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Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)

Page 15

by Morrison, Krystal

  This was definitely not a setting she would expect to find Sebastian in, she thought as she glanced around the room for his familiar face. When her search yielded no results; she glanced at her watch and realized that she was five minutes early. This was a side of town that she’d never visited before and she found it odd that Sebastian hadn’t sent James to collect her. Perhaps such congenialities weren’t extended to her anymore, she thought disdainfully.

  Striding to a vacant table, in a corner of the room, she settled down to await Sebastian. She was seated in clear view of the entrance and she couldn’t help feeling uneasy as a few men with ruffian appearances entered the pub. And still no sign of Sebastian.

  “Hello. Is this seat taken?” she turned to see a muscular man in jeans and t-shirt and appearing to be in his early thirties standing near her table.

  “Hi. Yes, I’m waiting for someone”, she said unnecessarily as he’d already slumped into the unoccupied chair.

  “I’m Mike”, his dark eyes shone with lust as they skimmed over her torso above the table.

  His lips curled with sadistic intent as his eyes riveted on her breast and she squirmed in discomfort.

  “My boyfriend should be here any minute now”, how convenient, she thought, smiling good-naturedly, “so if you don’t mind…”-

  Their conversation was interrupted by a waiter, “goodnight, what can I get you two tonight?”

  “Nothing, he was just leaving”, she stared pointedly at Mike.

  “House rules, you can’t stay if you’re not dining”, the waiter said, pointing to the ‘No Idlers’ sign on the wall.

  She sighed in resignation before perusing the menu, “ok, I’ll have a regular ice tea”.

  “And I’ll have a beer”, Mike said, threading his fingers through his jet black hair as he reclined in his chair.

  Her eyes darted to her watched in annoyance; ten minutes past the hour of seven. Where the hell was Sebastian? She fumed. It wasn’t like him to be late and Mike’s presence gave her the creeps. The waiter returned with their drinks and she watched; agitatedly, as Mike sipped his beer leisurely.

  “The ice tea here is very nice; you should try it?” Mike indicated to her untouched drink.

  Perhaps it was a good thing that Sebastian was running a little late, she decided, glancing at Mike, as she knew he had a knack for thinking the worst of her. And it didn’t seem as if Mike had any intention to leave, at least, not until he’d finished his beer. She took large gulps of her drink, hoping to spur him along and glancing at the entrance, ever so often, for Sebastian.

  If he didn’t leave once she’d finished her ice tea; she resolved, she’d excuse herself and phone Sebastian. Mike flirted shamelessly with her, despite her cold shouldering him and she almost sighed in relief as she took the last sip of her ice tea.

  “If you’ll excuse me”, she said politely, rising to her feet, “I have to go now”.

  The room spun around her as she stood and she grabbed the edge of the table to steady herself.

  “Are you alright”, he asked without much concern, coming around to her side of the table and helping her into her chair.

  “I’m fine”, she insisted; fishing for her cell in her purse as his hand snaked around her waist.

  “What are you doing?” she struggled to free herself from his grasp but her limbs suddenly felt extremely heavy.

  The noise had abated immensely since her arrival and her eyes darted frantically around the room in search of help. But everyone seemed engrossed in conversation and she suddenly realized that the lighting in the pub was very dim.

  Elizabeth and the trio; Abigail, Jessica and Jacqueline appeared suddenly and Paige didn’t think she could ever be so happy to see those women until that moment.

  “Elizabeth, Help me”, she pleaded as Mike drew her sluggish limbs closer, “I think he drugged me. I can’t… move.”

  “The whore is on the prowl again”, the women laugh; jeeringly, except Abigail, who was glancing about her in discomfort.

  “Elizabeth I’m… serious”, Paige’s speech slurred as her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.

  Her eyes bulged in shock as Elizabeth retrieved a wad of bills from her purse and handed them to Mike which he quickly, pocketed. Paige opened her mouth to speak but her voice came out as a weak moan.

  “I think she needs a kiss Mike”, Elizabeth coaxed and Mike twisted her head harshly and closed his cold mouth over hers.

