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Lucky Charm: A St. Patrick's Day Irish Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance

Page 10

by Eva Luxe

  “He wouldn’t stop banging on my door until I let him in. And all he did when I finally opened the door was cry about how Brittany is cheating on him and how he wants to get back together with me. It was like a broken record of everything he had already asked of me and I’d rejected. He begged, and cried, and begged some more,” she explains.

  “But—,” I try saying.

  “But that wasn’t enough to get me to start dating him again. Nothing will ever be enough. He’s a worthless little bug. The exact opposite of what you are to me, Liam. I told him to hit the bricks. He kept insisting you told him that you were just with me to get back at Brittany, and that it was hard to deal with me.”

  “I so did not,” I tell her.

  “I know,” she says. “And I so did not sleep with Scott. I can’t believe we’ve let him come between us like this. Both of us thinking badly of the other due to him.”

  I can’t believe it, either. I am such an ass. Of course, she wasn’t sleeping with Scott, what in the world was I thinking? I start laughing, realizing I’ve made a total ass out of myself by playing this uninterested asshole for a whole day and ignoring her messages.

  “By the way,” she tells me, “I told my parents I’m going to be an artist and nothing else. They weren’t too supportive until I mentioned the fifty-five thousand dollar check your friend handed me for one painting. Now they’re over the moon with the idea of having a famous New York artist for a daughter.”

  She holds my hand through the spaces in the chain link fence and apologizes for being so distant when all we needed to do was actually talk to each other instead of disconnecting entirely. I can’t help but agree. We were both real doofuses when it came to this whole Scott scenario.

  “Liam, do you want to be with me?” she asks, her pretty hazel eyes staring into mine. “I’m sorry I let Scott screw with my head. My heart has always been with you.”

  “Of course I do,” I tell her. “There’s nobody else in the whole world I’d rather be with.”

  We kiss through the chain link fence, an act that in retrospect may not have been the most hygienic regardless of how romantic it may have seemed. But I don’t care. I just want to touch her, taste her, feel her, see her. I feel like it’s been months since we’ve been together, even though I haven’t even known her for months. My body and heart and mind just feel like they fit with hers, and need to be with hers.

  I ask her to meet me back at my place around nine, wearing the sexiest number she owns. I even give her a spare key to my place, to make things really official and show her how much I trust her and how much I know she trusts me.

  Chapter 23


  It’s nine-thirty when I get home. It’s been a fairly long day but I’ve refrained from feeling down by thinking about the sweet treat that awaited me.

  I walk into my apartment and see her. Hazel. Her hair is down and she’s wearing a bottomless, red nightie. Her curvy ass looks so hot. She says nothing but greets me by opening her legs and asking me over with her small index finger.

  Hazel grabs my head and places it between her thighs. After what feels like an eternity, the only thing I want to do is eat her sweet, delicious pussy.

  I make my tongue as flat and wide as possible and run it down her wet labia. She must have been having fun on her own before I got home. How naughty. She will be punished for that.

  But for now, I’ll let her enjoy the soft, gentle tracings of my tongue around her tiny clit. I lick her, play with her, suck on her until she’s screaming my name and begging me for a break.

  “You make me cum so much, Liam,” she calls out, grinding her pussy into my mouth.

  Before long, I can’t tell who’s responsible for the majority of the liquids being exchanged, her pussy or my tongue. But it doesn’t matter. She’s writhing in pleasure, pulling on my hair when I hit a particularly sensitive spot.

  Then, after she’s cum too many times to count from my mouth on her pussy, she pulls me up and says, “Get inside me. Please? My pussy needs your cock.”

  I hurry to put on a condom, and not only do I get inside her, but I look straight into her green and brown eyes when I do. She accepts me warmly and we fuck for hours. This has to be most exercise I’ve gotten all year.

  We cover every inch of my home with our skin. We give ourselves time to recover and get a drink of water, or a short restroom break to prevent any UTIs, but for the most part, we spend an entire night fucking nonstop.

  It’s heaven being with her.

  At one point, I say, “I want to get rid of this condom and feel you completely.”

  She pulls me close and says, “I’m on the Pill. I know we’ve been faithful to each other. I want to feel your big cock all the way in the back of my pussy. I don’t want anything to come between us ever again.”

  “You’re such a bad girl,” I tell her, and I spank her while grabbing hold of her ass cheek with my other hand. With my cock hard and hungry, I give her one, two, three spankings for my dirty girl—and three red welts to show that I’m punishing her for being so good at being so bad.

  Then, I rip off the condom and plunge my cock into her wet, waiting pussy. It quivers for me, as she wraps her legs around me and I push it further in. I look down at her juices running along my cock as I see it go in and out of her.

  “This is so hot,” I tell her. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “You’re everything I’ve always wanted,” she says. “I love you, Liam. And I’m so sorry I thought we weren’t right together. I know you’re my lucky charm, now and always.”

