Unbridled (The Monroe Series Book 2)

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Unbridled (The Monroe Series Book 2) Page 10

by Nicole Dykes


  Running with Lucas.

  “Okay then, Starbucks at eleven thirty,” I beam at him.

  I’m running late when I finally make it Starbucks. My phone buzzed with a text from Lucas just as class was letting out. He asked me to meet him at the Student Union for lunch, which was strange. When I texted him back that I was meeting Nick for coffee, he didn’t bother to text back at all. I don’t know how to feel about his sudden cold shoulder treatment since introducing me to Nick. I already know, friend or no friend, if Nick were bad news, Luke wouldn’t have let me meet him, or even if he did he would tell me not to give him my number. So now I’m just confused by his behavior.

  Nick is waiting for me just outside the door, and when I reach him, he takes my hand like it’s the most natural thing in the world to do. But I don’t know him, and as nice as he is, the familiarity kind of unnerves me. But I let it pass and return his smile.

  After getting our coffee, we find a quiet table for two in the back where he politely pulls out my chair. And yeah, I have to give him points for that because what girl wouldn’t. So far, everything about Nick is perfect.

  Too perfect.

  Eventually, I check my phone and notice the time, and it says I only have thirty minutes to get to work.

  “I’m sorry Nick, but I’m going to have to get to work. Thank you for the coffee, though.”

  “Thank you for coming. I enjoyed it.”

  We both stand and gather our cups to toss on the way out. He holds the door for me to pass, and once we’re on the sidewalk, he reaches for my hand again. I notice he doesn’t look as relaxed as before. “Is everything okay?”

  “I was just wondering, you know since we had a nice time today, if maybe you would like to go out Friday night?”

  A date?

  Oh, this is definitely a date he’s suggesting. I haven’t been out on a date in a while.

  My father would approve.

  But I can’t make this decision because my father would approve. I need to think. No, right now I need to get to work, and I’ll think about it later.

  “I’m not saying no, but I’m asking if maybe I can think about it.”

  I am without a doubt the lamest female on this campus. Well, except for Rachel.

  But then, even Rachel wouldn’t say no to a date with Nick.

  Why is that so inappropriately funny?

  “Uh, yeah. That’ll be fine. If it’s because of work, we can plan around it.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow for sure. Maybe I can get someone to cover my shift Friday.” I try to reassure him with my brightest smile, and he seems to accept my answer for now.

  “That’s good. I’ll wait to hear from you tomorrow. Have a good night at work.”

  “Bye,” I smile and turn to rush to Hale.

  Wednesday, I go to Econ and I wonder if Lucas has any idea about my date with Nick. I mean they did run together right before we met for coffee, and since they’re friends, surely Nick said something to him. Maybe that explained the strange text. I don’t know anymore. Sleep for me was hit or miss last night trying to decide whether this date with Nick is a good idea, and that simple fact right there should be my answer.

  Lucas sits down next to me looking more irritated than Monday. Maybe he does know and he isn’t happy about it? But why would he care? He grunts, actually freaking grunts a greeting, when he sits down next to me.

  “Hey,” is all I say back.

  “So, you and Nick are going out Friday?”

  He does know about the date. “So, he told you?”

  “No, it was in the Collegian,” he says sarcastically.

  I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. “Very funny.”

  “It came up when we went running yesterday.”

  “I haven’t told him yes yet, but it’s a good thing right? I mean you guys are friends, so he must be a good guy?”

  He turns to me irritated, “I’m not good, Hannah. You hardly let me forget that I’m the Antichrist. Since Nick is my friend, shouldn’t that make him evil too?”

  Wow with the anger.

  I blink a few times before answering, “I don’t think that about you and you know it. And since he’s your friend I’m sure he’s safe.”

  “Safe? What the hell, Hannah. That can’t be the only reason you go out with a guy.”

  “That’s not the only reason,” I bite out. “He’s also very kind and attentive. He’s a good Christian and he has solid plans for the future.”

  “What the hell, did he give you his resume before he asked you out?”

