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Unbridled (The Monroe Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Nicole Dykes

“Don’t be sad, sweetheart because you’re in luck. I’m a master at the O.” I say it teasingly, but I’m dead fucking serious when I think; please take the bait, Hannah.

  She narrows one eye and bites the corner of her lower lip before skimming her tongue quickly across it.

  Ohhh, I wish she wouldn’t do that while I’m thinking about orgasms.

  Then before I can fully comprehend what she’s doing, she leans up and plants a quick kiss on my lips.

  And I’m back to stupid.

  When I don’t say anything, she gives me a tiny shrug, “I’ve wanted to do that for a few weeks now,” she says shyly.

  Then I move….fast.

  I push my hands against her shoulders, pushing her flat on the floor to hover above her prone body and crash my lips to hers. There’s nothing gentle about this kiss. It’s full of re-exploration, relearning, and reclaiming. My tongue rolls and thrusts against hers, looking to taste every part of her mouth, and she tastes so fucking good.

  Finally, she pushes against my shoulders, and we both draw in a much-needed breath. Her eyes are glassy, “Lucas?”

  So sweet.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for three years,” I tell her. And then we’re kissing again. Kissing like I’ve never kissed before.

  Leaving her lips, I trail kisses down the line of her jaw and nip at the point of her chin. My hands join in and slide under the hem of her dress that’s been pushed to the top of her thighs. And I growl low, “Stockings and a garter, for him?”

  Her small hands grasp the back of my t-shirt and start tugging it up. “No, I hate pantyhose.” She tugs harder. “Please, Lucas, I want to touch you.”

  I sit up on my knees straddling her body and pull my shirt over my head, “Touch away sweetheart.” Then grab the bottom of her dress, “Can I take this off?”

  She lifts her hips, no hesitation, and the dress comes off, leaving her in nothing but her bra, panties, and those sexy as fuck stockings and lacy garter. I plan on peeling them off with my teeth. I move between her legs and kiss between her breasts, inhaling the intoxicating smell coming off her skin. It’s not annoying perfume, it’s just her.

  I slide my hands underneath her back and unsnap her bra. Looking down at her I say, “Tell me how hard you want to come, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “I don’t care. Just do it. Please,” she pleads.

  “I will, with my mouth. When I’m finished eating your tight little cunt, you won’t even remember you dated pencil dick. But you’ll sure as fuck remember coming all over my tongue.”

  The dirtier I talk, the harder her breaths come. I don’t even think she’s aware of what she’s doing when she grasps the sides of my head and starts gently pushing my head down. I resist the quick descent she’s wanting, choosing to take my time and explore her body along the way. I kiss the tops of her breasts and take the time to lick and suck her hard nipples before trailing my tongue to her tiny waist. I kiss each hip bone and circle my tongue around her belly button before dipping it inside.

  Her back arches and she sways her hips, seeking more of my mouth. I slide my hands into each side of her panties, pushing them down her legs as my mouth finally comes to rest at the top of the seam of her slick slit. She is wet as fuck, and I need a taste. I push her hips to the floor and cross my arms over her waist to hold her still while my lips seek out her swollen clit, sucking it as deep as I can. Then I go to work spelling out every dirty word and thought I want to do to her body with my tongue, soft then hard. What began as soft moans and sighs coming from her mouth are now gasps and soft screams of need.

  I peek up to see the look on her face while she searches for her release. “You like that, sweetheart?”

  “Oh God, yes. Don’t you stop, Lucas,” she says demandingly. Her hands tangle through my hair and redirects my face to where she wants it.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say with a chuckle. The vibration obviously feels good.

  “Oh, that feels good, do that again,” she begs.

  Instead, I stiffen my tongue and slide it as deep inside her pussy as I can before licking back up to her throbbing clit, causing her body to quake underneath me and her thighs to tighten against the sides of my head. I growl low and deep against the hard nub, and there it is.

  She squeezes her leg muscles tighter and pulls my hair harder while high keening noises escape her parted lips. Her body tightens and shivers over and over as I continue kissing her soft folds and licking her juices while she rides her orgasm.