  And Paige gagged, willing her lifeless limbs to move as her intended screams escaped her lips in strangled moans. As mike drew his mouth from hers her vision blurred and she heard the drone of the pub, as if from afar.

  “You didn’t want to leave when I gave you the chance”, Elizabeth was so close; Paige could smell her cloying Jasmine scent, “let’s just see how long it takes him to throw you out after seeing these pictures”.

  Helpless tears sprang to Paige’s eyes as Elizabeth made her intentions clear and everything fell into place. Why hadn’t she put the pieces together before now? The signs were all there; the pub, Sebastian being late and of course, Mike.

  “You can leave her on the chair Mike”, Elizabeth said casually and Paige guessed that they left because Mike’s strokes grew bolder.

  His hand closed around her throat as his teeth grazed her neck sharply.

  “I promised your friends I’d only scare you but after seeing this gorgeous body I can’t help myself”, he gloated in her ears and her skin crawled.

  A startled cry broke from her lips as his hand snaked below her dress and her world went black as his hands groped roughly, at her inner thighs.


  SEBASTIAN STARED, CONFOUNDED, AT THE PICTURE BEFORE HIM; bitterness eating at his insides. He’d ran it through all his sources; each had confirmed that the photo was authentic and had been taken a few minutes ago as Elizabeth had assured. Jealousy exploded inside him and he wanted to drag the man from her body and beat him to a pulp.

  He threw the phone unto his oak desk and strode to the wet bar where he poured himself a glass of brandy. He downed the bitter liquid in one large gulp; welcoming the fiery stinging in the back of his throat. Anything was better that the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach; he resolved. How could she do this to him? He raged.

  But what had she really done to him? A sane voice inside him, reasoned. She’d avoided him like a parasite, for the past three weeks. He remembered her eyes; as cold as death, as she’d shouted that she hated him and he thought the pain was just punishment for allowing his darkness to snuff her light.

  The buzzing of his cell-phone on his desk pulled him from his reverie and he retrieved the aggrieved item.

  “Bradley speaking”, his voice came across, rougher than intended.

  “Brad, where’s Paige?” Brandon’s curious voice asked through the phone.

  “Since when is Paige’s whereabouts any of your damned concern”, Sebastian demanded hotly.

  “What! Never Mind; Abigail just called me, pretty much freaking out. Apparently Elizabeth lured Paige to a pub and paid a waiter to drug her and left her with a ruffian. She thinks Paige is in danger and she gave me the address”

  “That is the most absurd story I’ve ever heard”, Sebastian scuffed.

  “Well she sounded pretty convincing.”

  “I think what Abigail meant was, ‘I’m drunk, come over’.”

  Both men laughed as they hung up.

  PAIGE’S EYES FLEW OPEN AS A STINGING SLAP landed across her cheek and to her utter dismay; Mike’s face loomed above hers.

  “We’ll have to leave soon”, he said; sliding his hand into her collar and fondling her breast roughly, “but don’t you just love the excitement of making out in a public place”.

  “Stop”, she croaked and he laughed cruelly; his lips grazed hers until she tasted blood as he pawed at her body.

  His assault continued for what seemed like an eternity as hot tears of remorse ran down her cheeks, until she
thought she thought she heard Brandon’s voice call her name. She must be hallucinating, she thought as Mike’s rancid mouth left hers but she cried for help as loud as her feeble voice would allow.

  “Paige! Paige!” Brandon shouted, “Let her go, you creep”.

  Mike released her suddenly and her limp body fell forward; her forehead smashing into the table and once again she fell into oblivion.

  SEBASTIAN TORE THROUGH THE PUB LIKE A MAD MAN; his gut wrenching with fear at what he was about to discover. He barely felt the stale bodies that he shoved aside in his haste; he felt like he was running a marathon and his sole aim was to reach the finish line.

  Nothing else existed or mattered at the moment. It didn’t take long for him to find them as a few people had gathered around them. Brandon’s usually cordial expression was tainted with disgust as he stared unblinkingly at a burly man huddled in a chair before him. Blinding rage exploded inside him and he lounged at the man but Brandon grabbed him.

