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Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Celeste Prater

  “Okay. It’s set. So what does your being forty-eight have anything to do with having coffee with me?”

  “Simple. It means I’m too old for you and you’re better off asking one of the youngsters in here.”

  “What makes you think you’re too old for me, Rhia?” Caelius caught himself before he revealed that some pairings on his world had close to a hundred year gap in age. Like that would go over well.

  “That’s twenty-two years, Caelius.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that. So?”

  The timer sounded and they both jumped. Rhia reached out, turned the flame off, moved the plate of crepes in front of them, and then handed him a spatula.

  “Put a crepe on your clean platter, set a banana on the edge, but don’t let it hang over. Roll it up in the crepe and place it seam side down. You do three and I’ll do the other three on this plate. When you’re done, pour some sauce over each one. Got it?”

  “Yep.” Caelius quickly completed the roll and pour, and then turned to her when he was finished.

  “You haven’t answered my question, Rhia.”

  Caelius watched her chin drop to her chest and heard her release a heavy sigh. Just as quickly, she turned and moved within inches of his body. Her lids had narrowed and he could see her jaw clenching as she stared intently into his eyes. Shit! He’d pissed her off, and he had no damn clue what he’d done. Nothing in the training manual had foretold what came next.

  Chapter 3

  “Look at me, Caelius. I mean, really look at me. I’ve got a small crease starting to form along the left side of my mouth. I guess I shouldn’t have smiled so much over the years. I’ve got another one forming between my eyebrows. I got that one from utter confusion at the stupidity of the human race. Luckily, I don’t have crow’s feet yet, but I bet you that just because I said that, I’m going to wake up in the morning and the damn things are going to be there. It happens that god damn fast.” She briefly closed her eyes and huffed out a frustrated breath. When they reopened, the gray was darker and a little shinier.

  “I found gray hairs in my thirties, and if you don’t think I didn’t hit the Miss Clairol aisle the next day, then you’re insane. This fucking world thinks you’re completely worthless at the first sign of aging. It’s as if they believe your brain seeps out along with the color, so every six weeks I give the delusional an illusion.”

  Caelius stepped back when she threw her arms up in the air, snorted, and then turned to grab the can of whipped cream. She squirted a beautiful replication of a towering flower in the center of each crepe and sprinkled a light dusting of cinnamon down their length. She never once stopped her husky tirade as she performed the task.

  “I’m not even going to start on how my body can’t possibly compete on its best day with little Miss Giggly Ass two tables over from us. She’s been staring a hole through your damn skull for the last hour and I’ve got burn marks across the top of my marginally crooked nose to prove it. I’m surprised her name and phone number aren’t permanently seared into your flesh. So, yes, there’s a big reason why I’m concerned about the twenty-two year gap. You’re heading for disappointment, and I’m just trying to save you from wasting your time going down that road.” She turned back to him, planted her hands on her hips, and gave him a forced smile.

  “Now, take a look at these beautiful-assed crêpes we just made. I bet we get an A.”

  Caelius couldn’t have stopped himself if he tried. He snatched her upper arms and pulled her close to where they were almost nose-to-nose. He tried his best to keep his voice low while he set this female’s thinking straight.

  “Gods! Do you have any idea how stunning you are when you’re pissed? I know you’re not mad at me. You’re mad at time. Well, let me tell you something, Rhia Grace Brennan. I think you’re the most beautiful, smartest woman I’ve ever met. I’ve been watching you since the moment I started this class, and I’ve learned everything I need to know. Your eyes are beyond wise and make me forget how to walk correctly. You treat others with respect and have such a friendly, easygoing nature. I love the sound of your husky voice and how you don’t giggle when you talk to me. You obviously see something totally different in the mirror from what I see right now before me. Had you not told me your age, I would have thought you to be in your mid-thirties. Age is but a number marked by a manmade calendar. So, quit worrying about that measly gap in years, you silly woman, and answer my question. Will you go have coffee with me after class?”

