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Mutts Like Me

Page 13

by Keri Armstrong

“What was that about?” I asked.

  Toshi shrugged. “What he said, he has some business to attend to.”

  “What could be more important than this?” I gestured around me.

  Toshio hugged me. “We’ll manage.”

  A low rumble went up from the dragons.

  Embarrassed, I looked at Sunjoo and was worried to see small tendrils of smoke coming from his nostrils. His parents gave him a hard look, and he started moving away.

  I almost missed Dragon Radio at that point, since I wasn’t sure what was going on.

  His parents gave Toshio and me long looks of consideration before nodding and going after their son. As they left, Toshio’s eyes widened in shock, looking from them to me.

  “What was that about?” Toshio asked.

  “Not sure,” I hedged.

  Looking up at his unusual eyes, I suddenly wanted to hug him again. Even though he still looked like he should be in bed, he was still able to comfort me.

  He must have picked on my signal, because he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I put my arm around his waist for mutual support.

  “Let’s go,” he said after a minute.


  “To say goodbye. The dragons are going back to their cave, and the harpies, Gina and Lysette, are leaving as well.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “The dragons told me before they left.”

  “They told you?”

  “Yeah. Just now. It was freaky. I’d heard they could do that telepathy thing whenever they wanted, but that was the first time I’d experienced it. Didn’t you hear them?”

  I shook my head, no. I’d been cut off, apparently.

  Great, everybody was abandoning us. Sorrow and bitterness weighed heavily in my chest.

  “But I think Caleb succeeded in changing Wes’s mind. I think he is going to stay with us,” Toshio continued, oblivious to my internal pout.

  We came to a clearing not far from the main building, or what was left of it, to say goodbye to those leaving. I was surprised to see Sunjoo there, in human form, and talking to Cassandra.

  “Keep your fire to yourself, Puff,” Cass snapped at him.

  He looked startled and I had to smile, but I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about this. Though I did appreciate the ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ reference, and while apparently Sunjoo had come to the realization on his own that we weren’t meant to be, I’d still kick Cassandra’s ass if she was being mean to him.

  “Did we miss something?” I asked, looking between the two of them.

  Cass just glared at me while Sunjoo shrugged, and Alex looked troubled.

  Goodie. So something was going on.

  Sunjoo came to me then, and completely ignoring Toshio, took my hand to drag me away from everybody.

  “I’m leaving with my parents,” he said.

  “I figured as much.” I put my hand on his arm, and I’ll be darned if his nakedness didn’t even faze me by now. Not much, anyway.

  “Thank you for all your help, we couldn’t have done it without you.”

  His answering smile was cocky. “Of course.”

  Then he sobered. “I just wish I could have…” he started then stopped. “Clara was hit because of me...”

  He looked like he was in so much pain I did the unthinkable. I threw my arms around him and held him tight, in a crushing hug.

  He shuddered.

  Even though you are not meant for me, I will miss you little wolf.

  “I’d say I would miss you, too, but I don’t want to lie,” I lied, weirdly grateful that the mental connection was back.

  He chuckled, the warmth and vibration of it comforting against my chest. I realized that I might actually want to see him again.

  He pulled back and smiled, and I had the feeling that this wasn’t going to be the last time I’d see those dragon eyes.

  We rejoined the others and Sunjoo gave a puzzled glance at Cass one more time before shifting and shooting up to the sky.

  A lump ached in my throat as the harpies and dragons flew across the winter sky in missing wing formation.

  Oh, Clara.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As I headed back, I looked at the wreckage we caused. All the death and destruction. It was all for the right reasons for sure, but still. It wasn’t easy.

  I had no clue what to do now.

  I spotted the wolves from the labs. They kept to themselves. And looked how I felt.

  Lost and defeated.

  As if they didn’t believe that they were free at last and were just waiting for the next bomb to drop.

  What was wrong with me?

  We won today, so I should be happier. Squaring my shoulders, I walked toward them. I had to find a way to help them. Some of them were in terrible shape. Granted, they were all in bad shape the first time I tried to rescue them, but after that, it looked like they had been tortured then left to rot and die.

  Only ten of them survived, which means more than half of their original number was lost, killed after recapture, or died today in final battle.

  And that was on me. I should have done more.

  The pack of wolves perked up a little when they saw me approaching. It did something to me, increased my protective instincts.

  I wondered why, but there was still so much I didn’t know about myself it was frustrating.

  Would it kill them to write a manual on the subject, quick reference guide, something? Anything? All this walking in the dark left me banged up and bruised inside and out.

  I took some water and protein bars from a backpack and shared among them. It was all I had at the moment but, in their condition, I was pretty sure they couldn’t handle more.

  “I want you to come with me,” I told them. “There’s a place nearby where we can all rest and recover.” I held my breath as they just looked at me.

  I let it out again when they finally nodded.

  Excellent. One problem down, ninety-nine shitty ones still to go.

  Once I made sure everybody was settled at Clara’s farm, which both Caleb and Toshio assured me was safely under a cloaking spell again, it was time for me to go.

  Toshi looked like there was something he wanted to say to me, but didn’t know how, so I beat him to a punch.

