Unbridled (The Monroe Series Book 2)

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Unbridled (The Monroe Series Book 2) Page 7

by Nicole Dykes

  “You’re Luke Monroe aren’t you?”

  I nod and squeeze the nice handful I’m currently holding causing her to squeal. “Yep.”

  She then proceeds to stick her tongue down my throat, and I try to hold back the gag of the fruity alcohol taste of her mouth. I fucking hate sweet alcohol. Beer or hard liquor is all I drink.

  Finally, after air becomes a necessity, she unwraps her legs from around me and runs back to the group of girls standing on the porch, and she yells, “Oh my God, I just made out with Luke Monroe.”

  Hunter shakes his head, “Now that was some shit right there.”

  We all laugh and head inside the house. Cam and I grab a beer, but Hunter sticks to water.


  I say that, but really I admire the hell out of him. He’s living his dream while I’m finishing my dad’s dream. He’s not willing to let anything mess it up for him, not even his shithead friends.

  We prop up a wall on the side to watch the show. I flirt with the occasional girl, but no one really catches my attention enough for me to motion them over. Meanwhile, my bored mind wanders to Hannah. I’m curious as to what she’s doing tonight, and who she’s doing it with. Something tells me it’s not a guy, and this only makes me wonder what her roommate is like.

  And why in the hell am I even thinking about Hannah or her unknown roommate?

  Hunter goes outside to call Miranda, and Cam leaves to take a piss. With those two gone, a pretty girl with short brown hair finally finds the confidence to approach me.

  Here we go.

  But then, maybe not. She’s steadily checking her phone and typing incessantly. Other than a quick smile, she doesn’t seem to care whose she standing beside.

  Oh, what the hell.

  I’m bored plus I have a little buzz going. “Waiting for someone?”

  She looks over and smiles at me, “My boyfriend. I mean, he’s supposed to call. He goes to KU.”

  Boyfriend. Shit. “Ah, well I’m sure he will.”

  She shakes her head, “I’m sure he won’t. He’s probably with some skank.”

  I rub the scruff on my chin. Oh shit, I can see where this is going. No fucking anyone else’s girlfriend is one rule I do try to follow. That shit never ends well, as in there’s usually a fight. Not that I’m scared, but fighting can get me into a lot of trouble and I’ve already been in one fight this year.

  I move off the wall, “Well, good luck with that.”

  But instead of letting me leave, she shoves her phone in her little wrist billfold thing, then moves in closer, “Wanna get a drink with me?”

  I hold up my cup, “I already have one.”

  She smiles seductively, “Right, but I don’t. My name is Lindsey, and I think you’re really sexy.”

  I shake my head, kind of stunned at the sudden turn of events. But I know where this is going. “Can’t. You just said you have a boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, who is a total asshole. I’ve heard from a couple of mutual friends that he’s screwing around on me, so my friends”, she points to a group of girls in the corner, “dragged me here to get back at him. I wasn’t going to go through with it, but then I saw you.”

  Going exactly where I suspected.

  Fuck me.

  Why not?

  If the guy is cheating on her, then surely he doesn’t care. I grin over at her, “Well I guess a drink wouldn’t hurt.”

  We leave the wall so I can grab another drink, and she pours something fruity for herself. No kissing this chick if all goes as planned. She pulls me to a window seat in the large living room.

  I take a seat, and she boldly gets comfortable on my lap, and she’s not wasting any time going for it. It’s everything I can do to avoid her mouth and the fruity flavor I know is hiding behind those excited lips. I keep my mouth busy on her slender neck while she grinds on my cock. The way she’s working her hips, I know she’s going to be wild in bed.

  Stupid fucking boyfriend.

  Her breath is hot in my ear when she whispers, “Let’s go back to my dorm. My roommate won’t be home for a while.”

