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Vows of Vengeance

Page 18

by Rita Herron

  He refused to let Spencer kill Stella.

  Besides, he’d vowed to avenge J.T.’s death, and he owed it to J.T. to make Spencer pay.

  He coughed, doubling over, then caught Spencer by surprise with a sharp jab to his midsection. His gun hand wavered, and Luke spun around and struggled to grab it. Both men dropped to the ground, fighting to secure the weapon. Luke tasted dirt and blood, but he managed to slam his fist into Spencer’s face. Spencer spat at him, then angled the gun toward Luke, but Luke jerked it back toward his superior. The gun fired. Once. Twice.

  A third time, and Spencer’s head lolled back.

  Luke collapsed onto the ground, beside him, fighting for air.

  Stella leaped off the boat and dragged him on board, then started the engine and gunned it. The last thing he remembered before he lost consciousness was seeing her wild hair blowing in the wind, tears streaming down her cheeks along with the salty spray as she promised him she’d get him to the hospital.

  STELLA HATED HOSPITALS. Hated them with a passion. But she hadn’t left Luke’s side for the past forty-eight hours. Luke’s condition had been touch and go, but Stella had remained steadfastly by his side, praying that he would survive. Detectives Black and Fox had visited, and she’d explained what had happened, half expecting them not to believe her. Yet. Black had almost been sympathetic, had squeezed her shoulder, reassured her that Devlin was tough and that he’d survive.

  It was just a matter of time before the police took her back to jail. After all, she’d not only violated bail, she had killed Drake Sutton. And Luke’s superior was dead as well. If Luke didn’t wake soon and corroborate her story, they’d probably try to pin his superior’s murder on her.

  She couldn’t go back to prison.

  At least not until she found her mother. Stella had to know what had motivated her mother to sell her child.

  And if both her parents’ genes had been vile.

  Luke stirred and groaned, and she reached for his hand, cradling it between her own. His was large, masculine, his fingers thick and swollen. But he had been so gentle when he’d made love to her that she still craved the feel of his hands on her body, arousing her, making her quiver with desire.

  He slowly blinked open his eyes, his expression pained and weak. “How long have I been here?”

  “Two days,” she said, although it felt like an eternity.


  “He didn’t make it,” Stella said softly. “Detectives Black and Fox have stopped by several times. They want your version of what happened on the island.”

  He nodded. “Are you okay?”

  She was numb. Scared of the future. Terrified of losing Luke, but parting was inevitable. “I’m a survivor.”

  “You’re more than that, Stella, you’re a gutsy, brave woman.”

  Luke cut his gaze sideways, a deep sadness darkening his eyes. “I can’t believe Spencer killed J.T. and God, what he did to you.” His breath caught. “I should have caught on sooner and destroyed him.”

  “I’m sorry, Luke.” She squeezed his hand again. During the past forty-eight hours more of her memories had returned. “J.T. was a nice man. He tried to arrange for me to escape Sutton—” Her voice broke, guilt setting in. “But I didn’t sleep with him, Luke. I swear, our relationship wasn’t like that. He loved his wife.” She paused. “In fact, his devotion to her was one of the things that made me realize how unhappy I was. That I wanted a real life. Someone to love.” But she’d never thought it possible.

  And she didn’t deserve it. A good man was dead because of her. And Luke had almost died, too.

  “His wife will be relieved to know that,” Luke said.

  “What about you?”

  He nodded, his mouth pinched, although he didn’t proclaim his love again.

  “You had a lot of guts to betray Sutton and try to break the hold he had over you, Stella.”

  “Don’t make me out as some hero,” she whispered raggedly. “If I hadn’t asked J.T. for help, he wouldn’t be dead.” And you wouldn’t be lying here near death yourself.

  “It’s over,” he said simply. “J.T. was doing his job. And I’m just glad we got Sutton and Spencer. Now J.T.’s wife and son can at least get their insurance settlement.” He squeezed her hand. “What about you? Are you okay?”

