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Claimed by the Alien Warlord: A Science Fiction Alien Mail-Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 14)

Page 23

by Lisa Lace

  The blonde waved off her concerns. “Don’t be silly. One of us can give you a ride if you get too sloppy.”

  They sat at the table with several other women from the office. Chitchat began soon enough, starting with hearsay about when the next meeting was and which department would get audited next. The conversation quickly moved to who was sleeping around in the office.

  “I heard that Jordan and Sandy were caught fucking in the copy room.” The news came from Barbara, a heavyset woman who ran a reception desk in the large building. “They were up on the machine when the boss walked in on them!”

  “That must be a new thing,” Georgia spoke up. She was a skinny brunette with large glasses. “I’ve heard that Jennifer has been crawling under Mr. Harrison’s desk and giving him blowjobs for months.”

  “That would explain her sudden promotion,” Natasha muttered. “I can’t blame her. It isn’t like she had enough talent to climb the corporate ladder herself.” She felt catty talking behind someone’s back, but the other women laughed. Natasha found herself starting to relax. She had missed interaction with other women.

  “And what about you, Miss Sexy Nurse?” Barbara asked with a gleam in her eye. “A little bird told me that you’re making regular trips down to the Tech Department. Does John know how to light up your circuit board?”

  Natasha choked, and her margarita nearly shot out of her nose. “Who told you that? I talked with him for a moment in the break room, but that was it.”

  The large woman shrugged. “It’s just one of those things going around, I suppose. Were you flirting or something? We all know that you separated from your husband. You have a right to fool around if you want to.”

  Though the rumor was wrong, Barbara’s attitude about it was correct. Natasha didn’t have to follow any rules. Soon she would file divorce papers, and Nick had not let wedding vows stand in the way of a good time. Natasha wasn’t sleeping with John, or even flirting with him. But she could if she wanted to. Hell, she could fuck the entire office.

  Since her mind was preoccupied with thoughts about Nick and relieving her anger, Natasha didn’t notice how quickly she sipped the margarita. Sergio had followed directions and brought her a large one. She could wrap both of her hands around the bowl and still have room left over. The room spun around her slightly, and she put her feet flat on the floor to stabilize herself.

  “Are you all right?” Brittney asked.

  Natasha tried to nod. The entire restaurant seemed to move instead of her head. “I’m feeling great, to tell you the truth. It’s been a long time since I had a drink.” Despite the dizziness, Natasha felt relaxed and happy. And incredibly horny. She glanced around the room, but there were no large, sexy men waiting for her to jump them. “I think it’s time for me to go home.”

  “I’m headed that way myself. I’ll give you a ride,” Brittney offered.

  By the time the blonde pulled her blue coupe to the curb in front of the Daniels house, Natasha’s drunkenness had subsided to a pleasant buzz. She tripped slightly as she got out of the car.

  “Do you need me to come in with you?” Brittney asked.

  “No, I can take care of myself. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Natasha waved a little too enthusiastically and let herself in the front door.

  The house was quiet, as usual. Natasha could lay in bed and watch TV until she fell asleep, but she craved something more exciting than television. She didn’t know what she was searching for, exactly. Dropping her purse on a dining chair, Natasha slowly and carefully descended the stairs, clinging tightly to the handrail.

  Fury hadn’t moved from where she had left him on Sunday, standing in his cell. There was no hesitation tonight as Natasha punched in the code and swung open the door. Her hands were steady as she removed the tubes and wires. “It’s time for you to come out.”

  The cyborg hesitated again, just as he had the other day. Natasha was tipsy but hadn’t lost her memory. “Come out,” she repeated.

  The bright blue of the cyborg’s eyes focused on the far side of the room, but his gaze slowly slid down until he was staring at Natasha. Without breaking eye contact, Fury stepped out of the cell, putting his body directly in front of her. Natasha had to tip her head almost all the way up to meet his gaze.

