and proud, baby, and I promise never to take you for granted again. I brought something for you from Dallas. I was hoping this would be how things worked out.” He handed her a shiny black box that had been nestled under the napkin on the tray.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it.”

  She cracked the box open and gasped. A platinum cuff bracelet designed to look like a handcuff with channel-set diamonds running all the way around was lying against the black velvet lining of the box.


  “I wanted something different, so I had this made. It’s in place of a collar.” He pulled a platinum key on a rope chain out of his robe pocket. He used the key to open the cuff. “Give me your wrist.” When she raised her right wrist, he snapped the handcuff on and locked it with the key. He put the chain around his neck. “Now, you’re mine. Finally mine again.”

  Chapter Twelve

  At the front desk of The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Thursday noon, January 7, 2016


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