  Her legs relax and fall to the side, so I release her hips and move up to kiss her mouth.


  That’s the look on her face. She’s absolutely beautiful when she comes, and I can’t wait to make her come again. She opens her eyes and looks up at me like I’m a dream, and that’s the look that says she’s satisfied.

  Her hands slide to the waistband of my shorts, but I stop her. “Not tonight, Hannah.”

  “But Lucas, I…..”

  “No, sweetheart, that was all for you. When I’m finally inside you again, I want to make sure you don’t regret me.”

  She looks into my eyes, "I've never regretted anything between us and I want this."

  “Well that’s damn good to hear, but I can wait. It’s late, and we should probably talk about this before we do anything further.” Her eyes are closed and I wonder if she even heard me. “Hannah?”

  She looks up me and smiles. “Okay.” She closes her eyes again, so I pick her up and take her to my bed then slide in beside her. I tuck her small body tight against mine and close my eyes with the taste of her still on my lips and tongue. I want more.

  On whatever terms I can get it.

  Chapter 15


  I'm lying here with Lucas, wrapped in his arms. How on earth did we get here? I smile at that thought. The strange thing is I don't feel guilty or like it was wrong.

  Not yet anyway.

  Right now I'm enjoying this feeling being here. My date with Nick just felt all wrong. It was mechanical and felt almost like an obligation. I don't ever want to date a guy for my father again. He has decided everything else for me; but who I date and maybe even eventually marry is up to me.

  Not that I'm going to marry Lucas. He's amazing and I care for him deeply, but I'm not an idiot. I know he isn't a "long haul" sort of guy.

  And don't get me wrong, Nick is a good guy, just not for me. With him, my entire life would have been dictated by him.

  Kinda like my relationship with my father.

  Ugh, I don't want to think about that now.

  Lucas made me feel the girl inside me who has been dormant for so long. He’s slowly dragging her to the surface.

  But is that a good thing?

  I have done so many messed up things in my 18 years, made so many stupid mistakes that I can never take back. I'm over-thinking; it's what I do. But after that, I shut down.

  I look over at Luke who is fast asleep and then look at the clock. Oh no, it's two a.m.! I slowly move out from under Lucas, he stirs but doesn't wake. I get dressed quietly and then before I leave, I lean down and kiss his perfect lips.

  Now he wakes up, eyeing me sleepily, "Hannah, why the hell are you wearing clothes?"

  I smile, "I have to go."

  He sits up slowly, the sheets barely covering him, and takes my hand, gently pulling me to sit with him, "No, I think you should stay. Hunter isn't here, and if he were it wouldn't matter anyway."

  "I can't. I’m sure my roommate is going out of her mind with worry. She's probably already called my dad."

  His brow furrows, "What the hell? Is she your roommate or your mother?"

  I laugh, "A little of both."

  He grins, "Ah, so your dad has sister wives down there, huh?"

  I shake my head, laughing and slap him playfully across his chest, "Shut up, Lucas. We aren't Mormon."

  "Hey, I don't know what the hell you guys have going on down there. And can you please, for the love of God, call m
e Luke?"

  "You'll always be Lucas to me."

  "How about you call me Lucas when I’m making you come, I like it when you scream it then. The rest of the time I can just be Luke."

  My thighs clench at his blatant reminder of what happened just a few short hours ago, "I'll try."


  I shake my head at him again, "I had fun tonight, but I need to go." I lean over and kiss him again, and when I pull away, I look him straight in the eyes, "I don't regret this. I could never regret you."

  He grins, "Does that mean, it's going to happen again?"

  Oh man, I certainly want to do it again and again and never stop, but could that work? I know Lucas, he doesn't want marriage and kids at least not for a very long time. My father would disown me if he knew we were together. So what then, just sex? But he’s Lucas, so there will be emotion involved too.

