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Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 20

by Celeste Prater

  “Fuck you, doctor.”

  Lifting his brows, Kallon watched him hop out of the helicopter and walk casually across the asphalt, as if he hadn’t a care in the world. Fire burned in his belly and he knew exactly what needed to be done.

  Leaping from the craft, Kallon sprinted across the tarmac and kicked Ulixes’s knees out from underneath him. The male was quick. He twisted before he fell completely forward and snatched the front of Kallon’s T-shirt as he tipped sideways. They both grunted as their shoulders hit the ground. Kallon promptly clipped him on the jaw.

  Rolling away, Kallon leapt to his feet and caught the severely pissed male around the waist just as he rose from the ground. He knew he’d caught a break. The big bastard could snap him in two if he’d had a chance to fully stand. At this moment, however, he was at a severe disadvantage as his big arms pin-wheeled backward and Kallon steadily backed him up into the open maw of the hangar. With a last surge of strength, he slammed him against the wall. Legs burning from the effort, Kallon knew he had seconds to get the upper hand or he faced a pummeling of the record-setting kind.

  Wrapping his arms around Ulixes’s neck, he locked tight and jumped up. He wasn’t surprised to feel his braid catch in a vicious hold. Hooking his boot heels on to the back of Ulixes’s thighs, he kicked against the wall and tilted them sideways. A hard landing was coming, and he heard Ulixes’s strained curse as they fell headlong into a pile of boxes. Tangled among wires and what looked to be safety vests, Kallon continued to grip the thick thighs that were attempting to kick their way free. This was his last chance.

  Leaning forward he grunted and strained to get his words out as Ulixes finally freed a hand and was steadily pushing at his chest. If he’d had full use, Kallon knew he’d be tossed out of the box like a toy.

  “Stop, Ulixes. Stop! Tell me! Release this ugliness from your body. You cannot keep it any longer. It’s going to destroy you. Tell me why I heard the thoughts I did? Why? Gods damn it! Why? This shit has had you for way too long. Release the motherfucker or I’m going to beat it out of you! Why do you feel you’re worthless?”

  It took a few moments before Kallon realized the struggle had ceased. The only movement was their chests heaving together for much needed air and his muscles quaking as they continued to grip something that no longer moved. Lifting his head, he was shocked at his discovery. Ulixes’s eyes were flitting back and forth from shoulder to shoulder. Glancing to the side, Kallon realized the male had lifted his palms and was looking at them in horror. He barely understood the strained words repeated over and over through clenched teeth.

  “Can’t you see them? They’re filthy. I’m unclean. I can’t wash it away. I can’t make it go away.”

  Pain lashed through Kallon’s chest at the devastation of his mate. He could barely catch his breath. Releasing Ulixes’s neck, he rose to his knees, clamped on to the front of his shirt, and lifted him to a sitting position. Peeling the wires and vests aside, he knelt in front of him and snatched the two hands shaking violently in front of his chest. He pulled them forward and began to place kisses to the knuckles, the palms, and the tips. He nuzzled his face against the tough battle-scarred skin and repeated the process over and over until they gradually moved into a slow tremble. Between every kiss, he spoke as calmly as he could while he fought to keep from weeping.

  “No, no, no, Ulixes. There’s nothing on them. They’re beautiful and worthy. So strong and capable. I trust them. See? They’re okay.” Clutching them to his chest with one hand, he straddled Ulixes’s thick thighs and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Lifting a hand, he clasped the back of the male’s strong neck and pulled the frightened face forward to lie against his shoulder. Patting the wide back, he stroked his hair and begged him to release his pain.

  “Please, please. Tell me, Ulixes. Unburden yourself. I’ll pass no judgment. Don’t you know? I love you.”

  Kallon felt moisture slip from his eyes when Ulixes pulled his hands from between them and clamped his arms around his waist in an unforgiving grip. Shuddering vibrations started in Ulixes’s shoulders and eventually traveled over every inch of his big body. The first strangled sob was nirvana to Kallon’s ears. Clutching him closer, he cooed and comforted as the big warrior released every drop of blackness through his tears and wracking cries of anguish.

