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DRAGON SECURITY: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 68

by Glenna Sinclair

  She leaned down to kiss me when I lay back to take a good look at her nearly naked body. There was shyness to her touch, but it was a thin veneer over a need that was overwhelming. She kissed me with a passion that even my most experienced lovers had never exhibited. Sam knew what she wanted, and she had a vague idea how to get it. And I was so beyond excited to teach her.

  She pulled my shirt up over my head, her eyes greedy as they took in every inch. Then her hands were playing at the snap on my jeans, tugging and touching, forcing me to pull them away.

  “Take off your pants,” I demanded.

  She blushed, but she climbed off me, stepping back far enough that I couldn’t reach her unless I climbed off the chair myself. I sat up, lowering the chair’s footrest, leaning on my knees as I watched. She wasn’t going to make this easy. She turned her back to me, moving her hips in something that was a cross between a shimmy and a twerk—as close to a twerk as an innocent girl like Sam could get. She lifted the waist of her pants away from her skin, moving it around her hips like it was a towel she could just toss aside. And then she let them go, giggling when I made a half-assed move to grab her pants and remove them myself.

  I couldn’t believe this was the same girl who wore clothing from her neck to her ankles, who hid her gorgeous figure under the most shapeless, inappropriate-for-her-age clothes of anyone I’d ever met. She did that shimmy thing again, exposing the length of one hip briefly before hiding it again.

  “I want to see you…”

  She glanced at me over her shoulder, the amusement in her eyes disappearing as she met my eye. She bit her bottom lip, a touch of fear—fear that was nearly completely crushed by the weight of her desire—filling her eyes.

  She turned away again, her head rolling back for a long second as she stared at the ceiling. Then, slowly—painfully slow—she began to slide the sweats over her hips and down along her legs. I watched, my heart in my throat, as she stepped out of them, covered only in this tiny slip of a panty. That, too, she slowly removed, making me wait as she tugged them over her legs. She hesitated after stepping out of them, turning only after it seemed like hours had gone by, her arms crossed over her chest, pressing them together to make this incredible bit of cleavage as she tried to also cover the soft mound much lower.

  My heart was in my throat. I could see how painful this was for her. But I wanted to worship her and I could see in her eyes that she needed me to worship her.

  I stood, my cock so hard that it almost hurt to move, but I denied myself the relief of a touch, a stroke. I just walked around her, taking in every inch of her beautiful body. Her skin was creamy, the color of peach silk. It was unmarred by scars, freckles, or other blemishes, just smooth and perfect from her scalp to her toes. Her breasts were high and round, more than three times a handful. Her waist was narrow, her hips wide, and her thighs slender and strong. Her bush was full, natural, and slightly darker than the hair on her head. And her ass…I’d known she had an erotic ass. That was one thing her long skirts couldn’t hide.

  She watched me, that weariness I’d been looking out for finally in her eyes.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She shook her head, her hands coming down to cover her mound again. I grabbed her wrist roughly and tugged her hand away.

  “Do you know what you do to me, just standing there like that?”

  She blushed, shaking her head again.

  I pressed her hand to the front of my jeans; I let her feel the steel of my erection. Her blush deepened and she tried to pull her hand away, but I wouldn’t let her.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever set eyes on,” I said against her ear, keeping my hands away from her with an iron will that was beginning to buckle. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you right now.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Why not?”

  She was quiet for a minute, tears in her beautiful eyes. I rubbed her hand against my cock and she groaned, her eyes closing as she tilted her head toward the ceiling again.

  “Do you believe me now?”

  She groaned, her eyes coming back to mine. “Why? Why would you want me? No one else ever has.”

  The pain in those words ripped a hole in my soul. I slid my lips across her jaw, nibbled at the corner of her chin.

  “That’s because you’ve never let anyone this close. You’re always pushing everyone away.”

  She shook her head, but I knew she knew I was right. I grabbed her jaw with my free hand.

  “But that’s okay, because you’re mine. Only mine.”

  She moved into me, her free hand slipping over my chest. I stepped back, forcing her away from me.

  “Do you believe you’re beautiful?”

  Tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Tell me you believe you’re beautiful.”

  “I believe you are.”

  I bit my lip as I walked around her again, drinking in every inch of her. She didn’t try to cover herself again. We were making progress.

  “Tell me you’re beautiful.”

  She shook her head. “Please, Hayden…”

  The pleading in her voice spoke to something deep inside of me. I slipped up behind her, slid my arms around her waist, my fingers seeking the pleasures of her moist honeypot. She melted back against me, her thighs trembling as she parted them, giving me the access I needed.

  “You’re beautiful, Sam,” I groaned against her ear. “So fucking beautiful!”

  She nodded her head as she turned, her lips brushing against my jaw as she sought out my lips.

  “I believe it when I’m with you.”

  That was it. That was all I could stand.