  I shrug, "I don't know, it was incredible, but I don’t know how a relationship would work with us. I know that's not really your thing, and I’m not naïve enough to believe that a relationship between us could go anywhere."

  He looks saddened by that, "Yeah, but Hannah I don't want to lose you again. I couldn't handle it. I won’t just use you for sex."

  The thought of not being friends with him again is frightening. I never want to lose him again either, and his blatant honesty is refreshing. I feel like I have spent so much time hiding my real thoughts and who I am; but with him, I can be the real Hannah. No fear of judgment.

  "I couldn't handle losing you again, and you’re not.”

  "How about this. No labels. We’re friends, and we happen to enjoy the hell out of each other’s bodies.”

  I nod, "Maybe, but we are always friends first. Above everything else. We have to have total honesty and trust. If the sex part is too complicated, no matter how good it is, we stop and we continue to be friends."

  He grins, “That simple, huh?”

  I think for a minute this is dangerous and crazy. I know what you are thinking. This is a huge difference in me, but maybe this is who I really am. If Rachel finds out, she will certainly tell my father. But dammit I need this. I've lived so long for my father and his rules. And we all know eventually I'm going to follow his path—go into the major he wants, and maybe even marry a man he approves—but at this moment, I deserve to allow myself to be free. I’m so tired of biting my tongue and being proper. With Lucas, I can be the real me. The secret me I have been hiding all along.

  I giggle and reach out my hand to shake his, "We’ll keep it that simple. Now I really have to go."

  He pulls me in for a kiss and then asks curiously, "What about other people?"

  I'm assuming he means sleeping with other people which I'm almost positive would break my heart, but I shrug it off, "Honestly, I'm not sure at the moment. It's probably something we should discuss soon."

  He nods, "Alright."

  I stand up, and he asks, "So what are you doing tomorrow?" He looks at the clock, "Later today?"

  "I have to work, but it wouldn't be bad if you decided to jog by the library today."

  He laughs, "You can count on it, and then maybe come back here after your shift? I mean I’m all alone here with Hunter gone, and Cameron is pissed at me."

  "Why is he mad?"

  "Because I wouldn't go to a huge tits party with him last night."

  There's that over the top honesty I love about him. "Wow, I'm not even going to ask.”

  He laughs. He wants to see me again later today. There are those butterflies again. I probably shouldn’t push it, though, by being out after my shift.

  "I don’t think today is a good idea. I should probably go back to my dorm after work, but when does Hunter get home?"

  "Tomorrow around seven o’clock."

  I smile, "Well, I'm only working one to three tomorrow, so maybe I could stop by after."

  "Sounds good to me."

  "Okay, I'm going to go. Goodnight Luke."

  He grins and waves, "Bye, Hannah, see you later."

  I leave and hurry to my dorm. What am I going to tell, Rachel? My life is so screwed up. I'm an eighteen year-old trying to figure out how to tell another eighteen year-old why I was out so late.

  Who else has these problems?

  I quietly open the door to my dorm praying that maybe Rachel went to bed early since she thought I was in good hands with Nick. I close the door behind me and then turn to see Rachel in my face, “Hannah, this is totally unacceptable. I cannot believe a guy like Nick would have you out all night.”

  He wouldn’t.

  “Relax Rachel, please. I wasn’t with Nick. He dropped me off at a totally acceptable time.”

  “Then who were you with.”

  Thou shall not lie.

  Oh, but I’m going to. “I ran into some friends.”


  “Yes, Nick dropped me off a little before ten, some girls were just coming in, and I went to their rooms.”

  “For over four hours you’ve been in someone else’s dorm? Why?”

  I narrow my eyes becoming frustrated with having to answer to her, “Because I wanted to. It’s Friday night, and I just wanted to hang with some friends from class who live in our dorm. What’s the big deal, Attila?”

  Her eyes widen just before her whole face morphs into one angry look, “Really, Hannah Martin? That’s so very mature. I’m here to keep your life in line spiritually, and that’s impossible to do if I don’t know where you are or who you are with. Do these girls even know Christ?”