  I consider it. Perfectly good invitation, and normally I would be all for it. But I promised Hunter we would be back at our dorm in less than 30 minutes. I know that’s plenty of time for a blowjob, and this is a classic revenge sex setup, so she doesn’t care about anything other than she hooked up with the Kansas State football MVP from last season.

  And then, I see Hannah’s fucking face.


  She already thinks I’m dirty, sinful. And even though she would never find out if I took this chick up on her invitation, I still can’t help but wonder what she would think about my behavior tonight.

  And I wish like hell I didn’t care.

  I push the girl away, “I can’t. I have to get back to campus.”

  She glares at me and crosses her arms, “Are you kidding me? I’m making it very easy for you here, and you seriously want to turn me down?”

  I stand up, “Yep. You’ll have to find another dick to ride to get back at your boyfriend.”

  I walk outside, grabbing Cam on the way, and we join Hunter. “Let’s go.”

  Cameron sputters his protest, “Hey, I had a sure thing in there, fuck head.”

  “We promised Hunter we would be back in time for curfew.”

  Hunter looks pleased, and Cam looks pissed off as we make our way back to the dorm. I’m still reeling from the fact that I didn’t close the deal with that girl. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Hannah Fucking Martin.

  Chapter 10


  I close my textbook and lean back a little in the comfortable library chair, “Do you feel prepared for tomorrow’s test?”

  Lucas grins and closes his book too, “Yeah, I do. Thanks for studying with me, don’t know what I would have done.”

  I have no doubt he would have passed the exam just fine without studying with me, and knowing this makes me smile inside because all this is really just an excuse to spend time with me. The last part I will never admit to, but I’ll return the flattery, “You would have done just fine.”

  He shrugs, “Maybe, but really all I need is a “C,” and I can increase my grade with the homework.”

  “So, really what you’re saying is that you don’t care about school at all do you?”

  My tone isn’t accusing, it’s just an observation and he seems to sense that. He laughs, “Not really. I’m just here to do my time.” I wonder what that means, but before I can ask he’s standing up, “So I suppose you still won’t let me walk you home?”

  I stand up, and without even thinking, I say, “Why not? Last night of studying and all.”

  His eyebrows actually look like they touch his hairline. He’s clearly shocked by my response. The small laugh that escapes me causes him to tilt his head in question. I used to love catching him by surprise. He quickly loses the surprised look and grins back at me, “Well, alright then.”

  We gather our bags and walk out of the library together. Once on the sidewalk, he shortens his stride to match mine as we head in the direction of my dorm. The night has turned cold, but neither of us hurries. It’s not a long walk, and we manage it in silence. This time, for some reason, the silence isn’t uncomfortable. I know Luke wants to ask me questions, but he’s respected my wishes and not pushed. So, pretty much all of our conversations have been about Economics. It seems he’s gotten a little more patient over the years, but with the test being tomorrow and our study nights coming to an end, I’m wondering if he’ll want to try and see me again and if he does, is he going to push for answers.

  Outside Ford Hall, I pull my key card out and turn to face him, “I appreciate you walking me home.”

  What’s with this shyness, Han?

  “Of course, thanks for letting me this time. You know, we’ll have more exams in this class, so don’t think you’re escaping me.”

  I grin at his gentle threat. A week ago, it would ha
ve frightened me. Tonight, I feel happy that there will be more studying together. And that scares me. “Oh really?”

  “Really, and maybe next time you’ll let me talk about something other than Econ.”


  He puts his hands up in surrender. “I know, that scares the hell out of you. So, I promise not to bring up the past and just talk about the present. That is, until you’re ready. I’m just sick to death of Econ.”

  I smile, “Well maybe the weather next time.”

  He laughs at my joke, “Alright, sounds good.”

  “Get home safe, and get some rest. Tomorrow is the big day.”

  He laughs and waves as he walks off, “Sweet dreams, Hannah.”

  When I walk in my suite, Rachel is standing in the small kitchen with her arms folded and pinning me with a questioning glare, “Where have you been?”