  “That’s it. That’s it. I’m so proud of you. Yes, let it go, baby. Just let it go.”

  Chapter 23

  Crouching next to a scrubby bush sporting needles that were steadily pissing her off, Rhia stared incredulously at the large helicopter sitting at the opening to another high-walled canyon. What the hell? Why’s there a helicopter out here in the middle of nowhere? Geez! What am I saying? What part of normal has any of this been?

  After seeing Caelius’s capability, she should be happy it was something she recognized instead of a freaking spaceship. Rhia banged her fist against her forehead and tried to get her shit together. She had bigger problems to deal with. Caelius was steadily walking into the canyon with two equally huge men. They also sported long black braids reaching to their backs. When he’d encountered them at the entrance, they’d embraced and talked in low, calm tones as if it were just another normal occurrence for them. Their casual stroll into the darkness told her this wasn’t their first trip here. If she didn’t get her legs with the program, she’d be wandering around in the dark by herself and yelling for help. She hadn’t made it this far just to get thwarted. Rhia wanted to blow kisses to the moon when it peeked out from the heavy cloud cover for a brief moment and allowed her to choose her path.

  Taking cautious steps, she stayed as close to the canyon walls as possible until she had no choice but to follow them up a small trail. When the men stopped in front of a large crack in the wall, she dropped to the ground and rolled over the lip of the path until she could hide among the tall grass and shrubs lining the edge. If they started back in her direction, she was toast. Rhia’s eyes widened as soon as Caelius slipped into the blackness of the crevice. The other two leaned on either side of the deceptive doorway and starting playing with their phones. After an hour of nail-biting tension, Caelius hadn’t returned, and she knew she had to get inside. But how?

  Looking down to her phone, Rhia cursed under her breath at the rapidly depleting battery. After several more minutes of listening to the sounds of the game the two were laughing over, an idea struck. Since she couldn’t just walk up and ask for a tour, she had to divert them someplace else. Crouching low, she followed the trail back toward the helicopter. Guessing she was a good twenty yards away, Rhia set her alarm to the loudest, most obnoxious ringtone she owned and gave herself five minutes to get back in place. Shoving the phone facedown under a prickly bush, she scurried back to her previous spot. Her heart acted like it wanted to tear through her chest. Adrenaline pumped viciously through her bloodstream, and she felt disoriented. She needed to move, and fast.

  With bated breath, she counted the time down and almost jumped out of her skin when the alarm began honking like a top-level nuclear attack was underway. The reaction from the two men was the same. At a fast clip, they ran toward the sound and gave her the exact opportunity she needed. Wishing she’d done more pushups in her lifetime, Rhia scrabbled up the side of the rocky lip and almost didn’t make it to the flatter surface before she was spotted. The deep, masculine shout to halt gave her the extra boost to fly directly into the crevice without another thought.

  Pitch blackness scared her worse than what was surely pounding quickly up from her rear. Swallowing a scream, Rhia slapped one hand against the side of the cave wall, the other directly in front, and shot forward. Praying she didn’t slam into something that would knock her out, she ran as fast as she could. When her eyes drank in the sight of a dim glow coming from an adjacent corridor, happiness flooded her system. Careening around the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the sight before her.

  Ancient pillars, green crawling vines, a carved-out room, and
the strangest looking black spot hovering in the center of it all had her questioning her sanity. Why was her skin tingling? She batted at her arms until she was satisfied nothing was crawling on her, yet the tickling sensation continued. Glancing around, she tried to discern where the light was coming from. Is there another exit? Where the hell was Caelius? Looking back to the large smudge of black morphing and shimmering as if it was alive, her stomach flipped. Was this some type of door? Why wouldn’t the sides stay still? This makes no sense. Rhia squealed when she heard the sound of boots pounding on the cave floor. Running the only direction available, she closed her eyes, and leapt into the darkness.