  “I apologize about the Attila remark, but seriously Rach, you need to calm down. This is college, and if I want to hang out with friends, I’m going to. We weren't being scandalous, just listening to music and talking about life. Well, they were talking about life, seeing as I have none.”

  The sick thing is, I don’t feel bad about lying to Rachel. What does that say about our friendship? What does that say about me?

  “Hannah, I was so worried. I tried to call your cell phone so many times, and I didn’t have Nick’s or I would have called him. I was this close to calling your father or the police.”

  “Well, I’m here now. So you can quit mothering me. Now, I’m going to get some rest. Goodnight.”

  I head into my room and change into shorts and a t-shirt. I smile as I slip it on over my head. It’s Luke’s old football t-shirt he sent it home with me after our night together three years ago. I still don’t know what he wore home, but he said he wanted me to have it, and I’ve worn it to bed ever since.

  He’s always been in my heart, and now we are finally friends again, and this time on a whole other level.

  Please don’t let this blow up in my face.

  I wake up in such a good mood, I mean with the biggest smile on my face. Don’t worry about me, I haven’t gone totally off of the deep end. I’m fully aware that this is complicated. I know that I can’t just turn around and do whatever I want without consequences. I don’t want to let my father down. I know that if I slip up and Rachel finds out about Lucas, she will call my father, and he will be furious. Disowning me and not talking to me anymore is a definite possibility.

  Also, it’s very likely that Lucas isn’t the right guy for me in the future, so why be together now? Well, it’s simple, he makes me feel good. He brings joy to my life and always has. I just have to make sure that we keep our friendship intact when this particular “arrangement” is up.

  I’m at the library when I see Lucas walk in. He’s sweaty and obviously has been on a long run, but dang if he doesn’t look sexy. A strong feeling of sexual awareness flows through me, and I just hope it’s not showing on my face. When he sees me staring at him, he waves happily at me. I return his smile and watch with hunger as he approaches the desk.

  “Good afternoon, Hannah.”

  “Good afternoon, Luke.”

  He grins, “So how are you?”

  “I’m great.”

  “How was your roommate this morning?”
br />   “Angry, but she didn’t call my dad.”

  He shakes his head, “What is her deal anyway?”

  I smile, “I don’t have time to go into what Rachel’s deal is. It would take me years to explain her.”

  “One of these days we are going to hash this out.”

  I laugh, and it quickly dies off when I see Nick walking into the library. Oh no.

  Lucas must see the horror on my face and turns around and then back to me, “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  I shake my head, “I don’t know, but can you give me a minute to talk to him?”

  He stands, stubborn, “Are you kidding?”


  Nick reaches us, “Well hey, Hannah. You look beautiful today.” He looks at Lucas, “And you look worn out. What are doing at the library on the weekend?”

  I step in before Lucas can answer, “He was just jogging by and stopped in to say hello.”

  Luke nods, but stays put, “Yep, I stop in often to see my friend.”

  Nick seems perplexed, but laughs it off, “Well, do you mind if I steal Hannah from you for a minute, buddy?”

  Lucas grunts his answer, but doesn’t move. I direct Nick a few feet away.

  “So, I’ll just get right to it. I had a great time last night, Hannah and I would love to go out again.”

  I was hoping he would make this easy on me and tell me he wasn’t interested either. I know Luke is watching us carefully, but I ignore him and clear my throat, “I had a good time too, but I have to be honest with you. I just…I have to focus on school. I mean you were so nice to me. I thought maybe we could make it work, but I just have so much going on.”

  He looks disappointed, but he looks like he may understand. “Well, I definitely can understand the need to focus on school. I hate that our timing is all wrong. But who knows, maybe in the future?”

  I try not to roll my eyes, not likely.

  He gives me a hug, and I see Luke’s body tense. I pat Nick’s back and then he leaves.

  I walk back over to Lucas. “What did he want?”

  I shake my head, “You know, you’re kind of acting like a jealous boyfriend.”

  He shrugs, “You know this thing between us isn’t normal.”


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