  “Paige is unconscious. Get her to a doctor”, Brandon urged.

  His eyes drifted across the table and his heart stopped in his chest as he saw Paige lying, face down on the table. The noise and the crowd drifted away and he felt like he was moving in slow motion as he scooped her into his arms.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him”, he barely heard Brandon’s voice over the rush of blood inside his head as he raced from the teeming room.

  He gently deposited her in his car and climbed in beside her; his hands roaming her body to ascertain that she wasn’t injured apart from her unconscious state.

  “Paige, Baby, open your eyes”, he said urgently; patting her cheeks lightly.

  A weak moan escaped her; incoherent mumbles ensuing as huge droplets of tears seeped from beneath her closed lashes. His frozen heart thawed; grief so potent, it felt like a kick to his ribs, spread through him and he gathered her in his arms, crooning comforting nothings to her.

  Doctor Phillips was awaiting them when he got to the penthouse and he immediately spurred into action.

  “What’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she opening her eyes?” Sebastian asked in frustration.

  “Well it’s evident she has been given a date rape drug”, Doctor Phillips pronounced, “the good thing is, she’s not unconscious; she’s just sleeping it off”.

  “But she’s so still and pale”, Sebastian’s voice was laced with fear.

  “The drug hasn’t worn out of her system yet so she’s still a bit weak”, Doctor Phillips said; gathering the items he’d brought with him.

  “Where are you going?” Sebastian demanded in alarm as the Doctor stood; medicine bag in hand.

  “Mr. Bradley there’s nothing more I can do for her at this moment”, the Doctor patiently explained, “just monitor her throughout the night and call me if anything changes. If not, I’ll come back in the morning.”

  Sebastian sighed in resignation; his eyes never leaving her face as the Doctor quit the room. This was entirely his fault, he thought glumly. He’d dragged her into a feud that had been raging between him and Elizabeth since their early teens and she’d gotten hurt. He closed his eyes as a dozen scenarios flashes through his mind as he thought of what might have happened had Abigail not developed a conscience and Brandon hadn’t followed his hunches.

  He should’ve demanded an explanation for the photo; followed his instincts. Instead; he’d allowed anger and jealousy to cloud his judgment. Self loathing swelled inside him as he lifted her limp body from the sofa and carried her to his bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub as he ran the bathwater.

  Balancing her weight on his lap; he gently peeled the garments from her flaccid body and lowered her into the tub. He washed her body with her favorite shower gel; his hands trembling with fury as he saw the purple bruises marring her creamy skin.

  Towel drying her dripping body; he wrapped her into a fluffy robe and placed her beneath the covers on his bed. Raw with emotion; he collapsed into a chair beside the bed and watched her, his expression grim.


  SEBASTIAN WAS JOLTED BY THE RINGING OF HIS CELL PHONE in his pocket, sometime later. Assuming it was Brandon phoning to give him an update; he answered promptly on the first ring.

  “Hi Brad”, he bolted upright at the sound of Elizabeth’s voice, “I was passing your penthouse and I was wondering if you wanted me to stop by”.

  She had the nerve calling him after what she’d done, Sebastian seethed and he was about to tell her just that when an idea dawned on him.

  His lips curled cruelly, “it depends on what you plan to do when you get here”.

  “I promise I’ll do all your favorite things.”

  “Sounds tempting…”

  She moaned seductively, “I love it when you talk dirty”.

  He gave security clearance for her to enter the building after she hung up and made a quick call and meted out terse instructions. He paused to stroke Paige’s hair before closing the door lightly behind him and strode purposefully down the stairs; vengeance hardening his features. The sight of Elizabeth perched on the couch greeted him as he entered the living room; clothed in a revealing silk babydoll and her discarded coat on the floor.

  His body didn’t even stir at the sight of her partially nudity and he turned away from her to pour himself a glass of brandy before meeting her smoldering blue eyes.

  “How did you know Paige’s whereabouts tonight?” she blinked in shock at his question.