  I try to gather my thoughts and answer her calmly, “I told you I was going to study tonight. I have an exam tomorrow.”

  “Right, but it’s ten thirty, and you never stay out this late.”

  I admit I was out later than I had planned, but I didn’t even met Lucas until 7:30 tonight because he had a meeting with his coach. Now, the way Rachel is jumping all over me makes me angry because I don’t know why she feels she deserves an explanation on every move I make.

  Okay, that’s a lie, I’ve allowed it to get to this point. But dang it, I’m an adult!

  “Well, I did tonight. Now, I’m going to bed because I have to be up early.”

  I turn quickly toward my room and flop back on my bed so I can shake off the mini-showdown with my roommate.

  She’s just being your friend and looking out for you. You would still be bad if it weren’t for her.

  I wake the next morning in an awful mood because of lack of sleep. I woke several times after dreams of Luke morphed into lectures from Rachel. I gave up at five o’clock and studied. After letting time get away from me, I ended up taking a quick shower that almost made me late for my first class.

  In Econ, I sit in my regular seat, and I’m not at all surprised when Lucas takes his regular seat beside me. I notice he looks perfectly calm and happy.

  Heck, he just looks perfect.

  “How’s it going?” So casual, so carefree.

  “Fine,” I answer shortly.

  He sighs and steals a pencil from the several I have laying out. Then sighs, “You wanna talk about it?”


  He nods like he was expecting that answer.

  I rest my forehead on my hand, “I’m sorry, I just…it’s been a rough morning, and I had a small argument with my roommate last night.”

  He stretches, “Your roommate? Did you know her before college or did you get assigned to be her roommate?”

  I need to be thinking about Econ right now and not this question and answer session with him, but I open my mouth, “Before. Her father is friends with mine.”

  “Ah,” He nods like that makes total sense to him. “Well then, it sounds like you’ve been friends for a while, so I’m sure it will be fine.”

  I can tell he’s trying to make me feel better about my “fight” with Rachel before it distracts me from my exam, and he has no idea how much I appreciate that. The way he’s treating me makes regret the way I acted toward him when he first approached me. Why did I just assume that letting him back in my life would be bad for me?

  Because…..he’s trouble all wrapped up in one hell of a body.

  I need to clear my mind of thoughts like that.

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will be.”

  Do I even want it to be okay, though? I feel more and more agitated with all her accusations and questioning and warnings. Not to mention the hidden threats of calling my father, and offers to pray with me so I may continue on the right path.

  Finally, the professor comes in and hands out the tests rendering us all silent. Lucas is done pretty quickly and hands in his exam. He gives me a little wave just before he exits, and I smile back before returning my focus on the task at hand.

  Surprisingly, on Monday Luke joins me in the front row just like always. I was just assuming, now that the exam is over, that he would rejoin his friends in the back. “Don’t your friends miss you?” I ask with a welcoming smile.

  “Hell no, we spend too much time together as it is. The taller of the two, the all-American looking son of a bitch, that’s Hunter and he’s my roommate.”

  I’m slowly learning more and more about Lucas’s life, and the more I learn, the more intrigued I am. While I’ve been reluctant to discuss anything about me, he, on the other hand, has fed me tidbits of his family and friends. I look back and see the two guys Lucas is always with talking to a small cluster of giggling girls. I can’t help wondering why Lucas is choosing to sit down here with me when he could be right there with them. But then again, I guess he’s around that all of the time. One hour isn’t going to hurt. “Ah, so you see him all of the time. I can totally understand needing the distance.”

  “Friend, roommate, and teammate, yeah I see him way too much. So, everything okay with your roommate now?”

  He remembered my argument with Rachel?

  I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I’m happy he paid attention and is interested. I see so much of the boy who used to be my best friend, but I also feel like sometimes I’m getting to know a stranger who is a very interesting and, dear Lord, sexy as sin man.

  And I’m loving every moment of it.

  “Yeah, for right now anyway. I’m sure there’s something else on the horizon to get her riled up.”