  Natasha gulped with fear. Was this the part of the movie where the unpredictable cyborg murdered a woman in her basement? She would be no match for Fury. If he decided he wanted to crush her in an instant, she would be helpless to stop him.

  A tingling sensation rippled through Natasha as she realized how close he was, and she immediately took a step backward. The cyborg matched her movement, striding forward once again. “You are a great big hunk of meat, aren’t you?” she whispered. Then she shook her head. She wasn’t here to gawk at the soldier.

  “I forgot my equipment upstairs. I command you to stay where you are until I return.” Natasha was taking a risk by leaving Fury out unsupervised, but it would only be for a minute while she retrieved some syringes she stole from the office. Without waiting for a reply, she moved back toward the stairs.


  The finality in his voice made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Natasha turned around to face him. “What did you say?”

  Cyborgs did not say “no” when authorized superiors gave them orders. Something was wrong. Natasha had wondered many times why the cyborg was named Fury. Now she was beginning to understand.

  “You heard me. No.” Fury marched toward Natasha until they were once again only inches apart. “Come here.” With a swiftness that made him impossible to resist, Fury reached out and grabbed her by the hips. He pulled her to his body, pressing against her so tightly that she could feel the bulge between his legs.

  “Fury, return to your cell.” Natasha could hear the weakness in her voice. She knew that she had to regain control of the situation. At the same time, it felt good to feel his heat thrusting against her. How long had it been since someone had both desired her and made her want him as well?

  He didn’t bother speaking again, instead covering her mouth with his. It was warm and wet and promised of things to come. She would have expected a cyborg to be cold and stiff, to not remember what to do with a woman, but Fury knew. His tongue slipped between her lips to explore her mouth. She allowed her tongue to do the same.

  Natasha forced herself to break away from the cyborg, resolving once again to order him back into the cell. She would have to lock the door and never open it again unless there was someone else with her. Before she could speak, his hands worked their way up to the hem of her shirt. With a single loud, rending sound, he tore it from Natasha’s body.


  The cyborg was on a mission, and he was not going to listen to someone else’s orders. He yanked at Natasha’s jeans, which were more stubborn than her tiny cotton top. The button snapped and flew across the room. Her pants came off and lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.

  Without a conscious decision, her hands began fumbling with the clasp on Fury’s khakis. She wanted to see what his pants were hiding and explore the cock inside, which seemed eager to get out and explore her as well. The hardness was distracting as her fingers brushed against his erection. Natasha couldn’t get his pants off.

  Fury’s hands deftly worked as they whisked off her bra and panties, leaving her exposed and naked in front of him. Natasha pulled her hands away from his waistline in a futile attempt to cover herself, but he grabbed her wrists and yanked them back out of the way. His bright eyes roved over the landscape of her body, drinking her in eagerly. The cyborg tipped his head back and roared, a sound of rage and instinct that rattled through the house and settled in her bones. The sound penetrated to her core, making her instantly wet.

  Natasha had no more chances to remove Fury’s clothes. He ripped at them himself, careless of the sounds of shredding material and popping stitches. The muscles that she had dreamed of and fantasized about soon came to fruition before her eyes, glea
ming in the fluorescent lights. His wide shoulders tapered to a toned waistline. A treasure trail of dark hair brought her eyes farther down to his cock, which stood erect and waiting for her.

  There was only a split second in which the two of them stood together, taking each other in with their eyes before Fury was on her again. He brought her to the floor and positioned himself over her, holding himself up comfortably with his arms. She pressed her hands against his chest. “We could go upstairs,” she whispered. “Do this in my bedroom.” It was a desperate move. She didn’t want him to stop, but maybe the distraction would be enough to control the situation again.

  “No,” came Fury’s husky reply. His eyes seemed dangerous as they glared down at her and put her instantly under his spell. “We’ll do it here and now.” He plunged inside her, eager for his cock to explore her core. He pulsed and gyrated, thrusting until every inch of his shaft was buried deep within her.