  I pushed her toward the couch. She stumbled when her shins hit the hard frame, forcing her knees down. I lifted her hips, pushed her back so that she was bent prone over the back of the couch. Then I tore at my jeans, relief bursting through me when I released my hard cock and quickly pressed it against her wet cunt.

  I leaned forward, my cock rubbing against her lips.

  “I’m going to fuck you now,” I whispered harshly against her ear. “Because you’re mine.”

  “Please,” she whispered, leaning her head back against me. “Please, Hayden!”

  I loved the sound of my name on her lips. Loved the slight southern accent that only slipped out when she said my name. And I loved the need that dripped from her lips, the need that only I had brought out in her.

  I pulled back, positioning the head of my cock against her lips. She moved, too, taking me inside of her before I was ready. And then I was buried and my lungs just stopped, refusing to take in any more air. The pleasure that rushed through my body…there had to be laws against feeling this much all at once.

  Sam pressed back against me, her hips grinding against mine. I thrust, taking hold of her hips and holding her tight as I pounded against her. I couldn’t…I reached my threshold. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I pounded against her, forgetting that twenty-four hours ago she had been a virgin, forgetting that just an hour ago I was sitting out in my car, thinking I’d never touch this luscious body again. I forgot everything but how good it felt to bury myself inside of her and listen to the voice of my pleasure slipping from between her lips.

  She cried out and I cried out and…fuck, it was so good!

  When it was over, I collapsed against her and held her against me as I fell onto the couch’s cushions. She was a puddle of melted flesh as we lay there, both of us struggling to catch our breath. She didn’t try to cover herself now even though she was as exposed as she could possibly be. I found myself touching her, unable to resist the lure of her naked body even as her cunt still held my cock deep inside.

  “I love your body,” I whispered against her ear. “I love the way your skin feels, the way it tastes. I love the way it feels against mine.”

  She reached back and touched the side of my face. I nuzzled her throat lightly, pressing my
facial hair roughly against her tender skin.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  She twisted, her lips brushing my jaw.

  “Tell me you want me, Sam.”

  She hesitated a second, then she stood, pulling away from me at the same instant she held out her hand to me, beckoning to me. I got up and followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom and into the center of her beautiful queen-size bed.

  “I want you, Hayden,” she said softly, her hand held out to me.

  It was like every dream I’d ever allowed myself, every desire I’d ever let myself entertain, everything that I’d never believed I could have lying right there, all wrapped together in one, perfect package.

  I crawled into her arms, stole her lips. And, just as I started to get lost again, I swore I heard her whisper,

  “Don’t fall in love with me…”

  Chapter 8


  My body ached in places it’d never ached before. I shifted restlessly, my eyes trained on the clouds outside the jet’s windows, but seeing Hayden as he was in my bed last night. I bit my lip to keep a smile from slipping out. A smile that I knew Megan would read properly. I wasn’t quite ready to share this little bit of information with her. I wasn’t sure why…but I wasn’t.

  He’d still been there when I woke this morning, as he had been the prior two mornings. But I was still surprised…and relieved.

  “Why don’t you have tattoos?” I asked him this morning, running my hand slowly over his chest, tracing a fingertip around one teeny nipple.

  “I don’t like needles.”

  I giggled. “You fought in Afghanistan, but you’re afraid of needles?”

  “The enemy in Afghanistan didn’t stab me repeatedly with little pinpricks, injecting a questionable ink under my flesh.”

  I laughed and he pinned me down against the mattress, a pretend anger in his eyes that quickly disappeared as I pressed my bare hips up against his. I was a quick learner and I knew what it took to distract him. He buried his face between my breasts and…

  I couldn’t quite keep that smile from my face.

  “…you never told me.”

  I looked up, suddenly aware that Megan was talking to me. “What?”

  Her eyebrows rose. “Having trouble concentrating today?”

  I shrugged. “What did I never tell you?”

  “What you found on Dante when you did the second background check.”

  “Basically the same things. Why?”

  She looked uncomfortable, shifting in her seat as her eyes moved everywhere but to my face. “I just… I was thinking that since we’re going to New York, and he had been a cop in New York, we might do a little more digging.”

  “Are we looking for something in particular?”

  “It’s probably nothing.” She brushed a piece of hair from her face, a gesture that screamed nerves, like she was trying to hide something she’d done that she was a little ashamed of.


  She studied my face a second. “He got a call while he was at my house the other day.”

  “From who?”

  “Honeysuckle Nursing Home.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Isn’t that the same place where Luke—”

  “Yeah. But it’s a big place. They have over two hundred beds. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.”

  “I’m sure it is, too. But nothing ever came up on the background checks. As far as I know, he doesn’t have any living family.”

  “Maybe it’s a friend of the family. His mom’s best friend or something.”


  I tugged my iPad out of its little case and pulled up the files on Dante. I looked through them a minute, Megan leaning to look over my shoulder.

  “We could arrange to have lunch with a couple of his colleagues.” I pointed out a couple of names on the report. “Maybe one of them could tell us more.”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry. I wanted this trip to be fun, but…”

  “No, it’s fine. I want to do this for you.”