  “I love you too,” I tell her, as my cock throbs and pulses inside her. “I’m going to cum in your pussy.”

  “Good,” she says, “because I’m going to cum too.”

  And just like that, we explode together, meld together, melt together.

  “I can’t believe I just shot my load inside you,” I tell her, pulling my cock out and then rubbing it along the sticky goo that fills her pussy, evidence of how I claimed her and made her mine for good. “I left a little creampie in your pussy.”

  “There’s always a piece of my lucky charm that will be with me wherever I go,” she says.

  “Well, it’s not like I’ll let you stray too far before pulling you back so we can do this again and again.”

  She snuggles against my chest and says, “Good, because I don’t want to go anywhere you’re not.”

  Chapter 24


  Rash as it may seem, I’m finally doing it. I’m leaving the offices of Horowitz and Chao and focusing on my art full-time. It’s what I want to do and should I hit any major or minor bumps in the road, I have a wonderful and very rich man to keep me afloat.

  This has been a long time coming, but I never thought it’d be as satisfying as this. Seeing the blocky, beige, hellhole of a building still brings nothing but bad memories, but this'll be the last time I have to walk inside.

  There were some things I had left in my office that I couldn’t part with. Nothing too irreplaceable, just pictures and a couple of knick knacks I’d have a hard time finding again. But I also had to walk in there to give my old life one good last look. This time, I'll actually walk away. This time, my life will change for the better, that’s indisputable.

  I walk inside and see my old boss, the man who Brittany dumped Scott for. Or cheated on Scott with. I don’t have the details of their breakup, nor do I want them. I hope to never have to hear from Scott— or Brittany— again.

  By the sheer look of acknowledgement in his face, I can tell that my boss knows everything about my history with Brittany, although she probably made me out to be some sort of villain in her retelling of the events. It’s either that, or he’s aware that I know of his little relationship with Brittany and I know that he’s married to someone who, if I’m being unclear, is not Brittany.

  He waves to me quickly and speeds up as he walks away from me. How is it that all men who sleep with Brittany turn o
ut to be such flaccid and spineless wimps of human beings? It’s embarrassing for them and for her.

  Thankfully, today, I don’t have to see her. I was just coming to get my stuff and leave. The only person I didn’t mind seeing was Lyssa, who welcomed me on my last visit to this workplace prison with a warm embrace.

  “We'll still hang out, right?” she asks me with tears in her eyes.

  “Of course we will! Hell, we might hang out even more now that I'll have money,” I tell her.

  We hug again as she goes back to her office and I continue on my way to mine.

  It doesn’t take too long for me to throw the couple of things I wanted from my office into the small cardboard box I brought with me. My smile grows in size with every new thing I placd in my box until it’s full, and my desk is only left with the items that were bought by and belong to the offices of Horowitz and Chao.

  And just like that, my time at this job is over. There is no reason for me to have to go to back, ever. I can forget I ever even worked at this place and make sure that no matter wherever I’m heading in New York, that I always avoid the street it’s on.

  The law offices of Horowitz and Chao are nothing to me. I walk out the door and feel reborn. The way I was supposed to feel all those months ago when I left my old sketchbook here and ended my relationship with Scott. Scott. Scott.

  Scott Withers, who is now standing inches in front of my face.

  “Hazel, we need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t,” I tell him as I try to skirt past him.

  He grabs me by my left arm, making me spill some of the contents of my box onto the floor.

  “Shit!” he exclaims. “I’m sorry, I just—”

  “Get the hell away from me,” I demand, screaming at the top of my lungs.

  I turn my attention from him to my knick knacks, one of them now broken. What an ass. Of all the days he could have chosen to be the pathetic mess he’s turned into, why did he have to choose today?

  This was supposed to be my triumphant departure from the depressing series of events that was my old life. Yet here I am, reminded of my mistakes embodied by a mistake of a human being. Scott fucking Withers.

  “I need you to take me back, Hazel. We can make it work. I made some mistakes but we can move past it all and be a great couple again,” he assures me.

  He’s nothing but a joke. Making me drop my shit on the floor is a mistake. Repeatedly fucking the person who was for some reason my best friend is hardly a mistake. And there’s no way in hell I could ever move past that.

  “Scott,” I start, “We were never a great couple. I'll give you this: when we first started going out, I didn’t hate you. Hell, I’d even go as far as to say that I thought I loved you. But you blew it. By not caring about me, what I liked, or really anything in my life. And I don’t even think I need to remind you that you fucked my best friend! Or that I’m in a happy relationship with Liam. I don’t know what you're expecting to happen here, but it sure as hell better not be forgiveness, because I have none for you, you spineless piece of shit.”

  He stands there staring at me until he says, “I deserve a second chance, Hazel.”