  Despite the shock, Natasha felt her body reacting to the cyborg’s needs. The nurse knew she shouldn’t let him do this, but she was powerless to stop him even if she wanted to. And she didn’t want to. The cyborg had told her what to do, and the redhead only thought about pleasing him. He knew what he wanted, and she had no choice but to give it to him.

  Natasha spread her legs wide, allowing him to go in deeper, faster, pushing himself to her center. Fury filled her as he crammed himself inside to the base of his cock, balls smacking into her ass with each thrust. The size of his erection matched the size of his body, strong and thick, and she needed it desperately. Her arms went around Fury’s neck, lifting her head up and preventing it from hitting the hard floor. Natasha wrapped her legs around him, letting him have everything she had.

  The cyborg picked up the pace, pounding her faster as he came closer to cumming. The nurse released herself to him, tightening her pussy until she found her body tensing like a clenched fist. She grew wetter, coating his hard shaft as it invaded the hot depths of her body. Her nipples became hard as they rubbed against his chest. Natasha’s throat grew dry and a ball of energy coalesced inside of her.

  Fury was slamming her into the concrete now. Her pain only heightened the pleasure as the male behemoth took what he wanted. She needed this. She deserved this. She was going to come, and she didn’t even need foreplay if she could get a good hard fuck from a real man. “Fuck me,” she moaned. She didn’t know if he understood her, but a shiver went down her spine. “Fuck me harder.” The cyborg was not only taking, he was giving Natasha what she had been craving.

  The cyborg complied with her demands, pumping faster and harder as he plowed her against the hard floor. The friction finally made her lose control. Natasha burst inside, seeing stars as her center of pleasure rippled around him. She cried out and clutched Fury’s back, digging her nails into his muscles. His cock grew even wider as her pussy contracted around it, and Fury moaned as his seed spilled inside her. The two of them collapsed fully onto the floor, a pile of sweaty, naked bodies. She could feel the heat and wetness of his cum as it spilled out.

  Natasha wanted it all over her.


  The keys shook in Natasha’s hand as she unlocked the door. She was nervous all the time lately. Though Natasha had slept better than she had in ages after the encounter with Fury, she now spent most of her waking hours wondering if she had made a mistake. What if someone found out? What if the cyborg understood that he could take advantage of her and was planning to take things too far?

  Despite her worries, she found herself intrigued by the cyborg. Fury wasn’t concerned about fulfilling her needs during sex, but she had gotten what she needed. He’d made her quake inside purely from the raw power he held over her. The nurse had never been with a man like that before. He didn’t play games or pretend to be someone he wasn’t just to get in her pants. What they had experienced was pure desire. She knew it would be addictive.

  The ringing phone startled Natasha out of her thoughts. “It’s John.” His voice sounded flat, and he didn’t say her name. Natasha wondered if he had heard the rumors about their supposed affair going around the workplace. She felt flattered that he would take the effort to try and dispel them. He could have easily benefited from the hearsay and made himself sound like quite the ladie’s man. “I’m calling to let you know I finally picked up the tools I need to finish installing your television.”

  “That’s great! When do you think you can come over?” Instantly, nervousness had her on the edge once again. She didn’t need any coffee to get the jitters.

  John sighed. “I was thinking tonight if you’re available. I need to get this job done so I won’t have it hanging over my head anymore. Do you know what I mean?”

  Unfortunately, Natasha knew exactly what he meant. It was impossible for her to think about anything else. She wanted to know what would happen when Fury received the upgrade. Would he remember his former life, possibly including a wife or other love interest, and set off into the world to find himself? Would he suddenly understand the power of fucking? Or would he be disgusted with himself for taking advantage of her?

  Perhaps he would be one of those unfortunate cyborgs who were unable to handle the upgrade. What would Natasha do then? She didn’t want to terminate him, especially since that meant coming clean about everything. Only the skeletal remains of the Cyborg Sector, kept in place purely to monitor the integration of the soldiers, was capable of eliminating a cyborg.