  I hate how sarcastic and mean he’s being.

  “No, I also think he’s very good looking, so there.” I know I sound like some petulant child, but he doesn’t sound much better.

  “Well there you go. Saint Nick sounds like he checks off every fucking perfect-boyfriend box. So go out. Enjoy your new boyfriend. Oh, that’s if you have time,” he says bitterly.

  “Hey, don’t go there. You’re the one who’s been trying to convince me to get out. ‘Remember exploring, Hannah,’ oh, and how about, ‘you’re in college, having fun is your right.’ And now you want to remind me I don’t have time. Well forget you, Lucas. I’ve found plenty of time for you, I’m sure I can squeeze some more out of my days somewhere.”

  He just sits there looking angry when I finish my tirade. His eyes are shooting pure heat and his breathing has increased, and not in a good way. But I’m pretty much matching him breath for breath, because now I’m angry.

  I honestly can’t believe him right now. Why is he so upset? Isn’t this what he wanted, for me to loosen up?

  “Yeah, you’re right, Hannah. I’ll just pat myself on the back and call it a job well done.” His voice is dripping with something I can’t even identify, and I kind of want to smack him for being so frustrating.

  “Not that I need your permission, but I am going to say yes. He’s been nothing but nice to me so why shouldn’t I.” I state this because I’m through asking him questions and getting my head bit off.

  “Yeah, nice. Nice and boring. The real you, the girl only I know, will be bored out of her fucking mind with Mr. Perfect.”

  I cross my arms in my desk in a huff, questioning my sanity in letting him rile me up so much. Enough that I told him, I was going on the date. And now I pretty much have to in case he tells Nick I said I would go.

  Dang it, how did I get myself into this mess?

  Oh, well. No worries. Nick is perfect. He. Is. He’s driven and smart, caring and kind, good looking and charming. He’s everything any normal girl would want.

  Safe and boring.


  Now I can’t get Lucas’s words out of my head. The real you, the girl only I know.

  I’m so scared he’s right.

  Chapter 13


  Fuck, is she serious? She’s actually going out on a date with Nick. I know Nick is a good guy and I should want this for my friends. Instead, I feel sick to my stomach and pissed and so damn confused. I don’t know why I came in so combative to her when all she did is say “hello.” All I know is I sure as shit don’t like any of this. Maybe go back to Friday night and skip that goddamn party. That was the beginning of all this hell.

  When Econ is over I look over at Hannah, but she still looks mad so I just get up and leave. I don’t need this shit. I walk outside with Hunter and Cam. Usual routine, heading to get something to eat. Hannah’s probably calling Nick with the good news.

  That almost kills my appetite.

  When Nick told me he was going to ask Hannah out on a date on our run, I wasn’t really that surprised. He actually told me that he was happy I set them up, like that was my fucking plan, bringing her to the party.


  Then I was pissed because I was worried, and I don’t even know why I’m worried.

  You’re in denial.

  Shit, fuck, shit.

  I want Hannah.

  The unfortunate
thing is that Hannah won’t want me. I’ll never meet her roommate’s approval, and her father would lock her away. Fuck. That thought is irritating in more ways than one. But Hannah and Nick? Hell, her old man would eat that shit up smiling. Nick is the exact type of guy that asshole would like. He’ll have Hannah married and popping out little babies in no time.

  At lunch, Hunter is still going on and on about seeing Miranda this weekend. Cam is making some joke about how blue his balls must be, and poor Miranda will go back to school Monday in a wheelchair.

  Okay, that’s kinda funny.

  I just can’t make my face move to laugh. Instead, I’m sitting here like a fucking crazy chick, obsessing over Hannah going on a date.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “So what are you going to do without me this weekend?” Hunter asks kicking my leg under the table.

  I snap back to the conversation as Cam laughs and says, “Don’t you worry about us, Choir Boy. Without you policing us, we’ll find plenty of shit to get into. K-State is our oyster this weekend. You just worry about having enough condoms for this weekend. Might get a supersize box.”