  She nodded, although for her, the haunting images from her past would never cease. J.T. and Raul had both died for her. And then there was that government official she’d murdered. Luke wouldn’t be able to let that go.

  And she couldn’t blame him.

  He sighed, looking exhausted, and she bent over and kissed him. “Rest now, Luke, you need it.”


  “I’ll tell him you woke up. I’m sure he’ll be in later.”

  Stella sat with him until he drifted back to sleep, then she gently kissed his cheek again and slipped out the door.

  Before she turned herself in for her past crimes, she had to find her mother. Close the door on that part of her painful past forever.


  Luke didn’t know if he could handle losing her a second time.

  “She’s been gone a week now, Devlin,” Detective Black said as he handed Luke a cup of coffee.

  Luke had settled back into his cabin, although his body was sore, and he was moving slowly. Myra and her son had visited him twice already. She’d been thrilled to learn that J.T. had died an honorable death— he was a hero. He always would be in both their eyes.

  She’d also confided that she’d started dating a coworker, but she was torn with guilt. Luke had assured her that J.T. would want her and their son to be happy.

  “I’m worried about Stella,” Luke admitted. “What kind of mental state she’s in.”

  “She’s a survivor,” Black said.

  But would she survive this time? Could she live with the guilt of her past? He hoped so. After all, none of it was her fault. She’d been brainwashed and traumatized. And no one had been there to protect her. Least of all Sutton, the man who should have taken care of her.

  But Stella had a conscience, not like Kat or Jaycee. And those two were still missing, worrying him more. According to Black, they’d disappeared, taking Sutton’s files with them. He wondered if they’d resurface and seek revenge against Stella, or if they’d use the opportunity to start new lives, far from the feds’ scrutiny.

  “She might not be safe,” Luke said, voicing his thoughts.

  “The police and our agents are looking for her. And from what I’ve seen, she can take care of herself.”

  Maybe physically, but not emotionally. Not all alone. She’d suffered too much.

  His head throbbed as he contemplated where she might have gone. Then an idea dawned, and he knew he was on the right track. There was one more element in her past she still had to face.

  “She’s looking for her mother.”

  Black nodded. “That makes sense.”

  Luke grabbed the phone to make some calls while Black booted up Luke’s laptop.

  STELLA HAD FINALLY snuck into Sutton’s place, although she hadn’t been surprised to find that the feds had confiscated all his files and computers. Or perhaps Kat and Jaycee had taken them first.

  She’d expected to find the two agents waiting for her at his compound, had looked over her shoulder for the past week to make certain they hadn’t tracked her down to kill her, but they seemed to have disappeared. Maybe they were across the world on another mission, or lying low until the attention from Sutton’s and Spencer’s deaths died down.

  Still confused over how she’d react if she actually located her mother, she pivoted to leave. Suddenly a figure appeared in the shadows.

  She automatically reached for her gun.

  But Luke inched out of the darkness, raising a warning hand. “You aren’t going to shoot me, are you, Stella?”

  She drank in the sight of him. Masculine, potent, so alive and sexy that her mouth watered. He
seemed stiff, still impaired from his surgery and the two bullet wounds.

  “You don’t have to arrest me, Luke. I was going to turn myself in. Eventually.”

  His dark eyebrow slid up. “Is that a fact?”

  “Yes.” She sucked in a sharp breath and squared her shoulders, bracing herself for his reaction. “I read Sutton’s file on me. I know I’m a killer.”

  He nodded. “So am I.”

  She swallowed at his unexpected response.

  “I just wanted to find my mother before I had to go to prison,” she said, hoping he didn’t think she was making excuses.

  “I know. I figured that out.”

  She frowned. “So you’ve been watching me?”

  “I can’t let you go, Stella. Not after all we’ve been through.”