  John showed up shortly after Natasha arrived home. He looked beaten down. His mouth had a grim set to it. He had circles under his eyes, and his shoulders seemed to slump a little. Even his hair reflected his mood, with several pieces sticking up randomly.

  “Are you all right?” Natasha asked nervously. “You’ve looked better.”

  “I am exhausted,” John admitted. “This project has kept me up every night since I found out about it. I’ve been doing research all the time, looking over the files from your father’s computer, and imagining all the possibilities. I think it’s killing me.”

  Natasha nodded sympathetically. “I know. I’m sorry. I should never have dragged you into this.”

  He waved her off as he entered and shut the door behind him, taking the liberty of locking it as well. “Don’t worry about it. You had to talk to someone, and I’m glad that when you needed someone, you chose me.” He gave her a feeble smile that made her heart warm.

  “So, what’s the plan?” she asked, ready to get down to business. If Fury stayed in the basement any longer, they were both going to lose their jobs, either because they got caught stealing medical equipment or because they fell asleep at their desks.

  John pulled out a small flash drive and a bunch of other electronic equipment. He stepped into the kitchen and spread everything out on the dining table. “I think I have the right software now for the upgrade. It’s a little risky, but it should be a close enough match to work.”

  “What do you mean when you say ‘match’? Don’t the cyborgs all have the same operating system?”

  The tech shook his head. “Not anymore. Blue Squad’s original upgrade was a blanket improvement to their systems. They all got the same package, and each one reacted differently to it. Some of them only became confused, but there was at least one that we know of who went out of control. We’ve made some advances since then. We customize the software for each cyborg. Didn’t you ever wonder why it took so long to get every cyborg through the release program and out into the world?”

  “That doesn’t make sense to me. Why do we change everything for each cyborg?” Natasha glanced over the items John brought with him. “If they all have the same operating system, everyone should be the same.” Natasha’s only point of reference was her usage of regular computers, not the biological ones implanted into cyborg’s heads. She had been hired for her nursing skills more than her technical knowledge.

  “It’s complicated. Remember, Fury has a different chip because of his internal cybernetic organs, and that’s only scrat
ching the surface of what makes each soldier different. We’re talking about a union between humans and computers. Differences are inevitable, and they make the upgrade process unpredictable.” John laughed a little as he pushed up his glasses. “It’s a hard thing for any scientist to handle, but at the same time it’s an intriguing problem.”

  “Are you telling me you programmed an entirely separate upgrade for Fury?” Natasha had not realized what she was asking of John. She thought all he had to do was borrow a few things from Cyborg Sector. The Cyborg Rehabilitation Center was unlikely to notice a couple of missing syringes, but stealing custom software felt like corporate espionage.

  “I wish I had. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to modify the upgrade without profiling the cyborg first. If Fury were still at Cyborg Sector and following the release process, I could make something precisely for him. I had to use what I could find. I sifted through existing profiles until I found one that looked close to his. I downloaded the software for the other cyborg and put it on this flash drive.” He stared down at the pile of junk on the table. “I could only account for his cybernetic implants. There’s nothing I can do about individual genetics. We have to hope it will be close enough to work.”

  “Let’s find out.”

  The two of them descended into the basement laboratory. Fury stood in his cell, inactive and unaware of their presence. A tingling sensation arose between Natasha’s legs and in her breasts as she once again remembered what they had done the other night on the concrete floor. She wondered if she should have told John. Surely a cyborg with sexual urges was something of note.

  Natasha decided to keep her mouth shut.

  John moved purposefully about the lab, first plugging the flash drive into the laptop. He connected one cable to the back of the computer and put the other end into a converter, finally attaching another piece to the exterior of the cyborg’s box. John didn’t speak as he worked, focusing on the task in front of him. His glasses showed the reflection from the computer screen, turning his eyes into bright squares.


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