  Hunter rolls his eyes as we empty our trays and head back outside, “You guys better not get your asses kicked off of the team while I’m gone. You two don’t have anywhere near my talent, but I still need ya out there.”

  Now, I laugh, “No fucking way, man. We make you look good on the field. We’ll be just fine. The only thing you need to worry about is unleashing some Wildcat down in Sooner Nation. When you leave, make sure those assholes know you were there.”

  “Hell yeah, bro.” The three of us bump fists.

  Now I wish I were going.

  That evening, I’m feeling shitty about the way I left things with Hannah. I know I’ll see her in class on Friday, but that really isn’t soon enough, and I want to clear things up in person. Knowing Hannah, she wouldn’t appreciate a phone call. The sad thing is, I have no idea how to fix this tension between us. I can’t tell her not to go out with Nick. I’m not going to ask her out because frankly, I don’t need that kind of rejection. Maybe a run, a lot of answers to life’s craziest questions come during a good, hard run.

  Well, I hope.

  After changing into basketball shorts and a t-shirt, I opt for the long way around campus to get to Hale Library. It’ll give me a good hour to wrap my head around a solid plan.

  But now that I’m standing outside the doors of my destination, it’s obvious my route wasn’t long enough.

  What the fuck are you doing here?

  After pacing a couple of small circles, I shake it off and just decide to wing it. This is Hannah, dammit. I walk up to the main floor and I see her standing near the stacks and immediately slap on my “I’m Luke Monroe, give me your panties” smile. It works every damn time. I slow my walk to confident, and I’m ready. Well, until I see him. Now I’m more than positive my smile resembles a cross of “explain this shit to me” and “I’m gonna kick your ass.” And watching him touch her I want to kick his ass, but I can’t. Nick is my friend and Hannah’s not mine. Then there’s the fact that I’m the dumbass that introduced them.

  I guess she’s already told him the good news. Seriously, though, he’s going out with her on Friday and he’s here brushing the hair out of her face, touching her.

  Just. Fuck.

  I turn to get the hell out before I lose my shit, because I know I’m close. Two of my best friends are standing right there together, so yeah, this is not an ideal situation. But, of course, Nick sees me and waves me over, and at this point it would be really awkward to turn and run. Okay, now that just pisses me right the fuck off. I’m no goddamn coward.

  Hell no, I’m Luke Monroe.

  I don’t know what smile is on my face now as I walk casually to them, but I can pretty much guess it’s not “how’s it goin, buddy.” I know this because Hannah looks confused. Of course, that could be because of the look on my face or she’s wondering why I’m here after our little fight in class.

  What the fuck ever.

  “Lucas, what are you doing here?”

  I address Hannah. You know how I’m totally honest, way too honest? Well, that doesn’t mean I’m a total dumbass. There’s no way I’m going to tell her why I’m here, especially not in front of Nick. “I was on a run.”

  She nods, “Oh.”

  I look at Nick, “Why are you here?”

  “Oh, I know how much Hannah likes the Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks so I thought I would surprise her with one.”

  “It’s six o’clock at night,” I say, eyeing him suspiciously.

  Hannah gives me an irritated look, “Yeah, well I needed it. I’m working until eight, and then I have a study group. It was very sweet.”

  Yeah, real fucking sweet. Sugary “boyfriend” sweet.

  What the fuck is his game here?

  I need to get out of here, “Okay, well I guess I’ll see you in class Friday.”

  I leave with no smile and without looking back. I can’t watch perfect Nick and Hannah.

  By Friday, my mood is even worse. I have no patience and I seriously feel like I’m losing my mind.

  I wish I could skip Econ, but thanks to football, my ass is here. I’m all checked-in, but I can’t take sitting next to Hannah today in case she says anything about how excited she is for her date tonight. It’s irrational, I know. I damn sure don’t need to be judged. I can’t figure one good reason for her to go on this date other than to please her fucking father. I know soul deep she doesn’t want a guy like Nick. She will be bored to tears in the first thirty minutes, but for some reason, she’s going through with this date. I sit next to Hunter in the back row ignoring his curious gaze. Doesn’t mean I can ignore his question, though. “Okay, what the fuck is wrong with you Monroe? You’ve been moping around all week and now you aren’t sitting with Hannah?”