  She touched my knee, an overwhelming sadness filling her eyes. I looked away, not really ready to talk about what was happening. I’d heard what the doctor said. The details repeated themselves over and again in my head when it was quiet. Maybe that was part of why I was so grateful that Hayden had been there these last few nights. He kept me occupied and helped me sleep soundly. Those thoughts were gone until this moment.

  We landed a few hours later and went to a nice dinner that I could only afford in Megan’s presence. Then we arrived at the hotel—a ball of luxury that was almost overwhelming—and a long night of tossing and turning.

  “How long are they going to make us wait?”

  I tugged the dorky hospital gown closer against me, trying not to wonder if Hayden would find me beautiful if he were here and could see me like this.

  Megan came up behind me and rubbed my back. “I’m going to go see if I can find a nurse or someone.”

  “No, don’t go,” I said, snatching her wrist.

  She nodded, taking a seat in the chair beside me. But then she got up again and began to pace the room.

  “Do you really think this doctor will find something different than Dr. Alvarez back home?”

  Megan nodded. “I do.”

  “But Dr. Alvarez—”

  The doctor chose that moment to come into the room, my chart displayed on a tablet in his hand, a pretty nurse behind him.

  “Ms. Wagner,” he said, barely looking at me. “I understand you’re here for a second opinion on your myocarditis.”


  He nodded, still perusing the chart. It was a long moment of silence while he reviewed it, then he set it down and took a seat on a stool, rolling toward me.

  “Let’s have a listen.”

  He pressed his cold stethoscope to my chest, listening to my heart from several different positions. Then he looked at my hands, my bare toes, and my eyes.

  “Your lupus is under control at this time?”


  “And the myocarditis…what did your doctor decide was the cause?”

  “Inflammation caused by the lupus.”

  He nodded. “It’s unusual for the heart to be directly affected by lupus, but it has happened.” He took my wrist in his hand and felt my pulse. “Any breathing issues? Dizziness?”

  “She has dizziness, but it’s gotten better since they started on her on medications.”

  The doctor seemed a little irritated that Megan answered for me, but he didn’t comment. He continued touching me, looking for things that I’d read about on various websites: bluing around my lips and fingernails that might indicate a reduction in oxygenated blood in my system, coldness in my hands and feet that could indicate reduced circulation, a change in blood pressure that could indicate further muscle damage. I was not the kind of patient who moved through life uneducated. I knew what was wrong with me and I knew what my prognosis was. I was only here because Megan couldn’t accept it.

  “I’d like to send you over to the hospital for a few more tests,” the doctor said, sliding back over to the counter on his little stool and scribbling on the computer tablet to add his notes to what was already there.

  “How long will that take?”

  He shrugged. “A few hours.” He sat back and looked at me. “You’re here from Texas?”


  He studied my face a long moment. “If I were you, I’d go home and enjoy the holidays.” He stood, laying his hand heavily on my shoulder. “But, if you do the tests, we should have the results in a few days.”

  “We’ll do the tests,” Megan said.

  The doctor looked from her to me, and then simply nodded. “Good luck, Miss Wagner.”

  The moment he was gone, Megan was bringing me my clothes.

  “Arrogant man, isn’t he? But, again, he’s the best cardiologist in the country, so I guess he has a right to be.”

  I didn�
��t say a word. I just got dressed and climbed into the back of the chauffeured car that was hired to take us around the city. Later, at the hospital, I found myself thinking more and more about Hayden as I lay on a gurney, waiting for some underpaid, overworked orderly to come take me to my MRI, my arm aching where they’d inserted the IV line. I could see a bruise forming around the needle already. What lie would I tell Hayden about that? Would he believe me?

  He liked to kiss the inside of my elbow. He said he liked the way I moaned when he kissed me there, but I thought that it was something else. I thought that he liked kissing me in all the places that were hidden during the day.

  I’d always thought I’d save myself for my wedding day. Not just because that’s what my mom told me to do, but because I wanted to be sure that the man I gave myself to really loved me, and that we had a relationship that would last. But when Hayden touched me and kissed me the way he did in that hotel room, I realized that was a moment I’d never experience again. I couldn’t help myself.

  Maybe my mother was right. Maybe my soul was tainted by my father’s unsaved soul. Maybe I was always destined to become a fallen woman.

  I’d always feared this moment—the moment when I became the woman my mother said I would be, the woman she claimed Megan to be. But I’d never realized just how much fun it would be.

  For the first time in my life, I felt like I was really living. I felt alive in a way I’d never felt before. And Hayden…just the way he looked at me made me feel things I’d never realized existed. Things I’d assumed I wasn’t capable of. I wanted nothing more than to go back to Houston and crawl back into bed with him. I’d worry about my soul some other time.

  I wanted to live while I was alive. And I wanted out of this damn hospital. I’d spent enough time in the hospital.


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