  “You can always do what I do, threaten to put Perform muscle rub in her jock strap.”

  I laugh. I can tell there is definite fondness Lucas has for him. “Rachel doesn’t wear a jock strap, though,”

  “Okay, her thong then. It’ll just take one time, and you’ll be the one in charge from then on.” He says this in a perfectly serious voice, which makes me laugh harder.

  And I don’t miss how handsome he is when he smiles after he realizes he made me laugh so freely.

  When I settle down, I finally have to ask, “So did you see your exam online?”

  He nods and shrugs, “I got an A. How about you?”

  I smile big and bump his arm with my shoulder, “That’s great, we both got an A!”

  “Yeah, it’s just the first one, and I’m sure she took it easy on us. Anyway, I had a good study partner.” He nudges me back. I can’t dismiss the tingling in my arm where we touched, either time.

  “Well, I’m glad our studying together paid off.”

  “And that’s why we need to do it more often.”

  Before I can respond, the lecture begins, and for the first time ever I find myself anxious, in a good way, for the next exam. Lucas has said more than once now that we are studying for the next one together, and I find myself excited for the professor to announce the next test date.

  At the end of class, Lucas and I stand at the same time and as he swings his bag over his broad shoulders, he says, “So I was thinking, we need to celebrate.”

  “I know you probably have to study or work, but we can’t let our first successful Economics exam go by without celebrating. Now, I’m not taking no for an answer because you are my study buddy, what time do you get off work tonight?”

  “Eight o’clock.”

  “Study group after?”

  I should lie, but that would be wrong. “No.”

  “Alright, so dinner at eight o’clock to celebrate.”

  He’s not asking, and I really want to go, so I’m not arguing, “Okay, we can get something to eat on campus.”

  He shakes his head at me, “Have you even been off campus before, Hannah?”

  “Of course, I have to get groceries. And I went to the park a couple of times.”

  “Okay, just so you know, there are more places to see other than the park and grocery store. And I know this great place, and it isn’t far, but they have
the best steak chili I’ve ever had. Guarantee it’ll melt your face off.”

  I smile, “You remember, I love spicy food.”

  “I remember everything Hannah,” he says gruffly.

  I hold his gaze for a moment before I can say anything, “Okay, just tell me where it is and I’ll meet you there.”

  He shakes his head, “Nope, I’ll meet you outside of Hale at eight o’clock, and we can take my car. You’ll love it.”

  He is playing so dirty, and I need to somehow find a small amount of control.


  “Okay, I’ll see you then.”

  For the rest of the day, I go to classes with butterflies in my tummy. I stop at my dorm before heading to work, and breathe a sigh of relief that Rachel isn’t back from class. This allows me to change into a decent shirt for going to dinner, and I take the time to touch up my makeup. Then before I can talk myself out of it, I put in my contacts. I have no good reason for doing any of this because this is not a date, and I need to remember that cold hard fact.

  At eight o’clock, I clock out and practically run outside to meet Lucas, and he looks so good. His hair is damp and sexily messed up from a recent shower. His clean, manly smell whirls in the air around me, and long-dormant reactions of my body slowly come to life. Then we reach his car, and can I just say…..damn!

  I have to take a moment to just stare at the beauty.

  He grins, “I told you it was badass.”

  I smile, “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Wait until you ride in her, then you can fully appreciate the whole thing.”

  Full. Body. Shiver. Sexy man, sexy car.

  Oh God, I’m only human.

  We hop in and he drives only a small distance down Anderson Avenue before parking in front of the restaurant, and now I’m wishing we had ten more miles to go. The name says, Little Apple Brewery. “You brought me to a brewery?”

  “Chill, not to drink. To eat. They serve damn good food.”

  We’re quickly seated in quaint wooden booths and handed menus. I look around, “This is nice.”

  “You’ve seriously gotta get out more.”

  “I’m always too busy.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that. Why?”


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