  * * * *

  Pushing out of the tent, Caelius closed his eyes, turned his face up to the sun, and smiled. Yes, this was exactly what he needed. Flopping onto the ground, he laid very still as Insedivertus greeted him warmly and promptly fixed six months of whacked-out energy. No matter how much sensual desire he’d sucked into his body, it never really adjusted him to total health. It may keep the Insedi alive, but it would never tip the scales to perfect balance. Nope, only home and a mate could do that. He squashed the sadness that threatened to grab him at the thought of Rhia and his hopeless wish.

  Taking a deep breath, he stroked the magenta grasses vibrating across his palms and opened his mind to his father. The immediate greeting was well received.

  Caelius! My son. I am so happy you are here. Your return has eased my mind. Have you come early for the festival?

  Caelius frowned. Hello, my father. What festival? He heard the familiar laughter trace across his thoughts, and it brought him greater peace.

  Surely you jest, Caelius. The empress will assume her role when the clans gather next week. The metropolis is abuzz with activity. Are you on your way to see me or should I send a transport?

  Patting the ground in thanks for the energy boost, Caelius rolled to his feet. Empress? Emperor Lucien has found a mate? When did this happen?

  Have you been stuck in the vortex the entirety of your absence, Caelius? Everyone knows that the emperor brought her back from Glaxon 8.

  Caelius laughed. No, Father. I was out of town working. I only heard that he was rescued, nothing more. I’m very happy to hear that we’ve a new empress. This is very exciting. Oh, hold up. There’s a transport already here. I’ll see you shortly. We’ll talk then.

  Lounging back against the cool seat, Caelius stared out across his home world and drank in the familiar sights. His eyes widened when he saw Earth horses galloping across the Great Plains. What the hell? Just one more thing to ask when he finally got home.

  Soon, he was stepping from the transport and soaking in the beaming smile of his beloved father. He was standing in the doorway of his modest home and gestured for him to hurry forward. The male was still as vibrant as the day he’d left. His dark hair had grown longer and was bound in a braid once again. The day his mother had passed, he’d watched in stunned horror as that long black hair fell in clumps upon the floor of their great room. Over and over the locks were repeatedly hacked with a short blade until nothing remained but uneven patches and streaks of blood. It wasn’t until two years ago that he’d allowed it to grow past his ears. Perhaps one day, it would fall long down his wide back again.

  Caelius closed his eyes as a set of strong, capable arms wrapped him tightly. Nothing could repair a saddened state more quickly than an embrace from Antaeus Meron. He was so strong and confident. Though he’d been told their features were similar, Caelius could only hope to someday be as wise.

  After catching up on the emperor’s harrowing stay on Glaxon 8, devouring bowls of succulent musa fruit, enjoying grilled canhion meat, and drinking the refreshing water of home, Caelius leaned back against his chair and patted his belly.

  “I’ve missed this. Earth has some very tantalizing food, but nothing like home.” He glanced up and caught the assessing gaze of his father. He knew it well. This Insedi could read him like a book. Caelius knew the conversation was about to turn.

  “Son, go ahead and tell me what bothers you. I know your eyes, and they are very sad. You have matured greatly in this short time away, and there is an air of wisdom about you now. Only life’s tribulations can bring on such a drastic transformation. I am happy to know that you have turned into a fine worthy male, yet something plagues you still.”

  Heaving out a sigh, Caelius slipped his mating necklace over his head and placed it between them on the countertop.

  “It’s this.”

  His father leaned forward and clasped his strong hands on top of the table, a familiar sign that he was ready to listen. He’d been a member of the senate for nearly forty years and was highly regarded for his ability to remain totally quiet as others spoke around him. No matter the craziness of the event or the flaring tempers, his demeanor remained calm and assessing. He reminded him of the emperor. They only spoke after taking time to formulate a sound answer. This was exactly what he needed now.

  “I’ve not taken my mind off this necklace for a solid six months. Every waking moment since my feet touched upon the Earth, I’ve waited for the second that the necklace would reveal my true mate. I’ve stroked thousands of necks and caressed as many wrists, yet nothing has happened. I can tell you exactly when this sadness entered my eyes and the wisdom finally came to me. It has all occurred within the last month.” Taking a deep breath, he settled back in his chair.