  Cam folds himself into the uncomfortable seat beside me, also interested in my answer. “I’m not in the mood to pay attention today.”

  “You got in a fight with Hannah,” Hunter says knowingly.

  I shake my head at Hunter, “No, everything’s fine. Just ready for the weekend. I’ll have the place all to myself.”

  “It’s just a couple of days, man.”

  “Yeah, well it’s enough,” I return.

  Cam grins, “Hell yeah, we’re going to make this weekend epic. Practice start full on next week, so we’re going all out starting with a party tonight. Already got the invites.”

  I told Cameron I would go with him if there were any good parties happening this weekend, but now I’m second guessing that decision. The mood I’m in, I’ll probably knock someone out and get kicked off of the team. The heat is about to get turned back up on the football team as we hit the field to practice for the Purple-White game. So I don’t need any bullshit fights to get in my way.

  “Actually, I don’t know if I want to go out.”

  Hunter looks surprised and Cam looks pissed, “What? Why not?”

  “Because it sounds fucking lame.”

  “No, this one is going to be a big one. Some spring fling shit or something that the Tri-delts are having. What the hell is going on with you?”

  “Did you just say, Delta Delta Delta? Is that even a thing or did you hit your head?” Hunter asks. I can’t help but chuckle.

  “It’s a thing,” Cameron defends. “I think. Anyway, that’s not the point. I was promised the Triple-D house has the hottest party on campus this weekend.” My eyebrows shoot up and I pin him with my gaze.

  Okayyyyy, now I’m interested.

  Hunter asks exactly what I want to, “Isn’t that a bra size?”

  We’ve seen pictures of Miranda. He’s a tit man.

  “Nah,” I counter. “I think it’s a show on that food channel. Brooke watches it. Dude on there drives a sick Camaro.”

  “Hey, you two.” We ignore Cam waving his hand in front of us.

  “Is that where she gets her recipes.
Damn I love her cooking. I’m thinking you call her and have her send another package, it’s been way too long.”

  Now Cameron is flat pissed. “Would you two fucking focus, especially you, dick face,” he says pointing right at me. “This is our last weekend, and Choir Boy here’s going to be getting his dick wet in Oklahoma. So you are going.” He emphasizes his command by slamming his palm on the desk.


  “Look, I’m just not in the mood.”

  He opens his mouth to argue, but thankfully the professor comes in so I throw my hand up to cut him off. Then, as soon as class is over I’m gone. I don’t stick around to see if Hannah will walk by me. Walking across campus, I text Hunter and Cameron I have to shit to do and can’t go to lunch with them.

  At four o’clock, I’m done with classes and instead of going to the gym, I choose to run. Before I can get out the door, Hunter walks in after his last class, “Hey man, no gym today?”

  “Just thought I’d run today. You about out of here?”

  “Yeah, just grabbing my bag. By the way, you know Cam is pissed, don’t you?”

  “Shit, yeah. I’ll take care of it tomorrow while he’s hung over. He’ll get over it just to get rid of me while he pukes.” This truth makes us both chuckle.

  He goes into his room and returns with his bag.

  “You sure you are okay?”

  “I’m fine, Hunt.”

  He sits on the arm of the couch facing me, “Cut the bullshit, man.”

  “It’s nothing. Hannah and I just had a little bit of an argument I guess, but it’s fine. She’s a chick, so you know how they can get their panties in a bunch.”

  Except in this case, uh no, I don’t wear panties.

  But you get the picture.

  “She’s not, though. You’ve known her forever, and now she’s finally back in your life. Whatever you did, fix it.”

  “Why do you assume I did something?”

  He looks at me like I’m an idiot, “Are you serious?” We both crack smiles.

  “Get the hell out of here and have fun with your girl.”

  He stands and winks, “Oh, I will.”

  I stand and walk him to the door and slap him on the shoulder. “Drive safe, bro.”


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