  Jasmine-scented desire wafted to his nose, and he immediately leaned against the table for support. Damn! It felt so good to pull the sensuous energy into his thirsty body. He released her arms, straightened his spine, and drummed his fingers on the table as he waited for her response. He tried to act as if his legs weren’t trembling.

  Rhia blinked a few times and then took a step back. A hesitant smile tipped the edges of her pouty lips. “Well, hell, Caelius. You just scored some major brownie points just now.”

  Caelius chuckled. “I may be new to your informal language, but I do know that means I’ve found favor with you.”

  Rhia grinned, took a deep breath, released it in a whoosh of air, and said, “You have no idea.”

  They both glanced to the right when a soft, aged voice drifted to their ears.

  “Lord forgive me, but I’m going to throw this banana at you if you turn this nice young man down, Rhia.”

  Shit. He’d forgotten about the elderly sisters standing at the table behind them. Both had wide grins on their faces. Well, at least they were on his side. He glanced back to Rhia and was surprised by the red flush to her cheeks. She opened her mouth to speak and was promptly cut off by the instructor walking in between them.

  “My goodness! I can’t believe you’re finished already. These are beautiful. Good job!” She placed two white carryout boxes on the table and smiled.

  “Pack them up. You’re free to go, and I’ll see you both next…No! No! Brittney, the flame’s too high. Can’t you see the smoke? Crap!”

  Rhia turned away as soon as the instructor scurried off to save the hapless student that had decided her phone was more important than the stove. Rhia snatched a spatula and started scooping their creations into the cartons. Handing one over, she smiled and bent to grab her purse. Caelius kept on her heels as she hauled ass to the door. When she pushed out onto the sidewalk and into the glare of the streetlights, he called out to her.

  “Wait. Are we having coffee or not?” He grinned when she swiveled around.

  “Geez, you don’t give up, do you?”


  “After that fantastic speech, I’d love to. However, I’m still going to turn you down. I have to go to work. Maybe some other time.” She gave him a little wave and headed across the street.

  Disappointment skittered like acid through his chest as she walked away. He sucked in a breath when he watched her move twenty yards down the sidewalk, plop down on a tattered, graffiti-sprayed bench, and pull a book from her purse. A bus stop? Oh, hell no. Watching for traffic, Caelius loped across the street. It made him anxious that she’d not glanced over as he’d approached her.

  “Hey, let me give you a ride.” He smiled when she looked up in surprise.

  “Damn, Caelius. You’re sneaky. I didn’t hear you. Thanks, but the bus should be here soon. I’m good.”

  “Please, let me take you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. I’m nervous about you sitting out here in the dark.” He loved to hear her tinkling laughter even though he had no idea what she thought was funny.

  “It’s not that dark, and you can’t take care of me at every minute, Caelius. I’ve ridden the bus before.”

  “Well, I’m here right now and I’m worried, so ease my suffering and let me take you.”

  Stuffing the book back into her purse, she stood up and shrugged. “Okay, then. It’s your gas money. Lead the way.”

  Practically shivering with excitement that
he’d get to spend a little more time with her, he led her across the street and over to the parking lot. He clicked the key fob and the lights flashed on his car. Opening the passenger side door, he looked up and frowned to find her standing a few paces back from the trunk. She was staring at him as if he had two heads.


  “This is your car?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Crap. He remembered that terminology mentioned in the training program and tried to quickly interpret the context. She knew full well it was the vehicle he would transport her within since he opened it with the key, but in truth she was surprised that he could own something this expensive. He would have to ease her mind.

  “Don’t worry. I didn’t steal it.” His shoulders relaxed at her soft chuckle.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just expecting something different.”

  “How so?”

  “You’re so…big. I thought maybe a monster truck that you’d have to give me a stepladder to get into, or perhaps a tank.”

  Caelius laughed and knew she was joking this time to alleviate the tenseness from a moment ago.