  She held out her hands, bracing herself for the claustrophobia that would assault her as the handcuffs closed around her wrists. “I understand, Luke, you saved my life. I won’t ask you to jeopardize your career for me any more than you already have.”

  “You saved my life, too.” He gripped her hands in his, forgoing the cuffs, puzzling her more. “And for the record, you were worth jeopardizing my career for. Thanks to your help in getting Sutton, the bureau is dropping all charges against you. In fact, there is a job offer on the table.”

  “A job?”

  “Yes, as an agent.”

  “The U.S. government wants me to work for them?”

  He nodded. “With me if you like. You can be my new partner. Of course, they’ll require you to undergo an evaluation and some therapy.”

  A hint of euphoria filled her at the thought. She’d planned to see a therapist already. Disappointment followed.

  “What’s wrong, Stella? You don’t want to work with me?”

  “It’s not that, but Luke…I am Sutton’s daughter. I have his genes.”

  Luke swallowed. “He lied to you, Stella. I’ve been doing some investigating. He’s not your father.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “DNA. Besides, even if he was, genetics don’t make a person. You chose to leave him, meaning even if you were related, you’re your own person.”

  She contemplated his answer, then his job offer. “I don’t want to be an agent anymore,” she whispered.

  He stepped toward her, his voice husky. “What do you want?”

  To be with you.

  She still couldn’t voice her desires. She didn’t deserve Luke. And she had to find her mother, confront her. She’d never be able to heal until she did.

  He moved closer, until he was a mere heartbeat away. Until she inhaled his masculine scent and felt his touch as his finger caressed her cheek. Her body tingled in response, every nerve ending vibrating with need.

  “How about my partner in life?” he murmured.

  She clamped her bottom lip with her teeth. “You don’t know what you’re saying, Luke. I’m not a good person.”

  A fierce look crossed his face just before he dragged her to him. Their bodies touched, chest against chest, lips only an inch apart. “You’re a strong, beautiful, wonderful woman. You survived unspeakable things and fought to escape a madman. That makes you special in my book.”


  “You were willing to die beside me, Stella.” His eyes raked over her, hungry, needy, possessive. “You may not have confessed your undying love for me, but you showed me. Completely.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes, blurring her vision. Her heart was aching. Her body begging for his. “I do love you, Luke.”

  “I love you, too, Stella. I always will.” His breath brushed her cheek as he lowered his mouth and claimed hers. His kiss was commanding, but gentle, seeking, taking, giving. She relished the moment, and loved him back, accepting his tenderness and understanding.

  “Luke…I still need to find my mother, confront her about selling me. I don’t think I’ll ever be whole until I do that.”

  “Shh, from now on, you’re not alone. We’ll find your mother together.”

  She nodded against his cheek, then they walked out of Sutton’s compound hand in hand.

  Later that night, as they lay in bed, their bodies entwined, their lips and souls touching, Stella reached inside her dresser and removed a heart-shaped candle.

  “What’s that?” Luke said with a smile.

  “A symbol of my heart,” Stella whispered. “Because it will burn for you forever, just as my body will.”

  He grinned and lowered his mouth to take her nipple between his teeth. His fingers traced a path down her naked belly, igniting the flames once again as he silently agreed to stoke the burning embers forever.


  Stella had had the nightmares again. She was lying on the cot in the room with the other girls crying for her mother. She heard the soft whispers around her. The warnings that she had to forget. That her mother was never coming back. That she had to do as the big man with the dark eyes commanded, or she would end up dead.

  But this time she woke in Luke’s arms.

  Safe. Loved. As his wife.

  She sat upright, her heart pounding. This was the day she’d confront her mother about why she’d sold her into slavery years ago. And she’d tell her mother all the things they had done to her during her years with Sutton. Watch her reaction for any regrets.

  Luke sat up, the covers sliding down to reveal his bare torso as he slipped his arms around her. “Nervous?”

  She nodded. “I know I should have let it go. But I have to do this.”