  “I’m leaving,” I announced.

  He seemed stunned. “What? Why?”

  “I can’t stay here with you. My chip is putting all of you in danger, so I don’t have a choice.”

  I knew from the start that I would have to make this decision, but man, it sucked really hard.

  “No!” Toshio revolted. “You have a choice. You can either take me into exile with you or let me heal you.”

  Not happening. Neither one. I wasn’t putting him into any further danger. I opened my mouth to argue but he stopped me from speaking, raising his fingers to my lips.

  “That’s what I wanted to tell you,” he said. “I spoke to Caleb about your chip. I wanted to help but wasn’t going do it if it meant risking your life. However, after we spoke to some other witches—”

  Knowing where this was going, I started shaking my head. “No.”

  “Hear me out,” he pleaded. “I’m aware of the risks, but no matter the cost, I am doing this for you.”

  “No,” I argued back. “I won’t let you.”

  “I knew you would react like this but I’ve made up my mind,” he said stubbornly.

  “Then unmake it.” If he thought I would just let him risk his life for me again, he was mental.

  “Would you listen to me for just a sec?” Clearly frustrated, he took my hands. “As I tried to explain to you, Caleb and I talked and are confident that together we can pull it out.”

  “He said if he tried, that thing would kill me.” I pulled my hands back and instantly missed his warmth.

  “Yes, if he tried on his own but, now I’m here,” he argued.


  His eyes were pleading. “Please Marti, le
t us do this. We need you here. Please.”

  I need you, was what I read in those beautiful eyes. I wanted to cry. He didn’t play fair.

  I couldn’t allow him to do it. He’d already used his tails to save me once before, and the others. With the additional healing he’d done on four of the most critically injured wolves, there was only one left.

  A sudden thought occurred to me. I hated to ask, but… “What about Alex? He’s a Kitsune, too, isn’t he?”

  He inhaled sharply. “Yes, but—”

  “Let’s ask him,” I insisted.

  “Listen to me carefully, Marti. First of all, I wouldn’t let him even if he could. You’re my responsibility—”

  “I’m no one’s responsibility,” I hissed at him, stung.

  His face tightened. “You’re my responsibility because I’ve been looking after your stubborn behind for years. I know all of your quirks, your desires, your beauty, and your unwavering courage.”

  Oh, man, did he know how to get a girl. A lump was forming in my throat so big I couldn’t argue with him at the moment. I just blinked back tears and he continued in a soft voice.

  “And if even if not for all of that, he couldn’t do it, Marti. His mother was a vampire.”

  Whoah. Really? I guess he noticed my shock because he nodded.

  “Yes. He’s only part Kitsune from his father, and though that’s his preferred form, the vampire blood in him dilutes it, turning him trickster and causing him to steal life force, rather than give it.”

  Holy shit. I looked at Toshi’s sad face and thought about the time I first saw Alex shift. There had been something terrifying about him just before he turned.

  “It’s one of Alex’s greatest pains, Marti, and I’m telling you this in confidence.”

  “Of course,” I whispered. My heart ached for both of them. Their childhoods hadn’t been any easier than mine, and in some ways, had been worse.

  “Please, Marti. Please let me do this for you.”

  “But you could die!” I protested.

  “I won’t,” he insisted.

  “How do you know? Cassandra told me—“

  He raised his brows. “So you believe everything Cass says now?”

  “Okay. You got me there.” I looked into his pleading face, trying to find the words to convince him of how terrified I was for putting all our lives at risk, possibly for nothing.

  “Please, Marti. Let me help you.” His hand came up to stroke my face softly, and I was unable to say no to him.

  Even if that was the right thing to do.


  “Here goes nothing,” Caleb mumbled, getting ready.

  Nothing? I nearly rose from where I was lying face down on the kitchen table, wearing only a bra and my jeans.

  Caleb patted my head. “Just kidding.” He was standing next to my shoulders and Toshi by my feet, waiting for his turn to shine. Pun intended.

  The plan was for Caleb to try to pull the chip out using magic. But since the device was programmed to detect that, he would have to chase it around then capture it, and try to keep it in place inside me.

  That was the really tricky part because, when the chip was forcefully held in place like that more than five seconds, it would activate a kill switch, exploding and releasing a deadly poison. Killing me on the spot.

  With any luck, before that happens, Toshi would heal me with his life force.

  Easy, right?

  I knew something was wrong the moment Caleb put his hands on my neck. At first, it just felt weird, maybe a bit warm, but then the heat persisted.

  “Marti, how are you doing?” Toshi asked.

  “Fine,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “It’s on the move,” Caleb informed me, but I already knew.

  This thing didn’t feel like it was slipping through my bloodstream. It was more like bulldozing. And incinerating everything that got in its way, whether organ or bone.

  “It burns,” I whimpered.

  “Hold on, Marti, I almost have it.”

  “Hurry up!” Toshio and I screamed in unison.

  “Shit. It’s going toward your heart,” Caleb warned.

  Those were so not the words I wanted to hear right now. I would feel better if he simply said, ‘oops.’

  I pressed my lips tightly between my teeth to hold back the scream that I knew would eventually break. The chip was burning me alive from the inside.