  “Brad, darling, I’m sure you don’t want to waste time talking about her”, she laughed nervously.

  His hand tightened around the glass as he struggled to restrain his flaring temper.

  “Now that I think about it, the photo was taken in a pub on a side of town that you never visit”, his brows knitted as if the idea had never occurred to him before now.

  She stood angrily but he placed a stilling hand on her shoulder and she fell back to the sofa.

  “Drink”, he ordered as he brought the brandy glass to her lips and she sipped meekly.

  “If you must know I followed her” she bragged as she stroked his thigh “I didn’t trust her and she was trying to keep us apart”.

  “So you lured her to the pub, paid a waiter to drug her and a thug to pose for the picture.”

  She inhaled sharply; her eyes widening in alarm, “she’s lying…I saw her there and…”

  “Come on Elizabeth, I would’ve eventually figured it out”, his voice hardened, “even if Abigail didn’t lose her nerves and rat you out”.

  She flew up out of her chair, “I will not stay here and listen to your insults any longer…” instead of anger, her blue eyes were as wild as a caged animal.

  “Sit down!” Sebastian raged; his expression as black as death and she obeyed; cringing away from his wrath.

  “I didn’t….”- she whimpered

  “Silence!” he barked and she scooted away from him, “did you even think of what might happen to her after you left her helpless in that pub with that creep…that he might’ve raped or killed her”.

  “No! No!” she screamed, “he was only supposed to pose for the kiss”, her hands clamped over her mouth as if the words had slipped out by mistake.

  A deathly calm washed over him and he retrieved her coat from the floor and hauled her to her feet before draping it over her shoulders and belting it around her waist.

  “You’re pathetic”, he spat, “Marsh, she’s all yours”.

  She shrieked in alarm as the detective stepped out of the shadows and read her, her rights as he handcuffed her.

  “Brad, please don’t do this”, she sobbed but his heart was as hard as stone, “you know my father will be upset”.

  “She’ll lead you to the others”, he informed Marsh, before turning to her, “I hope this will change your outlook on life, teach you how to be humane”.

  “You cruel bastard”, she sobbed and he smiled coldly.

  “Make sure she’s given the grimiest cell”, Sebastian s
neered, “and make sure she doesn’t receive bail until, at least, tomorrow”.

  Marsh nodded in affirmation as he dragged her kicking and squealing from the penthouse. Sebastian’s lips thinned in disgust as he flung the half empty brandy glass into the far wall and it splintered into a hundred little pieces.

  He took the stairs, two at a time in his haste to return to her side; dissatisfaction leaving a bitter taste on his tongue. Nothing he did would ever erase that man’s filthy touch from her mind, he thought, the notion plaguing him as he sunk into the chair he’d vacated earlier.

  Brandon phoned shortly afterwards; enquiring of Paige’s progress and expressing his regret at the situation but grateful that matters were not worst. He then relayed that the police had discovered that Mike had a record and he was wanted in two states for alleged cases of rape and assault.

  They ended the call but not before Sebastian expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Brandon for undertaking what he, Sebastian, had been too engrossed in self pity to attempt. He then placed a finger below her nose to ascertain that she hadn’t fallen unconscious again in case he was imagining the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

  Not trusting himself not to fall asleep; he shifted into a comfortable position on the chair so that he wouldn’t miss the slightest motion that would signal that she was reviving.


  SEBASTIAN WAS AWOKEN BY THE LIGHT STIRRING OF PAIGE in his arms. He’d abandoned his position on the chair when she’d cried out in her sleep during the night. Touched by her agonized cries; he pulled her flailing limbs into his arms, assuring her of his presence and that she was safe. As if she’d heard him through her drugged induced stupor; she relaxed in his arms, her breathing even and shortly afterwards, so had he.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she scurried away from him into the far corner of the bed; hugging her legs to her chest. And his stomach wrenched painfully at he the wounded expression in her eyes as the tears spilled uncontrollably down her cheeks. What could he say to make it better? He wondered achingly as he restrained the urge to hold her as he sat up in bed.


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