  “I understand.” He embraced her, his chest brushing hers. “No matter what happens today, Stella, I’ll be there. It won’t change anything between us.”

  She kissed him tenderly, so in love she thought she might burst. In fact, there were times the last few months when she’d almost given up the search. Told herself that her life with Luke was enough.

  That and the precious baby growing inside her.

  But Luke had pulled strings. He hadn’t given up and had located her mother.

  As if he’d read her thoughts, Luke lowered his head and kissed her belly, softly caressing her swollen abdomen as he did each night. They’d both wanted a baby right away, but had been worried about any lingering remnants of the drugs she’d been given by Sutton. Thankfully all the test results had proven clean, and now they had their first child on the way.

  “I love you, Luke.”

  “I love you, too, Mrs. Devlin. And I can’t wait to meet our son.”

  The baby kicked, and Luke grinned while she thought of the child inside her now. Once again, she wondered how any mother could abandon her own off-spring, much less sell it to someone like Sutton.

  “Come on, let’s get this over with,” Luke said. “Then I have a surprise for you.”

  Stella nodded, drawing strength from Luke, then quickly showered.

  A half hour later, they drove to the small town of Moultrie, Georgia. She’d been shocked to learn that her mother had lived so close by all these years. And embittered to know that she’d never attempted to find Stella.

  Luke drove through the small town, located the street named Pecan Drive, then came to a stop in front of a small, white, wooden house. Although the grass had turned brown, the yard was well-tended, a flower bed of pansies dotting the front with color. Stella sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of the woman who opened the screened door and walked out.

  Her mother’s name was Dorothy. She had been twenty-five when Stella was born, single, living alone, and had probably needed money. Although to Stella, nothing justified selling a child.

  As Luke cut the engine, Stella memorized her features. Dorothy had classic features framed by a soft, blond bob that held touches of gray. Her petite frame resembled Stella’s prepregnancy figure.

  Stella’s heart squeezed. Would Dorothy see the same similarities, or be upset that Stella had found her?

  Luke squeezed her hand, and Stella offered a tentative smile. She reached for the car door, but
he jumped out and met her, helping her out, always the protective, loving husband and doting father-to-be.

  Dorothy descended the steps, slanting her hand over her eyes to see through the sun. “What can I do for you, folks?”

  Stella studied her, glad they hadn’t phoned ahead. She wanted the woman’s gut response when she introduced herself.

  Then the most miraculous thing occurred. Dorothy’s eyes widened, and tears streamed down from her eyes. “Stella?” She walked toward Stella, her hands outstretched. “Oh, my God, is it you, baby? Is it really you? You’re alive…after all this time.”

  Stella narrowed her eyes, and Luke nudged her forward. “Mom?”

  “Oh, my heavens!” Dorothy covered her mouth with her hand and shrieked, then rushed toward her and crushed her in her arms, sobbing. “I thought whoever took you had killed you. But it’s not true, you’re here and alive.”

  Stella stiffened, confused at Dorothy’s reaction, wanting so badly to believe that her mother really cared.

  Dorothy slowly released her, but gripped Stella’s hands. “The night you were kidnapped, I…I thought I would die. It was the worst day of my life.” She smiled through her tears, then cupped Stella’s face in her trembling hands. “I prayed every day that whoever stole you from me had taken care of you. That you were at least with a decent family, but my heart ached every day. And I prayed and prayed… And one day the police came and told me about this baby who had been found dead…it was unrecognizable. I thought it was you.”

  Tears swelled in Stella’s eyes.

  “I was kidnapped?”

  “Yes, honey, at the park in Savannah where I met your father.”

  “What happened to him?” Stella asked.

  “He died in an accident before you were born.” Dorothy reached out and felt Stella’s hair.

  “What do you mean he died? What was his name?”

  “Calvin,” she said softly. “We were so in love. But a hit-and-run accident took his life.”

  “And you’re certain he was my father?”


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