  “Get in, silly woman. There’s plenty of room for both of us.” He bent slightly and sniffed her hair as she dipped down into the seat. It smelled so fresh. He wanted to run his hand down her ponytail to check if it was as soft as he thought it was. Brain winning the battle over his romantic side, Caelius shut the door instead. He smiled when he saw her eyes darting all over the interior as he slid behind the wheel, placed his carton in the back seat, and buckled himself in.

  “Put your seatbelt on, Rhia.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Damn, Caelius. This car is beautiful. I’ve never been in a Jaguar before. You’re right. There’s lots of leg and shoulder room. It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you like it. Do you want to drive? It’s very smooth on the road.”

  She recoiled and held her palms up. “Oh, hell no. I’d have a heart attack if anything happened to it. It’d take me a lifetime to pay for the damages. Nope. I’ll sit right here and enjoy the ride.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind. Okay, where do you work?” She gave him the address, and they rode together in silence. The sports car hummed with vitality, and the precise workmanship kept the external sounds completely at bay. They were in their own little cocoon of peacefulness. It was refreshing.

  Caelius quickly noticed that Rhia apparently had no need to fill the air with needless prattle. She actually appeared content to just stare out the window at the twinkling lights of downtown Austin. He loved that her jasmine scent mixed deliciously with the smell of new leather. He fervently hoped it would linger long after she left the vehicle. Too soon, he was parking in front of a coffee and pastry shop. He turned the ignition off and glanced over to her. She stared straight ahead and released a deep sigh.

  “I’m early. This seat is so comfortable I don’t know if I have the strength to pull my butt out of it.”

  He chuckled and she rolled her head on the seat, smiled, and raised her eyebrows.


  Pointing to the white carton sitting on her lap, he nodded toward the shop. “Looks like I might get coffee with you after all. We can eat our creation if they’ll allow you to bring it inside.” Her eyes widened.

  “You know? That’s a damn good idea. It’s still warm. I can feel it on my leg. Let’s do it.”

  Caelius made her promise to stay inside until he could come around and get her. He wasn’t going to miss out on helping her from the car. He’d seen the Trejani do this countless times for the Filia, and this moment wasn’t going to go to waste. This time he welcomed the blast of tingles when her fingers grasped his as she rose from the seat, and again when he landed his palm to her lower back on the walk up the short flight of stairs.

  He pulled the door open for her, and a wall of tantalizing smells hit his nose. The place reminded him of the images he’d seen of the diners from the early fifties with the wide glass front, abundant chrome accents, high-back black booths, and red cushioned stools perched in front of a long, pristine, white countertop. The only difference was the rows of pastry-filled glass cases instead of a short-order cook flipping pancakes behind a wall cutout. He instantly liked it.

  What he didn’t like was the well-built, handsome man making a beeline right to Rhia as she stepped inside. His shoulder-length dark hair showed a light sprinkling of gray at the temples, but his face was unlined and tanned. His sparkling blue eyes were zeroed in on Rhia’s face, and he wore a happy expression as was evident by the gleaming white teeth he bared for her.

  “Rhia. You’re early. You didn’t have to be here for at least thirty more minutes. Oh. Who’s this?”

  “Hi, Scott. I got out early today. This is Caelius Meron. He’s in my class and gave me a ride. The car’s on the fritz again. I should get it back tomorrow. Caelius, this is Scott Wharton, my boss. He owns the place.”

  Caelius grasped the outstretched hand, relieved to know this was just her employer. The man’s grip was firm and it impressed him.

  “Hello. Nice to meet you, Scott.” Despite his puzzled look, Scott’s smile was friendly.

  “You, too. You’re not from around here, are you?”

  Rhia chuckled. “He lives here in Austin, but he’s originally from Greece.”

  “Oh. That’s interesting and explains the accent.”

  “Scott, we’re going to grab a booth in the back until my shift comes up. We made banana crêpes tonight, and I’m dying to give them a taste before they get cold. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, of course not. Please. Go grab a booth. Help yourself to the coffee.”