  “Yes,” Caleb suddenly announced. “Toshi, get ready.”

  Without missing a beat, he shifted and jumped on my back, his fox fur soft against my skin.

  “Don’t worry Marti, we’ve got you.” Caleb tried to reassure me. “Now!” he yelled.

  The chip exploded, forcing me to jerk upward, screaming Toshio’s claws caught my bra strap in an effort to keep from being thrown off.

  Caleb’s magic forced the shrapnel out, making hundreds of tiny holes all over my chest, but it was too late. The poison was released in the center of my heart. Intolerable pain was the last thing I felt.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The first thing I remembered was being bathed a bluish light, and Toshi speaking to me in a soft voice, but the words were in my head, and I couldn’t understand them.

  When I became aware again, I wished, prayed I could slip back into unconsciousness. Everything ached and throbbed and I felt like a truck had run over me. Twice.

  “There she is,” a voice cheered beside me. “Back from the dead, again.”

  I opened my eyes. Weston smiled at me.

  Wes? What was he doing here? My mind was still foggy.

  “We took turns watching over you.” He answered my unspoken question.

  “Thanks?” My throat felt too raw. I tried to clear it, and he poured me a glass of water.

  “What? No snarky comments?” he teased.

  “Give me a minute, ‘til my brain start to function again,”

  And then it hit me.

  “Where is Toshi?”

  He hesitated, but I wouldn’t tolerate that kind of shit.

  I tried to get up and failed.

  My head hit the pillow again and I groaned.

  “How long was I out?”

  “Three days. How are you feeling?”

  “Like roadkill,” I answered honestly.

  “You smell like it, too.” He laughed at his own joke.

  “Oh sure.” I rolled my eyes. “Kick the girl while she’s down.”

  I gritted my teeth and tried again to move. Where the hell was Toshio?

  “What are you doing?” Alex asked as he came into the room.

  “I want to see Toshi,” I said, using my no bullshit voice that Alex usually found adorable. It worked like a charm because they helped take me to his room.

  Toshio was lying on his back, eyes closed. He would look peaceful if he weren’t so ashen. I touched his face. His skin color was all shades of wrong and a bit clammy.

  Cass was sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed, and her expression of concern morphed into pure hatred when she saw me.

  “I hope you’re satisfied, because he may never wake again,” she snapped.

  It was a blow to the gut. I looked at the other faces that were in the room, pleading with them to tell me that was not true. But they all remained silent.

  Cassandra wasn’t done. “He used everything to help you and now he can’t even heal himself.”

  “Cass,” Alex pleaded.

  “Oh don’t you dare ‘Cass’ me. You know I’m right.”

  “What is so special about her that you all jump to sacrifice yourself for her?” She practically spit venom, directing her next words at me. “They should just let you rot.”

  I heard enough.

  “The words you are looking for are ‘thank you’, you ungrateful, spiteful bitch.”

  She jerked back like I’d slapped her. And I wanted to do so much more than that, so I pressed on.

  “I also saved your life in that facility, beside Toshi,
but maybe we should have let you rot.”

  She sprang out of the chair, growling and moving to a crouching position. Nails became claws and teeth turned to fangs.

  I got ready to pounce. “Bring it, bitch.”

  This fight was so overdue.

  In that moment it didn’t matter that I couldn’t even stand without someone’s help. I wanted to shred her.

  “Stop,” Toshio whispered from the bed.

  Just like that, all my anger evaporated. I pushed aside Alex, who had grabbed me when Weston had held back Cassandra.

  “You made it.” Toshio smiled.

  I grinned back. “We both did.”

  He patted a space beside him, and I crawled up on the bed. I snuggled in next to him, completely forgetting about her royal bitchiness in the process.

  She wasn’t about to let her presence be unknown, however, and after a quick, “Welcome back, dumb ass” to Toshio, she stalked out of the room.

  Alex and Wes left shortly after, grinning and saying they’d leave us alone, and I promptly fell asleep next to my hero.

  I awoke to see Toshi frowning, even though it was obvious he was still deep in sleep.

  “Rest,” I whispered, kissing him on the cheek.

  The sun was shining and I felt much stronger as I slipped out of his room and made my way to the kitchen.

  I was surprised to see some new faces and another one that I’d only seen once before.

  Gabriel Lara sat at the kitchen table with an attractive, older woman who, although her skin, hair and eyes were darker, looked so much like Cass and Caleb that I suspected she was either their mother or some sort of relative.

  Turns out “mom” was the correct answer.

  She gave me a long, considering look as I sat at the table. Cass snorted then nodded at her mother.

  Great. No doubt she’d already poisoned her against me.

  Nia, as she was introduced by Gabriel, didn’t say anything beyond “nice to meet you” and continued to watch me.

  I smiled at everyone anyway and asked, “So, what’s a lone wolf got to do to get some food around here?”

  Weston laughed. “Just ask and you shall receive, Sweet Cheeks. But I’d hardly call you a lone wolf. There’s a whole pack out there just waiting for you.” He gestured toward the window and I could see several of the mutts we’d rescued basking in the sunshine.


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