  There’s nothing that could happen in my life or to the fabric of reality that would make it so I’d give this entitled little man a second chance. Honestly, what is he thinking?

  Without saying another word to him, I hoist up my box to a more comfortable position and head back towards the car that Liam rented for me so that I could move my stuff out of the office. Of course, I can feel Scott only a few steps behind me.

  “Why won’t you let me convince you?”

  “Because I don’t need any convincing, Scott! I don’t want to be convinced. I have a real man in my life right now and that’s a hell of a lot more than you could offer to try to ‘convince’ me!”

  So that he wouldn’t be allowed another word in the conversation, I slam the door to my car and speed off, almost running over his feet.

  What I said would have been harsh had it been directed at anyone else, but I didn’t say a single word that wasn’t completely and wholly true. It might have been perfect for Scott Withers to show up today. He’s a remnant of my old life. Just like the offices of Horowitz and Chao. They'll both be out of my life forever from this point on.

  Chapter 25


  I’m on my break at the shoot when Hazel calls me up, telling me she’ll be passing by with a story about what happened when she went back to “the offices of Horowitz and Chao,” as she always refers to it with a deep, booming voice. I get some extra food from craft services to share with Hazel once she shows up and to distract her with a little surprise I’ve got for her.

  When she arrives, she tells me about how Scott showed up at her job for one last pathetic attempt to get her back in his life. It’s hard to feel bad for Scott considering what a shit he’s been, but I can empathize with how he’s handling this breakup.

  Had Hazel not cleared things up, I might have ended up like fucking Scott Withers. Although it’s hard to match his level of pitiful actions. Hazel agrees when I tell her this and then out of nowhere, tells me that I’ve brought up something special in her that she cannot get rid of.

  “It’s come to me through my painting and the sex we’ve shared and the new passion I have for life. You’re to thank for all of it. You really have turned my life around, Liam. I love you.”

  Though I have a hard time putting it into words, I’m able to express to her that I reciprocate her feelings towards me and that she should try to not let anyone, be it me or lowly Scott Withers, take any joy away from her.

  “I’ve said it many times before, but I’ll say it again. I may be your fake fiancé, but I truly love you, Hazel.”

  Hazel laughs. “Y’know, our wedding is coming up soon.”

  “You’re still playing along with that,” I joke.

  “So, what if I am?”

  “Well, if you are,” I say as I get down on one knee and pull a large diamond ring out from behind me, “you’re going to need one of these.”

  She looks around in shock and repeatedly asks me if I’m joking.

  “I’m not. Hazel Anderson, will you marry me?”

  She doesn’t hesitate to answer with a loud and proud “yes.” She envelopes me completely and starts grinding on me.

  “Hazel, we can’t fool around here, we’re in public. I’m at work.”

  She whispers to me, “You can’t stop me now. We’re going to have some sex as an actual engaged couple, right here, right now.”

  I carry her over to the nearest changing tent where we partake in some of the quickest lovemaking we’ve had. I hoist up her skirt and push her up against the thin wall of the tent. I have to use all my strength to hold her up while my naked cock enters her bare pussy.

  The friction feels amazing without any kind of protection in between us. And practically in public, no less. I love taking a walk on the wild side with my bad girl. I spank her ass as I thrust my cock in and out of her, and she bites my shoulder so as not to scream.

  “Liam,” she whispers. “I feel so good. You’re gonna make me cum.”

  “And I’m gonna cum in you, little darling of mine,” I tell her, as I feel a pull at the base of my balls.

  “Fuck!” I cry out, trying not to be too loud, as my cum shoots into her pussy. “Maybe we should make a little half Irish baby.”

  “Maybe we should,” she says, grinding on my cock, her voice out of breath as she finishes her orgasm. “But let’s do first things first. The real marriage follows the fake engagement. And then, maybe kids.”

  “Maybe kids,” I agree, with a chuckle, as we hurry to put ourselves back into presentable shape.

  Though it ends quickly, the passion we share is intense. Once we’re totally dressed again after our spontaneous tent fucking, we take a moment to look at each other and realize that it’s actually going to happen.

  Hazel and I are going to get married. For real.
br />   Epilogue - Three months later


  The last few months of my life have been the absolute best. The best way to describe my life before meeting Liam would be “a shit show.” And that’s an understatement. But now, my life has changed for the best. And not just mine, Liam’s too.

  Just last week, I had my very first gallery opening. So many of New York’s elites ended up there, admiring my art, bidding insane amounts of money. In all honesty, the checks that went through from that day are what paid for most of this wedding.

  And a month back, Liam had rather carelessly auditioned at the last minute for what he thought was a small role, but turned out to be a multi-movie deal working with some big time actors. We might be moving to Los Angeles because of this deal, something I’m really looking forward to if it ends up happening. I love New York but I could do with a change of scenery.


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