  Caelius counted the next thirty minutes as the best time he’d had since he’d stepped on Earth. He discovered they both liked regular decaffeinated coffee instead of the fancy ones. She also took two sugars and a dollop of cream. Righteous. Rhia didn’t hesitate in digging into the crêpes with him. There were no shy, tiny nibbles or feigned fullness after two bites. She kept up with him and even agreed to split the third one to be fair. He laughed at her exaggerated eye rolls and groans for a medic to keep her belly from ripping open after the last mouthful. He’d actually convinced her to let him take several pictures of her with his phone. She mugged for the camera and threw balled napkins at him. All too soon, she grimaced and began gathering up the mess they’d made at the table.

  “I have to clock in. We’re going to get hit soon with bar patrons sporting a bad case of the munchies. Thanks for this, Caelius. I had fun.”

  He stood, grabbed up their empty cups, and followed her to the counter.

  “Me, too. Hey, you want me to come by when your shift is done so I can drive you home?” He was surprised by her shy smile and how quickly she averted eye contact.

  “No. That’s sweet. Thank you for the offer, but I don’t want to put you out. I’ll just grab a ride with Scott. It’s on his way home, anyway. I’ll see you later, Caelius.”

  “Definitely.” Forcing his feet to get with the program and head to the door like any sane male would do, Caelius shot her a wave and walked quickly to his car. Driving away was the most difficult thing he’d done in a very long time.

  * * * *

  Rhia knew she should turn around and head toward the back, yet couldn’t seem to pull her gaze away from the incredible man walking out the door. She was still wondering how she’d kept her composure from the moment he’d slid over to her table to partner with her. The quick encounter in front of the building had been difficult enough. Geez. His deep voice and accent were enough to make her panties melt. Add the rest of him and she’d almost passed out.

  She thought back to the weeks of furtive glances in his direction without any signs that he knew she even existed, and then suddenly today he was up close and talking to her. Go figure. She had to be careful what she wished for. He was exceptionally beaut
iful, and it was hard to look at him for any length of time without feeling overwhelmed. Wide shoulders, big arms packed with perfect muscles, broad chest, narrow waist, thick thighs, and the best ass that ever had a pair of black jeans slide over it, had her losing concentration on an escalating scale. The last thing she expected was for him to be so sweet. A narcissistic asshole maybe, but not that kind, gentle giant that had just gifted her with a shy smile before he drove away. She sighed and leaned on the counter when his taillights faded out of sight.

  There was just so much to take in. However, it was those thick-lashed eyes that had her stunned. They were dark turquoise on the outer edge of the iris and then gradually lightened toward the pupil. She’d never seen anything like it before. She’d thought they might be contacts until he was nose-to-nose with her. Nope. They were real. Whenever they caught her gaze, she’d had great difficulty keeping her legs from giving out or stumbling over her words. If she wasn’t staring at his eyes, she was locked on to his full, sculpted lips. Damn, it was too easy to get lost looking at every yummy part of his gorgeous face.

  Of course, he would have to wear his hair long, too. She’d drooled over men with long hair for years. She’d always felt like she must have been reincarnated from the time period where the custom was normal. Even though he wore it in a thick braid stretching to the middle of his back, she knew it would be gorgeous when freed. He should be on the silver screen and making women swoon across the country. What the hell was he doing in a cooking class?

  Rhia felt her stomach lurch. Maybe he was a movie star. Hell, his car should’ve been a dead giveaway. Perhaps he was studying for a role? Shit. She needed to go to the movies more often and she might’ve recognized him. No, that couldn’t be right. Wouldn’t all the girls that seemed to pack the class two days after his arrival have been all over him screaming for an autograph? They seemed petrified to approach him, yet couldn’t keep their eyes off of him. She’d overhead one of them saying she saw him at Heat Seekers Male Revue club once. So, like an idiot, she’d popped in and made it through one of his acts before hauling ass like the coward she was. The word “cougar” had flashed in her brain, and she couldn’t get out of the place fast enough.


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