  “I met two females that have forever changed my life. One received a small reaction from the necklace, but it didn’t heat. For this, I’m thankful. I’ve since learned that it was a warning to stay away. She’s not a worthy female, and I fear she may be completely insane. The other didn’t heat the necklace, but set my body on fire. Her name is Rhia. My energy fought to investigate her but would never engage the mineral. I now believe the reason the necklace remains cold is that she’s worthy of another Insedi male’s energy, but I’d die before I’d ever see her with another of my kind. Hell, of any kind.” Shoulders slumping in defeat, he whispered what he’d been thinking for weeks.

  “I’m in love with her, Father. I fear I’m losing my mind. I want nothing more than to take this gods damn thing and throw it into the Trancis River so I’ll never have to look upon it again. I can barely stand to touch it.”

  Caelius watched his father’s eyes fill with understanding and sadness at his plight. He reached out and ran his finger down the chain until it stretched to its complete length. He tapped lightly on the countertop as he thought of how to respond to such a disturbing story.

  “If you acted on this urge to rid yourself of the conprobatus, Caelius, what would be the next step in this decision? Have you thought that far ahead?”

  “Yes. I want to return to Earth and take her for my mate. I know that my life span will remain that of a human, but I can’t imagine life without her.” He could see his father working this revelation through his mind, yet his expression told him nothing.

  “As you know, I am the worst one to be asking for advice. I would never deviate from asking you to extend your life as far as possible. Any father would do the same, so the only thing I can do is to ask if you have envisioned all scenarios. You cannot have children, and your body will grow frustrated at the unsuccessful merge attempts. What do you think the female will endure? Once she knows that your life has been cut short due to your choice, she may not be able to live with your decision. What of me, Caelius? You would choose to stop my family line? You are my only son.”

  Caelius nodded and rubbed his brow. “I know. I’ve thought of everything you have. I didn’t say this was an easy decision. There would have to be much discussion with her first. Rhia’s comfort comes before mine, or yours.” He gave a tight smile when his father lightly gripped his forearm and squeezed.

  “I understand, Caelius. I know what it is like to have love fill your heart until you feel near ready to burst. I know how it can steal your breath if the one you love is not near your side, but I have to ask one favor of you, son. Bef
ore you make a decision to reveal our race to this female and deny me the chance of becoming a grandfather, would you try for one more month? That is all I will ask of you.”

  Caelius stared at the necklace lying innocently on the table. The thought of placing it back against his skin as a constant reminder that Rhia wasn’t his sent a chill across his skin. He watched his father lift the conprobatus from the table and cradle it in his palm. He twirled the tooth between two fingers and stroked it lovingly as he waited for his answer. He knew what thoughts were bombarding his father’s mind. Caelius dipped his chin, closed his eyes, and hoped he’d make the right decision.

  That simple mineral carried the hope of the Insedi future. They’d gone together into the Talesius Mines shortly after Foemina Mortem. Despite having just lost his mate, his father had waited patiently as he searched and found the precise rock that would become his conprobatus. This trek into the bowels of the planet was a cherished ritual between father and son, even more so since the death of their females. They’d waited patiently for the jeweler to split the shell and discover what tooth shape and color would be revealed.

  With each successful mating, the greater chance their world had to survive. Could he live with knowing he’d stopped the Meron line? How would Rhia react when learning he would be denied over nine hundred more years of life? His own father would probably mate again and outlive him. Was that fair to him? Gods! This was a no-win situation. Either side lost something. Caelius glanced up when he heard his father call out to him. His voice was firm and rife with concern.


  Eyebrows lifting, Caelius peered at the tooth held rigid between his father’s fingers. “I know. I know. This is very important to you, but I need time to think.”

  “No, son. You don’t understand.” He rose from his seat, rounded the table, and laid the necklace in his palm. “Look at it. Really look at it.”


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